NO One's Buying It...Not Even Democrats. So just STOP Already.

Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
30 years of lying, corruption, and criminal acts while in government is exceeded by a few dumb words by a person never in politics...but only in the small minds of Useful Idiots.
One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


Yes, 'more honest than Trump' is the correct terminology.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
30 years of lying, corruption, and criminal acts while in government is exceeded by a few dumb words by a person never in politics...but only in the small minds of Useful Idiots.

I did not say Clinton doesn't lie now and again...

But Trump why does Trump need to lie 3/4s of the time? Why is he so deceitful? Why do you accept his lies at the volume he is giving them to you?
One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


Yes, 'more honest than Trump' is the correct terminology.

Actually they can say she is far more honest and that is a proven fact...
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
30 years of lying, corruption, and criminal acts while in government is exceeded by a few dumb words by a person never in politics...but only in the small minds of Useful Idiots.

I did not say Clinton doesn't lie now and again...

But Trump why does Trump need to lie 3/4s of the time? Why is he so deceitful? Why do you accept his lies at the volume he is giving them to you?

It's funny how Trump wasn't a liar until he ran against Clinton, and all you brain dead media fed rodents started with your juvenile bullshit.
Just like honest Abe from Illinois, he was from Kentucky...

As opposed to a universal claim that Hillary is honest. Her own VP is sidestepping the issue.
I don't recall the universe taking note of Hillary..Let me contact those green men on Mars for a consensus...

Universal meaning widely stated claim. Contact Tim Kaine and get a straight answer on honesty and integrity of Hillary Clinton. Or, dodge the issue like he does... In your case, by your own words, chasing green men.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

That is your problem, facts and evidence doesn't match your propaganda...

Your candidate feels he needs to tell lies 3/4s of the time...

Why does he need to do that? Why does he need to be so deceitful?
When Hillary lies her lips move. No sale!

No evidence for that statement, actually there is plenty of evidence to the contrary....

Can I ask you:
Do you know Trump is lying to you 3/4s of the time?

If yes, you don't mind. Is it because he is telling you what you want to hear?

If No, how can you refute the evidence? We have video & audio evidence, document evidence...?
No evidence for that statement, actually there is plenty of evidence to the contrary....

Can I ask you:
Do you know Trump is lying to you 3/4s of the time?

If yes, you don't mind. Is it because he is telling you what you want to hear?

If No, how can you refute the evidence? We have video & audio evidence, document evidence...?
And how can you push the narrative that Trump lies 3/4 of the time while ignoring the evidence against Hillary? She has repeatedly been hammered by multiple Fact-Check Sites for lying about lying.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
30 years of lying, corruption, and criminal acts while in government is exceeded by a few dumb words by a person never in politics...but only in the small minds of Useful Idiots.

I did not say Clinton doesn't lie now and again...

But Trump why does Trump need to lie 3/4s of the time? Why is he so deceitful? Why do you accept his lies at the volume he is giving them to you?

It's funny how Trump wasn't a liar until he ran against Clinton, and all you brain dead media fed rodents started with your juvenile bullshit.

Don't forget racist. Liberals can't have an election unless they paint someone racist. Factually speaking, when he was fighting for Blacks to have membership in Florida Country Clubs, Hillary Clinton was fighting off pressure from the New York Times to give up membership in an All White Arkansas Country Club.

Americans are onto this tried and tired game of racist cards being flung be Democrats and Liberals. Liberals don't want honest debates on substance and fact.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
To me, what you just said is tantamount to saying >> "Yes, we know Hillary is not only a liar but a criminal and scheming and makes deals with our enemies for her own personal gain, and basically bad for this nation. However, since I am a liberal my job is to pretend she is good and the only way of defending her is to divert all criticism and talk about Trump instead. That is our only way of fooling everyone about the witch of ender."

And oddly enough, what liberals like you do is exactly what the mainstream media does for Hillary, hide her and pretend all her crimes do not exist.

What fucking crimes? She's been investigated and CLEARED every single time, because the so-called crimes are actually rumours that Republicans make up and then convince rubes like you that they're real. The investigation shows no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses, and still you say she committed a crime.
Yes, she committed crimes. Anyone else would be in prison. There was simply no way the Democrat DOJ was going to go after her. The investigation proved she lied, about sending and receiving classified emails, about the number of devices she used, about deleting emails after they were requested.

You are corrupt, we get it.

Except it wasn't the Democratic DOJ that made the decision... It was a FBI director who has a history of being supported by the GOP...

That kind of puts a hole in your argument.
No evidence for that statement, actually there is plenty of evidence to the contrary....

Can I ask you:
Do you know Trump is lying to you 3/4s of the time?

If yes, you don't mind. Is it because he is telling you what you want to hear?

If No, how can you refute the evidence? We have video & audio evidence, document evidence...?
And how can you push the narrative that Trump lies 3/4 of the time while ignoring the evidence against Hillary? She has repeatedly been hammered by multiple Fact-Check Sites for lying about lying.

Hillary has the best or close the best rating from the fact checkers while Trump has the worst...

Trump supporters mustn't care about honesty... I have posted the Politifact website since the cows come home...


Explain how this is even close...

Trump is grossly dishonest and deceitful.

The question is why? Why does he need to lie so much if he is right?
Politifact...the org that got busted for LYING in Hillary's favor?

Before any facts were in, Hillary denounced this racism from the Charlotte shooting and claimed she is going to talk directly to "white people" about stopping their racist ways.


The cop is black.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
30 years of lying, corruption, and criminal acts while in government is exceeded by a few dumb words by a person never in politics...but only in the small minds of Useful Idiots.

I did not say Clinton doesn't lie now and again...

But Trump why does Trump need to lie 3/4s of the time? Why is he so deceitful? Why do you accept his lies at the volume he is giving them to you?

It's funny how Trump wasn't a liar until he ran against Clinton, and all you brain dead media fed rodents started with your juvenile bullshit.
Whatever the establishment says, these D voters believe. How did this happen? It use to be that leftists were anti-establishment.

A Trump win could result in the establishment cratering the world's economy then blaming Trump and his supporters.

Great column: The Deplorables - LewRockwell

The “Deplorables” - Who We Are And What We Want
It’s interesting to me that the left once considered the bastion citadel of rebellion against the machine, is now willingly diving head-first into the intestinal apparatus of the system to be mulched for fuel for the very same beast. It just goes to show you how easily these fraudulent paradigms can change and how easily groups can be co-opted when they are oblivious to their own weaknesses.

Do not be surprised if a Trump victory is followed by a global deluge of financial instability — instability that will be blamed on us.

The narrative is already being set. International financiers, central bankers and media personalities are consistently mentioning the great danger of the “populists.” They say the deplorables are going to destroy the world. This is nonsense, of course. The world has already been destroyed by the banking elite and their cronies, but, the average person doesn’t really grasp this. We have to educate them quickly because we are about to be targeted as scapegoats for one of the greatest engineered fiscal catastrophes of all time.
Before any facts were in, Hillary denounced this racism from the Charlotte shooting and claimed she is going to talk directly to "white people" about stopping their racist ways.


The cop is black.

Evidence that Clinton was talking about the Charlotte shooting when she said this please...

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