No Republican has challenged the credibility of Andrew McCabe's book

Really no one is challenging the credibility of a man the FBI disciplinary office recommended firing shocking.
On trumps orders. Hours before he was supposed to retire. Trump got him. Got him good. McCabe is getting Trump back. But McCabe is doing it with the truth.
Trump ordered the FBI disciplinary office to recomend firing McCabe you really are a special kind of stupid.
And it was the president who ordered the FBI and the CIA to prove that Saddam was making nuclear weapons. Seems the FBI and the CIA do OK until A Republican president gets involved. Then there’s problems.
And don't forget the VP who pushed the connection between Saddam and Zarqawi.
Lawrence's Last Word: Andrew McCabe's credibility So, if Andrew McCabe is the liar like Trump claims, then how come no Republican has refuted McCabe's book? There are some seriously damaging concerns McCabe points out in the book that lead to having a SC, and yet, neither Trump or his followers have any counter arguing points that dismiss those concerns. I mean think about it, if McCabe's concerns weren't legit, why hasn't the Right explained those concerns away? Obviously McCabe and Rosenstein were spot on to inject a SC with so many indictments and guilty pleas handed over to people surrounding the Trump campaign?

And if they have no answers, then what exactly was the justification for firing McCabe?

Want to take a run at explaining why Andrew McCabe asked for immunity before he'd testify behind closed doors to a Congressional committee?
The best reason of them all. Because McCabe meant a threat to Trump, the same way Comey was, and that there was a Republican obstructionist Congress out to protect Trump. That's a damn good reason right there.
Trey Gowdy was disgraced when got caught trying to frame Clinton. The guy is useless.
Really? Not to me or most people
Your "most people" you know, are the same crowd who eat out of the same can of stupid.
Wow so angry what did we do to you?
I don't eat out of the same can as your "most people" do. It isn't about anger for me. Your "most people" are the one's obsessed with that.
We voted for trump maybe you should move out if you hate us so much
Maybe you should move out for being traitors to this country by supporting criminals who disregard the rule of law.
Trey Gowdy was disgraced when got caught trying to frame Clinton. The guy is useless.
Really? Not to me or most people
How many times did Gowdy embarass himself with Benghazi investigations?
I’m pretty sure he is an American hero for what he did.. why do you hate America??
No one who hijacks an investigation to frame a defendant of that investigation is a hero. He should be stripped of all his credentials and sent back to South Carolina to join the circus. He is a straight piece of shit.
Why did Hillary ignore requests for more security? Why didn’t she send help?? Why won’t she answer questions??
She answered eleven hours worth of questions and Gowdy still tried to frame her. That's how big a failure and worthless piece of vomit he was.
Are you reading comprehension impaired? Nothing says there cannot be a discussion about the 25th Amendment between Rosenstein and McCabe. Remember, the VP and cabinet secretaries don't always have the same set of facts at their disposal as law enforcement.
can't make it up. there you go. no point furthering a discussion with someone who ignores the constitution.
Your statement makes absolutely no sense. Nothing in the 25th says that McCabe and Rosenstein cannot discuss the 25th.

If McCabe and Rosenstein want to discuss the 25th Amendment- or old movies, the punic wars or nascar- over a couple of cocktails at a local dive, that's their privilege.

Its just not part of their job description, and they need to be working at the job they are being paid for in the work place. Not shooting the breeze about the 25th amendment.
They weren't shooting the breeze.

The day will come, BWK, when the Far Left again seizes power in the country. Hopefully not for a hundred generations, but it could be sooner.

What would you say if the Secret Police chiefs started talking about resisting and deposing a Leftard president?
Then, make your case of a national security threat of a double agent for another country for his or her financial benefit. Rosenstein and McCabe did, and it was the right decision. With 38 indictments, guilty and immunity pleas, the decision couldn't have been more spot on. But then again, we haven't had this big of a criminal in the WH in this countries history either..
QUOTE="BWK, post: 21866826, member: 71570"]
can't make it up. there you go. no point furthering a discussion with someone who ignores the constitution.
Your statement makes absolutely no sense. Nothing in the 25th says that McCabe and Rosenstein cannot discuss the 25th.

If McCabe and Rosenstein want to discuss the 25th Amendment- or old movies, the punic wars or nascar- over a couple of cocktails at a local dive, that's their privilege.

Its just not part of their job description, and they need to be working at the job they are being paid for in the work place. Not shooting the breeze about the 25th amendment.
They weren't shooting the breeze.

The day will come, BWK, when the Far Left again seizes power in the country. Hopefully not for a hundred generations, but it could be sooner.

