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No One Has a Right to Health Care

No, I'm not a Republican. And you keep repeating that you are entitled to spend my money as you see fit. If I want to spend my money as I see fit I am "greedy" and "selfish." Do you have any other tunes to play or just that one?

And the ideas that charity is an act which is performed by government and no one else are both idiotic
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.
No trust in the democrats what so ever eh, so how long will this war actually go on ?
. You are why the Republicans (if you claim to be one) are so stereotypical of a bunch of greedy heartless human beings as according to huge numbers in this nation now. Like I said before, what would you people do if you didn't have the poor folks in society to blanket label as being just bad people all around in society, and so you do this in order to cover up how you were out to steal from them in which made them poor in many cases also ? What you have stolen in the past from the system that you controlled with the help of government, and that you set up to get away with has been revealed. Now you all do flips just to keep the rest of the nation from knowing exactly how bad you really are in life, and it has come out over time now, and that is why you have lost elections for way to long when it comes to fixing things. The so called establishment Republican party needs to disenfranchise itself from some bad cats if they want to win the nation back, but as is being seen now, a Democrat in a repub shirt is actually who has to win it for the Republicans (I.e. Donald Trump), because they are to ignorant to win it with one of their own (I.e. Jeb Bush) or some others who have since fallen by the wayside..

No, I'm not a Republican. And you keep repeating that you are entitled to spend my money as you see fit. If I want to spend my money as I see fit I am "greedy" and "selfish." Do you have any other tunes to play or just that one?

And the ideas that charity is an act which is performed by government and no one else are both idiotic
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

That isn't an analogy Holmes.

I want to decide what to do with the money I earned

You call that greedy. You want to decide what to do with the money I earned.

I totally oppose our welfare state, it's a dependency system. Private charities have every incentive to get people to support themselves. Politicians have every incentive to keep people dependent on them. It's a guaranteed voter base.

how are you not following this?
Perhaps I can explain it better.

When it comes to government anything, you can't have it without it being politicized.

Do you think the intent of Commie Care was to have everybody insured? Of course not, the intent was to create as many more government dependents as they could while coming off as looking like the good guy.

When the nominees are picked, watch the discussions that take place between them during the debates. It's the same ole all the time. The Democrat candidate will tell people what the Republican candidate wants to take away from them.

So we have this national healthcare thing going on. Every presidential debate will be about how the Republicans want to take away your healthcare coverage, and that will insure Democrat leadership for a very long time. It's easy to scare people.

So I don't want it because it would create such opportunities for Democrats that we would slowly sink into Socialism or worse. Think of the SC judges Democrats would nominate!!!!
. Why not beat the dems with their own game, and beat them to the punch instead of always playing defence after you have poured their poison into your system ? The plan I offered would be such an easy plan to execute, and it would give a basic coverage to all whether they use it or not. And if they want more for things like face lifts, cosmetics, birth control, sex operations etc. Then they can purchase that type of coverage as something they choose to have on their own. The thing about the rich wanting a so called better coverage in which they would seek after also, is that if there is enough of them, and the market place knows this, then it will move to set prices based upon their needs mostly. This causes them to pay more for their care, and it causes us to have to pay extreme prices also. Not sure how this type of situation would be figured out but it needs to be always worked on.
In a time where their are so many rich in this nation anymore, it's so wonder the most of us can afford anything anymore. In fact if it we're not for the government, then how would it all play out ?

Funny how your plans always involve other people's money, then you call us greedy because you whaaa-nt our money and we don't want to give it to you
. Laugh... Give it to me eh ?

Absolutely. whether you have it in your hands or not, it's to go to your objectives, not mine. I believe in private charities, they are far more effective. Why do you think Buffett and Gates buy an army of accountants to evade taxes? Why don't they give government money? They always advocate it
I would participate in a group plan in that so you could have a great rate on your healthcare in a skinny minute, because I would know that I would get the same in return. Just comes down to who is handling the account, and can it be trusted. We have work to do in this nation.

If it's a government system, that isn't going to happen. Have you been following the cost of Obamacare policies? They aren't going down...
Perhaps I can explain it better.

