No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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it is 'islam' that is the problem . Christianity and Judaism and their various branches are fine and dandy . It is 'islam' that is the violent and warring religion Rigby .

Islam is totally defensive.
The west likes to complain about the Muslims over running Constantinople and turning it into Istanbul, but remember Constantinople was a Roman invasion and occupation.
The west should never have been in Turkey/Anatolia, in the first place.

And the original Muslim empire was Arab.
They were not only defeated by exterminated by the Mongol invasion around 1100, so it makes no sense to talk about them invading anyone. They didn't.
It is Europe that was the big invader, with the evil Crusades, the British imperialism, etc.

bean brain------CONSTANTINOPLE was not arab or muslim when Rome entered
the area Turkey and Anatolia were INVADED by trash from Arabia ---and later
another MINION of muhummad rapist of mecca------DA KHAN GENOCIDAL PIG

That is silly because Islam did not exist when the Romans invaded the Parthians who lived in what became Constantiople,
Nor did Arabs defeat the Roman occupiers and force them out.
There were a series of invaders off the steppes that go all the way to Mongolia, that included the Mongols, the Moguls, and the Turks.
None of the invaders came from Arabia.
That only thing Arab about them was they adopted the Arab language.
These invaders were NOT minions of Mecca, and in fact totally wiped out all Arab living in Mecca when they captured it.

The Byzantines I think she meant.

Arabs tried to overtake the Byzantine including Constantinople in 717, when Byzantines & Bulgars flushed them out. AKA basically the ancestors of Greeks & Bulgarians kicked the Arabs out.

Although, yes, the Turks from the Steppes, eventually had invaded & overtaken Anatolia.

Although, Turks aren't indigenous to the Steppes, ironically Indo-Iranians / Indo-Europeans are.

The Turks presumably come from near China & Mongolia, and kept conquering Indo-Iranians, like Tocharians, Scythians, and so forth.
Eventually they made it to Anatolia.

Close but not quite.
The Byzantines are eastern Romans, after the western Romans got wiped out.
There was an Arab attack on the Byzantine Romans that everyone hated in 717, but it failed.
The Byzantines were not at all Greek, and the Greeks hated the Byzantine Romans as much as anyone.

And the Steppes are not just in Europe. They continue all the way to Mongolia.
Which is where the Mongols came from in 1241 when they invaded.
But if I remember the details rights, I don't think they defeated the Byzantine Romans yet at that time.
I believe the Turks came to the European Steppes along with the Mongols and later Moguls, as hired mercenaries.
But I think it was the Turks who later took Constantinople.

Byzantines started off Roman & gradually became more & more Greek in terms of it's rulers & even language.
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You are a stone cold Liar. Islam is PURE unbridled Hatred. The Koran commands that Muslims engage in Jihad and Enslave or Behead Christians and Jews.

I can see why you as a Left Tard DemNazi would support such a SICK IDEOLOGY.
He's a Muslim and an Islamist/Jihadist. He's coming across quite clearly.

As for "LIAR", sure. All Muslims are. Lying (Taqiyya) is acceptable in Islam.

I'm not so sure.
He's actually pretty knowledgeable for a Muslim.
There was a guy in Germany in the 1930s who had same views you have about Jews, Gays and Gypsies... He could be your mentor...
Boy are you ever mixed up. The ones who have the same views as Hitler (about Jews, Gays, and Gypsies are Muslims.

Actually so did basically the whole White World.

Not particularly unique in views to Nazis nor Islamists.

The USA was pretty restrictive upon Jews in a lot of things like going to college, going into certain jobs even renting in certain places were difficult for Jews in the USA in the 1920's & 1930's.
Coughlin was huge & yup some Pogroms & even bombings & a lynching.
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Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.
You are totally ignorant about Islamic doctrine. Violent jihad is responsible for 270 million deaths and we are still counting

Tell me a war that was the fault of Muslims and was not about defense.
Their first recorded battle.

