No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Show me something about islam that is better for anyone.
If you paid me a Million $$$, I don't think I could do that.

How 'bout I pay you a nickel and you read the Constitution. :deal:

It is easy to find how Islam made things better for people.
They were the first to incorporate welfare for widows and orphans.
That is what the tithing paid at the mosque was for.
{... Muslims do give 2.5% of what they earn or save in the fiscal year to the (Islamic) Treasury as Zakaat (a form of tithe). Zakaat is the 4th pillar of Islam and the collection is distributed to the poor and the deserving others such as orphans, widows, students etc.
There are many verses in the Quran and Hadith that extol charity. ...}
They extol charity for other Muslims. Part of the Zakaat goes to jihad. Why did you not mention that?

Jihad is a personal thing, where you try to do the right thing, and fight against your impulses for things like greed. It has nothing to do with war or aggression. And in fact, the point of jihad is to avoid war or aggression.

So the US flies cruise missiles into civilian residential building, which is much, much worse.
The US uses napalm, cluster bombs, land mines, and all sort of horrific weapons that are not for defense.
In fact, the US has never really been attacked since 1812, so has no reason to have so many troops all over the world, and spends as much as the whole rest of the world all together on military spending.
The u
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.

Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism where they would sing songs glorifying the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho?
Would you prefer the inquisitions, crusades, conquistadors, and witch burnings of Christianity?
Those have passed. I watched Islam's atrocities on television.

What atrocities are you attributing to Islam?
YOU... are a JOKE.

YOU... asking such an ASININE question... are not worth responding to.
Are you REALLY.... REALLY... going to try and say... that muslims flying planes into the twin towers had NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM?

You have GOT to be RETARDED.

Have yourself a good cry, if it helps.
Keep lying to yourself, but quit pushing your horse crap on everyone else.

NEWS FLASH Doodles ---- I ain't the one "pushing" here. I'm the one dismissing it.

See how lost you are when you're drunk on your own hate?
Well I don't know if you did that because YOU are drunk, or it was just a moronic slip, but thank you for ADMITTING you're DISMISSING ISLAMIC SHARIA HATE for ANYONE and EVERYTHING that isn't SHARIA COMPLIANT with ISLAM.

You bet I hate them... every last freakin' one of them. I don't trust a muslim as far as I can see them, and they've given me MAJOR reasons why I shouldn't. To be IGNORANT, and DISMISS what islam is all about, LIKE YOU, is why we have THIS kind SHIT in America, and around the world...

You go right ahead and LOVE these sons a bitches, POGO, but do NOT expect me to, and don't try and pump your, WE SHOULD LOVE THEM, gas to me either.

Fuck you. These two MUSLIM BITCHES are about as ANTI AMERICAN, AMERICA HATING PIG SHIT as you can get, ya, you go ahead and LOVE these skanks... I WON'T.


You need your fucking head examined, brother.

The Saudis who flew planes into the WTC, etc., were not religious.
They were known for heavy drinking, hanging out in nightclubs, etc.
They likely did it not for religion, but because relatives were promised large sums of cash.

They were known for heavy drinking, hanging out in nightclubs, etc.
They likely did it not for religion, but because relatives were promised large sums of cash.
All of that is forgotten when you kill for Allah, but you know that. They went to paradise whether they wanted to or not. Palestinians reward terrorists, it is part of Islam.
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.

Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism where they would sing songs glorifying the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho?
Would you prefer the inquisitions, crusades, conquistadors, and witch burnings of Christianity?

songs about Jericho during the time of the Old Testament------you got some recordiings. Even back then, jews were literate--------where are the songs written? ------in the Kharahan? There is a song "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho" but it was written in the USA ----fairly recently and not even by jews. You are very confused. Do you remember the vile and disgusting pig that raped and murdered in the city of Yathrib? That dog even sold people into slavery-----pig that he was
Show me something about islam that is better for anyone.
If you paid me a Million $$$, I don't think I could do that.

How 'bout I pay you a nickel and you read the Constitution. :deal:

It is easy to find how Islam made things better for people.
They were the first to incorporate welfare for widows and orphans.
That is what the tithing paid at the mosque was for.
{... Muslims do give 2.5% of what they earn or save in the fiscal year to the (Islamic) Treasury as Zakaat (a form of tithe). Zakaat is the 4th pillar of Islam and the collection is distributed to the poor and the deserving others such as orphans, widows, students etc.
There are many verses in the Quran and Hadith that extol charity. ...}
They extol charity for other Muslims. Part of the Zakaat goes to jihad. Why did you not mention that?

