No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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That's another lie.

If it's so bad, why do you stay here?
Are you just a pest?

Stop asking that stupid ass question. This probably the 30th time you've asked it, I was born here, I don't have too leave. I have the right to demand that things change.

I don't think things are going to get much more tolerant than this.

The U.S.A is rather tolerant, this Pew poll survey exposes how in parts of Europe intolerance is much more prevalent than here.

Chapter 6. Opinions of Ethnic and Religious Minorities

For example in the U.S.A 86% viewed Blacks as favorable, and 8% as unfavorable.

In comparison in Italy, and Czech Republic 84% viewed Roma (Gypsies) as unfavorable,

You are a racist.. You and others here have made references to blacks as chimps and apes. Others here feel the same way. But here you are trying to ttell me how tolerant people are here according to a poll in 1991..

So why did whites create the policy of redlining and how did they benefit from it.

Yes, I am a racist, why is that shocking? I'm of an Eastern European background, and according to that poll Eastern Europeans aren't as tolerant (Today at least)

But, most on this forum are rather neutral towards Blacks. (Besides much of this forum is clearly Conservative leaning)
You seem to think that anyone who doesn't appease Blacks, even denying widespread so called discrimination is ultimately racist.

I'm assuming that part of the poll was conducted in 2006.

Yes, some time has gone by since then, but it's still good data.

Besides, if you're saying race relations have gotten worse, why do you expect things to get better?

No the data is not good. I haven't said anything has gotten worse. I am saying things haven't changed.
If it's so bad, why do you stay here?
Are you just a pest?

Stop asking that stupid ass question. This probably the 30th time you've asked it, I was born here, I don't have too leave. I have the right to demand that things change.

I don't think things are going to get much more tolerant than this.

The U.S.A is rather tolerant, this Pew poll survey exposes how in parts of Europe intolerance is much more prevalent than here.

Chapter 6. Opinions of Ethnic and Religious Minorities

For example in the U.S.A 86% viewed Blacks as favorable, and 8% as unfavorable.

In comparison in Italy, and Czech Republic 84% viewed Roma (Gypsies) as unfavorable,

You are a racist.. You and others here have made references to blacks as chimps and apes. Others here feel the same way. But here you are trying to ttell me how tolerant people are here according to a poll in 1991..

So why did whites create the policy of redlining and how did they benefit from it.

Yes, I am a racist, why is that shocking? I'm of an Eastern European background, and according to that poll Eastern Europeans aren't as tolerant (Today at least)

But, most on this forum are rather neutral towards Blacks. (Besides much of this forum is clearly Conservative leaning)
You seem to think that anyone who doesn't appease Blacks, even denying widespread so called discrimination is ultimately racist.

I'm assuming that part of the poll was conducted in 2006.

Yes, some time has gone by since then, but it's still good data.

Besides, if you're saying race relations have gotten worse, why do you expect things to get better?

No the data is not good. I haven't said anything has gotten worse. I am saying things haven't changed.

That Pew poll also showed that 5% of Americans viewed Whites as unfavorable, gee I wonder who they are?LOL

But, this proves that there was only slightly higher negative views of Blacks, than Whites in the U.S.A.

Actually the Pew poll there proved that more Americans viewed Blacks as favorable than Asians.
So, why the strong disparity between Asians, and Blacks in general outcomes, huh?

Oh okay, "Nothing has changed" since Civil Rights, huh?
Oh really?
Admission to elite colleges and universities in the United States is not now and never has been based solely on academic merit. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

You see the problem with you and corrells whining is that you posted what suited our racist views. You make no mention about concern for underrepresented minorities which in Ivy League schools Asians are not. But like the race baiting punks you are , the disingenuous assholes who are racist against Asians but only use them in this argument to try denying how whites have been given the most advantages and have benefitted he most at the expense of everyone else there is much in this study that you do not mention.

You're a liar and I would suggest to you that you really quit trying to argue based on this study before I eat your punk white ass up with the fact this study really shows. Now you don't have to listen, you, correll and the other idiots came pump yourselves up trying to make personal attacks, but it is vest for you to move on past this lie and answer the question you were provided.

