No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

Economic success in America is often seen as a reflection of what kind of family a person was born into, how hard they work, and what kinds of opportunites exist in the economy. Of course, though, the story goes much deeper than that. How well a person's parents were positioned financially tends to reflect the well-being of the family they grew up in and, in turn, how their parents and grandparents did.

There are lots of reasons that whites have so much more wealth than nonwhites. How the GI Bill played out is one of those reasons. Whites were able to use the government guaranteed housing loans that were a pillar of the bill to buy homes in the fast growing suburbs. Those homes subsequently rose greatly in value in coming decades, creating vast new household wealth for whites during the postwar era.

But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism.

In short, the GI Bill helped fostered a long-term boom in white wealth but did almost nothing to help blacks to build wealth. We are still living with the effects of that exclusion today -- and will be for a long time to come.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

From your link: "But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism. "

Looks like it wasn't the GI Bill that was at fault, but the banks that were worried about making loans.

The banks were not "worried' about making government backed loans to whites as part if this program.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

Economic success in America is often seen as a reflection of what kind of family a person was born into, how hard they work, and what kinds of opportunites exist in the economy. Of course, though, the story goes much deeper than that. How well a person's parents were positioned financially tends to reflect the well-being of the family they grew up in and, in turn, how their parents and grandparents did.

There are lots of reasons that whites have so much more wealth than nonwhites. How the GI Bill played out is one of those reasons. Whites were able to use the government guaranteed housing loans that were a pillar of the bill to buy homes in the fast growing suburbs. Those homes subsequently rose greatly in value in coming decades, creating vast new household wealth for whites during the postwar era.

But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism.

In short, the GI Bill helped fostered a long-term boom in white wealth but did almost nothing to help blacks to build wealth. We are still living with the effects of that exclusion today -- and will be for a long time to come.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

From your link: "But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism. "

Looks like it wasn't the GI Bill that was at fault, but the banks that were worried about making loans.

The banks were not "worried' about making government backed loans to whites as part if this program.

Did you miss the part stating I pulled that from your own link?

The GI Bill doesn't give loans, banks do.
No the thread topic nor is it my point.

It is the point. You have posted numerous race baiting threads in which you insult "whitey" and claim that :whitey" owe blacks something. That is your entire zeitgeist here. If you are goign to post such drivel, then expect to be called on it.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

No the thread topic nor is it my point.

It is the point. You have posted numerous race baiting threads in which you insult "whitey" and claim that :whitey" owe blacks something. That is your entire zeitgeist here. If you are goign to post such drivel, then expect to be called on it.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't. You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now. I know how it did so, and I am not doing the research for you.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


You have your version of history while ignoring the fact that Irish, Italians, Chinese, Native Americans and so many more were mistreated.

You only focus on one group while ignoring the reality many were discriminated against.

If you deny this then tell the Native Americans of this country how they had so much more than the African slaves and their ancestors and I am sure they will agree with you and if not you can call them racist for disagreeing with your slanted view of America.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

Economic success in America is often seen as a reflection of what kind of family a person was born into, how hard they work, and what kinds of opportunites exist in the economy. Of course, though, the story goes much deeper than that. How well a person's parents were positioned financially tends to reflect the well-being of the family they grew up in and, in turn, how their parents and grandparents did.

There are lots of reasons that whites have so much more wealth than nonwhites. How the GI Bill played out is one of those reasons. Whites were able to use the government guaranteed housing loans that were a pillar of the bill to buy homes in the fast growing suburbs. Those homes subsequently rose greatly in value in coming decades, creating vast new household wealth for whites during the postwar era.

But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism.

In short, the GI Bill helped fostered a long-term boom in white wealth but did almost nothing to help blacks to build wealth. We are still living with the effects of that exclusion today -- and will be for a long time to come.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

From your link: "But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism. "

Looks like it wasn't the GI Bill that was at fault, but the banks that were worried about making loans.

