'No Nerve Agents' In Douma: OPCW Report Demolishes White House Sarin Narrative

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Read it and weep, boys.


A preliminary report published Friday by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found no traces of any nerve agent at the site of a suspected chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. The OPCW report states this unambiguously as follows:

"No organophosphorous nerve agents or their degradation products were detected in the environmental samples or in the plasma samples taken from alleged casualties."

Compare the newly published official OPCW findings with the 5-page White House assessment released on April 13th, just days after the alleged attack. Now contradicted by the new OPCW findings, the White House asserted that sarin was used at Douma,

A significant body of information points to the regime using chlorine in its bombardment of Duma, while some additional information points to the regime also using the nerve agent sarin.


Yes, a real headline: CNN screenshot of coverage of the alleged chemical attack in April 2018 which we discussed here.

Firebrand British MP George Galloway responded as follows moments after the OPCW's findings were made public:

Was that, was that the news? What about Douma? The chemical weapons attack? The nerve agent bombs that rained down on Douma that took us to the brink of World War 3?

The OPCW have just reported, well two hours ago... There was no nerve gas attack on Douma. There was no nerve agent deployed on Douma. We were taken to World War 3’s brink on a crock. A crock of vile propaganda. Ring any bells?

No Nerve Agents, Concludes OPCW Report...

Continued (and rather lengthy) - "No Nerve Agents" In Douma: OPCW Report Demolishes White House Sarin Narrative
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Can't count how many times I've heard a pro-occupation, pro-military spending neocon drone justifying illegal, unconstitutional, foreign occupation and more military spending over this horse pucky.
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American journalist Pearson Sharp was trying to tell the people about it in spring:

One America News reporter Pearson Sharp visited the war-torn town of Douma outside the capital of Damascus, looking for evidence of a chemical attack. However, residents there deny the claims of an attack, and say it was staged to help the rebels escape.

"When I asked [the doctors at the hospital] what they thought the chemical attack was, they told me --all of them told me-- that it was staged by the rebels who are occupying the town at the time. They said it was a fabrication and a hoax an when I asked them why, they told me it was because the rebels were desperate, and they needed a ploy to get the Syrian army off their backs so they could escape," Sharp reported.


OAN Reporter In Syria Finds No Evidence Of Chemical Weapon Attack In Douma=
CNN sniffs for biological weapons? Is that a good idea? OPCW is a home for old U.N. fat assed bureaucrats. You almost gotta laugh that the "Secretiarat for Policy" of OPCW is one Konstantin Gavrilov, a graduate of Moscow U and former (KGB) "minister of estraordinary and plenipotentiary" of the Russian government. The U.S. media including CNN is now depending on propaganda generated by the Russians while they try to undermine the President for alleged collusion with the Russians. This is the upside world we live in courtesy of the criminal enterprise in the MSM.

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