No one is going to take your guns



I'm showing you cases of real gun control Joe the Super Liberal...........

Like this one.............Hell, I think we should give him a marksman award.......

Name: Veteran Shoots and Kills Home Intruder

State: KY

A 92-year-old farmer and veteran fatally shot an intruder in his home. The homeowner said that he heard a noise in his basement at around 2 am and grabbed his rifle. The intruder came up the stairs and kicked open the basement door to his home. The homeowner, Earl Jones, sat in a chair with a clear view of the door and fired when the intruder burst in.

Works for me!
Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?

It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed, all the convenient suicides, all the domestic heat of the moment killing etc. If they would just come out and say that these killings are a price that they are willing for us to bear all so they can indulge in their fantasies of killing an intruder or stopping a robbery or what ever other fears they live with every day.

Just profess your love of the 2nd and your fear of the bad guys.

Under Obamacare, maybe you can all afford your mental health help.
Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?
So the entire military is GUN NUTTERS.

So the entire polics force is GUN NUTTERS.

So the Secret Service that protects obama is GUN NUTTERS?

On and on and on...

... you got any other STUPID things to say, moron?
Whhhaaah, I'm going to put you on ignore. Whhhaaaahhh....


GMAFB- I don't use ignore period. Scratch that, I used to have one troll on the list but I took him off after his little 'vacation'. The ignore list is a cop out for those who can't handle the pressure.


Actually, I put Ernie on my ignore list because he kept harrassing me with PM's.

Oh, that could be a PITA.

I like hearing what the loons from the left are thinking. Helps explain the actions of both parties in Washington


"I like hearing what the liberal loons from the left are feeeeeeeling." ..., now it is more correct :up:

let me help you with the above statement, liberals are totally incapable of "THINKING".., they "FEEL", just listen to them, liberal interviewers will always say "how do you feel about_______", "what do you feel about ______".

just pay attention to their speech in an interview, 99 times of 100 they will insert "FEEL" in their questioning of a interviewee. :up:
Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?

It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed, all the convenient suicides, all the domestic heat of the moment killing etc. If they would just come out and say that these killings are a price that they are willing for us to bear all so they can indulge in their fantasies of killing an intruder or stopping a robbery or what ever other fears they live with every day.

Just profess your love of the 2nd and your fear of the bad guys.

Under Obamacare, maybe you can all afford your mental health help.

Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?

It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed, all the convenient suicides, all the domestic heat of the moment killing etc. If they would just come out and say that these killings are a price that they are willing for us to bear all so they can indulge in their fantasies of killing an intruder or stopping a robbery or what ever other fears they live with every day.

Just profess your love of the 2nd and your fear of the bad guys.

Under Obamacare, maybe you can all afford your mental health help.

Guns save lives


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Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?

It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed, all the convenient suicides, all the domestic heat of the moment killing etc. If they would just come out and say that these killings are a price that they are willing for us to bear all so they can indulge in their fantasies of killing an intruder or stopping a robbery or what ever other fears they live with every day.

Just profess your love of the 2nd and your fear of the bad guys.

Under Obamacare, maybe you can all afford your mental health help.

And another crawls out from under the rock.

We need mental health because we believe in the right to own guns............

We believe in the Constitution, SHAME ON US..............

Which is why they attack the Constitution, that document they can't stand..............And it stands in their way here...................Until they get their Liberal Judges in place...........In which case they'll use the legal system to get rid of guns, which is their plan..............

Appoint liberal hacks to the Supremes to get their way...................

But for now, the only way you can change it is to AMEND THE CONSTITUTION..................Too damn bad................We can only hope to ensure you never take the Supreme Court with your Radical elements of the law................

These Liberal Idiots want a Pure Democracy, NOT A REPUBLIC..............

Their Ideals to IMPOSE THEIR WILL on the people should be fought as every turn.

and so the battle against Socialist Liberals continues.............

Tune in next week as Joe the Liberal proclaims it's for your own good again...........

Do you think these guys in the next video care about your Laws..........................

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Name: Knife-Wielding Assailant Shot

State: MO

Kansas City, Missouri: On the evening of December 29, 2005, a knife-wielding man forced his way into a residence, even though one of the residents had a restraining order against him. While struggling with one resident, and swinging his knife threateningly, the second resident shot him. The intruder died at a hospital, proving once again that a gun is a more effective protector than a court document. Police did not release the names of the persons involved.
It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed

Actually zeke, when you consider that crazy fucks that try to kill kids are only stopped by someone with another firearm, we gun rights supporters actually show GREAT concern for those kids because by what we advocate because it helps to increase the likelihood that a good guy with a gun will be there to stop the bad guy more quickly, therefore saving lives. That restrictions you advocate ensure it will take longer for the bad guy to be stopped. If one looks at the reality of your gun free zones and other restrictions that ensure the bad guys have a tactical advantage, it would appear your side "doesn't give a flying fuck" about those kills. Ironic.

