No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Ah ..the historical christian way of forced conversion.
That's what Muslims do. I'm beginning to think YOU are one of them also. They are no stranger to computer forums, which they use to propangandize.

Ah...You are fitting the profile.
What, because I cited Eisenhower instead of, say, Karl Mundt?

Your more obscure point about bigotry however is well taken --- there was indeed a time when asswipes like the OP tried to get German language courses banned, changed the name of "German Shepherd" to "police dog", and grabbed Dachshunds out of their owners' arms and stoned them to death in the street. Rump's own father, who you'll remember was born in "a very wonderful place in Germany", used to pass as "Swedish". I actually noted this in my first post here, the one about prior discrimination by hate groups: Jews, Blacks, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, Native Americans, everybody from the Papists to the Rapists, and where it all leads.

This is just one more on the same path, so yeah good point. Wish I'd thought of it myself. Oh wait ---- I did.
We were at war with Germany...they were the definition of evil...just like radical Muslims are today....putting them in office is stupid...If Omar doesn't sound radical to you something is wrong with you....and how dare you criticize the American people from the 1940's while you sit here today a free man because of their sacrifices...and their ability to know who our enemy sir are a spoiled ungrateful slug...


We caused the wars with Germany, not Germany, and they were not evil.
We were evil.
We sided with the terrorists in WWI, who deliberately planned to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand and his wife.
Then we helped starve Germany into submission, so we could steal all their foreign investments and take over their industries.

And similarly we caused all the conflicts with Muslisms, by illegally taking over their countries, murdering, stealing, etc.
Your are crazy...where did you go to school?....Germany was invading Europe and bombing the shit out of our allies like great Britain...we were not going to sit back and allow this...we did not want to face Germany after they were in control of Europe and beating them in warfare was the smart thing to do...jeeze I never knew we had so many screwballs in America....

The Germ-Mans also were using Mustard gas against them, thanks to the Kosher founding father of Chemical Warfare, one Fritz Haber.

Still, Britain killed just short of 1 million German civilians following WW1, due to a famine caused by blockading Germany & it's resources & goods by Britain to punish Germany.
Everything Germany agreed to after WW1 was being ignored by Germany....they were playing with fire...just like Iran is today....

Germany didn't have much of a choice, or did they?
Iran's a big ruse....

We resemble Germany more than Iran.

The terrible truth is we killed millions in the past 50 years, and Iran just thousands.

It's not Iran which will be the death to America.
will be Democrats... China... or even Russia.... etc.
I am Jewish and anyone reading the Talmud or any religious books learns right away that according to Judaism, women do not have souls.
That is why women are not allowed to be rabbis, and have to sit separately.
You're NOT JEWISH. You're a Muslim jihadist every step of the way, using this forum to spread your filthy hate.

Maybe, maybe not.
He could very well be an Islamist.... Doesn't have to be though.

Some of the biggest anti-Semites are Jews too, Henry Makow, Brother Nathaniel Kapner, Norman Finkelstein, or Shmarya Rosenberg are such examples.

I've seen it in person, there's this Jewish guy at the Fleamarket, who believes Jews were the Commies, Russian Mafia, and provoked Nazis, and are the media, and Hollywood.

Well, it's not really a secret.
But, he goes on, and on about it.
What is violating people's equal rights to consent and representation is IMPOSING one side's creed by establishing that through govt AGAINST the free will, consent and beliefs of other citizens who haven't committed crimes or abuses to WARRANT losing equal liberty.

That's what we should address.

Not competing to silence others because of conflicting beliefs. Rather, we should work around these diverse beliefs to craft reforms that PREVENT imposing on anyone by beliefs in violation of Constitutional laws and Civil Rights protecting all people equally regardless of creeds.
This post is exactly what I'm saying. it is a 100%confirmation that Islam must not be allowed to hold government office, where it can (and will) be used by jihadists, to impose their sick ideology (masquerading as a religion) on America.
I recall a LOT of opposition to Kennedy's Presidential Candidacy on the grounds that as a Catholic, his primary loyalty was to the Pope, and he could not properly defend the Constitution because of this divided loyalty.

