NO One's Buying It...Not Even Democrats. So just STOP Already.

One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


Look into it and every Hillary "LIE!!!" is at least highly debatable. Trump and GOP nonstop lies are whoppers- it's whole other world. "Obama had total control for 2 years>, his policies cause unfairness"- see sig for non-stop bs propaganda, facts they never hear.
See? Now that is ridiculous.

Are you telling me you believe Hillary's "right wing conspiracy" about Monica blowing Bill?

You believe a video was behind the Benghazi attack...

You leftists are really out there where the buses don't run.
One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


Hillary is RELATIVELY honest, compared to other politicians, ESPECIALLY one named Trump.

Lefties don't think Hillary is honest at all. That's WHY they want her.


Look at the leftists here - completely reprehensible scum, not a shred of integrity in any of them.

Hillary exactly represents the ethics of the left - which is to say none.
Lefties don't think Hillary is honest at all. That's WHY they want her.


Look at the leftists here - completely reprehensible scum, not a shred of integrity in any of them.

Hillary exactly represents the ethics of the left - which is to say none.
Well I think that is giving them too much credit.

I suspect they can't tell the difference between lies and truth.
Look into it and every Hillary "LIE!!!" is at least highly debatable. Trump and GOP nonstop lies are whoppers- it's whole other world. "Obama had total control for 2 years>, his policies cause unfairness"- see sig for non-stop bs propaganda, facts they never hear.
She claimed she neither received nor sent classified information through her private server. Not a debatable lie, and a dangerous one. It was after that was proven false that she began to amend it.
One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


Hillary is RELATIVELY honest, compared to other politicians, ESPECIALLY one named Trump.


Oohhh, Politifraud.

Almost as credible as THinkProgress....


You morons are a joke.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...

politifact amd factcheck.....they pretty much have their offices in the DNC headquarters....
Look into it and every Hillary "LIE!!!" is at least highly debatable. Trump and GOP nonstop lies are whoppers- it's whole other world. "Obama had total control for 2 years>, his policies cause unfairness"- see sig for non-stop bs propaganda, facts they never hear.
She told many lies. And for a looong time. Just limiting it to the FBI for simplicities sake found:

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie: The Quick List of Clinton’s Eight E-mail Lies
James Comey, the FBI director, said in a statement Tuesday that the FBI would not recommend Hillary Clinton for indictment for using a private e-mail address and server for work communication while secretary of state. But he also detailed the findings of the FBI investigation into Clinton’s private server — disproving several of eight major lies she has told multiple times since the investigation into her private server began.

1. Lie: She didn’t send or receive any e-mails that were classified “at the time.” Clinton told this to reporters at a press conference March 10, 2015. She repeated it at an Iowa Democratic fundraiser July 25 and at a Democratic debate February 4, 2016. Once the investigation into Clinton’s e-mails began, the FBI began retroactively classifying some of the work-related e-mails she had released. So Clinton probably opted to dodge the issue by qualifying her statement, saying that no e-mails she sent were classified “at the time.” Truth: Comey said that the FBI found at least 110 e-mails that were classified at the time Clinton sent or received them — 52 e-mail chains in all, including eight Top Secret (the highest classification level) chains.

2. Lie: She didn’t send or receive any e-mails “marked classified” at the time. Clinton made this claim most recently July 3, 2016, on Meet the Press. She first made the claim August 26, 2015, at an Iowa news conference. She repeated it at Fox News town hall March 7, 2016; at a Democratic debate March 9; at a New York news conference March 1; and on Face the Nation May 8. Clinton again appeared to spin the facts emerging in the investigation. This time, she suggested that even if the FBI were now classifying some of her e-mails, she couldn’t be held responsible since the e-mails lacked any mark of classification at the time they were sent or received. Some wondered what she even meant by “marked” classified, while others pointed out that lack of markings was no defense for mishandling the information — which the secretary of state, of all people, should have judged to be sensitive. Truth: Comey confirmed suspicions about Clinton’s claim by noting that a “small number” of the e-mails were, in fact, marked classified. Moreover, he added: “Even if information is not marked ‘classified’ in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.”