, all the convenient suicides,

If that's true, then tell us why Japan, with it's virtual restriction on civilian firearm ownership, has a suicide rate so high that their combined murder/suicide rate is IDENTICAL to that of the US? Why do all those Scandinavian countries with no guns have such high suicide rates? With all our firearms, we have a minuscule rate of suicide, which proves firearms in no way make suicides "convenient". Nor do facts when it comes to supporting your overwhelming bias, I understand.

all the domestic heat of the moment killing etc.

You speak as though we have the worlds highest murder rate. Do you realize we're not even close? That's right, America doesn't make the list of the top 100 countries by murder rate. Further most of the countries in that top 100 list have bans on civilian firearm ownership, while we have the highest rate of firearm ownership. Shouldn't we be at the top of the list with all those guns???

Further, most of our murders occur in specific parts of a few counties, where the murdering citizens of those neighborhoods are either in gangs or otherwise prone to violence at the drop of a hat. The rates of domestic violence, murder, violent crime, rape, etc outside of those few enclaves is every bid as low, or lower, than countries with the lowest rates of such things...despite all our firearms. Interestingly, disarmed England and Australia have higher rates of violent crime and rape than America. With no deterrent of self defense, the thugs there have the upper hand. Is that what you want?

If they would just come out and say that these killings are a price that they are willing for us to bear

Those 100+ countries with higher murder rates than the US despite their disarmed populace, what is the price they're bearing for all those killings? Your suggestion here lacks logic and reason.

all so they can indulge in their fantasies of killing an intruder or stopping a robbery or what ever other fears they live with every day.

You don't get to impose emotions on others. We DON'T live in fear because we are prepared to deal with an emergency situation that may require the use of a firearm. You however, are free to cower in your gun free zone corner and wait for someone else to save your ass. Good luck with that.

Just profess your love of the 2nd and your fear of the bad guys.

I fear no man. But with all your talk of fear, I'm guessing your projecting here.

And yes, I love the all the Bill of Rights. Do you?

Under Obamacare, maybe you can all afford your mental health help.

A sure sign that your argument is weak is when you resort to implying your opponent is insane. Perhaps you'd like to try again with a more cogent, fact-based retort?
It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed, all the convenient suicides, all the domestic heat of the moment killing etc.

Isn't it odd to realize that when any of those things happen, you call a man/woman who carries firearms to deal with them?
Meanwhile, as conservatives post their usual moronic, irrelevant idiocy…

Nowhere in the United States is ‘gun confiscation’ occurring, nor is it likely to occur; and the New York law, although poorly drafted and in need of repeal or invalidation, in no way authorizes ‘confiscation,’ as that would violate the Takings Clause of the 5th Amendment absent due process and just compensation.

Of course, conservatives will continue to ignore these facts, and continue to propagate their lies.
Meanwhile, as conservatives post their usual moronic, irrelevant idiocy…

Nowhere in the United States is ‘gun confiscation’ occurring, nor is it likely to occur; and the New York law, although poorly drafted and in need of repeal or invalidation, in no way authorizes ‘confiscation,’ as that would violate the Takings Clause of the 5th Amendment absent due process and just compensation.

Of course, conservatives will continue to ignore these facts, and continue to propagate their lies.

As you ignore the articles posted about getting $500 for turning in people with guns..........

Naw,,,,,,,,,,It isn't happening there....................The documents really are not real...

Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?
So the entire military is GUN NUTTERS.

So the entire polics force is GUN NUTTERS.

So the Secret Service that protects obama is GUN NUTTERS?

On and on and on...

... you got any other STUPID things to say, moron?

Guy, I'm not talking about trained professionals who need to carry a weapon as part of their job duties.

I'm talking about all you whacks who want to own guns because you fantasize about shooting a burglar or an ATF agent.
It wouldn't be so bad if the fuking gun nutters had the balls to come out and say that they just don't give a flying fuck about all the kids who are killed

Actually zeke, when you consider that crazy fucks that try to kill kids are only stopped by someone with another firearm, we gun rights supporters actually show GREAT concern for those kids because by what we advocate because it helps to increase the likelihood that a good guy with a gun will be there to stop the bad guy more quickly, therefore saving lives. That restrictions you advocate ensure it will take longer for the bad guy to be stopped. If one looks at the reality of your gun free zones and other restrictions that ensure the bad guys have a tactical advantage, it would appear your side "doesn't give a flying fuck" about those kills. Ironic.

