No President Has Won Without Winning Ohio

Apparently that's the truth since back to Kennedy.

Well, the newest poll out of Ohio is for Trump. That should bring Bidum to tears.

View attachment 397417

Doesn't make a lick of difference. I never expected Biden to carry Ohio, or Texas, or even Florida. But he's competitive in each one of those states. And he's ahead in Arizona. But if he takes Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Biden wins. Same formula that got Trump to victory in 2016.
You are so obtuse that you have not even considered if Biden deserves to win any of those estates or more.

I'm sorry, when did we enter the realm of "deserves"? If that were the case, Trump's candidacy should have never seen the light of day in 2016. The only thing that matters are the numbers to get to 270.
But your candidate was Clinton. Anyone "deserved" it more than that felon.

Well, maybe so. But I do know one thing. We'd be way better off and way ahead of the curve with a seasoned politician in the White House instead of a reality TV show host.
Riiiggght. The President won in 2016 for the opposite of that reasoning and it still holds true. The only people that have benefited from Biden's 50 years in office are his family members.

No he didn't. You're laboring under delusions..still four years later. He won because of an unpopular opposition candidate who didn't campaign until the end (and frankly didn't know how to fight a social media war), a large bloc of voters who stayed home, and a last minute assist from the former FBI director. And still, he wins by carrying three states (47 electoral votes) with a margin of 78,000 votes. Barely a 1% margin of victory.

And all politicians families benefit from them being in office. Even Trump's spawn. It's called nepotism. Been going on since the beginning of time. So much for draining that swamp, huh? :)
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police
Apparently that's the truth since back to Kennedy.

Well, the newest poll out of Ohio is for Trump. That should bring Bidum to tears.

View attachment 397417

Doesn't make a lick of difference. I never expected Biden to carry Ohio, or Texas, or even Florida. But he's competitive in each one of those states. And he's ahead in Arizona. But if he takes Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Biden wins. Same formula that got Trump to victory in 2016.
You are so obtuse that you have not even considered if Biden deserves to win any of those estates or more.

I'm sorry, when did we enter the realm of "deserves"? If that were the case, Trump's candidacy should have never seen the light of day in 2016. The only thing that matters are the numbers to get to 270.
But your candidate was Clinton. Anyone "deserved" it more than that felon.

Well, maybe so. But I do know one thing. We'd be way better off and way ahead of the curve with a seasoned politician in the White House instead of a reality TV show host.
Riiiggght. The President won in 2016 for the opposite of that reasoning and it still holds true. The only people that have benefited from Biden's 50 years in office are his family members.

No he didn't. You're laboring under delusions..still four years later. He won because of an unpopular opposition candidate who didn't campaign until the end (and frankly didn't know how to fight a social media war), a large bloc of voters who stayed home, and a last minute assist from the former FBI director. And still, he wins by carrying three states (47 electoral votes) with a margin of 78,000 votes. Barely a 1% margin of victory.

And all politicians families benefit from them being in office. Even Trump's spawn. It's called nepotism. Been going on since the beginning of time. So much for draining that swamp, huh? :)
Baloney. Biden is a 50 year do-nothing, lifer in it for the millions for himself. The President is trying his best to keep American values's a no brainer election for anyone with a brain.
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.

Only liberal lemmings have no idea of the President's policies because they are filled with propaganda. Their own candidate only has a neck pull string of recordings to babble on and on about as he fills his Depends onstage.
Apparently that's the truth since back to Kennedy.

Well, the newest poll out of Ohio is for Trump. That should bring Bidum to tears.

View attachment 397417

"That should bring Bidum to tears."

Well it probably would bring a sound minded candidate to tears. But with his senile, demented brain, 3 seconds after being told or having read that information, he has already forgotten it. That's not enough time to work up the tears.
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.

1. In the first debate all I heard were Biden lies and non-answers. Biden's policies make no economic sense, and he refuses to specify his policies, except in nonsensical terms (he'll create millions of "green jobs"?!) We've seen that lie before, it was called "Solyndra".
2. Trump's policy positions are the same as his first term. In case you forgot, it was a booming economy and fair trade agreements, as well as raising everyone's standard of living and record low unemployment. Throw in "Law and Order", support by the Police, and his record of "promises kept":
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.