You see the problem with you and corrells whining is that you posted what suited our racist views.

I see the problem with your whining is that you posted what suited your racist views.

I would suggest to you that you really quit trying to argue based on this study before I eat your punk white ass up

Ooohh, you're gettin' me all excited!

Actually I am not posting a lie to try proving one such as you and Correll are trying to do.

None of the facts I posted about black SAT bonus points were lies.
I see you ignored the evidence of the negative impact AA had on Asians.
Do you still feel it had no negative impact on white admissions?
Whites who had lower scores, on average, than Asians.
Asians are part of Affitmative Action policy.

Obviously, based on the 50 points they get subtracted from their scores.

Explain why redlining was done and how it has benefitted whites.

You explain why redlining was done and how it has benefitted whites.

You were asked the question and since you want to rant on and on about some made up advantage blacks are supposed to have maybe you would be man enough to recognize how many things whites have been given and continue to get. Or is all you exist here to do is whine and troll?

since you want to rant on and on about some made up advantage blacks are supposed to have

Supposed to have? LOL!

maybe you would be man enough to recognize how many things whites have been given

What has redlining given me? Be specific.

Yes supposed to have. Because all these advantages you tell me us blacks get, I haven't seen. But well known policies that have been documented to have benefited whites you deny. You explain why redlining was done and how it has benefitted whites.

Because all these advantages you tell me us blacks get, I haven't seen.

Not all blacks needed AA, but only a blind man would deny some benefitted from it.

You explain why redlining was done and how it has benefitted whites.

I'm dying to know, what has redlining given me? Be specific.
1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Why are egalitarians so stupid?

Just because there's some income disparities between different demographics, doesn't automatically mean it's from discrimination.

Yes, your chart shows that Whites with professional, and advanced degrees have more income.

But, does that mean that they all have the same degrees? some advanced degree fields pay more than others.

One demographic might be more skilled too, just because 2 people have the same degree, doesn't necessarily mean they have the same qualifications to make a business money.

Furthermore a lot of money can be generated from investments, maybe each group saves money for investments in a different manner.

When there is a continuing record of discrimination between those demographics then if there are disparities it's most cases will be due to discrimination. When there is the record of discrimination that has occurred here a disparity in kill due to demographics may also vey well be due to .racism.

And you can drop the investment argument.

There's hardly discrimination today, especially not in the notoriously elite circles who so often hire foreign over American.

That's another lie.

If it's so bad, why do you stay here?
Are you just a pest?

And you?
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Wrong. Blacks have benefitted the most. You all went from mud huts in Africa to a real civilization. If it's so bad here, what are you still doing here? Need help packing?
And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Wrong. Blacks have benefitted the most. You all went from mud huts in Africa to a real civilization. If it's so bad here, what are you still doing here? Need help packing?

Yea I'd take the "mud huts" any day over slavery jackass. But I guess liberty and all men created equal isn't a priority in your book. Sounds like you favor communism, they tell you where to work, where to live, portion your food, clothing, etc, where you or your kids go...and they then tell you your life is somehow better. Yea that sounds like a real step up.
If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Wrong. Blacks have benefitted the most. You all went from mud huts in Africa to a real civilization. If it's so bad here, what are you still doing here? Need help packing?

Yea I'd take the "mud huts" any day over slavery jackass. But I guess liberty and all men created equal isn't a priority in your book. Sounds like you favor communism, they tell you where to work, where to live, portion your food, clothing, etc, where you or your kids go...and they then tell you your life is somehow better. Yea that sounds like a real step up.
You're not capable of understanding what I'm talking about. Go back to bed. :lol:
You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Wrong. Blacks have benefitted the most. You all went from mud huts in Africa to a real civilization. If it's so bad here, what are you still doing here? Need help packing?