When it comes to government anything, you can't have it without it being politicized.

Do you think the intent of Commie Care was to have everybody insured? Of course not, the intent was to create as many more government dependents as they could while coming off as looking like the good guy.

When the nominees are picked, watch the discussions that take place between them during the debates. It's the same ole all the time. The Democrat candidate will tell people what the Republican candidate wants to take away from them.

So we have this national healthcare thing going on. Every presidential debate will be about how the Republicans want to take away your healthcare coverage, and that will insure Democrat leadership for a very long time. It's easy to scare people.

So I don't want it because it would create such opportunities for Democrats that we would slowly sink into Socialism or worse. Think of the SC judges Democrats would nominate!!!!
. Why not beat the dems with their own game, and beat them to the punch instead of always playing defence after you have poured their poison into your system ? The plan I offered would be such an easy plan to execute, and it would give a basic coverage to all whether they use it or not. And if they want more for things like face lifts, cosmetics, birth control, sex operations etc. Then they can purchase that type of coverage as something they choose to have on their own. The thing about the rich wanting a so called better coverage in which they would seek after also, is that if there is enough of them, and the market place knows this, then it will move to set prices based upon their needs mostly. This causes them to pay more for their care, and it causes us to have to pay extreme prices also. Not sure how this type of situation would be figured out but it needs to be always worked on.
In a time where their are so many rich in this nation anymore, it's so wonder the most of us can afford anything anymore. In fact if it we're not for the government, then how would it all play out ?

As I've said so many times before, if we could take all the so called poor (or as I call--lazy) out of our country, put them on an island somewhere, they would hardly be missed. In fact, our society would become stronger and better.

Do the exact same thing with our wealthy, and the country collapses. How many rich there are in the country doesn't determine what I can or cannot afford. That's based on the pay I bring home.

What are the solutions to our problems? Tax the rich!!!

Free college--tax the rich
Pay off our debt--tax the rich
Free healthcare--tax the rich
Repair our crumbling infrastructure--tax the rich
Renewable energy--tax the rich
Reduce our deficit--tax the rich
Take care of our homeless--tax the rich

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
. No it's not about taxing the rich more than what is fair for them (that's idiotic thinking), but it could be more about price controls on some products and services offered maybe by the healthcare industry. Maybe an evaluation of products & services should be done as is needed, and then in the study and/or evaluation it is hopefully learned upon how much is fair for the producers to then place as a value on their products, along with their healthcare services offered in this country. Maybe a percentage could be agreed upon that is above cost for the sell and profit return expected, where as how much above the actual cost of a product to be produced should the percentage on the return be or how much should the profit be as the same ? The study would need to know how much the actual retai valuel would be after it has been handled by the producer and the retailer all the way to the shelf or how much the value of a service should be also ? Otherwise how much should products and services be allowed to be charged the citizens in this nation when all is said and done ? With all the differences in class or levels that people are on in this nation, then shouldn't it be that there is a way to get a good price in which put's many healthcare product's or services in line more with being available to far more Americans? Wouldn't it be better for all, and done in a more fair and reasonable cost to us all ? I think there are laws against gouging right now anyways right? But are they actually enforced ever anymore ? Now if you are in a supply and demand chain where you are moving millions of cheap or good products at a time, then all I can say is you are one rich person is what you are. Bill Gates comes to mind, and Henry Ford for another example. Now I am not for government intervention in any of these ways, but if things get to out of line then who brings the balance back into play ? The whole thing is rigged really, and some are pawns, while others are just sick abusive control freaks being allowed to rape and pilage without consequence for their own self interest. .

Government controlling the economy always leads to the same thing. Wealth for politicians and poverty for the rest of us. Look at the shitty economy we've had the last decade. Thank you Obama and W. Useless political hacks.

Now there's the "greed" you keep looking for
. Don't know really, because the free market has had control for years and years, but the gap just kept widening more and more. It appears that the government was actually forced in by them, and was actually given the prize to rule with a heavier hand by the people who were fed up with being abused in some of the crucial market place's that were dealing in class warfare within the system that was at hand. The rich brought alot of this pain upon themselves, but they won't admit it for nothing.

if you think our markets are free, you don't know what free markets are. It's endless tax and regulation.