Jihad is a personal thing, where you try to do the right thing, and fight against your impulses for things like greed. It has nothing to do with war or aggression. And in fact, the point of jihad is to avoid war or aggression.

What kind of BULL SHIT are you trying spread here?

We all know better.
Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.

more khutbah jumaat crap scattered on the mosque floor ^^^^ for those who do not know-----every 8 year old muslim child knows that the KORAN is the CORRECTION of the mess up of which da EVUL jews and da EVUL Christians made of ALLAH's holy kharahan. IT IS DA ORIGINAL from eden. not the disgusting mess created by the LYING ENEMEEEES OF ISLAM (to wit da jews and Christians <<<< I learned this crap in a mosque and scores to times since)

The Quran is very clear that Jews and Christians are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning the same Old Testament, and are equal "Sons of Abraham".
In fact, Jews are a type of Arab.
That is what Semitic means really.
Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.

more khutbah jumaat crap scattered on the mosque floor ^^^^ for those who do not know-----every 8 year old muslim child knows that the KORAN is the CORRECTION of the mess up of which da EVUL jews and da EVUL Christians made of ALLAH's holy kharahan. IT IS DA ORIGINAL from eden. not the disgusting mess created by the LYING ENEMEEEES OF ISLAM (to wit da jews and Christians <<<< I learned this crap in a mosque and scores to times since)

The Quran is very clear that Jews and Christians are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning the same Old Testament, and are equal "Sons of Abraham".
In fact, Jews are a type of Arab.
That is what Semitic means really.
That is a LIE, and we all know that the koran gives muslims permission to LIE in order to FURTHER ISLAM.
Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.

more khutbah jumaat crap scattered on the mosque floor ^^^^ for those who do not know-----every 8 year old muslim child knows that the KORAN is the CORRECTION of the mess up of which da EVUL jews and da EVUL Christians made of ALLAH's holy kharahan. IT IS DA ORIGINAL from eden. not the disgusting mess created by the LYING ENEMEEEES OF ISLAM (to wit da jews and Christians <<<< I learned this crap in a mosque and scores to times since)

The Quran is very clear that Jews and Christians are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning the same Old Testament, and are equal "Sons of Abraham".
In fact, Jews are a type of Arab.
That is what Semitic means really.

It is clear that you never read that piece of trash. ------Your Imam told you that
SEMITE MEANS ARAB? nope------there are lots of SEMITIC LANGUAGES----
Arabic is only one of them.
Show me something about islam that is better for anyone.
If you paid me a Million $$$, I don't think I could do that.

How 'bout I pay you a nickel and you read the Constitution. :deal:

It is easy to find how Islam made things better for people.
They were the first to incorporate welfare for widows and orphans.
That is what the tithing paid at the mosque was for.
{... Muslims do give 2.5% of what they earn or save in the fiscal year to the (Islamic) Treasury as Zakaat (a form of tithe). Zakaat is the 4th pillar of Islam and the collection is distributed to the poor and the deserving others such as orphans, widows, students etc.
There are many verses in the Quran and Hadith that extol charity. ...}
They extol charity for other Muslims. Part of the Zakaat goes to jihad. Why did you not mention that?

Jihad is a personal thing, where you try to do the right thing, and fight against your impulses for things like greed. It has nothing to do with war or aggression. And in fact, the point of jihad is to avoid war or aggression.

Jihad is a personal thing, where you try to do the right thing, and fight against your impulses for things like greed.
93% of verses about jihad contain violence or references to violence. You are speaking of 7%. Is that why there are so many terror attacks?
Just as divisive as the Bible...two sides of the same coin.
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.
You are totally ignorant about Islamic doctrine. Violent jihad is responsible for 270 million deaths and we are still counting

Tell me a war that was the fault of Muslims and was not about defense.
Their first recorded battle.

The Myth:
Muhammad Fought
the Battle of Badr
in Self-Defense

"Our Prophet (peace be upon him) never started hostilities and never fought anyone unless it was truly necessary."
The Truth:
If Muslims are only supposed to fight in self-defense, then the Battle of Badr would had to have been a case in which an enemy was attacking or marching on Muhammad at Medina. If this is what you want to believe, then stop right now and try to stay away from history books.