3. Lie: She turned over all of her work-related e-mails. Clinton said this on MSNBC September 4, 2015; at a Fox News town hall March 7, 2016; and at a New York press conference March 10. It’s important to remember that Clinton made this claim about the 30,000 e-mails she and her attorneys chose to provide to the State Department. After turning over paper copies of these 30,000, she and her attorneys then unilaterally deleted another 32,000 that they deemed personal. Truth: The FBI found “thousands” of work-related e-mails other than those Clinton had provided; they were in various officials’ mailboxes and in the server’s slack space. Clinton’s attorneys “did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails,” Comey said. “Instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails among the reportedly more than 60,000 total e-mails remaining on Secretary Clinton’s personal system in 2014.” Though Comey denied he saw evidence of ill intent, he said: It is highly likely their search terms missed some work-related e-mails, and that we later found them. . . . It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery. (Remember the “server-wipe” speculation?)

4. Lie: She wanted to use a personal e-mail account for convenience and simplicity, streamlining to one device. Clinton said she used one device on CNN July 7, 2015, and at a New York press conference March 10. Truth: Clinton used multiple servers, administrators, and mobile devices, including an iPad and a Blackberry, to access her e-mail on her personal domain. “As new servers and equipment were employed, older servers were taken out of service, stored, and decommissioned in various ways,” Comey explained. “Piecing all of that back together — to gain as full an understanding as possible of the ways in which personal e-mail was used for government work — has been a painstaking undertaking, requiring thousands of hours of effort.”

5. Lie: Clinton’s use of a private server and e-mail domain was permitted by law and regulation. Clinton made this claim in an interview on CNN July 7, 2015; in a campaign statement in July 2015; and at the Democratic primary debates in Las Vegas on October 13, 2015. Truth: No: A May report issued by the State Department’s inspector general found that it has been department policy since 2005 that work communication be restricted to government servers. While the IG allowed for occasional use of personal e-mail in emergencies, Clinton used her personal e-mail exclusively for all work communication.

6. Lie: All of Clinton’s e-mails were immediately captured by addresses. Clinton made this claim at a New York press conference May 10, 2015. Crucially, Clinton told reporters that she exclusively used her personal e-mail because she thought her messages were always saved in the e-mail threads of senior department officials who used accounts. Truth: The State Department did not begin automatically capturing and preserving e-mails until February 2015, two years after Clinton left the State Department.

7. Lie: There were numerous safeguards against security breaches and “no evidence” of hacking. Clinton made the “safeguards” claim at a New York press conference March 10, 2015, and her former tech aide made the “no evidence” claim March 3, 2016. Truth: Among the “safeguards” of Clinton’s server were Secret Service members — but this is no safeguard at all where the Internet is concerned. Further, Comey noted: None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government — or even with a commercial service like Gmail. Your Gmail account is more secure than Hillary’s personal e-mail. Which is to say: Your Gmail account is more secure than Hillary’s personal e-mail. There is some evidence of a possible breach. Comey said: Hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account. Clinton’s “no evidence” claim is less of a bald lie than a concealment of strong possibility. She also failed to report several hacking attempts.

8. Lie: Clinton was never served a subpoena on her e-mail use. Clinton said this in a CNN interview July 7, 2015. Truth: The next day, July 8, the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy, accused Clinton of lying about not receiving a subpoena. Gowdy said in a statement: “The committee has issued several subpoenas, but I have not sought to make them public. I would not make this one public now, but after Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the committee did not subpoena her, I have no choice in order to correct the inaccuracy.”

Read more at: Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie: The Quick List of Clinton’s Eight E-mail Lies
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...

There is nothing independent about Politifacts.
One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


Hillary is RELATIVELY honest, compared to other politicians, ESPECIALLY one named Trump.

"Well, she's sorta, kinda honest" doesn't say much for her, does it?
Lefties don't think Hillary is honest at all. That's WHY they want her.


Look at the leftists here - completely reprehensible scum, not a shred of integrity in any of them.

Hillary exactly represents the ethics of the left - which is to say none.
Well I think that is giving them too much credit.

I suspect they can't tell the difference between lies and truth.

There is a claim fact checking organization that tracks the statements by the politicians. All of the finding are there for you to review.

According to those findings liberals are correct in that Hillary is relatively honest and Trump is one of the worst liars to run for office.

You response? NOTHING.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

Compare to Trump she is an angel... Trump is the most deceitful presidential candidate in modern times...

He has a very poor relationship with the truth....

He is an embarrassment for America, everyone else the world can't believe that this many Americans are falling for a conman...