Reagan: Government isn't the solution to our problem. Government is the problem
No, I'm not a Republican. And you keep repeating that you are entitled to spend my money as you see fit. If I want to spend my money as I see fit I am "greedy" and "selfish." Do you have any other tunes to play or just that one?

And the ideas that charity is an act which is performed by government and no one else are both idiotic
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.

Willie Sutton: {Why do you rob banks?} because that's where the money is...
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.
No trust in the democrats what so ever eh, so how long will this war actually go on ?

Democrats are completely untrustworthy. They are like Republicans in that
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.
No trust in the democrats what so ever eh, so how long will this war actually go on ?

I didn't know there was a war going on. What war do you speak of?
No, I'm not a Republican. And you keep repeating that you are entitled to spend my money as you see fit. If I want to spend my money as I see fit I am "greedy" and "selfish." Do you have any other tunes to play or just that one?

And the ideas that charity is an act which is performed by government and no one else are both idiotic
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

That isn't an analogy Holmes.

I want to decide what to do with the money I earned

You call that greedy. You want to decide what to do with the money I earned.

I totally oppose our welfare state, it's a dependency system. Private charities have every incentive to get people to support themselves. Politicians have every incentive to keep people dependent on them. It's a guaranteed voter base.

how are you not following this?
. I am following, but can't help but think about the things you participate in now, and if you were so adament that you shouldn't be, so why do you still do it ? Why don't you form a rebellion to get out of it all or is it that you figure that the set up of government was OK for you once upon a time, lets say under Reagan, Bush, Nixon, Johnson or who ever else you would defend to the end right?
If any of these cats running government wanted you to participate in something, you would without hesitation I bet..... Hey government is government, and just because a dem is in charge, doesn't mean that their isn't people still getting hammered beneath the surface. Are they just sacrificial lambs until the government comes back into Republican hands, and what happens to all the ones who are hated if your idea of leadership takes charge again ? Will they be sent to camps to be de-democrated, and re-programmed to join your human race again ? LOL
. Why not beat the dems with their own game, and beat them to the punch instead of always playing defence after you have poured their poison into your system ? The plan I offered would be such an easy plan to execute, and it would give a basic coverage to all whether they use it or not. And if they want more for things like face lifts, cosmetics, birth control, sex operations etc. Then they can purchase that type of coverage as something they choose to have on their own. The thing about the rich wanting a so called better coverage in which they would seek after also, is that if there is enough of them, and the market place knows this, then it will move to set prices based upon their needs mostly. This causes them to pay more for their care, and it causes us to have to pay extreme prices also. Not sure how this type of situation would be figured out but it needs to be always worked on.
In a time where their are so many rich in this nation anymore, it's so wonder the most of us can afford anything anymore. In fact if it we're not for the government, then how would it all play out ?

Funny how your plans always involve other people's money, then you call us greedy because you whaaa-nt our money and we don't want to give it to you
. Laugh... Give it to me eh ?

Absolutely. whether you have it in your hands or not, it's to go to your objectives, not mine. I believe in private charities, they are far more effective. Why do you think Buffett and Gates buy an army of accountants to evade taxes? Why don't they give government money? They always advocate it
I would participate in a group plan in that so you could have a great rate on your healthcare in a skinny minute, because I would know that I would get the same in return. Just comes down to who is handling the account, and can it be trusted. We have work to do in this nation.

If it's a government system, that isn't going to happen. Have you been following the cost of Obamacare policies? They aren't going down...
. Obamacare was a ruse and an agenda riddled disaster.
. You keep claiming that your money is your money, (OK fair enough, and I feel the same way about what I've earned in life just as well), but how do I know how you came about your so called money ? How do I know how bad you have hurt society by taking more than you earned when you claimed you earned it, and then you haven't or won't give anything back because you are to selfish and greedy to do so ? How do I know how many there are out there like you ? Hey if you don't fit the profile, then keep on fighting is what I say about it all. However if you do fit the profile then you reveal your greed and selfishness in society with every word spoken. Like a wise man once said to.me, " if you make a dollar and make it right, then it will settle right on down in your pocket, and it will be there, but if you make a dollar wrong, then it will jump around, and jump around until it jumps right out". You just can't hold onto it. Hey I'm against all the mismanagement in our government, the private sector etc., but within it all we should be able to make healthcare a right under a certain program that is agreed upon by a majority in this nation.

Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

That isn't an analogy Holmes.

I want to decide what to do with the money I earned

You call that greedy. You want to decide what to do with the money I earned.

I totally oppose our welfare state, it's a dependency system. Private charities have every incentive to get people to support themselves. Politicians have every incentive to keep people dependent on them. It's a guaranteed voter base.

how are you not following this?
. I am following, but can't help but think about the things you participate in now, and if you were so adament that you shouldn't be, so why do you still do it ? Why don't you form a rebellion to get out of it all or is it that you figure that the set up of government was OK for you once upon a time, lets say under Reagan, Bush, Nixon, Johnson or who ever else you would defend to the end right?
If any of these cats running government wanted you to participate in something, you would without hesitation I bet..... Hey government is government, and just because a dem is in charge, doesn't mean that their isn't people still getting hammered beneath the surface. Are they just sacrificial lambs until the government comes back into Republican hands, and what happens to all the ones who are hated if your idea of leadership takes charge again ? Will they be sent to camps to be de-democrated, and re-programmed to join your human race again ? LOL

If I want to stage a rebellion, that's up to me, not you.

What about you? You support the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars or are you starting a rebellion?
Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.
No trust in the democrats what so ever eh, so how long will this war actually go on ?

I didn't know there was a war going on. What war do you speak of?
Oh it's clear there is a war, I mean all one has to do is read right?
Funny how your plans always involve other people's money, then you call us greedy because you whaaa-nt our money and we don't want to give it to you
. Laugh... Give it to me eh ?

Absolutely. whether you have it in your hands or not, it's to go to your objectives, not mine. I believe in private charities, they are far more effective. Why do you think Buffett and Gates buy an army of accountants to evade taxes? Why don't they give government money? They always advocate it
I would participate in a group plan in that so you could have a great rate on your healthcare in a skinny minute, because I would know that I would get the same in return. Just comes down to who is handling the account, and can it be trusted. We have work to do in this nation.

If it's a government system, that isn't going to happen. Have you been following the cost of Obamacare policies? They aren't going down...
. Obamacare was a ruse and an agenda riddled disaster.

Yet you think the government that created that fiasco can do it right if they get another shot at it? Based on what?
Gotcha, if you don't know how I earned my money, then you're free to take it with guns. Again it's my greed that keeps me from agreeing to you confiscating my money and your ability to buy votes with it. Shame on me. You robbing people with guns, or politicians doing it on your behalf? You don't see any greed in that!

If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

That isn't an analogy Holmes.

I want to decide what to do with the money I earned

You call that greedy. You want to decide what to do with the money I earned.

I totally oppose our welfare state, it's a dependency system. Private charities have every incentive to get people to support themselves. Politicians have every incentive to keep people dependent on them. It's a guaranteed voter base.

how are you not following this?
. I am following, but can't help but think about the things you participate in now, and if you were so adament that you shouldn't be, so why do you still do it ? Why don't you form a rebellion to get out of it all or is it that you figure that the set up of government was OK for you once upon a time, lets say under Reagan, Bush, Nixon, Johnson or who ever else you would defend to the end right?
If any of these cats running government wanted you to participate in something, you would without hesitation I bet..... Hey government is government, and just because a dem is in charge, doesn't mean that their isn't people still getting hammered beneath the surface. Are they just sacrificial lambs until the government comes back into Republican hands, and what happens to all the ones who are hated if your idea of leadership takes charge again ? Will they be sent to camps to be de-democrated, and re-programmed to join your human race again ? LOL

If I want to stage a rebellion, that's up to me, not you.

What about you? You support the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars or are you starting a rebellion?
I am for finishing what is started. I like Trumps opinions on that.
Any sovereign country should be able to decide the rights for its own citizens.
If they decide that healthcare is a right then yes, it's a right.
Some countries don't believe that even freedom of speech is a right.
. Laugh... Give it to me eh ?

