No one is going to take your guns

I was rounding off numbers. Including accidental deaths, (about 1000 a year), the number is actually closer to 32,000.

But nice to see your arguments are getting desperate enough where you have to nitpick the math.

Well ... I agree that pointing out just one more time that you lied ... Probably is nitpicking.


Or that you just can't deal with the fact that DGU's are a fantasy...

I'm sure you'll move on to Hitler comparisons and complaining about typoes next, the last resorts of losing arguments.

Your inability to do math doesn't make me think of Hitler at all ... You are the desperate one peanut.
You have nothing to offer but accusations, poor mathematical abilities ... And soapboxing for the Police State you want here and now.
I don't have to go back through history or make wild accusations to see where you are wrong.

Having to go back 200+ years to the slave trade? Lol, you really have run out of concepts.

The progressive state keeps poor people there by providing for them so that staying poor and under control of the state is often more attractive than working your way out of poverty. That allows the real "plutocrats" i.e. government buerecratic workers, to keep thier nice cushy jobs as long as they keep the "darkies" down, as you put it.

Your fear of corporations and armed citizens is comical, contrasted to your love of only government agents being armed and big overwhelming government, which is scary.

Are you really so ignorant of history that you don't realize that the slave trade set the stage for racial inequality in this country?

Miscegnation (mixed marriage laws) remained on the books in this country until the fucking 1960's, guy.

And I'm sure a lot of those black folks would love to get jobs....

That is if having a name like "Jamal Washington" didn't get your resume put on the bottom of the pile unread.
Well ... I agree that pointing out just one more time that you lied ... Probably is nitpicking.


Or that you just can't deal with the fact that DGU's are a fantasy...

I'm sure you'll move on to Hitler comparisons and complaining about typoes next, the last resorts of losing arguments.

Your inability to do math doesn't make me think of Hitler at all ... You are the desperate one peanut.
You have nothing to offer but accusations, poor mathematical abilities ... And soapboxing for the Police State you want here and now.
I don't have to go back through history or make wild accusations to see where you are wrong.


I did the math just fine. 32,000 gun deaths a year. This is the accepted figure that everyone agrees upon.

But, please, go on about your paranoid rants about the government....

Hey, here's the thing... every other industrialized nation has banned private gun ownership or seriously limits it. And they aren't police states at all. In fact, they have LESS police and LESS prisons than we do because they don't need them.

Imagine that.
Or that you just can't deal with the fact that DGU's are a fantasy...

I'm sure you'll move on to Hitler comparisons and complaining about typoes next, the last resorts of losing arguments.

Your inability to do math doesn't make me think of Hitler at all ... You are the desperate one peanut.
You have nothing to offer but accusations, poor mathematical abilities ... And soapboxing for the Police State you want here and now.
I don't have to go back through history or make wild accusations to see where you are wrong.


I did the math just fine. 32,000 gun deaths a year. This is the accepted figure that everyone agrees upon.

But, please, go on about your paranoid rants about the government....

Hey, here's the thing... every other industrialized nation has banned private gun ownership or seriously limits it. And they aren't police states at all. In fact, they have LESS police and LESS prisons than we do because they don't need them.

Imagine that.

Brilliant post.

The gun nutters have been owed.
So you create an institutionalized underclass based on race, that you live in mortal terror of.


How's that working out for you?

Progressive policies are what have created the underclass, and kept it there.

Um, yeah, about that...

The people who did this were not progressives.


These were the plutocrats you admire. People who lived large off the labor of others.

No, what creates an underclass is the concentration of wealth at the top. We had our greatest economic prosperity when the rich paid huge taxes and the workforce was mostly unionized.

And just who would be responsible for such plight?

pst, pst.... 1 guess


The Democrats' Missing History

As Democrats prepare to nominate Sen. Barack Obama to be the first black president, the Democratic National Committee and its chairman, Howard Dean, have whitewashed the party's horrific and lengthy record of racism. The omission is in the section of the DNC Web site that describes the party's history. The missing history raises the obvious question of whether the Democrats, unable or simply unwilling to put their party on record as taking direct responsibility for one of the worst racial crimes of the ages, will be able to run a campaign free of the racial animosities it has regularly brought both to American presidential campaigns and American political and social life in general.