The banks were not "worried' about making government backed loans to whites as part if this program.

Did you miss the part stating I pulled that from your own link?

The GI Bill doesn't give loans, banks do.

I did not miss anything. The loans were guaranteed by the government. The banks had no reason to not give loans to blacks.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

Economic success in America is often seen as a reflection of what kind of family a person was born into, how hard they work, and what kinds of opportunites exist in the economy. Of course, though, the story goes much deeper than that. How well a person's parents were positioned financially tends to reflect the well-being of the family they grew up in and, in turn, how their parents and grandparents did.

There are lots of reasons that whites have so much more wealth than nonwhites. How the GI Bill played out is one of those reasons. Whites were able to use the government guaranteed housing loans that were a pillar of the bill to buy homes in the fast growing suburbs. Those homes subsequently rose greatly in value in coming decades, creating vast new household wealth for whites during the postwar era.

But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism.

In short, the GI Bill helped fostered a long-term boom in white wealth but did almost nothing to help blacks to build wealth. We are still living with the effects of that exclusion today -- and will be for a long time to come.

How the GI Bill Left Out African Americans

From your link: "But black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism. "

Looks like it wasn't the GI Bill that was at fault, but the banks that were worried about making loans.

The banks were not "worried' about making government backed loans to whites as part if this program.

Did you miss the part stating I pulled that from your own link?

The GI Bill doesn't give loans, banks do.

I did not miss anything. The loans were guaranteed by the government. The banks had no reason to not give loans to blacks.
The banks had no reason to not give loans to blacks.

If they were a bad risk, they had every right.
White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

The quoted passage is not the thread topic. There s no discrimination against whites. You have no proof of it. You repeating there is every day is not proof.

I've posted peer reviewed academic studies documenting massive anti-white discrimination and you dismissed it, for bs "reasons".

No you have not. I dismissed you crap based on what was written in that peer reviewed study. You cannot prove wide spread massive anti white discrimination because it doesn't happen.

Nope. YOu ignored what was written in that study, said some words to pretend there was a reason for your denial, and then repeated your initial position, ie Evul White Racism.

YOu demand proof, with the full intent of not accepting ANYTHING as proof.

YOur mind is completely closed. YOu are only pretending to be engaged in a debate here.

Nah that's not what I did. I showed that blacks were given less credit for scoring over 1300 than whites and penalized more for scoring under 1,200 than whites. that was shown and stated in the study.

The penalty for scoring less than 1200 on the SAT is significantly greater for African-American and Hispanic students than the penalty for white students who score less than 1200 (Model 2). Similarly, the reward (i.e., increased likelihood of admission) that is produced by scoring more than 1300 is significantly smaller for African-American and especially for Hispanic students than the reward for white students who score more than 1300.

This is from the firs page of the study:

Conclusions. Elite colleges and universities extend preferences to many types of students, yet affirmative action—the only preference given to underrepresented minority applicants—is the one surrounded by the most controversy.

Admission to elite colleges and universities in the United States is not now and never has been based solely on academic merit.

This alone kills your argument of anti white discrimination based on SAT scores because SAT scores are not the sole determinant of admissions. Secondly this study does not show any a wide spread nationwide anti white discrimination. I don't have to open my mind to your imagination. You can't prove this massive nationwide anti white discrimination exists. You don't want to debate, because the thread topic is not anti while discrimination. It is about how whites have benefited from laws and policies after slavery ended.

I never claimed that the anti-white discrimination was based on SAT scores. The SAT scores are a good meter to MEASURE the AMOUNT of anti-white discrimination.

The fact that SAT scores are not the sole admission criteria is completely irrelevant to that. I don't know how to explain that any simpler.

You are like a fool who is fixated on the fact that your car's gas tank is full, and thus SHOULD be running, while ignoring the fact that the engine can break down a thousand other ways.