Yea I'd take the "mud huts" any day over slavery jackass. But I guess liberty and all men created equal isn't a priority in your book. Sounds like you favor communism, they tell you where to work, where to live, portion your food, clothing, etc, where you or your kids go...and they then tell you your life is somehow better. Yea that sounds like a real step up.
You're not capable of understanding what I'm talking about. Go back to bed. :lol:

Oh really? What's the deep point you were making that I just can't seem to fathom. That exact BS argument was actually tried by the slavers at the time, as a reason for slavery. "We're actually helping them." Yea people love getting forcefully split from their families and forced into labor and hanged and whipped when they get out of line. It's a great life.
You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Wrong. Blacks have benefitted the most. You all went from mud huts in Africa to a real civilization. If it's so bad here, what are you still doing here? Need help packing?

Yea I'd take the "mud huts" any day over slavery jackass. But I guess liberty and all men created equal isn't a priority in your book. Sounds like you favor communism, they tell you where to work, where to live, portion your food, clothing, etc, where you or your kids go...and they then tell you your life is somehow better. Yea that sounds like a real step up.
You're not capable of understanding what I'm talking about. Go back to bed. :lol:

Hey since the Amish are living like savages compared to our way of life, we should enslave them, and show them our way of life that way, am I right?
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Point out how exactly whites are being helped by slavery 150 years ago the 360,000 white men died to free the slaves who had never seen a slave in their life. You're throwing abstract statement out, and then being racist by saying this abstract statement applies to ALL of a certain skin color. It's a ridiculous statement, not to mention again, racist. Yes blacks can be very much guilty of racism too, and that's the group I've experienced the most racism from in my life. I don't put that on all blacks because it's just not the case. Asians can also be racist, more towards other Asians, but no group is innocent of racism. No group is entirely or even mostly guilty of racism wether it's on purpose or not. It's just a ridiculous statement to make, and it will get you no where. It also makes you no better than those guilty of racism, soft racism or hard racism, your perputating the cycle. Do it if you want, that's on you for being part of the problem not the solution.
Your opinion has nothing to do with the OP.

Actually it has everything to do with the OP, your going to twist this into its you not me crap...

The simple truth is right in front of you, try not to be so deep in denial...
LOLz, because my family coming from Poland in the early 20th century, must have benefited from slavery.

If that's true, then Blacks also benefited from slavery in the long term, because they too gained American wealth from it too, no?

Is that why Blacks are richer in the U.S.A, than in Haiti, or Africa?

Yes, Blacks today are invested in the same infrastructure that whites in America are invested in. Go to the same colleges. I wonder if they might be better off and have more opportunities than some White Eastern europeans.

Yarddog posts up some absolutely crazy bullshit.

Where is our expert on illogical comments when these types of comments are made?

The question to be answered here now thanks to Molly, is how did whites benefit from redlining in America.

If my comments are so illogical, then why don't you give up your citizenship and move to Haiti? Well, you wont do that because America is a pretty nice place to live with a lot of opportunity, Including (Black People). It's just that to some people like yourself, you can only see how the glass is half empty. Try advancing yourself in a country like Moldova Europe where the GDP per capita is less than 2,000 U.S. (and those are just the white people)
You gave plenty of shits with all your racist posts about all this free shit we blacks are supposed to want. It's not that you don't care. It's all about you not being man enough to face the truth. .

I did?

.That and you have called me a racist for describing what whites have benefitted from. So now we are tlaking about the days after slavery that lasted for 100 years whereby whites were by law allowed all manner of rights and opportunities blacks did not get. That's what this thread is. about. Not what you care or don't care about. If you don't care then don' t comment. There are all kinds of threads here at USMB that you can participate in if you don' t care about what's being discussed here. So do that.

So you can quote me saying all of these horrible things, right?
"No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery."

. . . As do most blacks.

Your point is. . .

The cost of slavery is a permanent racial underclass, not just in America, but in many parts of the world. It was a grievous mistake on all counts designed to address an agrarian labor shortage 300 years ago.

We aren't taking about slavery and we aren't taking about anything outside of America.

Slavery had very much to do with "outside of America" as well, and if your having a conversation with people , you dont just get to demand every aspect of what they can and cannot bring to the conversation. If you want that its just a monologue.

When I am not talking about slavery, I can demand what the fuck I want.

Well, I know all about demanding people and they are usually pretty self centered. Sometimes Post Slavery America has conversation references going back to slavery. Maybe if you tried to be a little less controlling you would have better conversations with people.
Actually I do, and what you are saying here is YOU don't give a flying fuck about Asians, so stop projecting.

