No one is going to take your guns

Obama wants to ban rifles, shotguns and handguns.
He actively campaigns for this, especially when he has the blood of innocents to stand in.
It is impossible to soundly argue otherwise.
The assault weapons ban was not renewed because there were not enough votes as AW are what many people lawfully defend their families and property with.

There are existing laws preventing mentally incompetent from owning / purchasing weapons.

plus the fact that it was a stupid ineffective law

and that is why they put an expiration date on it
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The assault weapons ban was not renewed because there were not enough votes as AW are what many people lawfully defend their families and property with.

There are existing laws preventing mentally incompetent from owning / purchasing weapons.


This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

Then those laws aren't working and you come up with a law that does.

The Assault Weapons ban was not renewed because the Scumwads in the NRA have Congress' balls in a lockbox.
Good God it just all sound so REASONABLE. Till you look closely.
Thank you for helping to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, igorance and/or dishonesty.
To wit:

I know that the family that visits the cemetery to visit the grave of their 2 year old son...
Appeal to emotion.

In terms of fear. It has always been my experience that the guy talking about what a bad ass he is, has the least balls to back up his rhetoric. That being said, no doubt that there are some real "fearful" people out there with a gun. And when they get the chance, their fear will have them shooting an unarmed person when they think it possible. Fear does that.
Appeal to emotion.

Would help the gun nutters case immensely if they would come out and admit that there are a lot of law abiding folks that have no business with a gun. And then implement changes necessary to restrict access to certain kinds of people.
Ignorance/dishonesty. No one disagrees that certain people should not have guns.
These people, of course, are already banned from having guns.

Like men under the age of 30.
Ignorance/dishonesty. There's no sound argument to support this position.

Get caught with ANY gun while under the age of 30, go to jail till you are past the age of 30.
Hows that sound?
Like a typical anti-gun loon, arguing from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Again, thank you for helping to prove the premise.
This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

I am all for placing mental health records in the NCIS. Why do Dems block that ?
The assault weapons ban was not renewed because there were not enough votes as AW are what many people lawfully defend their families and property with.

There are existing laws preventing mentally incompetent from owning / purchasing weapons.


This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

Then those laws aren't working and you come up with a law that does.

The Assault Weapons ban was not renewed because the Scumwads in the NRA have Congress' balls in a lockbox.

the law was not followed

homes was able to skate

when he should have been committed
This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

I am all for placing mental health records in the NCIS. Why do Dems block that ?

Not sure that they do, but there is something called HIPPA out there.

But the real problem is, Joker Holmes walking into a store, and even though EVERYONE in his life knew he was nutz, he was able to buy guns anyway.

But when you say gun ownership is a "right", that's kind of what you get.
The assault weapons ban was not renewed because there were not enough votes as AW are what many people lawfully defend their families and property with.

There are existing laws preventing mentally incompetent from owning / purchasing weapons.

What some people fail to realize is that you cannot enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law.

In some cases, this failure to realize is intentional.
The assault weapons ban was not renewed because there were not enough votes as AW are what many people lawfully defend their families and property with.

There are existing laws preventing mentally incompetent from owning / purchasing weapons.


This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

Then those laws aren't working and you come up with a law that does.

The Assault Weapons ban was not renewed because the Scumwads in the NRA have Congress' balls in a lockbox.
the law was not followed
It's my undestanding that there was no legal basis for deying Holmes the purchase of a firearm.
Meanwhile, as conservatives post their usual moronic, irrelevant idiocy…

Ad hominem, thus admitting you have nothing else.

Nowhere in the United States is ‘gun confiscation’ occurring...

Outright lie.

nor is it likely to occur; and the New York law, although poorly drafted and in need of repeal or invalidation, in no way authorizes ‘confiscation,’ as that would violate the Takings Clause of the 5th Amendment absent due process and just compensation.

Again, outright lie.

Of course, conservatives will continue to ignore these facts, and continue to propagate their lies.

And back to the ad hom bullshit.

Weak, boy, even by your low standards.

You forgot to cite the case where a citizen’s gun was confiscated and he filed for an administrative hearing to challenge the taking, unless that due process occurs and just compensation is determined by a court, no ‘confiscation’ has taken place.

And ‘proof’ of ‘confiscation’ is not in the OP, the OP was already challenged to cite a confiscation case in New York pursuant to the new law, and he’s failed to provide that proof. A letter explaining the law’s requirements from a disreputable rightwing website does not constitute ‘proof.’

This is yet another lie propagated by the right.