Whites have been suffering anti-white discrimination since laws and policies were reversed 50 years ago.
Would this be a good risk for a home improvement loan?

It is the point. You have posted numerous race baiting threads in which you insult "whitey" and claim that :whitey" owe blacks something. That is your entire zeitgeist here. If you are goign to post such drivel, then expect to be called on it.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

It is the point. You have posted numerous race baiting threads in which you insult "whitey" and claim that :whitey" owe blacks something. That is your entire zeitgeist here. If you are goign to post such drivel, then expect to be called on it.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't. You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now. I know how it did so, and I am not doing the research for you.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites

And I said I don't benefit today from redlining that ended over 50 years ago.

Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't.

Just because you claim I do benefit today doesn't mean I do.

You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now.

And you were asked to prove your claim it does. You failed. Again.

I know how it did so

Did so? That's past tense. We're talking about your claim it does today.

and I am not doing the research for you

Yes, your complete failure to provide proof of your claim is obvious.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


You have your version of history while ignoring the fact that Irish, Italians, Chinese, Native Americans and so many more were mistreated.

You only focus on one group while ignoring the reality many were discriminated against.

If you deny this then tell the Native Americans of this country how they had so much more than the African slaves and their ancestors and I am sure they will agree with you and if not you can call them racist for disagreeing with your slanted view of America.

I deny nothing. Italians and Irish were not discriminated against like blacks. In fact they participated in the discrimination against blacks. The Japanese got something like 25,000 per person for WW2 interment camps. Shortly after that you saw an expansion in Japanese owned business. Native Americans get reparations every year from the US government and despite cases of mismanagement in some of the BIAS, they will continue getting reparations forever. I don't begrudge them their money, because its not enough as compared to their continued suffering but when you whites start talking about what you won't pay for because you were not there, you are paying every year to Native American tribes for suffering they incurred when you were not born.

By your great grandparents who are not here. You are paying for the sins of your ancestors.

You aren't concerned about any of this discrimination. You only mention this in order to try dispelling what I am talking about. We have discussed your opinion, from this point on comment on the thread topic or you will be reported to the moderators.
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.

I doubt very many people actually believe we are past racism.

White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

That is ridiculous.
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.

I doubt very many people actually believe we are past racism.

White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

That is ridiculous.

Tell that to the new haven fire fighters.

YOur denial of the obvious reality is what is ridiculous.
Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't. You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now. I know how it did so, and I am not doing the research for you.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites

And I said I don't benefit today from redlining that ended over 50 years ago.

Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't.

Just because you claim I do benefit today doesn't mean I do.

You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now.

And you were asked to prove your claim it does. You failed. Again.

I know how it did so

Did so? That's past tense. We're talking about your claim it does today.

and I am not doing the research for you

Yes, your complete failure to provide proof of your claim is obvious.

You were asked to show how redlining benefited whites. WHITES, not just you.
You have no point to make.
What is YOURS?

His point is that he is Black and has achieved material and financial success but still feels that "whitey" owes him something.

No the thread topic nor is it my point.

It is the point. You have posted numerous race baiting threads in which you insult "whitey" and claim that :whitey" owe blacks something. That is your entire zeitgeist here. If you are goign to post such drivel, then expect to be called on it.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

The government owes blacks money? Just en masse, huh? Does it owe the same money to other minorities? Will the funds used be pulled specifically from the taxes of whites?
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.

I doubt very many people actually believe we are past racism.

White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

That is ridiculous.

Tell that to the new haven fire fighters.

YOur denial of the obvious reality is what is ridiculous.

First of all, one incident, or even multiple incidents, of anti-white discrimination would not prove that there has been generations of active discrimination against whites. Second, even if there is this multi-generational discrimination against whites, it would not mean white racism is a dead issue.
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.

I doubt very many people actually believe we are past racism.

White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

That is ridiculous.

Tell that to the new haven fire fighters.

YOur denial of the obvious reality is what is ridiculous.

