No one is going to take your guns

Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy


A good guy with a gun never happens. Never, not once.

Usually because the bad guy has emptied his clip into the crowd before the good guys can even assess the situation.

And the laws in place are CLEARLY inadequate if Lanza, Cho, Loughner and Holmes can get guns.


Joe the Super Lib continues to post his Liberal Utopia...........

There are laws to not speed. People violate that law all the time.
There are laws to not sell alcohol to underage, and the law is violated all the time.

Criminals by nature don't give a rats ass about the law. That's why they are called criminals, and you would punish the innocent, LAW ABIDING CITIZENS for the actions of the Criminals..............

Guns don't kill, people kill. And more GUBERMENT laws aren't going to change that. But since you are a classic Statist you don't care.........

Your posts about Rednecks hunting and chit like that just make you a liberal loon, and there is simply no cure for LIBERAL LUNACY...........

Guy, the thing is, no one advocates getting rid of speed limits or underage drinking laws because they get broken. Usually, they make efforts to tighten them. If there's lot of speeding on a particular stretch of road, they put more cops on that road. If a certain store is selling to minors, they do a sting operation and yank that guy's liquour license.

Point 2- Every other industrialized country limits or bans private gun ownership. And while we have 32,000 gun deaths a year, they have gun deaths that rate in the hundreds or less. Government laws CAN change that.
Do you have time to call 9/11 to stop the Pit Bull from tearing the woman to shreds Joe.................

The dog will perfectly understand that it will not continue the attack for another 5 minutes waiting for the police to show up and then kill the evil dog with the evil gun...................

It wasn't over a T.V. set Joe...........

Joe..............Joe..................The lady who shot and killed the dog was evil joe, because she owned a gun Joe...........


Okay, simple enough solution.

Make it illegal to own that breed of dog. Problem solved.
Or maybe you just let the guy take your TV, and be done with it.

Because, frankly, you guys keep talking about how you are keeping us safe, but I'm a lot more concerned about the gun nuts than I am about criminals.

Very interesting. Please tell us more on the virtues of allowing criminals to commit crimes upon our property and person? I would like to hear your reasoning


Okay, here you go.

It's 1987, when I was off on manuevers. When I got back, someone had broken into my place and took my TV set. Wasn't even a good TV set. They also swiped my VCR.

You know what, I got over it.

Now, imagine in your sick gun nutter fantasy if I had been home and shot that guy.

I think, honestly, I'd be feeling guilty about it for the rest of my life. You and Dave wouldn't. It's a fantasy you have. But you'd probably shit yourself if you ever did.

But if more people like you would decide to shoot more people like the criminal, there would be less criminals.

The best crime deterrent is a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy with a gun

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed

A good guy with a gun never happens. Never, not once.

Name: Woman Shoots Home Invader

State: FL

Lynn Haven, Florida: On December 5, 2008, two men forced their way into the home of Melissa Galarza. They punched her in the face and knocked her to the floor, demanding 'the money.' The criminals also covered her mouth to muffle her screams. Galarza was able to draw a gun from the bottom shelf of her coffee table and the men backed off, only to charge at her again. When Galarza fired at the men, they fled. 26-year old Matthew Andrews went to a local hospital a short time later with a gunshot wound to his abdomen. A Panama City detective interviewed Andrews, who claimed to have been the victim of a robbery. Andrews checked out of the hospital before Lynn Haven police could notify Panama City officers of the Galarza home invasion. Galarza later identified Andrews as one of the men who broke into her house. Officials secured a warrant for Andrews' arrest and tracked him to his girlfriend's home. Police took him into custody after a two-hour standoff that ended with SWAT officers forcing Andrews out of his girlfriend's home with tear gas.

But if more people like you would decide to shoot more people like the criminal, there would be less criminals.

The best crime deterrent is a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy with a gun

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed


If that were the case, why does the US have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world instead of the lowest?

If guns and jails made us safer- we have 300 million guns and 2 million prisoners.. and obviously, you don't feel safe.

As opposed to Japan where they only have 500,000 guns and 69,000 prisoners, and Japanese Ladies can walk the streets at night safely.
Do you have time to call 9/11 to stop the Pit Bull from tearing the woman to shreds Joe.................

The dog will perfectly understand that it will not continue the attack for another 5 minutes waiting for the police to show up and then kill the evil dog with the evil gun...................

