No problem with Stalking


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
I understand the futility of reasoning but I'll try this anyway. Here's the direct quote from Trayvons good friend who was on the phone with him.

"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."

Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call -

From now on please focus your bitching on the fact that Zimmerman was watching Trayvon because that's what REALLY bothered him as evidenced by his own words.
Watching and following is not 'stalking'. The legal definition of stalking is repeated/multiple episodes of following someone over a certain time. He followed him once and he was within his legal right to do so. Also, someone merely following you does not give you right to assault them.
Jeantel also told Martin that the "creepy ass cracka" might be a rapist.

So Martin turned around and attacked Zimmerman because he thought he might be a gay rapist.

But, that of course doesn't fit the media narrative about Trayvon the innocent little boy. We don't dare talk about the possibility Trayvon was a homophobe and decided to attack Zimmerman because he thought he was gay.

Rachel Jeantel: Trayvon Thought Zimmerman was a Gay Rapist and Trayvon Wasn't "That Kind of Way" - The Rush Limbaugh Show

What's a liberal to do when events don't unfold the way they want?
First you track, then you stalk.....Zimmy had no intention of encountering the little bastard...that part was pure gangsta on the kid's part. If he had it to do over again he'd probably do the same damn thing too....
He was watching and following and didn't identify himself to the kid. He was stalking him and Trayvon was fighting for his life.

He never saw that gun until it was too late. Maybe he would have raped him if Trayvon hadn't put up a fight. He is a molester afterall.
He was watching and following and didn't identify himself to the kid. He was stalking him and Trayvon was fighting for his life.

He never saw that gun until it was too late. Maybe he would have raped him if Trayvon hadn't put up a fight. He is a molester afterall.

If you are truly stalking something they don't see you. His own girlfriend expressed Martin's concern very clearly for us. He was creeped out because he was being watched by a gay rapist.
Dude this is America. If I want to stalk and kill someone then claim self-defense that is my right. It's in the constitution.
He was watching and following and didn't identify himself to the kid. He was stalking him and Trayvon was fighting for his life.

He never saw that gun until it was too late. Maybe he would have raped him if Trayvon hadn't put up a fight. He is a molester afterall.

True. Zimmerman is gay. They all rape black boys. This comes as a real blow to the gay community. They HATE when their own do things like this.
He was watching and following and didn't identify himself to the kid. He was stalking him and Trayvon was fighting for his life.

He never saw that gun until it was too late. Maybe he would have raped him if Trayvon hadn't put up a fight. He is a molester afterall.

Who pissed in your Wheaties? :eusa_eh: Why be so bitter over something you're taking some race-pimp's word for? White on black crime is almost non-existent in this country anymore....Cowboys and bikers are the only whites who don't back down to blacks anymore....and yet enough is never enough for your side. What you don't realize is that you're outnumbered 12-1 by whites and we've about had it with the riots and're looking at a massacre if you don't knock this shit off.
If Martin thought that Zimmerman was gay, and discussed this with Jeantel on the phone, then she lied on the witness stand didn't she? There should be an immediate prosecution for perjury.
If Martin thought that Zimmerman was gay, and discussed this with Jeantel on the phone, then she lied on the witness stand didn't she? There should be an immediate prosecution for perjury.

she testified to that.
Piers Organ LOL, talk about setting the bar low for a CNN interview.

I thought I was gonna puke. He treated her like she was a little puppy that was abandoned on the side of the road. I bet her cell records would give him a stroke. ( but I'm sure Crump has made sure that they are all erased. There goes her life)
Watching and following is not 'stalking'. The legal definition of stalking is repeated/multiple episodes of following someone over a certain time. He followed him once and he was within his legal right to do so. Also, someone merely following you does not give you right to assault them.

GZ most certainly DID stalk Martin.

stalk 2 (stôk)v. stalked, stalk·ing, stalks
v.intr.1. To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait: stalked off in a huff.
2. To move threateningly or menacingly.
3. To track prey or quarry. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.

GZ was the predator. Martin was his prey. And like any good hunter, he shot his quarry through the heart.
Watching and following is not 'stalking'. The legal definition of stalking is repeated/multiple episodes of following someone over a certain time. He followed him once and he was within his legal right to do so. Also, someone merely following you does not give you right to assault them.

GZ most certainly DID stalk Martin.

stalk 2 (stôk)v. stalked, stalk·ing, stalks
v.intr.1. To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait: stalked off in a huff.
2. To move threateningly or menacingly.
3. To track prey or quarry. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.

GZ was the predator. Martin was his prey. And like any good hunter, he shot his quarry through the heart.

It's a moot point----Trayvon's friend said that he was worried about being WATCHED. That's what he said. Nothing was said about following.
Watching and following is not 'stalking'. The legal definition of stalking is repeated/multiple episodes of following someone over a certain time. He followed him once and he was within his legal right to do so. Also, someone merely following you does not give you right to assault them.

GZ most certainly DID stalk Martin.

stalk 2 (stôk)v. stalked, stalk·ing, stalks
v.intr.1. To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait: stalked off in a huff.
2. To move threateningly or menacingly.
3. To track prey or quarry. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.

GZ was the predator. Martin was his prey. And like any good hunter, he shot his quarry through the heart.

It's a moot point----Trayvon's friend said that he was worried about being WATCHED. That's what he said. Nothing was said about following.

It's not a moot point since nobody who's walking really worries about being watched if the person doing the watching isn't following them. People can look at someone through a living room window, or a car window, or while sitting on a porch, and nobody is going to get worked up about it if they're either stationary or headed in the opposite direction. It's only when they continue to follow the person that their perfectly natural sense of concern for their personal safety is roused. It's the whole survival instinct thing. Obviously, at this point in time, it's quite obvious that Martin had damn good reason to be concerned.
GZ most certainly DID stalk Martin.

stalk 2 (stôk)v. stalked, stalk·ing, stalks
v.intr.1. To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait: stalked off in a huff.
2. To move threateningly or menacingly.
3. To track prey or quarry. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.

GZ was the predator. Martin was his prey. And like any good hunter, he shot his quarry through the heart.

It's a moot point----Trayvon's friend said that he was worried about being WATCHED. That's what he said. Nothing was said about following.

It's not a moot point since nobody who's walking really worries about being watched if the person doing the watching isn't following them. People can look at someone through a living room window, or a car window, or while sitting on a porch, and nobody is going to get worked up about it if they're either stationary or headed in the opposite direction. It's only when they continue to follow the person that their perfectly natural sense of concern for their personal safety is roused. It's the whole survival instinct thing. Obviously, at this point in time, it's quite obvious that Martin had damn good reason to be concerned.

Ya they do---are you calling Trayvon a liar ?

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