No one is REALLY voting "for" Hillary...

Or maybe it's because her husband was President of the United States who wielded unimaginable power and made sure no one properly investigated her and then later on her boss was President of the United States who wielded unimaginable power and made sure no one properly investigated her.

Um, guy, you had an independent counsel who spent 70 million dollars investigating her.

ANd had to finally admit that Mrs. Clinton had done nothing wrong in relation to FileGate, TravelGate, the Rose Law Firm Records, Whitewater or the death of Vince Foster.'re the same clueless, blind, obedient buffoons who insisted that Bill Clinton was "innocent" and that it was a "vast right-wing conspiracy". Right up until the moment Bill Clinton went on national television and admitted it was all true

You see, this is why I'm convinced you are in your 20's. If you had lived through that time, nobody at the time really thought he hadn't banged the intern. Most people assumed he did, but didn't think it was that big of a deal because they were two consenting adults. It's why there was tremendous sympathy for him when he did fess up because most people wouldn't want their personal lives gone through like that.

You see, Grown ups realize that no one has a perfect marriage.

I should also point out that back in 2012, Oreo was a solid Romney supporter here and stuck up for him through thick and thin.
Nothing hypocritical about collecting government benefits you oppose. You see, it's not collecting those benefits that anyone opposes, but enacting them. This requires an IQ more than 100 to understand.

Naw, it really is hypocritical. If you think that taking care of our old and sick is evil socialism, you should happily die before you take one cent. I mean, there was a rich person out there somewhere who couldn't buy a new boat because that greedy woman insisted on continuing to live.
Nothing hypocritical about collecting government benefits you oppose. You see, it's not collecting those benefits that anyone opposes, but enacting them. This requires an IQ more than 100 to understand.

Naw, it really is hypocritical. If you think that taking care of our old and sick is evil socialism, you should happily die before you take one cent. I mean, there was a rich person out there somewhere who couldn't buy a new boat because that greedy woman insisted on continuing to live.

Nope it isn't. She opposed the policy... once it was enacted and she was paying taxes for it, nothing wrong with taking advantage of it.

Sorry, your argument is complete bullshit.

I happily take advantage of all government policies in full, no matter what my opinion of them is. Everyone sane does the same, and there is nothing hypocritical about it. I oppose enacting the policy, I don't oppose taking advantage of any policy... IQ over 100...
Nope it isn't. She opposed the policy... once it was enacted and she was paying taxes for it, nothing wrong with taking advantage of it.

Sorry, your argument is complete bullshit.

I happily take advantage of all government policies in full, no matter what my opinion of them is. Everyone sane does the same, and there is nothing hypocritical about it. I oppose enacting the policy, I don't oppose taking advantage of any policy... IQ over 100...

But then aren't you part of the problem? I mean, if you are a Libertarian Douchebag who thinks "Gummit Bad" and then you take money from the government when you need it, or maybe even when you don't need it... that makes you a hypocrite.

Thanks for playing.
The billions of dollars unaccounted for. You don't have an honest or decent bone in your body, uh?

They aren't unaccounted for. They have signed checks, they have receipts. What they didn't have were all the contract paperwork.. Also, the period in question only included part of Hillary's tenure. (It covered a six year period and she was only SecState for four.)
Kind of ironic that the ultimate government ass-sucking dill hole is now trying to claim that the government is lying to him (even though he declares they are altruistic, infallible, and unfailing any other time). Little kitty...this report is directly from the Inspector General. Nobody lies and denies quite like the little kitty, JoeB131.

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton
Naw, it really is hypocritical. If you think that taking care of our old and sick is evil socialism, you should happily die before you take one cent. I mean, there was a rich person out there somewhere who couldn't buy a new boat because that greedy woman insisted on continuing to live.
Vintage little kitty stupidity there. JoeB131 advocates that the government should confiscate 90% of our wealth against our will but then that we should surrender any opportunity to get a portion of that back. It's the kind of stupidity that could only come from a high school drop out such as himself.

Tell you what little kitty - why don't we make Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, etc. optional. You have to give us 100% of our money back (with appropriate interest) and we opt out of the programs. I promise to "happily die before taking one cent" from the communist government you so desperately desire. Deal?

No? What's that you say? There won't be anyone to pay your way through life for you? You'll realize that you're really just a loser who is angry that he can't exert power and control over others? it all makes sense. Uh kitty?
Kind of ironic that the ultimate government ass-sucking dill hole is now trying to claim that the government is lying to him (even though he declares they are altruistic, infallible, and unfailing any other time). Little kitty...this report is directly from the Inspector General. Nobody lies and denies quite like the little kitty, JoeB131.

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

that's not what they said, but you keep citing those Right Wing news sources.
The only people excited to be voting this year are the white power dickheads and various other fringe loonies on the right.
You don't think after Michigan Republican governor poisoned blacks in flint that they're going to vote?

Or blm? Kiss Michigan goodbye gop
This article was meant for disingenuous tools like JoeB131...

Let’s look at the power of the rich. With all the money that Gates, Bezos, and other super-rich people have, what can they force you or me to do?