1. In the first debate all I heard were Biden lies and non-answers. Biden's policies make no economic sense, and he refuses to specify his policies, except in nonsensical terms (he'll create millions of "green jobs"?!) We've seen that lie before, it was called "Solyndra".
2. Trump's policy positions are the same as his first term. In case you forgot, it was a booming economy and fair trade agreements, as well as raising everyone's standard of living and record low unemployment. Throw in "Law and Order", support by the Police, and his record of "promises kept":

1) Really? Cause all I heard was Trump interrupting constantly because he knew he was going to get smoked and Biden losing his temper because Trump was constantly lying and baiting him. In other words, nothing was learned.
2) An economy that was already growing and booming under his predecessor. Handed off to him with no real issues going on...and he drops that ball at the first real test his administration gets.
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.

1. In the first debate all I heard were Biden lies and non-answers. Biden's policies make no economic sense, and he refuses to specify his policies, except in nonsensical terms (he'll create millions of "green jobs"?!) We've seen that lie before, it was called "Solyndra".
2. Trump's policy positions are the same as his first term. In case you forgot, it was a booming economy and fair trade agreements, as well as raising everyone's standard of living and record low unemployment. Throw in "Law and Order", support by the Police, and his record of "promises kept":

1) Really? Cause all I heard was Trump interrupting constantly because he knew he was going to get smoked and Biden losing his temper because Trump was constantly lying and baiting him. In other words, nothing was learned.
2) An economy that was already growing and booming under his predecessor. Handed off to him with no real issues going on...and he drops that ball at the first real test his administration gets.

Biden just rattles on and on and on when his string is pulled....
Last edited:
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.

1. In the first debate all I heard were Biden lies and non-answers. Biden's policies make no economic sense, and he refuses to specify his policies, except in nonsensical terms (he'll create millions of "green jobs"?!) We've seen that lie before, it was called "Solyndra".
2. Trump's policy positions are the same as his first term. In case you forgot, it was a booming economy and fair trade agreements, as well as raising everyone's standard of living and record low unemployment. Throw in "Law and Order", support by the Police, and his record of "promises kept":

1) Really? Cause all I heard was Trump interrupting constantly because he knew he was going to get smoked and Biden losing his temper because Trump was constantly lying and baiting him. In other words, nothing was learned.
2) An economy that was already growing and booming under his predecessor. Handed off to him with no real issues going on...and he drops that ball at the first real test his administration gets.

Already booming? You are too submerged in your media propaganda my stuff has tripled under the President.
Trump needs to act presidential, but beat Biden over the head with the democrat's policies, and then he wins going away. Biden can only deny that he supports the democrat policies, such as:
The Green New Deal
Gun Control
Open Borders
Paris Climate Change Treaty
China wins, Biden family gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pack the Supreme Court
Change Electoral College to popular vote
DC & Puerto Rico become states
Full welfare & free healthcare for illegals
Defund the police

Unfortunately, in order to do that, he's going to have to be able to articulate some sort of policy position. Something that he's been unable to do for his entire presidency. It was clear last Tuesday night that he was incapable of doing just that so he chose to burn the debate down instead. It was clear he was in over his head. That won't be tolerated next time around. There will be a next time to, regardless of what his medical condition is now. Since the next format is Town Hall, he's going to have to come with some game this time. And people are sick of hearing one liners, talking points, and slogans.

1. In the first debate all I heard were Biden lies and non-answers. Biden's policies make no economic sense, and he refuses to specify his policies, except in nonsensical terms (he'll create millions of "green jobs"?!) We've seen that lie before, it was called "Solyndra".
2. Trump's policy positions are the same as his first term. In case you forgot, it was a booming economy and fair trade agreements, as well as raising everyone's standard of living and record low unemployment. Throw in "Law and Order", support by the Police, and his record of "promises kept":

1) Really? Cause all I heard was Trump interrupting constantly because he knew he was going to get smoked and Biden losing his temper because Trump was constantly lying and baiting him. In other words, nothing was learned.
2) An economy that was already growing and booming under his predecessor. Handed off to him with no real issues going on...and he drops that ball at the first real test his administration gets.

1. Biden looked like the confused crotchety old geezer he is, making bullshit promises like a snake oil salesman.
2. Trump's economy set records for low unemployment. No thanks to Obama. BO even said "those jobs " (That Trump brought back) "are not coming back".

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