Nope. That's not what I am saying. I am saying this argument about Asians disingenuous and that's because it is. I bought up how Asians are paid less than white men and have filed more did racial discriminations suits against whites than anyone else and we hear crickets. If you are so concerned with the plihh of Asians then you are concerned about these things. What is going on is that Asians are being used in this argument to try denying the fact of how whites have benefitted the most from modern polices and to try reducing the reality of what blacks have faced.
Wrong. Blacks have benefitted the most. You all went from mud huts in Africa to a real civilization. If it's so bad here, what are you still doing here? Need help packing?

Yea I'd take the "mud huts" any day over slavery jackass. But I guess liberty and all men created equal isn't a priority in your book. Sounds like you favor communism, they tell you where to work, where to live, portion your food, clothing, etc, where you or your kids go...and they then tell you your life is somehow better. Yea that sounds like a real step up.
You're not capable of understanding what I'm talking about. Go back to bed. :lol:

Hey since the Amish are living like savages compared to our way of life, we should enslave them, and show them our way of life that way, am I right?
My point is that blacks today benefitted from slavery because otherwise they'd still be in Africa, which is a total shot hole.
Just like I benefitted from my ancestors being serfs in the old country because they made the hard decisions and migrated here, giving me a better life than the people stuck back in the old country. So I benefitted from their struggles.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.



Are you scared to talk about it?

What's to talk about?

No one in my family ever owned slaves. Even if they had, I don't owe their descendants a goddam thing.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

SAT Scores for Ivy League Admissions

All of the Ivy League schools have truly holistic admissions, so keep SAT scores in perspective and realize that they are just one part of the admissions equation. Perfect 800s across the board don't guarantee admission if other parts of your application are weak. Admissions officers will want to see a strong academic record, a winning essay, meaningful extracurricular activities and good letters of recommendation. A particularly compelling personal story or amazing special talent can partially make up for SAT scores that are below the norm for a school.

Compare SAT Scores for Ivy League Admissions

Your and Corrells entire argument has been about SAT scores. As you see here SAT scores are just one part of the admission process. It is not the sole determinant of admission. Therefore your entire argument is dead.

My god, your twisting to avoid understanding a simple fact.

All else being equal, the black student can have 230 less sat points and have an equal chance of being admitted as the white student.

NOTHING in that statement implies or suggest in any fashion that SAT scores are the sole determining factor.

YOur post is utterly senseless.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

You keep talking about this 230 points but I can't find proof of it anywhere except on a conservative website. The Ivy League doesn;'t say that. In fact your information is derived from a person who runs the H2 Academy and assumes racial bias is part of the process. There is no black bonus, the person named Ann Lee claims one by calling it that.

Here a pdf of article from Princeton discussing the 230 point bonus. It is not the original article, but it references the findings. Tty to not use that as an excuse to dismiss it. Preferences Espenshade Chung June 2005.pdf

." Using data from the National Study of College Experience on 124,374 applications for admission during the 1980s and the fall semesters of 1993 and 1997, they found that elite universities give extra weight in admissions to candidates whose SAT scores are above 1500, who are African American, and who are student athletes. A smaller, but nevertheless important, preference is extended to Hispanic and legacy applicants. African-American applicants receive the equivalent of 230 extra SAT points (on a 1600-point scale), and being Hispanic is worth an additional 185 SAT points. Other things equal, recruited athletes gain an admission bonus worth 200 points, while the preference for legacy candidates is worth 160 points"

Some Asians who ae being dumb refuse to understand they are also benefactors of Affirmative Action. An Asian would npt be allowed entrance into these schools without the policy. More Asians would not be admitted if the policy ends.

Your pretense that this is 1919 is noted and dismissed. Ending AA and similar non merit based factors would lead to a massive increase in asian admissions today.

Asians Penalized 50 Points On SAT – Black Students Given 230 Bonus Points…

You see this stereotype by whites about the Asan being the model minority is not new.

