No one proof about russian hacking.Only 'might','could' and 'would be able'!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Are we already living in Orwell's 1984? No one simple fact about allegedly 'Russian Hacking'!No one!
Instead lot of 'would be able', 'probably','might be','possible' stated by so-called 'experts' - almost all faggots, RINOs or democrats.
Presstitutes spread non-stop their lies and push not only to stealing election from Trump, but also to a war with Russia.
MSM, Hussein O. from Kenya, so-called queer 'experts' are completely unfair and insane, they must accept the choice of American people and not to try to revert it.
If US and other western folks want to be free they must firstly stop to purchase dirty lying sheets of MSM or watch their lying coverages.

In Germany and other European countries people are forced to pay for Radio and TV, no matter if you need this controlled BS-MSM or not.
Are we already living in Orwell's 1984? No one simple fact about allegedly 'Russian Hacking'!No one!
Instead lot of 'would be able', 'probably','might be','possible' stated by so-called 'experts' - almost all faggots, RINOs or democrats.
Presstitutes spread non-stop their lies and push not only to stealing election from Trump, but also to a war with Russia.
MSM, Hussein O. from Kenya, so-called queer 'experts' are completely unfair and insane, they must accept the choice of American people and not to try to revert it.
If US and other western folks want to be free they must firstly stop to purchase dirty lying sheets of MSM or watch their lying coverages.


Fucking hell, Republicans now demanding proof and evidence for things. What the hell is the world coming to? I mean, they just elected a guy who deems truth and evidence and shit a waste of time.
The complaints over the MSM whenever the right wants to plant their head in the sand has gotten so predictable and tiresome. I certainly would be more reassured if Trump got out ahead of this in proactive style instead of acting like he's got something to hide. After all, the issue seems to go hand-in-hand with issues he raised himself about national security and dishonest elections. My only doubts about Trump having nothing to hide come when he reacts like they're investigating him.
national security a

The biggest treats to national security are corrupted carrier politicians, presstitutes, globalists and lying DC officials.
Donald will drain the swamp.
The RW'ers are now ADMITTING there was Russian hacking:

Russian hackers tried and failed to breach RNC

So much for all you deniers.

Well, they failed, that means there was no hacking, just an attempt.

Besides that there are millions intetnet connections in Russia, some clever kids may try to hack anything that is connected to the net, and they usually fail.

So how moronic must somebody be to believe that Putin is responsible for all hackers that live in Russia?

Oh man....
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From one of the Liberals' favorite 'conclusive' sources - Politifact \ 'What We Know':

"The vast majority of expert commentary seems to agree the Russian government hacked the DNC. But Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global, remains skeptical.

He said many of these technical indicators pointing to Russia are traits that have been publicly outed as Russian previously, so it doesn’t make sense that Russian intelligence agencies would use them again for covert activity.

He also posed the question how "a country known for the world's most sophisticated software engineers" would be so easily caught.

"It makes much more sense to me that the Russian government had nothing to do with this, but that Russian-speaking hackers did it on their own for fun or profit or both," Carr said."

"The weight of the evidence favors an explanation that the Russians leaked the documents to favor Trump, so it is more than a conspiracy theory but still speculative," Hennessey said."

What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak
Germany's an Islamic state. nobody here give a rats ass what happens to it.

Geman leaders say that the well-being of Israel is the "raison d'être" of Germany (no joke!), they do everything to please the Israelis.

So I think that Israel cares what happens in Germany.



"The vast majority of expert commentary seems to agree the Russian government hacked the DNC. But Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global, remains skeptical.

He said many of these technical indicators pointing to Russia are traits that have been publicly outed as Russian previously, so it doesn’t make sense that Russian intelligence agencies would use them again for covert activity.

He also posed the question how "a country known for the world's most sophisticated software engineers" would be so easily caught.

"It makes much more sense to me that the Russian government had nothing to do with this, but that Russian-speaking hackers did it on their own for fun or profit or both," Carr said."

What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak

So Liberals are suggesting, like Hillary, the Russians are careless and stupid?! Ok.....
No, they're not forced to pay for it.

Do you speak German?

People are put into prison, if they do not pay, though they never asked for it and do not need it.

gez strafen - Google Search

Ja, ich spreche Deutsch, ich hab in Deutschland und Oesterreich gewohnt, danke schoen.

No, people are not put into prison because they don't pay. People are put into prison if they USE IT and DON'T PAY FOR IT. In which country is stealing considered legal exactly?

If you don't watch TV, you won't get locked up for not using it. The same as if you don't use a car, you won't get locked up for not paying for insurance, or for gas or for any of the other stuff.

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