No one is going to take your guns

I think they are indicative...

Hell, Dave gave it his best shot, and 2/3rd of the cases he cited were law enforcement or military disarming the bad guy.

But I think I let you guys cry out your little tantrum in this thread for a while because you are just coming off like a two-year old who had his toy taken away for being bad.

But he did cling desperately to the idea that they were "off duty". Like being off duty automatically means you throw out your training and your responsibilities.

And those off duty officers even had their OWN gun. My my.

When it comes to training some police officers must be more equal than others, as per the link in my post above. 11 people hit will bullets and fragments, all from NYPD service weapons.

The usual dumb use of numbers from USMB's most idiotic posters.

So the only time its a crime, or the only time the use of a gun is "justifed" is when someone dies? Again you ignore the detterrence factor from actual pulling out of a weapon, and the general detteence found from the fact that someone MAY be armed.

In your world, criminals would KNOW they had a free pass on a non governmental agent for the amount of time required for the police to respond.

If someone is "detered" by the possibility of a gun, that means he's bright enough to plan his crime around that contingency... you know, like breaking into your home when he thinks no one is home.

Again, the Brits, the French the Japanese, all ban guns and guess what, they don't have the hoard of crime we have.
Guy, until we have a NATIONAL gun ban, saying, "Well, the establishment in question didn't allow guns in" is kind of silly.

It's like declaring a tiny bit of ocean a "Shark Free Zone" when the rest of the ocean is filled with sharks and the sharks can come and go as they please.

Disarm everyone except the police. No one else needs them. Period.

We don't want a Police State ... This is America the last I checked ... Although I can certainly see liberals trying to turn it into a Police State where no one has any rights.

So throw them Speedos ... Chunk them overboard ... And tell them to call the Coast Guard if they need anything.
You are the one that want to throw people in shark infested waters without the ability to defend themselves.
Even if a gun ban magically made every gun disappear ... It wouldn't stop sharks from being sharks as the gun is just a tool ... Although a fairly effective one.

Just admit the real reason Liberals like you hate guns ... Because they are effective ... And if they were as screwed up as the ACA you would love them.


Guns are very effective.

They are the source of 19,000 suicides and 11,000 homicides in this country every year.

They give us a crime rate that is a hundred times greater than any other industrialized nation.

If Guns and Prisons keep us safe, why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

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The usual dumb use of numbers from USMB's most idiotic posters.

So the only time its a crime, or the only time the use of a gun is "justifed" is when someone dies? Again you ignore the detterrence factor from actual pulling out of a weapon, and the general detteence found from the fact that someone MAY be armed.

In your world, criminals would KNOW they had a free pass on a non governmental agent for the amount of time required for the police to respond.

If someone is "detered" by the possibility of a gun, that means he's bright enough to plan his crime around that contingency... you know, like breaking into your home when he thinks no one is home.

Again, the Brits, the French the Japanese, all ban guns and guess what, they don't have the hoard of crime we have.

They also don't have the minority population we have, but Britian and France are working on it.

Japan also has many more sucides than us, and they seem to find ways to do it.

Also you ignore the portion of the population that is on the fence about criminal activity. The lack of a possibility of facing armed resistance probably would embolden far more to engage in criminal behavior.

They also don't have the minority population we have, but Britian and France are working on it.

Japan also has many more sucides than us, and they seem to find ways to do it.

Also you ignore the portion of the population that is on the fence about criminal activity. The lack of a possibility of facing armed resistance probably would embolden far more to engage in criminal behavior.

I know that's your greatest fear in life, the Darkies might be coming for you.

This is why you guys want to arm yourselves like the Zombie Apocolypse is coming.

Maybe, just maybe, some day, you will realize that you have more in common with that hispanic lesbian lady in the next office than you do with the White Rich Douchebag in the corner office, but until you figure that one out, I guess your gun makes you feel better.
I don't care how many homicides or suicides are committed with guns. As long as I have mine to blow the head off someone who in intent on causing grave injury to me or my family. And that defense starts at my doorstep when at home, and anywhere I am legally carrying a weapon.

I like my chances


The usual dumb use of numbers from USMB's most idiotic posters.

So the only time its a crime, or the only time the use of a gun is "justifed" is when someone dies? Again you ignore the detterrence factor from actual pulling out of a weapon, and the general detteence found from the fact that someone MAY be armed.