Absolutely. whether you have it in your hands or not, it's to go to your objectives, not mine. I believe in private charities, they are far more effective. Why do you think Buffett and Gates buy an army of accountants to evade taxes? Why don't they give government money? They always advocate it
I would participate in a group plan in that so you could have a great rate on your healthcare in a skinny minute, because I would know that I would get the same in return. Just comes down to who is handling the account, and can it be trusted. We have work to do in this nation.

If it's a government system, that isn't going to happen. Have you been following the cost of Obamacare policies? They aren't going down...
. Obamacare was a ruse and an agenda riddled disaster.

Yet you think the government that created that fiasco can do it right if they get another shot at it? Based on what?
. You think government is controlled by the same clowns each election cycle ? No you don't, but when someone is elected, no one follows up when they don't do their job... Everybody just lets the donor class win, and we the people lose. Might hopefully be different this time, but who knows really..
Any sovereign country should be able to decide the rights for its own citizens.
If they decide that healthcare is a right then yes, it's a right.
Some countries don't believe that even freedom of speech is a right.

With freedom of speech (or any freedom in this country) you don't have to tax other people to have it. With healthcare, you do.

It's not a right to vote money out of my pocket just because I may have it. That's not a right--that's theft. Theft is the act of taking a persons property against their will.
If it is greed, then who is greedier? The one who makes money and wants to keep it, or one that doesn't make money and wants yours?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.
No trust in the democrats what so ever eh, so how long will this war actually go on ?

I didn't know there was a war going on. What war do you speak of?
Oh it's clear there is a war, I mean all one has to do is read right?

No, I read your reply twice and have no real answer. The Dems vs Repubs? The rich vs poor? The haves vs the have not's? What war?
Any sovereign country should be able to decide the rights for its own citizens.
If they decide that healthcare is a right then yes, it's a right.
Some countries don't believe that even freedom of speech is a right.

With freedom of speech (or any freedom in this country) you don't have to tax other people to have it. With healthcare, you do.

It's not a right to vote money out of my pocket just because I may have it. That's not a right--that's theft. Theft is the act of taking a persons property against their will.
. Like I said before, do you ride down a wagon trail when you leave your home or do you ride down streets with culverts, ditches, drainage, sidewalks, lamp post etc? Do you think a street is more important than human life ?
. Why all this ridiculous analogies, when the issue is far more complex than something as simple as your answers in this way ? I guess it's just junk food for the low information gullible voter out there is what it is. No one is wanting a dime of what someone else has or has earned, but rather just a fair and just option to participate just like the next human being has for his or her care. Why wouldn't any American want their fellow American to have equal access to quality care on demand, unless you are of course in favor of class warfare, and you look at your fellow Americans as either they are given the OK by you to join in or they should be left to die like dogs by you, so which is it ? Now remember that all sorts of stereo typing has gone on here, so which category do you place people in, and then should you be the one making the call as to their value of life or not ?

Of course they want the wealthy to pay for everything. Look at other social issue topics on this forum. All the liberals state we should be taking more money from those who have it, or as they comfortably like to say, PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!

Whenever they discuss having this or that, and we ask how they want it to be paid for, they always reply with Tax The Rich!!!!

National healthcare would be no different. The Democrats would make sure the wealthy pay the most and get the least. That's the way they always want it.
No trust in the democrats what so ever eh, so how long will this war actually go on ?

I didn't know there was a war going on. What war do you speak of?
Oh it's clear there is a war, I mean all one has to do is read right?

No, I read your reply twice and have no real answer. The Dems vs Repubs? The rich vs poor? The haves vs the have not's? What war?
. Take your pick, it's all going on in some form or another. Just depends on who is conducting the war's that ends up being the rub be it one way or the other.
Any sovereign country should be able to decide the rights for its own citizens.
If they decide that healthcare is a right then yes, it's a right.
Some countries don't believe that even freedom of speech is a right.

Government decides what our rights are? You have no idea what the US Constitution is

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