The Myth:
Muhammad Fought
the Battle of Badr
in Self-Defense

"Our Prophet (peace be upon him) never started hostilities and never fought anyone unless it was truly necessary."
The Truth:
If Muslims are only supposed to fight in self-defense, then the Battle of Badr would had to have been a case in which an enemy was attacking or marching on Muhammad at Medina. If this is what you want to believe, then stop right now and try to stay away from history books.

Muslim historians of the day meticulously documented the circumstances that preceded the Battle of Badr and there is not the least bit of wiggle room for anyone hoping to believe that Muslims fought in self-defense that day.

In the first place, the Meccans were not marching on Muhammad or Medina (Ibn Kathir v.2 p260). They did eventually send out an army - but it was to protect their caravans from Muslim raiders (who had recently killed Meccan caravan drivers defending their property). The Meccans were not interested in starting a war; only in seeing that their merchandise and drivers were unmolested by Muhammad’s pirates (see prior article on Muhammad's Caravan Raids).

Another popular misconception propagated by apologists is that the caravans were carrying the stolen goods of Muslims. There is no evidence for this from the record. In fact, not only do the historians say that the merchandise belonged to the Quraish, but the caravan was actually traveling to Mecca from Syria rather than the other way:Then the apostle heard that Abu Sufyan was coming from Syria with a large caravan of Qurish, containing their money and merchandise, accompanied by some thirty or forty men… When the Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428)

When the Messenger of God (SAAS) heard that Abu Sufyan was arriving from Syria, he sent the Muslims out against them, saying, 'This caravan belongs to Quraysh, and will carry much wealth. Attack it; God may present it to you.' (Ibn Kathir v.II p.253)The account goes on to say that some of the Muslims were reluctant to participate in the attack because they did not want to go to war. Muhammad later refers to these peaceful Muslims as ‘Hypocrites’ in the Qur’an, where he also condemns them to Hell and demands that true Muslims deal with them harshly (66:9).
Myth: Muslims Fought the Battle of Badr in Self-Defense
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

It’s all part of the foundation laid by the CHANGE all that has been fundamental to America since its founding. You know how Mexicrats roll..they always seek to ‘fix’ what isn’t broke. Change for the worse is still progression in that backward world of LibTardia.

Yep, there was not a single Muslim in the country till Obama took office.


Fuck you are stupid

How many ragheads were shaping our legislation before the Super Negro came along?
You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.
gotta tell ya bro, I heard ^that^ many many times in my life, and each and every time, bar none, it was a liberal saying it.

That's impossible, since the very essence of Liberalism is "all men are created equal". But you knew that.

Dear Pogo
It would HELP to make a historical distinction here between
* Classic Liberalism (John Locke's school, based on belief in limited govt as the purpose of Constitutional laws as an agreement between people and govt)
* Radical Liberalism (Rousseau's school, based on belief that central govt authority is used to establish the common will FOR the people)

The Liberals today come from Rousseau's branch.

The Conservatives today come from Locke's approach.

These beliefs are as different and as engrained in some people's thinking INNATELY as the difference between identifying as THEIST/CHRISTIAN or as NONTHEIST/NONCHRISTIAN.

Since our Govt is not supposed to compel people to change their beliefs, or impose penalty or discrimination on the basis of CREED, it makes more sense to me to base laws/govt on policies where both sides AGREE those are within lawful authority of govt.

That way we ensure that people of EITHER school of thought or political beliefs are represented equally.

We shouldn't reject or punish people by denying them representation just because our creeds or beliefs are different or in conflict.

That's not a crime to have conflicting ideologies.

What is violating people's equal rights to consent and representation is IMPOSING one side's creed by establishing that through govt AGAINST the free will, consent and beliefs of other citizens who haven't committed crimes or abuses to WARRANT losing equal liberty.

That's what we should address.

Not competing to silence others because of conflicting beliefs. Rather, we should work around these diverse beliefs to craft reforms that PREVENT imposing on anyone by beliefs in violation of Constitutional laws and Civil Rights protecting all people equally regardless of creeds.

Contrary to popular belief by Republicans the Founding Father's America wasn't really Capitalist.