In your world, criminals would KNOW they had a free pass on a non governmental agent for the amount of time required for the police to respond.

If someone is "detered" by the possibility of a gun, that means he's bright enough to plan his crime around that contingency... you know, like breaking into your home when he thinks no one is home.

Again, the Brits, the French the Japanese, all ban guns and guess what, they don't have the hoard of crime we have.

I see you're giving the criminals and edge and credit

I hope he thinks wrong so I can blow the top of his forehead off


They also don't have the minority population we have, but Britian and France are working on it.

Japan also has many more sucides than us, and they seem to find ways to do it.

Also you ignore the portion of the population that is on the fence about criminal activity. The lack of a possibility of facing armed resistance probably would embolden far more to engage in criminal behavior.

I know that's your greatest fear in life, the Darkies might be coming for you.

This is why you guys want to arm yourselves like the Zombie Apocolypse is coming.

Maybe, just maybe, some day, you will realize that you have more in common with that hispanic lesbian lady in the next office than you do with the White Rich Douchebag in the corner office, but until you figure that one out, I guess your gun makes you feel better.

Crime is minority areas, most of it minority on minority is a known fact. My point is that the crime in those areas skews the numbers you rely so heavily on.

And I dont own a gun, what I defend is a law abiding citizens right to own one, although I am tempted to get one before NYC bans people from buying new ones entirely.

And blah blah blah, typical JoeBlow commie crap, blah blah.

The usual dumb use of numbers from USMB's most idiotic posters.

So the only time its a crime, or the only time the use of a gun is "justifed" is when someone dies? Again you ignore the detterrence factor from actual pulling out of a weapon, and the general detteence found from the fact that someone MAY be armed.

In your world, criminals would KNOW they had a free pass on a non governmental agent for the amount of time required for the police to respond.

If someone is "detered" by the possibility of a gun, that means he's bright enough to plan his crime around that contingency... you know, like breaking into your home when he thinks no one is home.

Again, the Brits, the French the Japanese, all ban guns and guess what, they don't have the hoard of crime we have.

I see you're giving the criminals and edge and credit


Criminals are always going to have the edge. Get real. A good criminal is going to have been casing your house for weeks, he's going to know what time you go to work, what time you go to bed, how many people are in the house.

This is why the actual number of cases of "Defensive Gun Uses" are about as speculative as "Unicorn Farts".
Meanwhile, we have 19,000 suicides and 11,000 homicides, vs. 200 "justifiable homicides" every year. So a gun is 160 times more likely to be used in a crime as self defense...

19000 + 11000 = 30000
200 x 160 = 32000

If your statistics are any reflection of your mathematical abilities ... Then I would say they are worthless.


Crime is minority areas, most of it minority on minority is a known fact. My point is that the crime in those areas skews the numbers you rely so heavily on.

And I dont own a gun, what I defend is a law abiding citizens right to own one, although I am tempted to get one before NYC bans people from buying new ones entirely.

And blah blah blah, typical JoeBlow commie crap, blah blah.

So you create an institutionalized underclass based on race, that you live in mortal terror of.


How's that working out for you?
Meanwhile, we have 19,000 suicides and 11,000 homicides, vs. 200 "justifiable homicides" every year. So a gun is 160 times more likely to be used in a crime as self defense...

19000 + 11000 = 30000
200 x 160 = 32000

If your statistics are any reflection of your mathematical abilities ... Then I would say they are worthless.


I was rounding off numbers. Including accidental deaths, (about 1000 a year), the number is actually closer to 32,000.

But nice to see your arguments are getting desperate enough where you have to nitpick the math.

Crime is minority areas, most of it minority on minority is a known fact. My point is that the crime in those areas skews the numbers you rely so heavily on.

And I dont own a gun, what I defend is a law abiding citizens right to own one, although I am tempted to get one before NYC bans people from buying new ones entirely.

And blah blah blah, typical JoeBlow commie crap, blah blah.

So you create an institutionalized underclass based on race, that you live in mortal terror of.


How's that working out for you?

Progressive policies are what have created the underclass, and kept it there.
If someone is "detered" by the possibility of a gun, that means he's bright enough to plan his crime around that contingency... you know, like breaking into your home when he thinks no one is home.

