NO NEWS Is Good News....

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
It's time for the scum-sucking MSM to be locked out of the loop....give them NOTHING.
Throw them out of the WH press room, no more Spicer briefing, no more Sunday morning talk shows....they get NOTHING. Since they invent most of what they print and broadcast why not let them go whole-hog? Starvation is the diet they two weeks their advertisers will start to abandon two months they'll be in real trouble. So they come begging for stories pretending to be chastened and ready to mend their we forgive them? HELL NO.

It's time for the scum-sucking MSM to be locked out of the loop....give them NOTHING.
Throw them out of the WH press room, no more Spicer briefing, no more Sunday morning talk shows....they get NOTHING. Since they invent most of what they print and broadcast why not let them go whole-hog? Starvation is the diet they two weeks their advertisers will start to abandon two months they'll be in real trouble. So they come begging for stories pretending to be chastened and ready to mend their we forgive them? HELL NO.

^ triggered!
Imagine the networks without a damn word to misquote, a picture to photoshop into something else, a new EO to distort and lie about. They'd FREAK. Then to get revenge they'd start trashing Melania and Barron and of course Ivanka. They'd have to start quoting each other and whining that Trump was being a "NAZI" with Maxine Watters calling for his impeachment for allowing Putin to invade Korea. :lol: Nancy Pelousy would pitch a shit-fit claiming the press has the first amendment right to lie through their teeth. Real PANIC would set in without a few days....they'd start printing rumors of grand schemes and conspiracies and demand access. All of which would be ignored while the American public sits laughing our asses would be glorious. :thup:
As if the present situation isn't bad enough the Democrats would be more than willing to fill the void if GOP went cold turkey on MSM.

Fill the void with what? Everything they lie about is based on news reports...without the news reports they don't have anything to lie about...and then they start in with their hilarious hunches......Anything the Rats added to the MSM blackout would be win-win.
Im from the Bureau of Chill Out, and I'm gonna have to ask you to chill out.

I once ran that bureau.....does Beverly still work there? great tits, put out like a hooker on nickel night. :boobies:
Did you get her first or was their a long line?
The sloppier the seconds the better
Someone has to clean up, and the MSM would pun the absent minded president..Where is he this week? Tanning?
As if the present situation isn't bad enough the Democrats would be more than willing to fill the void if GOP went cold turkey on MSM.

Fill the void with what? Everything they lie about is based on news reports...without the news reports they don't have anything to lie about...and then they start in with their hilarious hunches......Anything the Rats added to the MSM blackout would be win-win.

I may be misunderstanding your point. Looking at it from the other side, are you saying conservative talk radio wouldn't have had anything to talk about these last 8 years if their sources had to come only from Republicans? Heck that's pretty much the way it was and they filled hours-upon-hours each weekday.
It's time for the scum-sucking MSM to be locked out of the loop....give them NOTHING.
Throw them out of the WH press room, no more Spicer briefing, no more Sunday morning talk shows....they get NOTHING. Since they invent most of what they print and broadcast why not let them go whole-hog? Starvation is the diet they two weeks their advertisers will start to abandon two months they'll be in real trouble. So they come begging for stories pretending to be chastened and ready to mend their we forgive them? HELL NO.


the President needs his own press.
I may be misunderstanding your point. Looking at it from the other side, are you saying conservative talk radio wouldn't have had anything to talk about these last 8 years if their sources had to come only from Republicans? Heck that's pretty much the way it was and they filled hours-upon-hours each weekday.

Conservative talk radio wouldn't be included in the blackout...nor would Drudge or other conservative blogs. The people would still get the news, but the MSM would have to steal it from rightwing sites.....and get caught at plagiarizing and copyright infringement.....again, win win. :eusa_angel:
I may be misunderstanding your point. Looking at it from the other side, are you saying conservative talk radio wouldn't have had anything to talk about these last 8 years if their sources had to come only from Republicans? Heck that's pretty much the way it was and they filled hours-upon-hours each weekday.

Conservative talk radio wouldn't be included in the blackout...nor would Drudge or other conservative blogs. The people would still get the news, but the MSM would have to steal it from rightwing sites.....and get caught at plagiarizing and copyright infringement.....again, win win. :eusa_angel:

Okay that explains why we're seeing this from a different perspective. I'm under the illusion that the MSM source has been talking points issued by the DNC and you're saying that's not the case they've been listening to the GOP.
I may be misunderstanding your point. Looking at it from the other side, are you saying conservative talk radio wouldn't have had anything to talk about these last 8 years if their sources had to come only from Republicans? Heck that's pretty much the way it was and they filled hours-upon-hours each weekday.

Conservative talk radio wouldn't be included in the blackout...nor would Drudge or other conservative blogs. The people would still get the news, but the MSM would have to steal it from rightwing sites.....and get caught at plagiarizing and copyright infringement.....again, win win. :eusa_angel:

"News is something someone wants suppressed. Everything else is just advertising." - Alfred Charles William Harmsworth

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