It wasn't over a T.V. set Joe...........

Joe..............Joe..................The lady who shot and killed the dog was evil joe, because she owned a gun Joe...........


Okay, simple enough solution.

Make it illegal to own that breed of dog. Problem solved.


Another law to ban dogs...............

Oh, boy, here we go, googling the few cases where someone shot a burglar before he realized people were home.

Hey, maybe as a counterpoint, we can post all those stories about kids who shot themselves with their parents guns?

But if more people like you would decide to shoot more people like the criminal, there would be less criminals.

The best crime deterrent is a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy with a gun

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed


If that were the case, why does the US have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world instead of the lowest?

If guns and jails made us safer- we have 300 million guns and 2 million prisoners.. and obviously, you don't feel safe.

As opposed to Japan where they only have 500,000 guns and 69,000 prisoners, and Japanese Ladies can walk the streets at night safely.

I'm safe Joe because I have a gun on me, or within hands reach 24/7. Thug comes into my house, he's dead,

Thug tries the knockout game on the street, I shoot him

A very clear line is drawn with a fat #2 pencil


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I'm showing you cases of real gun control Joe the Super Liberal...........

Like this one.............Hell, I think we should give him a marksman award.......

Name: Veteran Shoots and Kills Home Intruder

State: KY

A 92-year-old farmer and veteran fatally shot an intruder in his home. The homeowner said that he heard a noise in his basement at around 2 am and grabbed his rifle. The intruder came up the stairs and kicked open the basement door to his home. The homeowner, Earl Jones, sat in a chair with a clear view of the door and fired when the intruder burst in.

But if more people like you would decide to shoot more people like the criminal, there would be less criminals.

The best crime deterrent is a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy with a gun

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed


If that were the case, why does the US have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world instead of the lowest?

If guns and jails made us safer- we have 300 million guns and 2 million prisoners.. and obviously, you don't feel safe.

As opposed to Japan where they only have 500,000 guns and 69,000 prisoners, and Japanese Ladies can walk the streets at night safely.

I'm safe Joe because I have a gun on me, or within hands reach 24/7. Thug comes into my house, he's dead,

Thug tries the knockout game on the street, I shoot him

A very clear line is drawn with a fat #2 pencil


I'd be more worried you shoot at some poor black kid because you thought he was doing the knockout game, and he just wanted to ask you directions...

if you are so paranoid you feel you need to have a gun on you 24-7, then you are clearly not feeling very safe...
You all hear about the guy in Ga. who shot and killed the Alzheimer afflicted man because the guy was lost and showed up at his door at 4am.

The woman in the house called the police but before they could get there, the woman's boyfriend went outside and ended up shooting and killing the old man.

No charges are expected.

And you gun nutters are all aok with this bullshit.

Unless it might have been YOUR grandfather.

Ain't it GREAT in the NEW American world where stand your ground is starting to mean shoot who you want.

And many of you nutters think this action is Americans being exceptional.
If that were the case, why does the US have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world instead of the lowest?

If guns and jails made us safer- we have 300 million guns and 2 million prisoners.. and obviously, you don't feel safe.

As opposed to Japan where they only have 500,000 guns and 69,000 prisoners, and Japanese Ladies can walk the streets at night safely.

I'm safe Joe because I have a gun on me, or within hands reach 24/7. Thug comes into my house, he's dead,

Thug tries the knockout game on the street, I shoot him

A very clear line is drawn with a fat #2 pencil


I'd be more worried you shoot at some poor black kid because you thought he was doing the knockout game, and he just wanted to ask you directions...

if you are so paranoid you feel you need to have a gun on you 24-7, then you are clearly not feeling very safe...

Once again, I'm feel safe because I have a gun on or near me 24/7

I'm showing you cases of real gun control Joe the Super Liberal...........

Like this one.............Hell, I think we should give him a marksman award.......

Name: Veteran Shoots and Kills Home Intruder

State: KY

A 92-year-old farmer and veteran fatally shot an intruder in his home. The homeowner said that he heard a noise in his basement at around 2 am and grabbed his rifle. The intruder came up the stairs and kicked open the basement door to his home. The homeowner, Earl Jones, sat in a chair with a clear view of the door and fired when the intruder burst in.

Okay, here's one.

