No proof Assad used gas...

Of course, I watch only FOX NEWS.

This very morning, it showed a clip in which the Secretary of Defense says that the United States is conferring with its allies to determine who exactly used poison gas.

If it turns out that President Assad is not the culprit, then hopefully no action will be taken against him.

The anti-Assad rebels, it has been reported, also have supplies of poison gas.

For some reason, it seems that the liberals are especially eager to attack Syria.
US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says

Of course the rebels or the white helmets will say he used gas and or chemicals.
I didn't think anyone was saying he used Sarin gas; he clearly hit his people with chlorine gas. That's not legal either, is what I hear. It still kills and disables. All that shit has been banned since the end of WWI hasn't it?

Saying we have no "proof" of the gas attack is propaganda. Saying we know he did it but we will leave it to an international team to figure out what to do about it is something else. We are not the world's cop. We did our bit in Syria while others sat back and polished their fighter jets. Now it's their turn. I vote we leave.
I wondered how long it would take for a post like this.

You really need to check yourself, because that is bull shit.
Well, that is a persuasive argument, for sure.
...but let's go to war anyway. Libs, Cons, and MSM say WAR NOW!!! ....and it is unpatriotic to say NO.

Even the War Department's leader says no evidence, the last time the assholes demanded war...
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people: Opinion
Mattis says it is clear that Assad’s government has weaponized and used chlorine gas in the Syrian civil war. he lying now or was he lying before?
Another "funny" thing about the kooky D Party and it's media, is they scream about how dangerous it is that Trump has control of the nation's nukes....then they vote overwhelmingly to increase the Defense (War) Budget by BILLIONS.


When will the people wake up to the total hypocrisy of both political parties, and eliminate them?

It's your thread. Try to stay on subject BooBoo
Would it help your small mind, if I started an new thread?

I ask you to open your mind, so that you might see the big picture. The big picture is the ruling class are a bunch of criminals about to get us all killed. Unlike you, I know that the criminals exist in BOTH political parties.

What do you think of the Ds and their media bitching about Trump's control of nukes, yet they are pushing for war right now and they recently expanded the War Department budget?

What I see is a goober who can't stay on his own subject.
Stay out of my threads. I don't like dealing with fools.
Of course, I watch only FOX NEWS.

This very morning, it showed a clip in which the Secretary of Defense says that the United States is conferring with its allies to determine who exactly used poison gas.

If it turns out that President Assad is not the culprit, then hopefully no action will be taken against him.

The anti-Assad rebels, it has been reported, also have supplies of poison gas.

For some reason, it seems that the liberals are especially eager to attack Syria.

Did the Liberals send those war ships that direction?
...but let's go to war anyway. Libs, Cons, and MSM say WAR NOW!!! ....and it is unpatriotic to say NO.

Even the War Department's leader says no evidence, the last time the assholes demanded war...
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people: Opinion
Mattis says it is clear that Assad’s government has weaponized and used chlorine gas in the Syrian civil war. he lying now or was he lying before?
Who knows?

He may be lying both times

He is a trumpkin after all
I will go on record as saying I oppose any military action without substantiated proof that the Assad carried out that chemical attack.

I won't fall for the same trick twice.
US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says

Of course the rebels or the white helmets will say he used gas and or chemicals.
I didn't think anyone was saying he used Sarin gas; he clearly hit his people with chlorine gas. That's not legal either, is what I hear. It still kills and disables. All that shit has been banned since the end of WWI hasn't it?

I don't remember a law stating "all that shit is outlawed" -----I do not
remember chlorine gas as a weapon during world war I. Nitrogen
mustard gas was a weapon which was kinda "TERMNATED" by popular acclaim------BUT----it was used by Baathist dog Gamel Abdul Nasser way back in the early 1950s-----and HE gifted supplies of the stuff to his Baathist friend SADDAM------and Saddam gifted the stuff to your mass murdering pals THE ASSADS. It does seem----so far ----that Assad is dropping barrel
bombs of chlorine gas on various places. What sort of "evidence"
do you imagine will prove CHLORINE GAS-----days after the event?. There is---very likely----chlorine in the water you used to
brush your teeth two hours ago
Tucker Carlson goes off script. Expect his firing soon....

Good on Tucker. :113:

If only we had more in the MSM brave enough to tell the truth.

I expect he will be fired soon much like many others have been, for going against the MIC and ruling class.

Sadly, you might be right

During my long life (78) I have learned not to trust reports from any government sources, even our own government (yes, our own intelligence agencies have been known to lie). Tucker Carlson did point out one thing that gives credibility to the claim that the rebel forces used gas and then blamed it on Assad. It is evident that Assad had no motive for using poisonous gas. He was already winning and Trump had announced plans to leave Syria soon; therefore, he would not do anything that would cause the U.S. to retaliate against him and extend the war. The rebels, on the other hand, had motive to commit this act and blame it on Assad.

If I had to bet on who was responsible I would bet on the rebels. I simply cannot fathom why Assad would do something he knew was against his self-interest. Assad may be evil but he's not stupid.

Tucker got it right.
...but let's go to war anyway. Libs, Cons, and MSM say WAR NOW!!! ....and it is unpatriotic to say NO.

Even the War Department's leader says no evidence, the last time the assholes demanded war...
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people: Opinion
Make Congress carry out their Constitutional duties and Declare War and put it to a vote and make it part of The Public Record.

That is exactly how you handle that, and handle a lazy ineffectual Congress. Make Mitch McConnel do his job for once.

I do not believe for a second Assad did this, and I despise the man. It makes Zero sense. He was winning against the Anti-Assad Rebels which are affiliated with Terrorist Groups. He has Russia's backing and support. And he was gaining ground on a daily basis and The US was on it's way out as they were only concerned with ISIS.

No reason for Assad to stir up the hornets nest.

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