No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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I can prove what I say about Islam. What about you Pogo?

I don't even know what you "say about Islam" but I've lived, worked and traveled among about a thousand times more Muslims than the OP has, and none of his malarkey holds up.
Individual Muslims do not matter when it comes to what Islam says commands or obligates. They cannot change one word of it. And the malarkey you speak of goes on daily.

Islam inspires terror and violence it is political and intolerant. The Islamic texts plainly state this and the example for all is Muhammad, who is Islam. Non-assimilation is an obligation, and we see more than enough of that throughout Western Europe. Islam intends to dominate the world and to many take it serious and their support network is huge.

It is a real problem. We can learn from others mistakes while we allow as civilized people this kind of hate taught to children around the world. Call it out.

You should know that I don't watch TV and don't read the hair-on-fire blogs that spews all this shit.

I do however read history, which is why I called out the OP for exactly what he's doing, and several of its historical parallels, in my first post here as the first order of business. That point stands.
da eebil Jews, da eebil Germans, da eebil Chinese, da eebil Irish, da eebil Eye-talians, da eebil Mexicans, da eebil Catholics, da eebil Presbyterians, da eebil Brazilians, da eebil Danes, da eebil blondes, da eebil Sagittarians, or whatever the Emmanuel Goldstein is next week. K? That childish shit played out a long time ago.

I don't wanna hear about
There is no doubt you are intellectually lazy. I don't want to hear from you when you do know what you are talking about. If you are that weak, it is your business. I just hope it isn't contagious.
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.
Islam is totally defensive.
The west likes to complain about the Muslims over running Constantinople and turning it into Istanbul, but remember Constantinople was a Roman invasion and occupation.
The west should never have been in Turkey/Anatolia, in the first place.

And the original Muslim empire was Arab.
They were not only defeated by exterminated by the Mongol invasion around 1100, so it makes no sense to talk about them invading anyone. They didn't.
It is Europe that was the big invader, with the evil Crusades, the British imperialism, etc.

bean brain------CONSTANTINOPLE was not arab or muslim when Rome entered
the area Turkey and Anatolia were INVADED by trash from Arabia ---and later
another MINION of muhummad rapist of mecca------DA KHAN GENOCIDAL PIG

That is silly because Islam did not exist when the Romans invaded the Parthians who lived in what became Constantiople,
Nor did Arabs defeat the Roman occupiers and force them out.
There were a series of invaders off the steppes that go all the way to Mongolia, that included the Mongols, the Moguls, and the Turks.
None of the invaders came from Arabia.
That only thing Arab about them was they adopted the Arab language.
These invaders were NOT minions of Mecca, and in fact totally wiped out all Arab living in Mecca when they captured it.

The Byzantines I think she meant.

Arabs tried to overtake the Byzantine including Constantinople in 717, when Byzantines & Bulgars flushed them out. AKA basically the ancestors of Greeks & Bulgarians kicked the Arabs out.

Although, yes, the Turks from the Steppes, eventually had invaded & overtaken Anatolia.

Although, Turks aren't indigenous to the Steppes, ironically Indo-Iranians / Indo-Europeans are.

The Turks presumably come from near China & Mongolia, and kept conquering Indo-Iranians, like Tocharians, Scythians, and so forth.
Eventually they made it to Anatolia.

Close but not quite.
The Byzantines are eastern Romans, after the western Romans got wiped out.
There was an Arab attack on the Byzantine Romans that everyone hated in 717, but it failed.
The Byzantines were not at all Greek, and the Greeks hated the Byzantine Romans as much as anyone.

And the Steppes are not just in Europe. They continue all the way to Mongolia.
Which is where the Mongols came from in 1241 when they invaded.
But if I remember the details rights, I don't think they defeated the Byzantine Romans yet at that time.
I believe the Turks came to the European Steppes along with the Mongols and later Moguls, as hired mercenaries.
But I think it was the Turks who later took Constantinople.

Byzantines started off Roman & gradually became more & more Greek in terms of it's rulers & even language.

That is probably true of its culture, and maybe even the majority of its inhabitants.
But the ruling leadership of the Byzantine Empire was always very nasty, and that was very Roman.
Show me something about islam that is better for anyone.
If you paid me a Million $$$, I don't think I could do that.