The real reasons the U.S. became less racist toward Asian Americans

To combat racism, minorities in the United States have
often attempted to portray themselves as upstanding citizens capable of assimilating into mainstream culture. Asian Americans were no different, Wu writes. Some, like the Chinese, sought respectability by promoting stories about their obedient children and their traditional family values. The Japanese pointed to their wartime service as proof of their shared Americanness.

African Americans in the 1940s made very similar appeals. But in the postwar moment, Wu argues, it was only convenient for political leaders to hear the Asian voices.

The model minority narrative may have started with Asian Americans, but it was quickly co-opted by white politicians who saw it as a tool to win allies in the Cold War. Discrimination was not a good look on the international stage. Embracing Asian Americans “provided a powerful means for the United States to proclaim itself a racial democracy and thereby credentialed to assume the leadership of the free world,” Wu writes. Stories about Asian American success were turned into propaganda.

By the 1960s, anxieties about the civil right movement caused white Americans to further invest in positive portrayals of Asian Americans. The image of the hard-working Asian became an extremely convenient way to deny the demands of African Americans. As Wu describes in her book, both liberal and conservative politicians pumped up the image of Asian Americans as a way to shift the blame for black poverty. If Asians could find success within the system, politicians asked, why couldn’t African Americans?

“The insinuation was that hard work along with unwavering faith in the government and liberal democracy as opposed to political protest were the keys to overcoming racial barriers as well as achieving full citizenship,” she writes.

The real reasons the U.S. became less racist toward Asian Americans

So as I have said before stop using asians for your argument because you don't give a damn about them. Yu ae only trying to cite what you whote folks have made up about Asians to try denying the truth of what us black folks say about your racism.

The real secret to Asian American success was not education

“The widespread assumption is that Asian Americans came to the United States very disadvantaged, and they wound up advantaged through extraordinary investments in their children’s education,” says Brown University economist Nathaniel Hilger.

But that's not what really happened, he says.

Hilger recently used old census records to trace the fortunes of whites, blacks and Asians who were born in California during the early- to mid-20th century. He found that educational gains had little to do with how Asian Americans managed to close the wage gap with whites by the 1970s.

Instead, his research suggests that society simply became less racist toward Asians.


The real secret to Asian American success was not education

So again stop lying about how you are so concerned about Asians.

Why we must talk about the Asian-American story, too
Anti-Asian-American racism paints picture of a ‘model minority’

But some will maintain that this is all talk of the past, that this history says little about the present-day realities of Asian-Americans. They might note that in 1965 Congress rid racial discrimination from immigration and naturalization law. The convictions of Gordon Hirabayashi and Fred Korematsu, furthermore, were overturned in the 1980s and Japanese-Americans received reparations for internment around that same time. Racism barely scars the lives of Asian-Americans, these folk might insist, noting that America regards them as a so-called “model minority.”
In the 1960s, when articulated grievances against anti-black bigotry roiled throughout the American landscape, some leading white intellectuals, through the mainstream media, championed the idea that Asian-Americans constituted a model minority. The model minority myth holds that Asian-Americans are an incredibly successful group generally because of their personal responsibility and law-abiding behavior.

In 1966, the U.S. News & World Report, for instance, wrote, “At a time when Americans are awash in worry over the plight of racial minorities — one such minority, the nation’s 300,000 Chinese Americans, is winning wealth and respect by dint of its own hard work … Still being taught in Chinatown is the old idea that people should depend on their own efforts — not a welfare check—in order to reach America’s ‘promised land.’” The national press pumped out similar stories lauding Asian-Americans and indirectly scolding blacks, while scholarly work validating the model minority stereotype blanketed social science journals. Fifty years later, the model minority stereotype appears true both inside and outside the Asian-American population.

But the model minority stereotype is a myth that white supremacy devised partly to defend American society from the charges of racism leveled by black folk and those sympathetic to their complaints.

The model minority myth, furthermore, convinces citizens and power holders that Asian-Americans harbor no real need for government assistance. “The portrayal of Asian Americans as successful,” Seattle University School of Law professor
Robert S. Chang wrote, “permits the general public, government officials, and the judiciary to ignore or marginalize the contemporary needs of Asian Americans.”