Again, the Brits, the French the Japanese, all ban guns and guess what, they don't have the hoard of crime we have.

I see you're giving the criminals and edge and credit


Criminals are always going to have the edge. Get real. A good criminal is going to have been casing your house for weeks, he's going to know what time you go to work, what time you go to bed, how many people are in the house.

This is why the actual number of cases of "Defensive Gun Uses" are about as speculative as "Unicorn Farts".

You just live in the court of 'wrong'. Much softer targets available, perhaps like your house, than at mine. For that, I will give a thug credit. They know its a no win game at my house

Meanwhile, we have 19,000 suicides and 11,000 homicides, vs. 200 "justifiable homicides" every year. So a gun is 160 times more likely to be used in a crime as self defense...

19000 + 11000 = 30000
200 x 160 = 32000

If your statistics are any reflection of your mathematical abilities ... Then I would say they are worthless.


I was rounding off numbers. Including accidental deaths, (about 1000 a year), the number is actually closer to 32,000.

But nice to see your arguments are getting desperate enough where you have to nitpick the math.

You can add zeros to those digits till the cows come home. Does'nt matter. But good luck with the fun anyway

The gun is here to stay

The communist, maybe not so much


Crime is minority areas, most of it minority on minority is a known fact. My point is that the crime in those areas skews the numbers you rely so heavily on.

And I dont own a gun, what I defend is a law abiding citizens right to own one, although I am tempted to get one before NYC bans people from buying new ones entirely.

And blah blah blah, typical JoeBlow commie crap, blah blah.

So you create an institutionalized underclass based on race, that you live in mortal terror of.


How's that working out for you?

Progressive policies are what have created the underclass, and kept it there.

Um, yeah, about that...

The people who did this were not progressives.


These were the plutocrats you admire. People who lived large off the labor of others.

No, what creates an underclass is the concentration of wealth at the top. We had our greatest economic prosperity when the rich paid huge taxes and the workforce was mostly unionized.
Meanwhile, we have 19,000 suicides and 11,000 homicides, vs. 200 "justifiable homicides" every year. So a gun is 160 times more likely to be used in a crime as self defense...

19000 + 11000 = 30000
200 x 160 = 32000

If your statistics are any reflection of your mathematical abilities ... Then I would say they are worthless.


I was rounding off numbers. Including accidental deaths, (about 1000 a year), the number is actually closer to 32,000.

But nice to see your arguments are getting desperate enough where you have to nitpick the math.

Well ... I agree that pointing out just one more time that you lied ... Probably is nitpicking.


You just live in the court of 'wrong'. Much softer targets available, perhaps like your house, than at mine. For that, I will give a thug credit. They know its a no win game at my house


What they probably know is your house is a great place to get a gun.

anywhere from 250,000 to 600,000 guns are stolen from private residences every year.

Most of them end up in the hands of criminals.
19000 + 11000 = 30000
200 x 160 = 32000

If your statistics are any reflection of your mathematical abilities ... Then I would say they are worthless.


I was rounding off numbers. Including accidental deaths, (about 1000 a year), the number is actually closer to 32,000.

But nice to see your arguments are getting desperate enough where you have to nitpick the math.

Well ... I agree that pointing out just one more time that you lied ... Probably is nitpicking.


Or that you just can't deal with the fact that DGU's are a fantasy...

I'm sure you'll move on to Hitler comparisons and complaining about typoes next, the last resorts of losing arguments.
So you create an institutionalized underclass based on race, that you live in mortal terror of.


How's that working out for you?

Progressive policies are what have created the underclass, and kept it there.

Um, yeah, about that...

The people who did this were not progressives.


These were the plutocrats you admire. People who lived large off the labor of others.

No, what creates an underclass is the concentration of wealth at the top. We had our greatest economic prosperity when the rich paid huge taxes and the workforce was mostly unionized.

Having to go back 200+ years to the slave trade? Lol, you really have run out of concepts.

The progressive state keeps poor people there by providing for them so that staying poor and under control of the state is often more attractive than working your way out of poverty. That allows the real "plutocrats" i.e. government buerecratic workers, to keep thier nice cushy jobs as long as they keep the "darkies" down, as you put it.

Your fear of corporations and armed citizens is comical, contrasted to your love of only government agents being armed and big overwhelming government, which is scary.

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