Can the Trumpsters tell us why he lies so much... 3/4s of what comes from his mouth is a lie...

If he is so right al the time, why does he lie so much...
To me, what you just said is tantamount to saying >> "Yes, we know Hillary is not only a liar but a criminal and scheming and makes deals with our enemies for her own personal gain, and basically bad for this nation. However, since I am a liberal my job is to pretend she is good and the only way of defending her is to divert all criticism and talk about Trump instead. That is our only way of fooling everyone about the witch of ender."

And oddly enough, what liberals like you do is exactly what the mainstream media does for Hillary, hide her and pretend all her crimes do not exist.

What fucking crimes? She's been investigated and CLEARED every single time, because the so-called crimes are actually rumours that Republicans make up and then convince rubes like you that they're real. The investigation shows no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses, and still you say she committed a crime.
Yes, she committed crimes. Anyone else would be in prison. There was simply no way the Democrat DOJ was going to go after her. The investigation proved she lied, about sending and receiving classified emails, about the number of devices she used, about deleting emails after they were requested.

You are corrupt, we get it.

Except it wasn't the Democratic DOJ that made the decision... It was a FBI director who has a history of being supported by the GOP...

That kind of puts a hole in your argument.
How so? He didn't know who was running the DOJ? There was no chance it was going anywhere and he didn't want to be the guy turning the elections upside down.

I used Poltifact

That's because you're a moron and a complete hack.

and have backed up my statements.... Where is your evidence...

I am already posted and you are at present looking either delusional or wilfully ignorant...

So are you disputing my facts or refusing to answer the painful questions?

You have regurgitated bullshit from a highly partisan, leftist site.

You have no facts, only Politifraud.
Well she has the highest honesty rating from the candidates from the Politifact and independent fatchecking organisation.

That is your problem, facts and evidence doesn't match your propaganda...

Your candidate feels he needs to tell lies 3/4s of the time...

Why does he need to do that? Why does he need to be so deceitful?
When Hillary lies her lips move. No sale!

We're talking about Trump now. If truth is so important to you, why are you voting for the most dishonest candidate running?

The OP started this about Hillary and you can't defend her so you try and change the subject to Trump.
Yet facts show she is way ahead of Trump... But lets be honest Trump is the most deceitful candidate in the modern era who lies in 2/4s of his statements...

Why does Trump need to lie so much?

Lying doesn't support your claims..
Here's an example of Politifact dishonesty, and many more ....

PolitiFact Bias
Unreliable PolitiFact

PolitiFact Editor Angie Drobnic Holan illustrates why we can't have good fact-checking from PolitiFact.

Holan was dispensing her sage advice to debate moderators, suggesting they do not rely on memory for their facts.

It was good advice, but her illustration showcased bad fact-checking:
Moderators who don’t keep research at hand are leaving themselves open to dodged questions and outright bluffing. Check out this exchange between Trump and moderator Becky Quick of CNBC from an October primary debate.

Quick: "You have talked a little bit about Marco Rubio. I think you called him (Facebook founder) Mark Zuckerberg’s personal senator, because he was in favor of the H-1B visa."

Trump: "I never said that. I never said that."

Quick: "So this is an erroneous article the whole way around? … My apologies, I'm sorry."

Trump: "Somebody's really doing some bad fact-checking."

Actually, there was no need for Quick to apologize. She was right; Trump was wrong. Trump’s website has a line about Rubio being Zuckerberg’s personal senator. It’s still there.Quick and Trump were talking past each other, and Trump was more right than Quick. We presume that Holan had time to think about what she was writing, but she still botched the facts.

1) Quick said Trump had talked a little bit about Rubio. If Quick had said Trump's website had used the line about Rubio being Zuckerberg's personal senator, then she would have been right.

2) Trump was reasonable to assume that when Quick said he had "talked" about Rubio that her example would involve something he talked about, not just something written on his campaign website.

3) If Trump did not talk about Rubio being Zuckerberg's personal senator, then Trump was right.

4) If Trump was right, then Holan was wrong to say Trump was wrong.

5) Quick was wrong, so Holan was wrong to say Quick was right.

It isn't good fact-checking to blithely equivocate between a person literally saying something and making that person responsible for something posted on a campaign website.

Holan should apologize.

The "elite" fact checkers stink at fact checking.

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