, all the convenient suicides,

If that's true, then tell us why Japan, with it's virtual restriction on civilian firearm ownership, has a suicide rate so high that their combined murder/suicide rate is IDENTICAL to that of the US? Why do all those Scandinavian countries with no guns have such high suicide rates? With all our firearms, we have a minuscule rate of suicide, which proves firearms in no way make suicides "convenient". Nor do facts when it comes to supporting your overwhelming bias, I understand.

You speak as though we have the worlds highest murder rate. Do you realize we're not even close? That's right, America doesn't make the list of the top 100 countries by murder rate. Further most of the countries in that top 100 list have bans on civilian firearm ownership, while we have the highest rate of firearm ownership. Shouldn't we be at the top of the list with all those guns???

Further, most of our murders occur in specific parts of a few counties, where the murdering citizens of those neighborhoods are either in gangs or otherwise prone to violence at the drop of a hat. The rates of domestic violence, murder, violent crime, rape, etc outside of those few enclaves is every bid as low, or lower, than countries with the lowest rates of such things...despite all our firearms. Interestingly, disarmed England and Australia have higher rates of violent crime and rape than America. With no deterrent of self defense, the thugs there have the upper hand. Is that what you want?

Those 100+ countries with higher murder rates than the US despite their disarmed populace, what is the price they're bearing for all those killings? Your suggestion here lacks logic and reason.

You don't get to impose emotions on others. We DON'T live in fear because we are prepared to deal with an emergency situation that may require the use of a firearm. You however, are free to cower in your gun free zone corner and wait for someone else to save your ass. Good luck with that.

Just profess your love of the 2nd and your fear of the bad guys.

I fear no man. But with all your talk of fear, I'm guessing your projecting here.

And yes, I love the all the Bill of Rights. Do you?

Under Obamacare, maybe you can all afford your mental health help.

A sure sign that your argument is weak is when you resort to implying your opponent is insane. Perhaps you'd like to try again with a more cogent, fact-based retort?

Good God it just all sound so REASONABLE. Till you look closely.

I know that the family that visits the cemetery to visit the grave of their 2 year old son who shot himself with Dads gun found under the bed would disagree with you about its only a good guy with a gun blah blah blah. Kids dad was a "good guy". Just a shitty gun owner.

In terms of fear. It has always been my experience that the guy talking about what a bad ass he is, has the least balls to back up his rhetoric. That being said, no doubt that there are some real "fearful" people out there with a gun. And when they get the chance, their fear will have them shooting an unarmed person when they think it possible. Fear does that.

I've owned guns at least as long as you have been alive. Haven't shot anyone thank god.
But your projections about other reasonable gun owners is interesting.

Would help the gun nutters case immensely if they would come out and admit that there are a lot of law abiding folks that have no business with a gun. And then implement changes necessary to restrict access to certain kinds of people.

Like men under the age of 30.

You ever notice that most mass killings, hell most killing with a gun is done by a man under the age of thirty.

Get caught with ANY gun while under the age of 30, go to jail till you are past the age of 30.

Hows that sound?

But no, you people are so far past the point of being "reasonable" about gun control, it would just be better to come out and say that you gun nutters just don't give a fuk.

btw, murder rates in other countries don't interest me. Why you quoting their stats?
I don't know of any other country that has a Constitution that gives citizens the right to have guns. That's a game changer and requires that we in this country be more responsible to the overall citizenry as to WHO is allowed to keep guns.

Wouldn't it be a whole lot fuking better IF we had the lowest rates of killing by gun? All the while having more guns than anybody. Wouldn't that set a fine example?

You gun nutters have some real low expectations of our country when you give up on trying to solve a real problem.

Deaths by gun is a real problem. To some. Not you I take it.
Ever notice how all discussions about guns always end in gun nutters induldging their snuff film fantasies?
So the entire military is GUN NUTTERS.

So the entire polics force is GUN NUTTERS.

So the Secret Service that protects obama is GUN NUTTERS?

On and on and on...

... you got any other STUPID things to say, moron?

Guy, I'm not talking about trained professionals who need to carry a weapon as part of their job duties.

I'm talking about all you whacks who want to own guns because you fantasize about shooting a burglar or an ATF agent.


Oh yeah, we are fantasizing about shooting people..................
You need to get back on meds...................

Now if we are to change the subject to fantasizes, we would need to look into the Never Never Land of Liberal Utopia................................Where no one is evil, all is well, there are no wars, no crime, and....................NO REALITY......................

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