Muslim historians of the day meticulously documented the circumstances that preceded the Battle of Badr and there is not the least bit of wiggle room for anyone hoping to believe that Muslims fought in self-defense that day.

In the first place, the Meccans were not marching on Muhammad or Medina (Ibn Kathir v.2 p260). They did eventually send out an army - but it was to protect their caravans from Muslim raiders (who had recently killed Meccan caravan drivers defending their property). The Meccans were not interested in starting a war; only in seeing that their merchandise and drivers were unmolested by Muhammad’s pirates (see prior article on Muhammad's Caravan Raids).

Another popular misconception propagated by apologists is that the caravans were carrying the stolen goods of Muslims. There is no evidence for this from the record. In fact, not only do the historians say that the merchandise belonged to the Quraish, but the caravan was actually traveling to Mecca from Syria rather than the other way:Then the apostle heard that Abu Sufyan was coming from Syria with a large caravan of Qurish, containing their money and merchandise, accompanied by some thirty or forty men… When the Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428)

When the Messenger of God (SAAS) heard that Abu Sufyan was arriving from Syria, he sent the Muslims out against them, saying, 'This caravan belongs to Quraysh, and will carry much wealth. Attack it; God may present it to you.' (Ibn Kathir v.II p.253)The account goes on to say that some of the Muslims were reluctant to participate in the attack because they did not want to go to war. Muhammad later refers to these peaceful Muslims as ‘Hypocrites’ in the Qur’an, where he also condemns them to Hell and demands that true Muslims deal with them harshly (66:9).
Myth: Muslims Fought the Battle of Badr in Self-Defense

The Battle of Badr was when Mohammad and his Jewish allies finally defeated the Meccans who have been attacking him for a decade, made him flee Mecca, and to hold up in a defensive position in Medina.
There could hardly be a more defensive battle in all of history.
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc
"No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office"

Scratch a conservative, find a bigot.
Secular Muslims are OK

I would want them to be more ......

Secular Muslims.
Have yourself a good cry, if it helps.
Keep lying to yourself, but quit pushing your horse crap on everyone else.

NEWS FLASH Doodles ---- I ain't the one "pushing" here. I'm the one dismissing it.

See how lost you are when you're drunk on your own hate?
Well I don't know if you did that because YOU are drunk, or it was just a moronic slip, but thank you for ADMITTING you're DISMISSING ISLAMIC SHARIA HATE for ANYONE and EVERYTHING that isn't SHARIA COMPLIANT with ISLAM.

You bet I hate them... every last freakin' one of them. I don't trust a muslim as far as I can see them, and they've given me MAJOR reasons why I shouldn't. To be IGNORANT, and DISMISS what islam is all about, LIKE YOU, is why we have THIS kind SHIT in America, and around the world...

You go right ahead and LOVE these sons a bitches, POGO, but do NOT expect me to, and don't try and pump your, WE SHOULD LOVE THEM, gas to me either.

Fuck you. These two MUSLIM BITCHES are about as ANTI AMERICAN, AMERICA HATING PIG SHIT as you can get, ya, you go ahead and LOVE these skanks... I WON'T.


You need your fucking head examined, brother.

The Saudis who flew planes into the WTC, etc., were not religious.
They were known for heavy drinking, hanging out in nightclubs, etc.
They likely did it not for religion, but because relatives were promised large sums of cash.

They were known for heavy drinking, hanging out in nightclubs, etc.
They likely did it not for religion, but because relatives were promised large sums of cash.
All of that is forgotten when you kill for Allah, but you know that. They went to paradise whether they wanted to or not. Palestinians reward terrorists, it is part of Islam.

there is no real information suggesting that the MUSLIM SHAHID dogs who
enacted the atrocity of 9-11-01 were anything but observant muslims and are now considered heroes thruout the "ugh" ummah
That often-expressed equation nation is the most ludicrous thing ever spoken. Nothing could be more different than the Christianity and Islam. And why anyone (not a Muslim) would speak up for Islam is bizarre.