What else to make of the official party history as presented by the DNC on its Web site? It is a history so sanitized of historical reality it makes Stalin look like David McCullough.

read more here: The Democrats' Missing History -
Your inability to do math doesn't make me think of Hitler at all ... You are the desperate one peanut.
You have nothing to offer but accusations, poor mathematical abilities ... And soapboxing for the Police State you want here and now.
I don't have to go back through history or make wild accusations to see where you are wrong.


I did the math just fine. 32,000 gun deaths a year. This is the accepted figure that everyone agrees upon.

But, please, go on about your paranoid rants about the government....

Hey, here's the thing... every other industrialized nation has banned private gun ownership or seriously limits it. And they aren't police states at all. In fact, they have LESS police and LESS prisons than we do because they don't need them.

Imagine that.

Brilliant post.

The gun nutters have been owed.

I did the math just fine. 32,000 gun deaths a year. This is the accepted figure that everyone agrees upon.

But, please, go on about your paranoid rants about the government....

Hey, here's the thing... every other industrialized nation has banned private gun ownership or seriously limits it. And they aren't police states at all. In fact, they have LESS police and LESS prisons than we do because they don't need them.

Imagine that.

When the Police are the only ones with firearms ... You by definition have a Police State ... That is not paranoia.
It is no harder to say 150 times than it is to say 160 times ... And I don't care who agrees with the incorrect answer.

Try again peanut ...

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Your inability to do math doesn't make me think of Hitler at all ... You are the desperate one peanut.
You have nothing to offer but accusations, poor mathematical abilities ... And soapboxing for the Police State you want here and now.
I don't have to go back through history or make wild accusations to see where you are wrong.


I did the math just fine. 32,000 gun deaths a year. This is the accepted figure that everyone agrees upon.

But, please, go on about your paranoid rants about the government....

Hey, here's the thing... every other industrialized nation has banned private gun ownership or seriously limits it. And they aren't police states at all. In fact, they have LESS police and LESS prisons than we do because they don't need them.

Imagine that.

Brilliant post.

The gun nutters have been owed.

Go back to your hole.
Progressive policies are what have created the underclass, and kept it there.

Um, yeah, about that...

The people who did this were not progressives.


These were the plutocrats you admire. People who lived large off the labor of others.

No, what creates an underclass is the concentration of wealth at the top. We had our greatest economic prosperity when the rich paid huge taxes and the workforce was mostly unionized.

And just who would be responsible for such plight?

pst, pst.... 1 guess


The Democrats' Missing History

As Democrats prepare to nominate Sen. Barack Obama to be the first black president, the Democratic National Committee and its chairman, Howard Dean, have whitewashed the party's horrific and lengthy record of racism. The omission is in the section of the DNC Web site that describes the party's history. The missing history raises the obvious question of whether the Democrats, unable or simply unwilling to put their party on record as taking direct responsibility for one of the worst racial crimes of the ages, will be able to run a campaign free of the racial animosities it has regularly brought both to American presidential campaigns and American political and social life in general.

What else to make of the official party history as presented by the DNC on its Web site? It is a history so sanitized of historical reality it makes Stalin look like David McCullough.

read more here: The Democrats' Missing History -

in all the great tyrannies the government

went to great lengths to "air brush"

the truth from history
Guns definitely need much stricter laws. Anybody who disagrees with that is just ignorant and stupid. However they can't be banned as disarming law obiding citizens would be a very bad thing.

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Guns definitely need much stricter laws. Anybody who disagrees with that is just ignorant and stupid. However they can't be banned as disarming law obiding citizens would be a very bad thing.

Sent from my iPad using

Why not enforce the laws we currently have?

Guy, let's review.

Columbine had armed guards.
But none of the people in the classrooms were allowed to carry guns there. So the shooters were able to blow away dozens, before the cops outside finally decided to take action.

VA Tech had a police force.
But none of the people in the classrooms were allowed to carry guns there. So the shooter was able to blow away dozens, before the cops outside finally decided to take action.

But the people at the political rally were forbidden to bring guns there.

Ft. Hood and the Navy Yard were freaking military bases.
But all the regular workers and soldiers in both places, were forbiddent to carry guns inside. Even the soldiers were required to turn in their guns and let them be locked up in the armory.

nothing stops a madman on a rampage other than making sure he can't get a gun to start with.
In all five places you mention here, great efforts were made to "make sure the madman couldn't get a gun to start with". And in all five places, the madman brought in a gun (or three) anyway. The only ones disarmed, IN EVERY CASE, were law-abiding people. The ones who DON'T go around killing people. They were the only ones, IN EVERY CASE, who were in any position to stop the madmen... but liberals and their laws disarmed them, while allowing the madmen to have guns AND NO OPPOSITION.