Authorities are investigating after a 2-year-old boy accidentally shot himself with a .45 caliber handgun Tuesday night.

Michael Garcia Jr. is in stable condition at Arnold Palmer Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Authorities said the boy's father, grandmother and a family friend were in the home near Livingston Street and Powers Drive when the accident happened.

The Department of Children and Families said it is currently investigating the allegation and working with law enforcement to better understand the circumstances of how the boy shot himself, as well as ensure the safety of another child who resides in the home.
If that were the case, why does the US have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world instead of the lowest?

If guns and jails made us safer- we have 300 million guns and 2 million prisoners.. and obviously, you don't feel safe.

As opposed to Japan where they only have 500,000 guns and 69,000 prisoners, and Japanese Ladies can walk the streets at night safely.

I'm safe Joe because I have a gun on me, or within hands reach 24/7. Thug comes into my house, he's dead,

Thug tries the knockout game on the street, I shoot him

A very clear line is drawn with a fat #2 pencil


I'd be more worried you shoot at some poor black kid because you thought he was doing the knockout game, and he just wanted to ask you directions...

if you are so paranoid you feel you need to have a gun on you 24-7, then you are clearly not feeling very safe...

Sounds like Bernard Goetz needs to start making the rounds again

Call the Democratic Underground Lib...........A Dem Congressman had a shotgun in his house, and his son helped defend his house as someone had a gun to his daughter's head...............

Name: Congressman and Family Fight off Armed Robber

State: IA

Lamoni, Iowa: At about 10:45 p.m. on July 16, 2011, Congressman Leonard Boswell (D-IA) was getting ready for bed when he heard a commotion in the living room of his farmhouse. He rushed down the hall and found an intruder holding his daughter, Cindy Brown, at gun point in the foyer and yelling at Boswell's 22-year-old grandson, Mitchell Brown, to 'Get the money or I'll shoot her.' Boswell rushed the intruder, and they exchanged blows. While Boswell attempted to disarm the intruder, Mitchell retrieved a shotgun from a spare bedroom, returned to the foyer, and aimed at the intruder. The intruder fled through the front door to a waiting pickup truck. Mitchell then ran out the back door and fired two warning shots into the air. The police were called, and a K-9 unit found the intruder's backpack in an adjacent hayfield. The police later identified the intruder as David Dewberry, who was arrested three days later.
Call the Democratic Underground Lib...........A Dem Congressman had a shotgun in his house, and his son helped defend his house as someone had a gun to his daughter's head...............

Name: Congressman and Family Fight off Armed Robber

State: IA

Lamoni, Iowa: At about 10:45 p.m. on July 16, 2011, Congressman Leonard Boswell (D-IA) was getting ready for bed when he heard a commotion in the living room of his farmhouse. He rushed down the hall and found an intruder holding his daughter, Cindy Brown, at gun point in the foyer and yelling at Boswell's 22-year-old grandson, Mitchell Brown, to 'Get the money or I'll shoot her.' Boswell rushed the intruder, and they exchanged blows. While Boswell attempted to disarm the intruder, Mitchell retrieved a shotgun from a spare bedroom, returned to the foyer, and aimed at the intruder. The intruder fled through the front door to a waiting pickup truck. Mitchell then ran out the back door and fired two warning shots into the air. The police were called, and a K-9 unit found the intruder's backpack in an adjacent hayfield. The police later identified the intruder as David Dewberry, who was arrested three days later.

Another missed Trayvon outcome.

He will get it next time hopefully

Bottom line......................

We believe in FREEDOM JOE.................

How do you represent Freedom by trying to impose on us what you believe in Joe...........

You believe you have the right to enforce your ideals on us and that's it's righteous Joe...........

Who are you to tell us how to Live Joe...............................
Who are you to tell us what to believe Joe.........................
If we don't agree with you, you want to Force your Beliefs on us with Laws Joe..........


And by the way, I own guns Joe......................I've never had to use them to defend myself Joe.........................I've hope I never have to Joe................But if the time comes to use that gun in self defense of my home and family I will use it Joe...................I'm not going to wait to hope the police will show up in time to save my family Joe.................I'm going to shoot the attacker Joe.................and protect my family Joe............

But you want to ban all guns Joe............No matter what you say, that is your goal.

You have NO CLUE WHAT FREEDOM MEANS JOE.....................

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