No school for soldiers

Part of the vindictive administration's effort to punish Americans. Meanwhile we spend millions to teach Turkish people how to design clay pots.

You dupes are so confused. You do realize that the White House has zero to do with spending appropriations, right? Those originate in the House and are confirmed in the Senate. Congress decides where money is spent and not spent, not the evil vindictive President. I'm sick of all the stupidity that continues to come from the right. It's embarrassing.
No tuition for soldiers but free tuition for prisoners.

What's wrong with that?

Soldiers can still use their GI Bill benefits on active duty to pay for their school.

No they can't

You're dumber - and queerer - than originally thought... Army, Marines cut tuition assistance | closing, cut, army - Closing the books - Desert Dispatch

From your own link, you idiot:

Soldiers can continue to pursue their educational goals with VA education benefits, if applicable, that include the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty, (Chapter 30), Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606), Reserve Education Assistance Program (Chapter 1607), the Post 9/11 GI Bill, federal grants and federal financial aid, according to the GoArmyEd website. National Guard Soldiers may also be eligible for state tuition assistance benefits.

God, you give new meaning to the word stupid.

:lol: :lol:
Education is not the only thing Obama is fucking veterans over on, he's also cutting homeless benefits.
Obama's also fucking over homeless vets...
Under a federal housing program that helps roughly 100,000 Americans, homeless and formerly homeless veterans will lose assistance due to the sequester. The program is run by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and provides state grants to help veterans get housing.
You worked for 'one'. I have worked for eleven different companies and only one has had education benefits. I have already mentioned that employer.

You should find a better employer. I said many employers do, you said "Not True".

Sorry but it is true, many employers do recognize the value in an educated workforce and helping people progress.

The deployment volume is through the roof right now, even with TA I'd probably bounce too.

Record suicide rates as well - and Obama cuts even deeper.

We don't even get the real number because those troops that come back and separate and end up killing themselves right after, they don't count those because technically they were no longer on active duty. The number is much higher than reported.
Army suspends tuition assistance program for troops - News - Stripes

" The Army announced Friday it is suspending its tuition assistance program for soldiers newly enrolling in classes due to sequestration and other budgetary pressures.“This suspension is necessary given the significant budget execution challenges caused by the combined effects of a possible year-long continuing resolution and sequestration,” Paul Prince, an army personnel spokesman at the Pentagon, wrote in an email to Stars and Stripes."

Sequestration strikes again :(

And yet, we can find $1.5 million to study why Lesbians are fat.
Yep.. I would have rather had higher pay than 13K a year and given up barracks living... you willing to start paying the higher salary for the permanent party soldier then?? Well, minus the combat deployments, training deployments, etc

Nope. Im just pointing out hypocrisy of moron right wingers.......since forcing citizens to pay for the housing of "troops amongst us", meaning living quarters outside of traditional barracks in the general population, was one of the root causes the original American Revolution focused on, and the foundation of the 3rd Amendment (Third Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). The original Founders feared that having troops "living amongst us" would invite tyrranny and oppression, and that the common citizen should NOT be forced to pay for that housing, or forced to allow their own homes to be used for housing troops.

Well, we the taxpayer are now being forced to pay to house troops amongst us, even in peace time. This seems to violate the Constitution.

I'd think a true, pure Tea Party Constitutionalist would want to abide by that glorious document, right?

As for 13K, sure, it should be more. Soldiers, cops, firemen, teachers.....all government employees, all do a critical job to our society, and all deserve more pay. My comments about military pay/benefits are in part sarcasm to mock the right wingers who bitch and moan about government employees pay/benefits.

The military isn't paying anyone's mortgage to live in the "general population" with skirt-wearing pussies like you. If military housing on-base is unavailable, servicemen receive a housing "Allowance." When I lived in Japan, for example - I received a portion of the rent out in town - but had to pay the rest myself. And back in those days, when the exchange rate was 70 - it was very difficult/expensive.

You'll find out what I mean when you're drafted, pole-smoker.

Enjoy your tours of duty. I'd brush up on your Arabic.

Sure they are. Neighbor is a Coast Guard reservist. He is deployed in the Carribean right now. His mortgage is being paid with that "Housing Allowance", aka, the taxpayer paying for his housing. And he gets 15K a year per diem while deployed to eat.

Save the taxpayer some money. Build a lot of big, cement barracks on the cheap. Put 4 to a room.

Taxpayers paying for the rent for government employees? I thought tea party folks would oppose that sort of government spending.

Oh, and nice touch with the internet tough guy impersonation. You are such a scary digital guy.
Obama's also fucking over homeless vets...
Under a federal housing program that helps roughly 100,000 Americans, homeless and formerly homeless veterans will lose assistance due to the sequester. The program is run by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and provides state grants to help veterans get housing.

- If they had stayed in for 20 years, they'd have a nice retirement to rely on
- If they didnt stay in for 20 years......then why is it that you think they are entitled to government handouts simply because they are former government employees???

Your logic flies in the face of the right wing ideology you hold so dearly.

I thought you were against people being dependent on the government? And if those guys did 20 years, and are already living off the taxpayer dime, then they need to stop wasting their money- as no one on a 20 year military retirement should be homeless with that steady pay coming in.

Its very simple. If they didnt do 20 years, then why are they entitled to more govt money or entitlements than any other person who also didn't do 20 years in the military? A person who worked 5 years for Verizon Wireless, and is then homeless, sure as hell isn't calling Verizon demanding that the company help them.


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