What would you say if the Secret Police chiefs started talking about resisting and deposing a Leftard president?
Then, make your case of a national security threat of a double agent for another country for your financial benefit. Rosenstein and McCabe did, and it was the right decision. With 38 indictments, guilty and immunity pleas, the decision couldn't have been more spot on. But then again, we haven't had this big of a criminal in the WH in this countries history.[/QUOTE]

good thing obammy is out then.
Really? Not to me or most people
Your "most people" you know, are the same crowd who eat out of the same can of stupid.
Wow so angry what did we do to you?
I don't eat out of the same can as your "most people" do. It isn't about anger for me. Your "most people" are the one's obsessed with that.
We voted for trump maybe you should move out if you hate us so much
Must be the new Russian troll bot talking point.
They are out there A bit early but they're here ,trying to f up another election
Lawrence's Last Word: Andrew McCabe's credibility So, if Andrew McCabe is the liar like Trump claims, then how come no Republican has refuted McCabe's book? There are some seriously damaging concerns McCabe points out in the book that lead to having a SC, and yet, neither Trump or his followers have any counter arguing points that dismiss those concerns. I mean think about it, if McCabe's concerns weren't legit, why hasn't the Right explained those concerns away? Obviously McCabe and Rosenstein were spot on to inject a SC with so many indictments and guilty pleas handed over to people surrounding the Trump campaign?

And if they have no answers, then what exactly was the justification for firing McCabe?

If they made some lame ass attempt at countering McCabe's book it would likely involve something like, "but Obama," "but Hillary," or some lame ass shit along those lines.
I tried to read obamas book. You know the best seller? All it had in it were pictures of little boys.

Troll much?
You certainly are.
Seems leftards are quite stupid today. McCabe is a known liar with at least 3 counts of lying under oath (per the Inspector General, who was NOT appointed by Trump so don't even try that lie). He was fired by recommendation of the FBI's HR department. Comey was fired by recommendation of Rod Rosenstein. Why bother going after a fairy tale of a book like this?
Lawrence's Last Word: Andrew McCabe's credibility So, if Andrew McCabe is the liar like Trump claims, then how come no Republican has refuted McCabe's book? There are some seriously damaging concerns McCabe points out in the book that lead to having a SC, and yet, neither Trump or his followers have any counter arguing points that dismiss those concerns. I mean think about it, if McCabe's concerns weren't legit, why hasn't the Right explained those concerns away? Obviously McCabe and Rosenstein were spot on to inject a SC with so many indictments and guilty pleas handed over to people surrounding the Trump campaign?

And if they have no answers, then what exactly was the justification for firing McCabe?

Republicans rally around Trump after McCabe asserts DOJ discussed removing the president

Kellyanne Conway vs. Cuomo on McCabe: "He's A Known Liar And Leaker," Why Are We Talking About It?

The real Andrew McCabe: liar, leaker, coup plotter

Liars & Leakers Alike: Comey & McCabe Exposed
Lawrence's Last Word: Andrew McCabe's credibility So, if Andrew McCabe is the liar like Trump claims, then how come no Republican has refuted McCabe's book? There are some seriously damaging concerns McCabe points out in the book that lead to having a SC, and yet, neither Trump or his followers have any counter arguing points that dismiss those concerns. I mean think about it, if McCabe's concerns weren't legit, why hasn't the Right explained those concerns away? Obviously McCabe and Rosenstein were spot on to inject a SC with so many indictments and guilty pleas handed over to people surrounding the Trump campaign?

And if they have no answers, then what exactly was the justification for firing McCabe?

Republicans rally around Trump after McCabe asserts DOJ discussed removing the president

Kellyanne Conway vs. Cuomo on McCabe: "He's A Known Liar And Leaker," Why Are We Talking About It?

The real Andrew McCabe: liar, leaker, coup plotter

Liars & Leakers Alike: Comey & McCabe Exposed
It turns out McCabe was right with his concerns. but Republicans were rallying around someone who was compromised by the Russians. With 38 indictments, guilty and immunity pleas, Republicans showed their true colors. And with 8500 known lies by Trump, you have the nerve to talk about McCabe. Dude, what are you smoking? And we still haven't established McCabe actually lied yet.
Seems leftards are quite stupid today. McCabe is a known liar with at least 3 counts of lying under oath (per the Inspector General, who was NOT appointed by Trump so don't even try that lie). He was fired by recommendation of the FBI's HR department. Comey was fired by recommendation of Rod Rosenstein. Why bother going after a fairy tale of a book like this?
McCabe has challenged the ruling and the jury is still out on that. And Trump with 8500 confirmed lies? Seriously!
McCabe is doing just fine undermining his own credibility, with a big assist by the Lamestream Media.

The rest of us can just sit back with a frosty beverage and enjoy the show.
Are you not watching the news? Trey Gowdy Was on tv the last 3 days lol

Democrats stop watching fake news
Was he on faux news - the inventor of fake news where they paid Glenn beck to cry on air about how obama was destroying the country? That might be your answer.