Again, there is no ‘gun confiscation’ taking place anywhere in the United States, and no law exists authorizing ‘confiscation.’ Private property cannot be taken by government absent due process and just compensation - and if that's indeed occurring, you should have no trouble citing such a case.
This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

I am all for placing mental health records in the NCIS. Why do Dems block that ?
You can have all the mental health records in NICS you want - unless the prospective gun buyer has been adjudicated metanlly unsound (or somesuch), NICS will not block the sale.


Because regardless of your mental health record, its not illegal to buy a gun unless you have been adjudicated metanlly unsound (or somesuch).
Yawn, guy, whenever I hear a wingnut scream about "Freedom", it usually defending someone's right to act like a douchebag with no concern about anyone else.

you don't need a gun, and your having a gun is a threat to everyone else.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut fantasizing about all the people he can't wait to shoot.

Laughter ...

I would like to see you walk across the back stretch of the property where I live ... Come face to face with a 450 pound wild hog.
There is a reasonable chance I would find you in pieces ... Then you can explain why I don't need a firearm ... And how I couldn't have saved you from being mangled.

The chances of the hog tearing you up are far more probable than one of my weapons ever being used in commission of a crime ... City Boy.


the law was not followed

homes was able to skate

when he should have been committed

No, the problem was he was able to buy a gun, not that he wasn't committed.

he was being treated by three mental health professionals

all of which knew he was bat shit crazy and dangerous

had they done their part

his day in court would have been about his sanity

not about his murder spree
Obama wants to ban rifles, shotguns and handguns.
He actively campaigns for this, especially when he has the blood of innocents to stand in.
It is impossible to soundly argue otherwise.
Ignorant, hyperbolic, partisan nonsense.
Such idiocy isn’t worthy of ‘argument.’
Translatuion: You know you cannot soundly argue otherwise, and so to cover your inability to do so, you instead sling ad homs.

Obama openly supports banning 'assault weapons'.
'Assault weapons' are, by the text of the legislation He supports, rifles, handguns and shotguns.
Thus, Obama suppoorts banning rifles handguns and shotguns.

Please - provide a sound argument to the contrary.

Don't worry - we both know you cannot.

This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

Then those laws aren't working and you come up with a law that does.

The Assault Weapons ban was not renewed because the Scumwads in the NRA have Congress' balls in a lockbox.
the law was not followed
It's my undestanding that there was no legal basis for deying Holmes the purchase of a firearm.

It's my undestanding that there was no legal basis for deying Holmes the purchase of a firearm

yes because he was kept on the down low

had any of the three mental health care professionals

reported him he would have had a sanity hearing

before this happened
This is what you guys don't seem to get. If you have a law to keep Joker Holmes from getting a gun, and he is able to walk into a gun store, Orange hair and all, doing his bad Heath Ledger impersonation, and they say, "Oh, hey, here's a semi-automatic rifle AND a 100 round drum magazine!"-

I am all for placing mental health records in the NCIS. Why do Dems block that ?
You can have all the mental health records in NICS you want - unless the prospective gun buyer has been adjudicated metanlly unsound (or somesuch), NICS will not block the sale.


Because regardless of your mental health record, its not illegal to buy a gun unless you have been adjudicated metanlly unsound (or somesuch).

Then that's a screwed up law.

How about instead of having to have the government prove you are insane before you can have a death-machine, you have to prove you aren't.

You know, do something like a BACKGROUND Check.

You see, the thing about these mass shooters is that we always end up finding out how crazy they were after they got a gun.

This last one, the one who shot up the Navy Yard, shit, he was freakin' hearing voices in his head.

And he was able to get a gun.
And this thread illustrates the problem with irresponsible rightists, where the New York law is clearly un-Constitutional: it lacks a rational basis, it’s devoid of objective facts and evidence in support of the restrictions, and it’s riddled with conflicting provisions even its authors concede make enforcement problematic.

But rather than attacking the merits of the law, nitwit rightwing extremists have contrived this ‘confiscation’ nonsense which not only fails to convince anyone the law should be repealed or invalidated, but actually has some defending the law.

Once again we see proof that rightwing ‘gun rights’ extremists pose a greater threat to our rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any ‘gun grabber.’
Again, there is no ‘gun confiscation’ taking place anywhere in the United States, and no law exists authorizing ‘confiscation.’ Private property cannot be taken by government absent due process and just compensation - and if that's indeed occurring, you should have no trouble citing such a case.

Let me guess ... You don't duck hunt do you?


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