No one mentions that the Russian trail leads to Democratic lobbyists


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
K Street lobbyists are the symbol of Washington influence-peddling as they push government for favors, subsidies, exemptions, and other special treatment for their clients. Their customers include, in addition to domestic clients, foreign governments, oligarchs, fugitive speculators, and a rogue’s gallery of questionable figures. Washington lobbyists trade on their access to power. Many are former administration officials or members of Congress. If Trump fulfills his promise to “drain the swamp,” these influence peddlers would have nothing to sell. They are under attack.


Well of course not that's what happens when leftist do their filthy scum work they cover up , lie , cheat, and steal.
No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
K Street lobbyists are the symbol of Washington influence-peddling as they push government for favors, subsidies, exemptions, and other special treatment for their clients. Their customers include, in addition to domestic clients, foreign governments, oligarchs, fugitive speculators, and a rogue’s gallery of questionable figures. Washington lobbyists trade on their access to power. Many are former administration officials or members of Congress. If Trump fulfills his promise to “drain the swamp,” these influence peddlers would have nothing to sell. They are under attack.


Well of course not that's what happens when leftist do their filthy scum work they cover up , lie , cheat, and steal.
Desperate much?
Uranium One was a Canadian Company you fricken idiot.
The Nazis used this same tactic that the Democratic Party is now using: Accuse the other of things you yourself are guilty of, as a way to dilute or distract from the truth. It's called turnspeak.

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