NO One's Buying It...Not Even Democrats. So just STOP Already.

One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!


That's classic, the clip was hilarious.
Seriously. You can't be this stupid. Right?

It is not stupid to argue that there are degrees of honesty and given that all of the candidates have made false statements it really does come down to who is MORE honest, more trustworthy.

Hillary is considerably more honest and trustworthy than Trump - fact-checkers back up that claim. She tells far less lies and she flip-flops far less.

Degrees of honesty, that's classic. Spin, spin, spin. The woman is a liar, a flat out liar
"politifraud" lists each and every claim for you to review - which one do you disagree with?

This wasn’t the worst of it. As Higgins notes, PolitiFact not only rewrote the definition of “fact” to rate Obama’s obvious lies as true, but twice during the 2012 election, the phony fact-check site accused of Mitt Romney of lying with his accurate claim that “up to 20 million Americans could lose their insurance under ObamaCare.”

Romney’s statement was based on analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.

One of those “false” ratings for Romney came in June of 2012, the same month PolitiFact awarded Obama a “half true” for repeating what PolitiFact now acknowledges was the “lie of the year.”

PolitiFact is one of the biggest frauds on the Internet and the biggest in the mainstream media. As we can see with PolitiFact’s ongoing ObamaCare fraud, PolitiFact’s entire purpose is to protect Democrats and their agenda by spinning lies into truth and truth into lies. The media love PolitiFact because the phony fact-checks give the media a false sheen of objectivity.}

No one but leftist fools puts any stock in Politifraud.

Do you have some other way for us to measure which candidates are more honest?


To claim Hillary "honest" is beyond the pale and discredits the claimant to the point they can never be trusted.

Politifraud is a partisan hack site. They exist to promote the DNC, not to provide fact checking.
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Seriously. You can't be this stupid. Right?

It is not stupid to argue that there are degrees of honesty and given that all of the candidates have made false statements it really does come down to who is MORE honest, more trustworthy.

Hillary is considerably more honest and trustworthy than Trump - fact-checkers back up that claim. She tells far less lies and she flip-flops far less.


And THIS is why you and the other pathological leftist have zero credibility.

So, Al Capone was considerably more law abiding the Elliot Ness? :eek:

Fucking Communist morons.

I know...we need to listen to Breitbart

Do you actually "listen" to Soros? Or doe he communicate instructions to you drones through pheromones? :dunno:

I suspect that you Soros hate drones operate in similar fashion to a nest of cockroaches. That the leader emits instructions that you follow in an involuntary fashion.

George Soros?

That kneejerk rant is the best you guys can come up with?
What's the matter? Alinsky was busy?

And THIS is why you and the other pathological leftist have zero credibility.

So, Al Capone was considerably more law abiding the Elliot Ness? :eek:

Fucking Communist morons.

Can you directly address the reasoning I provided without blowing a gasket and making yourself look like a thoughtless idiot?

Hillary lies sometimes, but less than other politicians, especially Trump.

If you agree that this is a fair characterization just say so.

If you DO disagree THAN GO AHEAD AND MAKE THE CASE WHY instead of just showcasing your idiocy.
Degrees of honesty, that's classic. Spin, spin, spin. The woman is a liar, a flat out liar

Idiots have trouble thinking about issues outside of binary oversimplifications.

Does that apply to you? No? Then you probably can understand that honest people sometimes lie and liars sometime tell the truth and the only thing separating them, especially in context of politics is DEGREES of honesty.
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Can you directly address the reasoning I provided without blowing a gasket and making yourself look like a thoughtless idiot?

You've provided no reasoning.

You posted fabricated bullshit from a partisan site that is attempting to rehabilitate the never ending list of lies by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary lies sometimes, but less than other politicians, especially Trump.

Hillary lies incessantly. Trump has no bearing on the frequency and severity of the lies by Deplorable Hillary. Politifraud lying as leftist hacks do, alters nothing.

If you agree that this is a fair characterization just say so.

If you DO disagree THAN GO AHEAD AND MAKE THE CASE WHY instead of just showcasing your idiocy.

Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar. Any person or publication claiming otherwise is utterly absurd and cannot be taken seriously by rational people.


Clinton Claim 1: During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Clinton claimed she landed in Bosnia “under sniper fire” during the 1990s.

The Facts: Videos uncovered of then-First Lady Clinton’s arrival in Bosnia showed “a calm scene without any obvious danger”.

Clinton Claim 2: In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt”.

The Facts: PolitiFact rated Hillary Clinton’s claim “Mostly False” that she was “dead broke” when she left the White House.

Clinton Claim 3: Secretary Clinton claimed her e-mail server set up was in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.”

The Facts: Federal Judge: Hillary Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.

Clinton Claim 4: When talking about immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.”

The Facts: PolitiFact says it’s “very clear” that Clinton’s claim is “False.” In truth, only one of Clinton’s grandparents immigrated to America.

Clinton Claim 5: Secretary Clinton emphasized the famous Situation Room Bin Laden photo captured her reacting to the helicopter crash.

The Facts: In actuality, Secretary Clinton said “early spring allergic coughs”, not the helicopter crash, are responsible for her reaction in the photo.