And would you like compare that to the over 32,000 charges of racism filed by blacks to the EEOC in 2016?

Or how about the 33,000 cases filed in the same year the New Haven firefighters case was determined?
I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

I am discussing the topic. Youi are race baiting. Pure and simple.

This is the topic.

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

You are not discussing the topic nor is there any race baiting going on here.

How do I benefit, today, from redlining that ended over 50 years ago? Coward.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't. You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now. I know how it did so, and I am not doing the research for you.

You were asked to show how redlining benefitted whites

And I said I don't benefit today from redlining that ended over 50 years ago.

Jut because you claimed it did not benefit you doesn't man it didn't.

Just because you claim I do benefit today doesn't mean I do.

You were asked that so you would go do the research to find out how it benefits whites now.

And you were asked to prove your claim it does. You failed. Again.

I know how it did so

Did so? That's past tense. We're talking about your claim it does today.

and I am not doing the research for you

Yes, your complete failure to provide proof of your claim is obvious.

You were asked to show how redlining benefited whites. WHITES, not just you.

I said it doesn't.
You've yet to prove it does.
What are you afraid of?
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.

I doubt very many people actually believe we are past racism.

White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

That is ridiculous.

Tell that to the new haven fire fighters.

YOur denial of the obvious reality is what is ridiculous.

First of all, one incident, or even multiple incidents, of anti-white discrimination would not prove that there has been generations of active discrimination against whites. Second, even if there is this multi-generational discrimination against whites, it would not mean white racism is a dead issue.

The incident was caused by the legal theory of Disparate Impact, that makes the employer responsible for having equality of outcome despite any inequalities in the labor force caused by say, the shit urban schools.

Thus, the city, felt they HAD to discriminate against the white firefighters.

That theory was not something that only happens in New Haven, but is universal in our society.

The court system initially ruled in favor of anti-white discrimination.

When it reached the Supreme Court, the ruling, as normal in such cases, was by party lines with the dem appointed judges all in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination,

while the gop appointed judges ruled against the discrimination, BUT narrowly, not against the Disparate Impact Theory itself.

This shows that anti-whites discrimination is supported by both sides of the political divide.
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.

I doubt very many people actually believe we are past racism.

White racism is pretty much a dead issue, when a majority white nation has for generations been actively discriminating against whites.

That is ridiculous.

Tell that to the new haven fire fighters.

YOur denial of the obvious reality is what is ridiculous.

And would you like compare that to the over 32,000 charges of racism filed by blacks to the EEOC in 2016?

Or how about the 33,000 cases filed in the same year the New Haven firefighters case was determined?

Pick your best example, and I will be happy to compare contrast the causes, effects, reactions and end results.
What is YOURS?

His point is that he is Black and has achieved material and financial success but still feels that "whitey" owes him something.

No the thread topic nor is it my point.

It is the point. You have posted numerous race baiting threads in which you insult "whitey" and claim that :whitey" owe blacks something. That is your entire zeitgeist here. If you are goign to post such drivel, then expect to be called on it.

Insult whitey? Who cares? There has been no race baiting This government and every other level of this government owes blacks money for laws they enacted that denied us the right to earn money, then laws that made it so we could not earn what we were worth. Those are the facts and if that insults you so be it. We are talking about human rights violations. And whites who deny this are now going to be called on it here in this forum.

Now you will either discuss the thread topic or you will leave.

The government owes blacks money? Just en masse, huh? Does it owe the same money to other minorities? Will the funds used be pulled specifically from the taxes of whites?

Yes the government at every level owes lacks money.

The government is paying Native Americans money Montrovant. OK? Every year. OK?

The government paid every Japanese citizen 25,000 for WW2 Montrovant. OK?

No one asked these question when these things happen.

We are not going to turn this into the usual standardized white racist ranting about reparations. You pay them every year,

This is the thread topic:

No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.
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