No one is REALLY voting "for" Hillary...

People in this country don't vote "for" anything anymore they vote against things
Hell, even if he wins, Trump supporters need to look themselves in the mirror. What rational person would support that guy? Just like what rational person would support Hitlery Clinton?

We could have had one of the finest elections ever with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson vs. Martin O'Malley.

But that's the point, Poodle. Your voters rejected those guys. Because Trump was better at appealling to the inner asshole of the GOP.

You see, the other GOP Clowns just used the juicy bacon of racism to hide the bitter pill of plutocracy

Trump just slung out lots and lots of racist bacon.
Seriously folks, without the usual silly bantering, no one is really voting FOR Hitlery
Bullshit. I voted for her. And I would have voted for her if any of the 17 Republicans had won the nomination. She's clearly qualified and she's clearly Liberal, although in ways that are focused on other issues than Wall Street.
Well that is a really sad indictment on you. An overwhelming amount of Americans don't trust her at all. That includes Democrats. The fact that you claim you would vote for her above anyone else shows two things. First, that you have the integrity of a sociopath. And second, that you're a partisan hack who will blindly vote Dumbocrat no matter what.
Or third, I actually look at the facts and total lack of any evidence that Hillary is a criminal. It's already been proven by Politifact and others that she tells the truth more than just about any other politician, even beating Bernie by a percentage point or two.

But keep drinking that wingnut Kool-aid.
If Trump loses, his supporters had better honestly look in the mirror.
Hell, even if he wins, Trump supporters need to look themselves in the mirror. What rational person would support that guy? Just like what rational person would support Hitlery Clinton?

We could have had one of the finest elections ever with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson vs. Martin O'Malley.
My picks would have been Kasich/Rubio vs. Webb/Kaine, but you're right - this is an abomination and a poor reflection on us as a country.
One Right-Winger running against another Right-Winger? I bet you'd pick that!
Or third, I actually look at the facts and total lack of any evidence that Hillary is a criminal. It's already been proven by Politifact and others that she tells the truth more than just about any other politician, even beating Bernie by a percentage point or two.
That's why 60% of America doesn't trust her...because she "tells the truth more than any politician". Riiiiight. Keep telling yourself that. And keep drinking that Clinton Corruption flavored Kool-Aid. Must taste sooo good going down.
If Trump loses, his supporters had better honestly look in the mirror.
Hell, even if he wins, Trump supporters need to look themselves in the mirror. What rational person would support that guy? Just like what rational person would support Hitlery Clinton?

We could have had one of the finest elections ever with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson vs. Martin O'Malley.
My picks would have been Kasich/Rubio vs. Webb/Kaine, but you're right - this is an abomination and a poor reflection on us as a country.
One Right-Winger running against another Right-Winger? I bet you'd pick that!
Yes, I can imagine that, from your perspective, they're both right wingers.

Funny, because from the perspective of a hardcore RIGHT wing partisan ideologue, they're both LEFT wingers.

Wingers really are a hoot. Both ends.
Or third, I actually look at the facts and total lack of any evidence that Hillary is a criminal. It's already been proven by Politifact and others that she tells the truth more than just about any other politician, even beating Bernie by a percentage point or two.
That's why 60% of America doesn't trust her...because she "tells the truth more than any politician". Riiiiight. Keep telling yourself that. And keep drinking that Clinton Corruption flavored Kool-Aid. Must taste sooo good going down.
I'm not the one living in the information bubble, wingnut.



If Trump loses, his supporters had better honestly look in the mirror.
Hell, even if he wins, Trump supporters need to look themselves in the mirror. What rational person would support that guy? Just like what rational person would support Hitlery Clinton?

We could have had one of the finest elections ever with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson vs. Martin O'Malley.
My picks would have been Kasich/Rubio vs. Webb/Kaine, but you're right - this is an abomination and a poor reflection on us as a country.
One Right-Winger running against another Right-Winger? I bet you'd pick that!
Yes, I can imagine that, from your perspective, they're both right wingers.

Funny, because from the perspective of a hardcore RIGHT wing partisan ideologue, they're both LEFT wingers.

Wingers really are a hoot. Both ends.
I think you would be hard-pressed to name a Liberal position that Jim Webb has taken. Or Kasich, for that matter.

And, to be clear, a Liberal position is one that pretty much only Liberals hold. I don't know where Webb is on abortion, but a woman's right to choose is not a Liberal position since it's also held by a majority of Republican women.
Seriously folks, without the usual silly bantering, no one is really voting FOR Hitlery.....her "popularity" boils down to those who hate Trump (a hatred that is largely justified as the guy is a complete and total dirt-bag) and will show up to vote this November to cast a ballot AGAINST him.

Will that hatred be enough to actually place Hitlery in the oval office? Very, very doubtful... Can anyone really picture Hitlery Clinton delivering a meaningful "state of the union" address? How much can an electorate tolerate speeches that really boil down to..... "I will do anything to increase my own power and wealth at your expense..."?

