No One Will Get the Harvey Milk Award for Exceptional “LGBT+” Advocacy Now


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Charlotte Pride now says no one will be awarded the 2023 Harvey Milk award for exceptional “LGBT+” advocacy after the announced winner’s past as a convicted child sex offender came to light.[…]

At the time, [Chad] Sevearance-Turner was at the forefront of a push for North Carolina to allow trans-identifying men to use women’s bathrooms.


Hard to believe people keep seeing the alphabet cult trans team is a front to normalize pedophillia. They should issue the award, especially since Harvey Milk raped little boys for fun.

An award for promoting faggotry? Anymore everyday I see something that makes me wonder what has our society become?

Jesus, we need a little help please.

Well, I guess the silver lining is they decided not to promote child diddlers.

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