Besides this sort of neglect, Asian-Americans face active discrimination.
Approximately 30 percent of Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders reported that they had endured discrimination in the workplace, the highest reporting percentage of any racial group. Blacks were second at 26 percent.

The primary reason for this employment discrimination is that Asian-Americans are often deemed unsuited for high-ranking management positions.

Why we must talk about the Asian-American story, too

I'm not like most of you guys. I know what the fuck I am talking about.

'Model Minority' Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians And Blacks

A piece from New York Magazine's Andrew Sullivan over the weekend ended with an old, well-worn trope: Asian-Americans, with their "solid two-parent family structures," are a shining example of how to overcome discrimination. An essay that began by imagining why Democrats feel sorry for Hillary Clinton — and then detoured to President Trump's policies — drifted to this troubling ending:

"Today, Asian-Americans are among the most prosperous, well-educated, and successful ethnic groups in America. What gives? It couldn't possibly be that they maintained solid two-parent family structures, had social networks that looked after one another, placed enormous emphasis on education and hard work, and thereby turned false, negative stereotypes into true, positive ones, could it? It couldn't be that all whites are not racists or that the American dream still lives?"

Sullivan's piece, rife with generalizations about a group as vastly diverse as Asian-Americans, rightfully raised hackles. Not only inaccurate, his piece spreads the idea that Asian-Americans as a group are monolithic, even though
parsing data by ethnicity reveals a host of disparities; for example, Bhutanese-Americans have far higher rates of poverty than other Asian populations, like Japanese-Americans. And at the root of Sullivan's pernicious argument is the idea that black failure and Asian success cannot be explained by inequities and racism, and that they are one and the same; this allows a segment of white America to avoid any responsibility for addressing racism or the damage it continues to inflict.

'Model Minority' Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians And Blacks

We will not be talking about Asian test scores anymore. Asian test scores are not the OP. As you see Asian SAT scores has not ended the racism Asians face and white men still get paid more.

Oh excuse me I was wrong about legacy points, it is 160. Funny how these points never get mentioned.

A contributor at The Amherst Student points out that recruited athletes get a bonus of 200 points, while legacy students receive a bonus of 160 points.

There is a history of not allowing all others entry into these universities regardless of what their mother fucking SAT scores were based on color. You don't get to pretend that didn't happen and you don't get t pretend that for over 200 years such access was denied to act like in 50 years it's a matter that has been all corrected.

The question has been asked, how has redlining helped whites today?

Thus endeth the lesson.

THat's a lot of writing about asians. I didn't bring up asians. You seem to be trying to support your assumption that everything is about evul white supremacy.
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

It IS the way it is. If there is any discrimination taking place in admissions, every CURRENT study indicates that it is Asian students who are most at risk.

What he is doing is ignoring that glaring fact from the same study from 2004(13 years ago) that he posted, attempting to spin it to look like the admission of literally ANY black student is at the expense of MASSIVE numbers of white students.

It's laughable that he is still on a soapbox about proven BULLSHIT.

Opinion | White Students’ Unfair Advantage in Admissions

As always, I am not responsible for the voices in your head. NONE of the crazy you attribute to me, has anything to actually do with me or anything I said.

Please try again.

No need to venture down YOUR path of persecution again.

If you happened to be an Asian student who was actually being affected by the information in numerous studies out there, including the one you posted, then I might have some empathy, but you trying to ride on the coattails of their challenges relating to fainess in college admissions, does in fact effectively remove the mask from your psychosis.

There is nothing in this thread to "try again" for where you are concerned.

Carry on.

That Asians are discriminated against even MORE individually does not mean that many more whites are not discriminated against.

It is not credible that you cannot grasp that simple fact, based on the reality that you have the brain power to find your computer on a regular basis.

I have more than one computer, so finding one is not an issue. What matters is the information that you use it to find.

"Credible" studies point to the fact that Asians are discriminated against in college admissions in favor of whites.

But you refuse to acknowledge that fact.


I guess because the conversation is dominated by lefties whinging about past racism, and whites rightly complaining about current discrimination.

NOt sure what you want from me on this. Discrimination against asians does not mean that the discrimination against whites is not happening.
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