It's not until about the 1880s Capitalist comnerce & trade became the norm with the fall of strict Corporate charters & all of the slave trade.

Even arguably each Roosevelt still weren't Capitalists much.
Teddy trustbusting corporations & FDRs regulations over the war economy.
Discrimination based on religion? And the OP has the nerve to call himself an American.
It is also an ideology and a complete way of life with its own legal system. I would say he is an American who knows who an enemy is and they do exist now matter how many apologies there are.
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Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.

more khutbah jumaat crap scattered on the mosque floor ^^^^ for those who do not know-----every 8 year old muslim child knows that the KORAN is the CORRECTION of the mess up of which da EVUL jews and da EVUL Christians made of ALLAH's holy kharahan. IT IS DA ORIGINAL from eden. not the disgusting mess created by the LYING ENEMEEEES OF ISLAM (to wit da jews and Christians <<<< I learned this crap in a mosque and scores to times since)
Discrimination based on religion? And the OP has the nerve to call himself an American.
It is also an ideology and a complete way of life with its own legal system. I would say he is an American who knows who an enemy is and they do exist now matter how many apologies there are.
Why is the truth funny? Pogo. You are laughing at what part of that? Islam is as political as it gets.
Discrimination based on religion? And the OP has the nerve to call himself an American.
It is also an ideology and a complete way of life with its own legal system. I would say he is an American who knows who an enemy is and they do exist now matter how many apologies there are.
Why is the truth funny? Pogo. You are laughing at what part of that? Islam is as political as it gets.

Mostly your characterization of the OP. You don't seem to know he's pulled this same malarkey before on this board, over and over, always with the same Special Pleading Fallacy, "oh it's not a violation of the First Amendment because... because... oh I know, Islam is not a religion. Yeah that's the ticket. Hyuk hyuk".

The First Amendment was literally the first building block of this country. If he doesn't know that, he doesn't know shit.

Oh and he sure as hell doesn't know any Muslims. Except he did know one, and came to this board confessing that he wanted to kiss her but wrestled himself to the ground and avoided the unclean so that he could keep his bigotry virginity intact.
I can prove what I say about Islam. What about you Pogo?

I don't even know what you "say about Islam" but I've lived, worked and traveled among about a thousand times more Muslims than the OP has, and none of his malarkey holds up.
Well how about that... POGO THINKS 9/11 IS... "FUNNY."

Well how about that. Pogo thinks the fact that you think posting a Googly image makes a point, is funny.

Must be State-the-Obvious Day.

On the other hand I think your willingness to step on dead bodies of victims in order to score MUH TEAM points on a message board is fucking cheap.
I can prove what I say about Islam. What about you Pogo?

I don't even know what you "say about Islam" but I've lived, worked and traveled among about a thousand times more Muslims than the OP has, and none of his malarkey holds up.
And you'll defend them right up until they saw your fucking head off while you're alive, or put you in a cage and dose you with gas and light you on fire, or shoot up a gay bar full of your friends, or beat their wife and tell you their koran teaches them how to do it, or have Talib call our President a MOTHER FUCKER... how STUPID can you be?
Well how about that... POGO THINKS 9/11 IS... "FUNNY."

Well how about that. Pogo thinks the fact that you think posting a Googly image makes a point, is funny.

Must be State-the-Obvious Day.

On the other hand I think your willingness to step on dead bodies of victims in order to score MUH TEAM points on a message board is fucking cheap.
Who flew planes into the twin towers, POGO? Mennonites?

IGNORANT is no way to go through life.
I can prove what I say about Islam. What about you Pogo?

I don't even know what you "say about Islam" but I've lived, worked and traveled among about a thousand times more Muslims than the OP has, and none of his malarkey holds up.

I have lived and worked with and socialized with muslims more than ten thousand times-----my very own husband was born into ACTUAL DHIMMI STATUS---in a shariah shit hole-------I am so polite that I have been invited to mosques and WENT.
I read the Koran more than 50 years ago-------Pogoid ----you know nothing other than PARLOR ISLAM-------cup of tea stuff. The British are even more polite
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