How 'bout I pay you a nickel and you read the Constitution. :deal:

It is easy to find how Islam made things better for people.
They were the first to incorporate welfare for widows and orphans.
That is what the tithing paid at the mosque was for.
{... Muslims do give 2.5% of what they earn or save in the fiscal year to the (Islamic) Treasury as Zakaat (a form of tithe). Zakaat is the 4th pillar of Islam and the collection is distributed to the poor and the deserving others such as orphans, widows, students etc.
There are many verses in the Quran and Hadith that extol charity. ...}
Who flew planes into the twin towers, POGO? Mennonites?

IGNORANT is no way to go through life.

Where did you get your tiny little mind where every act is something religious? eBay? Hope you kept the receipt because that motherfucker is DOA.
Are you REALLY.... REALLY... going to try and say... that muslims flying planes into the twin towers had NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM?

You have GOT to be RETARDED.

Have yourself a good cry, if it helps.
Keep lying to yourself, but quit pushing your horse crap on everyone else.

NEWS FLASH Doodles ---- I ain't the one "pushing" here. I'm the one dismissing it.

See how lost you are when you're drunk on your own hate?
Well I don't know if you did that because YOU are drunk, or it was just a moronic slip, but thank you for ADMITTING you're DISMISSING ISLAMIC SHARIA HATE for ANYONE and EVERYTHING that isn't SHARIA COMPLIANT with ISLAM.

You bet I hate them... every last freakin' one of them. I don't trust a muslim as far as I can see them, and they've given me MAJOR reasons why I shouldn't. To be IGNORANT, and DISMISS what islam is all about, LIKE YOU, is why we have THIS kind SHIT in America, and around the world...

You go right ahead and LOVE these sons a bitches, POGO, but do NOT expect me to, and don't try and pump your, WE SHOULD LOVE THEM, gas to me either.

Fuck you. These two MUSLIM BITCHES are about as ANTI AMERICAN, AMERICA HATING PIG SHIT as you can get, ya, you go ahead and LOVE these skanks... I WON'T.


You need your fucking head examined, brother.
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To say that Germans were just innocent in WW1, is simply absurd.
You're talking to a Muslim, jihadist lunatic.

Not necessarily.
But he could be Muslim.

A lot of Europeans aren't too keen on Israel & even a good deal prefer Germans over Brits.

He could be Muslim...also could be an Austrian or German or even a Finn or Latvian ,Estonian, Western Ukrainian, or Hungarian or even Italian or Spanish.

US Jew, of Austrian and Dutch descent.
Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.
You are totally ignorant about Islamic doctrine. Violent jihad is responsible for 270 million deaths and we are still counting

The Quran is very clear, that there can never be any coercion when it comes to religion.

The full verse is:

There should be no compulsion in religion. Surely, right has become distinct from wrong; so whosoever refuses to be led by those who transgress, and believes in Allah, has surely grasped a strong handle which knows no breaking. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Al Quran 2:257)
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.

Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism where they would sing songs glorifying the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho?
Would you prefer the inquisitions, crusades, conquistadors, and witch burnings of Christianity?
The closest thing to Nazis in the world are republicans, who believe in the same coalition of military, aristocracy, and capitalists, to rule over those they claim are inferior.

There are very few Muslims in the US, but Catholicism is very similar.
In fact, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all very similar Abrahamic religions, which all share the same Old Testament.
I'm getting the feeling that YOU are a Muslim Islamist, and you are propagandizing right here.
Dear me....whatever will you do?
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.

Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism where they would sing songs glorifying the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho?
Would you prefer the inquisitions, crusades, conquistadors, and witch burnings of Christianity?
Those have passed. I watched Islam's atrocities on television.
Where did you get your tiny little mind where every act is something religious? eBay? Hope you kept the receipt because that motherfucker is DOA.
Are you REALLY.... REALLY... going to try and say... that muslims flying planes into the twin towers had NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM?

You have GOT to be RETARDED.

Have yourself a good cry, if it helps.
Keep lying to yourself, but quit pushing your horse crap on everyone else.

NEWS FLASH Doodles ---- I ain't the one "pushing" here. I'm the one dismissing it.

See how lost you are when you're drunk on your own hate?
Well I don't know if you did that because YOU are drunk, or it was just a moronic slip, but thank you for ADMITTING you're DISMISSING ISLAMIC SHARIA HATE for ANYONE and EVERYTHING that isn't SHARIA COMPLIANT with ISLAM.

You bet I hate them... every last freakin' one of them. I don't trust a muslim as far as I can see them, and they've given me MAJOR reasons why I shouldn't. To be IGNORANT, and DISMISS what islam is all about, LIKE YOU, is why we have THIS kind SHIT in America, and around the world...

You go right ahead and LOVE these sons a bitches, POGO, but do NOT expect me to, and don't try and pump your, WE SHOULD LOVE THEM, gas to me either.