Can they condemn our houses to create space so that another individual can build an auto dealership or a casino parking lot? Can they force us to pay money into the government-run—and doomed—Obamacare program? Can they force us to bus our children to schools out of our neighborhood in the name of diversity? Can they force us to buy our sugar from a high-cost domestic producer rather than from a low-cost Caribbean producer?

The answer to all of these questions is a big fat no.

Bill Gates cannot order you to enroll your child in another school in order to promote racial diversity. He has no power to condemn your house to make way for a casino parking lot.

A lowly municipal clerk earning $50,000 a year has far more life-and-death power over us. It is that type of person to whom we must turn for permission to build a house, ply a trade, open a restaurant, and do myriad other activities.

Government, Not the Rich, to Blame for Income Inequality
A lowly municipal clerk earning $50,000 a year has far more life-and-death power over us. It is that type of person to whom we must turn for permission to build a house, ply a trade, open a restaurant, and do myriad other activities.

and that's what really pisses you off, isn't it, Poodle? That some clerk (who follows rules established by us) can tell you that you can't do something because it violates rules we all collectively agreed were pretty sensible.
Seriously folks, without the usual silly bantering, no one is really voting FOR Hitlery.....her "popularity" boils down to those who hate Trump (a hatred that is largely justified as the guy is a complete and total dirt-bag) and will show up to vote this November to cast a ballot AGAINST him.

Will that hatred be enough to actually place Hitlery in the oval office? Very, very doubtful... Can anyone really picture Hitlery Clinton delivering a meaningful "state of the union" address? How much can an electorate tolerate speeches that really boil down to..... "I will do anything to increase my own power and wealth at your expense..."?

The message is by now clear that many in the electorate are sick and tired of political rhetoric by virtually all career politicians...BUT, to elect a clownish, self-centered, power-hungry, emotionally unstable moron to be the leader of the world, is tantamount to hopping off the pan into the fire.
The partisans are gonna partisan, and that's the case on both ends.

The key is always independents, and many of us, as much as we dislike Hillary, don't want a person who has the personality and temperament of a spoiled 15 year old boy as leader of our country and of the free world.

The Democrats handed the GOP a gift for this election, and the GOP peed on it. That's not our fault.
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Seriously folks, without the usual silly bantering, no one is really voting FOR Hitlery
Bullshit. I voted for her. And I would have voted for her if any of the 17 Republicans had won the nomination. She's clearly qualified and she's clearly Liberal, although in ways that are focused on other issues than Wall Street.
Well that is a really sad indictment on you. An overwhelming amount of Americans don't trust her at all. That includes Democrats. The fact that you claim you would vote for her above anyone else shows two things. First, that you have the integrity of a sociopath. And second, that you're a partisan hack who will blindly vote Dumbocrat no matter what.
The partisans are gonna partisan, and that's the case on both ends.

The key is always independents, and many of us, as much as we dislike Hillary, don't want a person who has the personality and temperament of a spoiled 15 year old boy as leader of our country and of the free world.

The Democrats handed the GOP a gift for this election, and the GOP peed on it. That's not our fault.
I don't disagree with you at all other than the fact that as bad as Donald Trump is, Hitlery is exponentially worse.

It amazes me that people will take someone as corrupt, criminal, and emotionally unstable as Hitlery Clinton simply because safe-space people can't handle the words of Donald Trump. Hillary commits actual crimes but some people have their panties in a bunch over the words of Donald Trump. Wow.
The partisans are gonna partisan, and that's the case on both ends.

The key is always independents, and many of us, as much as we dislike Hillary, don't want a person who has the personality and temperament of a spoiled 15 year old boy as leader of our country and of the free world.

The Democrats handed the GOP a gift for this election, and the GOP peed on it. That's not our fault.
I don't disagree with you at all other than the fact that as bad as Donald Trump is, Hitlery is exponentially worse.

It amazes me that people will take someone as corrupt, criminal, and emotionally unstable as Hitlery Clinton simply because safe-space people can't handle the words of Donald Trump. Hillary commits actual crimes but some people have their panties in a bunch over the words of Donald Trump. Wow.
It's not just the words themselves. Words are merely a symptom. It's the character and the temperament and the personality behind the words.

People -- all of us -- make projections on behaviors based on character and temperament, and that's perfectly reasonable.

Many have decided that, as bad as Hillary is, Trump would be even worse.

If Trump loses, his supporters had better honestly look in the mirror.
If Trump loses, his supporters had better honestly look in the mirror.
Hell, even if he wins, Trump supporters need to look themselves in the mirror. What rational person would support that guy? Just like what rational person would support Hitlery Clinton?

We could have had one of the finest elections ever with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson vs. Martin O'Malley.
If Trump loses, his supporters had better honestly look in the mirror.
Hell, even if he wins, Trump supporters need to look themselves in the mirror. What rational person would support that guy? Just like what rational person would support Hitlery Clinton?

We could have had one of the finest elections ever with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson vs. Martin O'Malley.
My picks would have been Kasich/Rubio vs. Webb/Kaine, but you're right - this is an abomination and a poor reflection on us as a country.

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