As a child, we were taught that Italians were ignorant and filthy. Jews were sneaky, and Catholics were blasphemous because they pray to Saints, and Poles are stupid, and don't get me started on the French! As a Presbyterian, my catechism taught me that the Pope is the Anti-Christ. Clearly my early education didn't take. I was smart enough to realize that Italians, Jews, blacks, and other people who I was told , were in many ways, just like me, and the vilification of the French horrified me because I'm a French-Canadian, who grew up in an English Canadian household.

While I loved my mother who was in many ways a very fine woman, who treated everyone well, and set a good example, but she was racist, homophobic, and narrow minded, and I learned to make up my own mind, and not follow along with what I was told, not just about race, but everything. And she loved and encouraged that in me.
But it looks like you may have carried that TOO FAR, as moderation is needed in all things.

To accept Islam as acceptable, is INSANITY. (for those who have studied and know it)
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc


Can you show me one photo of "Osama" when he lived in SAUDI ARABIA, as is the official line???

If you can't then explain who is talking to Zbigniew in these photos circa 1980....

View attachment 268639

Zbigniew was probably the best US politician in the 20th Century.

Having not just played a massive role in collapsing the Soviet Union, by saving the Islamist in Afghanistan from genocide to the curse of Soviets demise, as well as he helped organized Polish Solidarity against Soviets to break away on the opposite end to basically make the Soviets a done deal.
also having been the ONLY one who exposed the Zionist Lobby
He exposed the Islamic Iran hysteria, and absurdity.
we ought not call Arabs terrorists. that demoralizes them, they are innocent pure souls!
Apparently Saudis
----------------------------- good people if they are willing to fight and kill Americas enemies , namely the 'iranians' and 'yemini' [ 'houtou' is it ' Bode ??

Good people who blew up the World Trade Centre. But it will be much better next time. Dumb Donald is selling them nuclear technology. The next time the Saudis attack the US, it's going to be a BIG mushroom cloud over Manhattan, if Trump has his way.
------------------------------- oh no , 'manhatten' you say eh [chuckle] DLady . [chuckle] That's 'new yawk zhitty' full of imported foreign units isn't it DLady ??

It's full of Americans.

That the part you stupid assholes forget.
And you're an idiot if you believe any of that. And a liar even if you do.
It is FACT, as proven by deeds, not opinion/belief.




as i said , 'mo' copying earlier Christian and Jewish Writings , names and concepts to add legitimacy to 'islam' and called it holy koran. 'koran' is the newest 'bs' from 'mo' for and to 'islam' . 'islam' is only 1400 years old [about] and is a War Cry against Christianity , Judaism and other religions Rigby .

If Mohammad was against Judism, the how come almost all the troops supporting Mohammad were the 11 tribes of Judaism?
They seemed think Mohammad has it right at the time?
Look up the battles around Medina and Mecca.
Mohammad was commanding Jewish troops who had volunteered.
----------------------------------- that was THEN but importation of muslims into Western World is NOW . And i can't speak about THEN . You may be talking 'taqiyah' for all i know Rigby . My only comment was that 'islam' is a false copycat of Christian and Jewish names and ideas that add legitimacy and concepts that is only 1400 hundred years old Rigby . The copying of the names , ideas and concepts adds legitimacy to 'mo's' 'BS' and some faulty thinkers are hood winked by the 'korans' BS Rigby .

So Islam is 600 years newer than Christianity?
It certainly is a whole lot better than Judaism, where women are not considered to have souls.
Its not false because it is a reformation that is better.
Protestant religions are newer still, and that makes them better because more has been fixed.

you imam said that in jewish thought women have no souls?------what else did he tell you?

I am Jewish and anyone reading the Talmud or any religious books learns right away that according to Judaism, women do not have souls.
That is why women are not allowed to be rabbis, and have to sit separately.