Fuck you. These two MUSLIM BITCHES are about as ANTI AMERICAN, AMERICA HATING PIG SHIT as you can get, ya, you go ahead and LOVE these skanks... I WON'T.


You need your fucking head examined, brother.

The Saudis who flew planes into the WTC, etc., were not religious.
They were known for heavy drinking, hanging out in nightclubs, etc.
They likely did it not for religion, but because relatives were promised large sums of cash.
Show me something about islam that is better for anyone.
If you paid me a Million $$$, I don't think I could do that.

How 'bout I pay you a nickel and you read the Constitution. :deal:

It is easy to find how Islam made things better for people.
They were the first to incorporate welfare for widows and orphans.
That is what the tithing paid at the mosque was for.
{... Muslims do give 2.5% of what they earn or save in the fiscal year to the (Islamic) Treasury as Zakaat (a form of tithe). Zakaat is the 4th pillar of Islam and the collection is distributed to the poor and the deserving others such as orphans, widows, students etc.
There are many verses in the Quran and Hadith that extol charity. ...}

your Imam lied-----Islam was FAR FROM THE FIRST to institute social welfare. -------and still does so ---SO BADLY that the gutters of virtually all muslim
majority cities are lined with sick and dying impoverished----and whores. Are you very young? you seem to SWALLOW lots of the standard lies. Now tell me about how muslims INVENTED the practice of medicine------that one is even stupider
Show me something about islam that is better for anyone.
If you paid me a Million $$$, I don't think I could do that.

How 'bout I pay you a nickel and you read the Constitution. :deal:

It is easy to find how Islam made things better for people.
They were the first to incorporate welfare for widows and orphans.
That is what the tithing paid at the mosque was for.
{... Muslims do give 2.5% of what they earn or save in the fiscal year to the (Islamic) Treasury as Zakaat (a form of tithe). Zakaat is the 4th pillar of Islam and the collection is distributed to the poor and the deserving others such as orphans, widows, students etc.
There are many verses in the Quran and Hadith that extol charity. ...}
They extol charity for other Muslims. Part of the Zakaat goes to jihad. Why did you not mention that?
Are you REALLY.... REALLY... going to try and say... that muslims flying planes into the twin towers had NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM?

You have GOT to be RETARDED.

Have yourself a good cry, if it helps.
Keep lying to yourself, but quit pushing your horse crap on everyone else.

NEWS FLASH Doodles ---- I ain't the one "pushing" here. I'm the one dismissing it.

See how lost you are when you're drunk on your own hate?
Well I don't know if you did that because YOU are drunk, or it was just a moronic slip, but thank you for ADMITTING you're DISMISSING ISLAMIC SHARIA HATE for ANYONE and EVERYTHING that isn't SHARIA COMPLIANT with ISLAM.

You bet I hate them... every last freakin' one of them. I don't trust a muslim as far as I can see them, and they've given me MAJOR reasons why I shouldn't. To be IGNORANT, and DISMISS what islam is all about, LIKE YOU, is why we have THIS kind SHIT in America, and around the world...

You go right ahead and LOVE these sons a bitches, POGO, but do NOT expect me to, and don't try and pump your, WE SHOULD LOVE THEM, gas to me either.

Fuck you. These two MUSLIM BITCHES are about as ANTI AMERICAN, AMERICA HATING PIG SHIT as you can get, ya, you go ahead and LOVE these skanks... I WON'T.


You need your fucking head examined, brother.

The Saudis who flew planes into the WTC, etc., were not religious.
They were known for heavy drinking, hanging out in nightclubs, etc.
They likely did it not for religion, but because relatives were promised large sums of cash.


So the US flies cruise missiles into civilian residential building, which is much, much worse.
The US uses napalm, cluster bombs, land mines, and all sort of horrific weapons that are not for defense.
In fact, the US has never really been attacked since 1812, so has no reason to have so many troops all over the world, and spends as much as the whole rest of the world all together on military spending.

So the US flies cruise missiles into civilian residential building, which is much, much worse.
The US uses napalm, cluster bombs, land mines, and all sort of horrific weapons that are not for defense.
In fact, the US has never really been attacked since 1812, so has no reason to have so many troops all over the world, and spends as much as the whole rest of the world all together on military spending.
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.

Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism where they would sing songs glorifying the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho?
Would you prefer the inquisitions, crusades, conquistadors, and witch burnings of Christianity?
Those have passed. I watched Islam's atrocities on television.

What atrocities are you attributing to Islam?
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