Also, Gowdy has proven his bias. But sure let's give a +1 tally.
Lol obama hahah wow what a bad president
Really? Not to me or most people
Your "most people" you know, are the same crowd who eat out of the same can of stupid.
Wow so angry what did we do to you?
I don't eat out of the same can as your "most people" do. It isn't about anger for me. Your "most people" are the one's obsessed with that.
We voted for trump maybe you should move out if you hate us so much
Maybe you should move out for being traitors to this country by supporting criminals who disregard the rule of law.
No we defeated spying Obama and hard drive destroying Clinton .. we have a winner now with trump
Really? Not to me or most people
How many times did Gowdy embarass himself with Benghazi investigations?
I’m pretty sure he is an American hero for what he did.. why do you hate America??
No one who hijacks an investigation to frame a defendant of that investigation is a hero. He should be stripped of all his credentials and sent back to South Carolina to join the circus. He is a straight piece of shit.
Why did Hillary ignore requests for more security? Why didn’t she send help?? Why won’t she answer questions??
She answered eleven hours worth of questions and Gowdy still tried to frame her. That's how big a failure and worthless piece of vomit he was.
She refused to answer questions.. then she smashed her hard drives .. wonder why
Last May, 180 former federal prosecutors who worked in the US attorney's office for the Southern District of New York signed on to a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein calling for the appointment of a special counsel to oversee the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The letter came just days after President Donald Trump fired James Comey as FBI director.

A bunch of former federal prosecutors signed a letter calling for Mueller's appointment last year — now four of them find themselves directly involved in the Michael Cohen case
Liberals all.
Lawrence's Last Word: Andrew McCabe's credibility So, if Andrew McCabe is the liar like Trump claims, then how come no Republican has refuted McCabe's book? There are some seriously damaging concerns McCabe points out in the book that lead to having a SC, and yet, neither Trump or his followers have any counter arguing points that dismiss those concerns. I mean think about it, if McCabe's concerns weren't legit, why hasn't the Right explained those concerns away? Obviously McCabe and Rosenstein were spot on to inject a SC with so many indictments and guilty pleas handed over to people surrounding the Trump campaign?

And if they have no answers, then what exactly was the justification for firing McCabe?

If they made some lame ass attempt at countering McCabe's book it would likely involve something like, "but Obama," "but Hillary," or some lame ass shit along those lines.
I tried to read obamas book. You know the best seller? All it had in it were pictures of little boys.

Troll much?
The thread title proves the point. The only one's who showed up to debate it were trolls and other retards, which is really the same thing.
Maybe so, but what you prove everyday is that there is no true debate with most of you.
Seems leftards are quite stupid today. McCabe is a known liar with at least 3 counts of lying under oath (per the Inspector General, who was NOT appointed by Trump so don't even try that lie). He was fired by recommendation of the FBI's HR department. Comey was fired by recommendation of Rod Rosenstein. Why bother going after a fairy tale of a book like this?
McCabe has challenged the ruling and the jury is still out on that. And Trump with 8500 confirmed lies? Seriously!
still no lie produced. 8500. hmmm just one. that should be easy with a pool that large. so go.
Lawrence's Last Word: Andrew McCabe's credibility So, if Andrew McCabe is the liar like Trump claims, then how come no Republican has refuted McCabe's book? There are some seriously damaging concerns McCabe points out in the book that lead to having a SC, and yet, neither Trump or his followers have any counter arguing points that dismiss those concerns. I mean think about it, if McCabe's concerns weren't legit, why hasn't the Right explained those concerns away? Obviously McCabe and Rosenstein were spot on to inject a SC with so many indictments and guilty pleas handed over to people surrounding the Trump campaign?

And if they have no answers, then what exactly was the justification for firing McCabe?

Republicans rally around Trump after McCabe asserts DOJ discussed removing the president

Kellyanne Conway vs. Cuomo on McCabe: "He's A Known Liar And Leaker," Why Are We Talking About It?

The real Andrew McCabe: liar, leaker, coup plotter

Liars & Leakers Alike: Comey & McCabe Exposed
It turns out McCabe was right with his concerns. but Republicans were rallying around someone who was compromised by the Russians. With 38 indictments, guilty and immunity pleas, Republicans showed their true colors. And with 8500 known lies by Trump, you have the nerve to talk about McCabe. Dude, what are you smoking? And we still haven't established McCabe actually lied yet.

Not established? Try reading the IG's report idiot. Recommended McCabe for prosecution for LYING to investigators. Why did his own HR deparment say to fire him? Immunity pleas were all handed out for Clinton's cronies, try to get that straight. Not one indictment having to do with the election. Total fail.

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