Well, little joeB131, how's the review (that you asked for) going so far? Do you feel you have enough information now, to start drawing conclusions about your cherished "gun control laws"?

Or do you need to let a few more madmen blow away a few dozen more law-abiding people THAT YOUR LAWS DISARMED?

Tell me, little joeb131: How many more innocent people need to die, before you start noticing the pattern here IN THE CASES YOU BROUGHT UP YOURSELF, and maybe you start wondering if your cherished "gun control" laws aren't all they're cracked up to be? And that just maybe, they are the problem, not the solution?

Please let us know, little joeb131. Before the next massacre of law-abiding people your laws disarmed, if you don't mind.

Guy, until we have a NATIONAL gun ban, saying, "Well, the establishment in question didn't allow guns in" is kind of silly.

It's like declaring a tiny bit of ocean a "Shark Free Zone" when the rest of the ocean is filled with sharks and the sharks can come and go as they please.

Disarm everyone except the police. No one else needs them. Period.

As I thought: The liberal is presented with the fact that his laws didn't work, and in fact made the situation worse.

And his solution, as always, is: Try MORE liberalism! More government control and restriction on law-abiding people! Yeah, that'll do it. Then the criminals will act nicer!

Tell me, little joeb131. Are you assuming your total gun ban will suddenly start to disarm the lawbreakers (and who gives a damn what it does to law-abiding people)... because of the "success" of previous national bans?

Are you trying to admire how successful the ban on alcohol was in the 1920s and 30s? and how crime fell as a result?

(All it did, was turn large numbers of law-abiding Americans into criminals, and give organized crime the start they needed by creating a HUGE black market, resulting in a crime wave the nation had never seen before.)

Or perhaps you want to pattern your national gun ban after the ban on marijuana, which exists to this day?

(According to many estimates, more people are using marijuana today than ever did before it was banned, while criminals who supply it are murdering people en masse in our cities and in other countries, fueled by the massive amounts of money the government has guaranteed them as the monopoly suppliers. In the meantime, STATE GOVERNMENTS in the United States are openly defying the Fed govt now, by passing laws making the banned substance legal - a great testimony to their respect and deference to the Federal government!)

These liberal fruitcakes who actually believe lawbreakers will obey their laws, in the face of decades and GENERATIONS of evidence to the contrary, see nothing wrong with putting draconian restrictions on the law-abiding people they are supposed to be serving, in the fond belief that just a little more will suddenly change everything.

Tiny nuts is compensating
And when the facts are clearly pointed out to them, all they can do is call names. Inevitably, they start examining people's genitals - a strange response that is unique to liberals who lose arguments and have no coherent reply. :cuckoo:

And these people believe THEY are the ones who should be running our country?
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Another Dopey attempt at verse.

And yet another!

"the Bushmaster"
(to The Pusher)

You know I've sold a lot of Glocks
O' lord, I've pushed a lot of 9 mils
But I've never touched nothin
That that my spirit could kill
You know, I've seen a lot of people
Layin' round
With tombstones in their eyes
But the Bushmaster don't care
If you live or if you die

God damn, The Bushmaster
God damn, I say The Bushmaster
I said God damn, God damn The
Bushmaster man

You know the dealer, the Dealer is a man
With self-defense in his hand
Oh but the Bushmaster is a monster
he'll send all to the promised land
The dealer for a nickel
Lord, will sell you lots of sweet dreams
Ah, but the Bushmaster stacks the bodies
Lord, he'll leave your, he'll leave your mind to scream

God damn, The Bushmaster
God damn, God damn the Bushmaster
I said God damn, God, God damn The Bushmaster man

Well, now if I were the president of this land
You know, I'd declare total war on The Bushmaster man
I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run
Yes I'd kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun

God damn The Bushmaster
Gad damn The Bushmaster
I said God damn, God damn The Bushmaster man
Don't quit your day job -- if you have one.

And after I complemented your avatar?


Oh, in that case confiscation is OK. :eusa_eh:

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