Actually, you are totally wrong.
Both Christianity and Islam are reformed versions of Judaism, and are very, very similar in all ways.
The main difference being that Christianity attacked and invaded more countries like the Conquistadors and Crusaders, while Muslims tend to be more peaceful.
You are totally ignorant about Islamic doctrine. Violent jihad is responsible for 270 million deaths and we are still counting

Tell me a war that was the fault of Muslims and was not about defense.
Their first recorded battle.

The Myth:
Muhammad Fought
the Battle of Badr
in Self-Defense

"Our Prophet (peace be upon him) never started hostilities and never fought anyone unless it was truly necessary."
The Truth:
If Muslims are only supposed to fight in self-defense, then the Battle of Badr would had to have been a case in which an enemy was attacking or marching on Muhammad at Medina. If this is what you want to believe, then stop right now and try to stay away from history books.

Muslim historians of the day meticulously documented the circumstances that preceded the Battle of Badr and there is not the least bit of wiggle room for anyone hoping to believe that Muslims fought in self-defense that day.

In the first place, the Meccans were not marching on Muhammad or Medina (Ibn Kathir v.2 p260). They did eventually send out an army - but it was to protect their caravans from Muslim raiders (who had recently killed Meccan caravan drivers defending their property). The Meccans were not interested in starting a war; only in seeing that their merchandise and drivers were unmolested by Muhammad’s pirates (see prior article on Muhammad's Caravan Raids).

Another popular misconception propagated by apologists is that the caravans were carrying the stolen goods of Muslims. There is no evidence for this from the record. In fact, not only do the historians say that the merchandise belonged to the Quraish, but the caravan was actually traveling to Mecca from Syria rather than the other way:Then the apostle heard that Abu Sufyan was coming from Syria with a large caravan of Qurish, containing their money and merchandise, accompanied by some thirty or forty men… When the Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428)

When the Messenger of God (SAAS) heard that Abu Sufyan was arriving from Syria, he sent the Muslims out against them, saying, 'This caravan belongs to Quraysh, and will carry much wealth. Attack it; God may present it to you.' (Ibn Kathir v.II p.253)The account goes on to say that some of the Muslims were reluctant to participate in the attack because they did not want to go to war. Muhammad later refers to these peaceful Muslims as ‘Hypocrites’ in the Qur’an, where he also condemns them to Hell and demands that true Muslims deal with them harshly (66:9).
Myth: Muslims Fought the Battle of Badr in Self-Defense

The Battle of Badr was when Mohammad and his Jewish allies finally defeated the Meccans who have been attacking him for a decade, made him flee Mecca, and to hold up in a defensive position in Medina.
There could hardly be a more defensive battle in all of history.
The history does not say that. Islamic literature does not say that. You are denying fact, next.
Technically he is correct about the number of Muslims in The US Prior to Obama Bin Lying.

Bill Clinton opened the door to them.

George Bush tried to shut it down.

Barak Obama Broke the door down.
Obama is Muslim Brotherhood, a Muslim jihadist, and ISIS colluder.
A Birther. :71:
OK bo... show us obama's "real" Hawaiian birth certificate... and please don't post that pathetic forgery of a certificate of live birth... :lol:
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
There are a number of different threats. Islam is ALWAYS a threat, and isn't going away, unless it make it do that.
You rant and you rave.....what are you going to DO about it?
Where is Coyote, I noticed the Sharia cavalry has arrived. Islam is a cancer, time to admit it and do something about it.

Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism where they would sing songs glorifying the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho?
Would you prefer the inquisitions, crusades, conquistadors, and witch burnings of Christianity?

songs about Jericho during the time of the Old Testament------you got some recordiings. Even back then, jews were literate--------where are the songs written? ------in the Kharahan? There is a song "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho" but it was written in the USA ----fairly recently and not even by jews. You are very confused. Do you remember the vile and disgusting pig that raped and murdered in the city of Yathrib? That dog even sold people into slavery-----pig that he was

Actually, Jews were not literate back around 1000 BC when Joshua massacred the Canaanites at Jericho.
But the Old Testament says that his praises were sung for the massacre.
Hebrew did not have a written form until around 100 BC.
They could learn Aramaic, but I doubt many Jews did.

Yathrib is another name for Medina, and no one raped or murdered there.
Mohammad took up defenses there, but he did so because the Jewish tribes at Medina were his allies.
It was the Meccans who attacked Medina.
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