Clinton Claim 6: Passing DOMA was a “defensive action” to prevent further action against same-sex marriage.

The Facts: Independent observers say that “any fair historical analysis” shows DOMA to be “a campaign tactic” by the Clintons.

Clinton Claim 7: Hillary Clinton claims concern over the cost of college is the impetus for her college affordability plan.

The Facts: While Secretary Clinton claims she has a plan to lower college costs, her family has “received millions” from universities across the country.

Clinton Claim 8: Hillary Clinton’s campaign has said they will go carbon neutral.

The Facts: Months after that pledge there have been no records that show Clinton moving to live up to this pledge, all the while she continues to fly around in private jets.

Clinton Claim 9: In an interview, Hillary Clinton declared that the Veterans Affairs scandals are not “as widespread as it’s been made out to be”.

The Facts: Clinton’s campaign was forced to immediately walk back the statement.

Clinton Claim 10: In response to questions about her tenure at State, Hillary Clinton claimed that there was “a long list” of her accomplishments.

The Facts: Given multiple chances, Secretary Clinton has been unable to name a “marquee” or “proudest” achievement from her four years as Secretary of State. Finally giving her something in common with Iowa voters.

Hillary Clinton's Top 10 Lies & Exaggerations - America Rising
Hillary lies incessantly. Trump has no bearing on the frequency and severity of the lies by Deplorable Hillary.

But that wasn't the question.

The question was WHO LIES MORE and you so far have't gathered enough honesty to directly try to answer that.

If Hillary "lies incessantly" than how to describe the far more frequent lying and shameless position reversals by Trump?
One tactic the Hillary campaign and her supporters might as well abandon right now it trying to claim she is 'HONEST'!. Every time they do, it does NOT go over well at all:

Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’
- Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’ - Hot Air

If they want to say 'more honest than Trump' maybe, but Hillary Clinton 'HONEST'?!

Even under sniperfire in all 57 states...
fact-check site accused of Mitt Romney of lying with his accurate claim that “up to 20 million Americans could lose their insurance under ObamaCare.”

Mitt Romney DID LIE, on the net 15 million people GAINED insurance and about 500,000 that did get cancelation notes from insurance did get NEW insurance.

That's why overall it is a blatantly misleading lying about Obamacare effects on the insurance coverage.


In U.S., Uninsured Rate Sinks to 12.9%
Degrees of honesty, that's classic. Spin, spin, spin. The woman is a liar, a flat out liar

Idiots have trouble thinking about issues outside of binary oversimplifications.

Does that apply to you? No? Then you probably can understand that honest people sometimes lie and liars sometime tell the truth and the only thing separating them, especially in context of politics is DEGREES of honesty.

Swish, strawman.

Most people are degrees of liar. Hillary is not one of those people. Here are a few examples:

- Lying she came under sniper fire in Bosnia
- Lying she was named after an unknown bee keeper in New Zealand who became famous when she was six
- Lying she couldn't breathe when she found out her chronic cheating dog of a husband had gotten a blow job by "that woman"

Arguing her big lies were self preservation is not excusable, but it does meet your shade of gray argument. I bring these up because they were irrelevant lies to tell, there was no point, she just looked stupid. It's the trait of a compulsive liar to lie over stupid things that don't benefit her and will harm her when she's called out.

I did not say your strawman there are no shades of gray. I said Hillary is a liar, period. The evidence says she is
Swish, strawman.

Most people are degrees of liar. Hillary is not one of those people. Here are a few examples:

- Lying she came under sniper fire in Bosnia
- Lying she was named after an unknown bee keeper in New Zealand who became famous when she was six
- Lying she couldn't breathe when she found out her chronic cheating dog of a husband had gotten a blow job by "that woman"

Arguing her big lies were self preservation is not excusable, but it does meet your shade of gray argument. I bring these up because they were irrelevant lies to tell, there was no point, she just looked stupid. It's the trait of a compulsive liar to lie over stupid things that don't benefit her and will harm her when she's called out.

I did not say your strawman there are no shades of gray. I said Hillary is a liar, period. The evidence says she is

We already established that Hillary sometimes lies, but what you refuse to address is that she lies less than just about all the other politicians that ran for office, ESPECIALLY Trump.

So if you point is "we can't trust Hillary!" then my point is "We can trust her by far more than the alternative that is Trump"

But that wasn't the question.

The question was WHO LIES MORE and you so far have't gathered enough honesty to directly try to answer that.

If Hillary "lies incessantly" than how to describe the far more frequent lying and shameless position reversals by Trump?

Politifraud claiming Hillary is honest (and that fucking skunk Obama most honest) renders their bullshit utterly meaningless.
Politifraud claiming Hillary is honest (and that fucking skunk Obama most honest) renders their bullshit utterly meaningless.

..because you say so?

I hate to pop your little bubble, but no, it does not.

Politifact painstakingly kept track of each statement, I read a lot of them and they seem to be pretty fair in their analysis.

So what do you have to convince me otherwise? So far conservatives haven't been able to substantiate any assertions on this matter. Hell they can't even stand to CLAIM that Trump is more honest.

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