The message is by now clear that many in the electorate are sick and tired of political rhetoric by virtually all career politicians...BUT, to elect a clownish, self-centered, power-hungry, emotionally unstable moron to be the leader of the world, is tantamount to hopping off the pan into the fire.
I AM interested in how you know why all people everywhere are voting.
Seriously folks, without the usual silly bantering, no one is really voting FOR Hitlery.....her "popularity" boils down to those who hate Trump (a hatred that is largely justified as the guy is a complete and total dirt-bag) and will show up to vote this November to cast a ballot AGAINST him.

Will that hatred be enough to actually place Hitlery in the oval office? Very, very doubtful... Can anyone really picture Hitlery Clinton delivering a meaningful "state of the union" address? How much can an electorate tolerate speeches that really boil down to..... "I will do anything to increase my own power and wealth at your expense..."?

The message is by now clear that many in the electorate are sick and tired of political rhetoric by virtually all career politicians...BUT, to elect a clownish, self-centered, power-hungry, emotionally unstable moron to be the leader of the world, is tantamount to hopping off the pan into the fire.
I AM interested in how you know why all people everywhere are voting.
I see what thousands of people post here on USMB. I see the interviews of voters on tv. I see the comments from citizens at the bottom of news stories. I read the opinion pieces from readers in newspapers. I listen to the people who call in on political radio shows (specifically XM 128).

So a better question is how do you not know? Did you bury your head in the sand the past 12 months? Were you overseas on a clandestine mission? Are you a typical progressive who spends all of their time "Keeping up with the Kardashians" rather than keeping up with what is going on with your government and your country?
How can anyone see this and still believe that Hillary Clinton is the dishonest liar?

View attachment 97311
It's not a zero sum game genius. Hitlery Clinton can still be the pathological liar that she is if Donald Trump is also a liar. It's not one or the other. :lol:
Except I just produced for you data that shows she's not a pathological liar, and is in fact one of the most truthful politicians in Washington.
I think you would be hard-pressed to name a Liberal position that Jim Webb has taken.


  • Pro choice
  • Pro gay rights
  • Pro union (87% rating from UFCW)
  • Pro gun background checks
  • Voted NO on the Ryan budget
  • Voted YES on expanding CHIP
  • Voted YES on expansion of Medicare
  • Voted YES on government funding of sanctuary cities
  • Supports raising taxes on capital gains
  • Voted NO on raising estate tax exemption
  • Supports expanding ACA
  • Supports higher taxes for the wealthy
  • Supports making voter registration easier
  • And more
Source: James Webb on the Issues, which says "James Webb is a Populist-Leaning Liberal."

Jim Webb is a good, old fashioned Democrat, not the type of crazy so badly infesting the party right now.

Just like what's happening in the GOP, which is why Kasich is considered not good enough.
I think you would be hard-pressed to name a Liberal position that Jim Webb has taken.


  • Pro choice
  • Pro gay rights
  • Pro union (87% rating from UFCW)
  • Pro gun background checks
  • Voted NO on the Ryan budget
  • Voted YES on expanding CHIP
  • Voted YES on expansion of Medicare
  • Voted YES on government funding of sanctuary cities
  • Supports raising taxes on capital gains
  • Voted NO on raising estate tax exemption
  • Supports expanding ACA
  • Supports higher taxes for the wealthy
  • Supports making voter registration easier
  • And more
Source: James Webb on the Issues, which says "James Webb is a Populist-Leaning Liberal."

Jim Webb is a good, old fashioned Democrat, not the type of crazy so badly infesting the party right now.

Just like what's happening in the GOP, which is why Kasich is considered not good enough.
Thank you for digging that up. He certainly has not promoted his Liberal views nearly as much or as strongly as his conservative views. And there's this:

Jim Webb: I won't vote for Clinton, but I may for Trump

Now, I can't imagine any true Liberal saying such a thing.
I think you would be hard-pressed to name a Liberal position that Jim Webb has taken.


  • Pro choice
  • Pro gay rights
  • Pro union (87% rating from UFCW)
  • Pro gun background checks
  • Voted NO on the Ryan budget
  • Voted YES on expanding CHIP
  • Voted YES on expansion of Medicare
  • Voted YES on government funding of sanctuary cities
  • Supports raising taxes on capital gains
  • Voted NO on raising estate tax exemption
  • Supports expanding ACA
  • Supports higher taxes for the wealthy
  • Supports making voter registration easier
  • And more
Source: James Webb on the Issues, which says "James Webb is a Populist-Leaning Liberal."

Jim Webb is a good, old fashioned Democrat, not the type of crazy so badly infesting the party right now.

Just like what's happening in the GOP, which is why Kasich is considered not good enough.
Thank you for digging that up. He certainly has not promoted his Liberal views nearly as much or as strongly as his conservative views. And there's this:

Jim Webb: I won't vote for Clinton, but I may for Trump

Now, I can't imagine any true Liberal saying such a thing.
That depends on the liberal. Some will, some won't.

But he's what I said, a good, old fashioned, non-crazy Democrat.
Except I just produced for you data that shows she's not a pathological liar, and is in fact one of the most truthful politicians in Washington.
You did no such thing. You produced propaganda. And tonight, the American people saw through the lies you spread.

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