Aretha Franklin is not amused.
Good people who blew up the World Trade Centre. But it will be much better next time. Dumb Donald is selling them nuclear technology. The next time the Saudis attack the US, it's going to be a BIG mushroom cloud over Manhattan, if Trump has his way.
I am Jewish and anyone reading the Talmud or any religious books learns right away that according to Judaism, women do not have souls.
That is why women are not allowed to be rabbis, and have to sit separately.
You're NOT JEWISH. You're a Muslim jihadist every step of the way, using this forum to spread your filthy hate.

Here's a klown who, fresh from being spanked for his egregious Composition faux pas about speaking for "Republicans" in the OP, has now moved on to telling total strangers what their fucking religion is.

Arrogant much?
If Mohammad was against Judism, the how come almost all the troops supporting Mohammad were the 11 tribes of Judaism?
They seemed think Mohammad has it right at the time?
Look up the battles around Medina and Mecca.
Mohammad was commanding Jewish troops who had volunteered.
----------------------------------- that was THEN but importation of muslims into Western World is NOW . And i can't speak about THEN . You may be talking 'taqiyah' for all i know Rigby . My only comment was that 'islam' is a false copycat of Christian and Jewish names and ideas that add legitimacy and concepts that is only 1400 hundred years old Rigby . The copying of the names , ideas and concepts adds legitimacy to 'mo's' 'BS' and some faulty thinkers are hood winked by the 'korans' BS Rigby .

So Islam is 600 years newer than Christianity?
It certainly is a whole lot better than Judaism, where women are not considered to have souls.
Its not false because it is a reformation that is better.
Protestant religions are newer still, and that makes them better because more has been fixed.

you imam said that in jewish thought women have no souls?------what else did he tell you?

I am Jewish and anyone reading the Talmud or any religious books learns right away that according to Judaism, women do not have souls.
That is why women are not allowed to be rabbis, and have to sit separately.

Aretha Franklin is not amused.
--------------------------- Think that she is recently dead of some 'liver disease' isn't she Pogo ??
It is by the 1.5 million Muslims in Italy. And it certainly is recognized as a religion in the United States.
1. No one has determined how many people in the US accept Islam as a religion,

2. to say that Muslims in Italy recognize Islam to be a religion, is a moot point.
Islam is totally defensive.
The west likes to complain about the Muslims over running Constantinople and turning it into Istanbul, but remember Constantinople was a Roman invasion and occupation.
The west should never have been in Turkey/Anatolia, in the first place.

And the original Muslim empire was Arab.
They were not only defeated by exterminated by the Mongol invasion around 1100, so it makes no sense to talk about them invading anyone. They didn't.
It is Europe that was the big invader, with the evil Crusades, the British imperialism, etc.
Islam is totally OFFENSIVE, and 270 million people in the world have been killed by marauding Muslims, including all those killed by ISIS, with Barack Obama's assistance.

This clown is the most obvious cyber-jihadist I've ever seen. Must be a rookie jst starting out.
If we were worried about "sedition" these days, most of the democrat clown car would be locked up. I wouldn't have responded to the post if it didn't cast republicans as bigots. What other religious affiliation is deemed "totally offensive"? Back in the 30's the Nazis prevented loyal German Jews from serving in elective office, how did that turn out? Thank God we in the U.S. are protected by specified list of freedoms called "The Bill of Rights" aka the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. The will of the American people is what counts.
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First of all the post is a display of ignorance of the Constitution. The second thing is that it is a prime example of not trusting the will of the people of the greatest Country in the world.
WHAT "post" is >> "a display of ignorance of the Constitution"

Would you clarify that ?
Good people who blew up the World Trade Centre. But it will be much better next time. Dumb Donald is selling them nuclear technology. The next time the Saudis attack the US, it's going to be a BIG mushroom cloud over Manhattan, if Trump has his way.
------------------------ I think that the TRUMP is selling the Saudis weapons but not 'nukes' although who knows what the future has in store .
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