No Security Clearance For Hillary?

Hmm Republicans talking sht about Democratic nominee is somehow more potent if it's in a letter form?

I think America would trust Hillary with this country's security over ignorant, impulsive clown like Trump and in the end that's the only consideration that matters.
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Hmm Republicans talking sht about Democratic nominee is somehow more potent if it's in a letter form?

I think America would trust Hillary with this country's security over ignorant, impulsive clown like Trump and in the end that's the only consideration that matters.

How can Hillary be trusted with the security of the country when
she can not have access to intelligence reports because she can't be trusted with them...
Something that went through my brain...

Comey went far in explaining the possible criminal actions of Clinton before he announced he would not be prosecuting her for...what? Treason? Negligence in handling Top Secret information? Intent?

In explaining all that went on he did outline 1) Her lying; 2) Reasons for taking away her TS clearance and 3) allowing persons without security clearance to read Top Secret information, namely her attorney, Kendall.

In determining "intent", Comey does not address the email that said Clinton DID NOT want anyone reading her emails. The public and Congress has that information and would, in all speculation, would want to know why that didn't prove "intent."

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system
, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

It has been discussed that those who have TS clearanced, sign a document stating how to properly handle TS information and their intention to protect that information on gov't. controlled servers allowing archiving of all emails of the State Dept.

While not the focus of our investigation, we also developed evidence that the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified e-mail systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.

Clinton's emails were handled so improperly that is assumed they were likely hacked by hostile entities.

We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.

there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,

What is "willful intent..." Generally, that would indicate the act was not "an unforeseeable act." Or, the Top Secret information was put on a private, unsecured server by mistake. Clinton had every intention of putting that information on the unsecured server in the closet in her home. She even wrote in an email she didn't want anyone to have access to her emails!

What is not question is Sidney Bloomenthal's access to top secret emails and how Hillary used Bloomenthal for intelligence even after the president said he could not be hired by that State Dept. as Hillary had desired. She used him anyway, paying him $10,000 a month from the Clinton Foundation Fund. No questions from the president or the FBI? He did not have TS clearance. But Hillary wanted him in Libya gathering intelligence and the hell with the president! Is that what the Clinton Foundation is used for? No questions from the FBI?

Many questions remain. I hope they ask them and we hear the answers.

Oh I think his hands were tied. But he lost no time telling one and all that Hitlery, her staff and her State department were careless, stupid and incompetent.

She will never be held accountable for her actions. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks she will.
I understand, but I understand "intent" is not part of the equation for extreme carelessness.

Was he being so detailed in her pathetic actions so Congress would act? Was he hoping Congress would take action?

Since intent is not needed for the violation of negligent handling of TS documents, why did he say that was the reason for not prosecuting?

Just remember that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. I think the fix was in especially when Lynch said she would abide by the decision of the FBI.

Kinda funny how the FBI decided they wouldn't be pressing charges after that statement.

Speculation?? You god damned right.
How can Hillary be trusted with the security of the country when
she can not have access to intelligence reports because she can't be trusted with them...

According to whom? You?

She will become the next President of the United States of America with all the access previous presidents received. Time to wake up and smell reality.

Hmm Republicans talking sht about Democratic nominee is somehow more potent if it's in a letter form?

I think America would trust Hillary with this country's security over ignorant, impulsive clown like Trump and in the end that's the only consideration that matters.
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career. What makes an idiot like you think she won't fuck it up again and people will trust her this time? Better yet what the hell makes you think she WON'T fuck up again when everything she has done her entire life has been nothing but a disaster?

Hmm Republicans talking sht about Democratic nominee is somehow more potent if it's in a letter form?

I think America would trust Hillary with this country's security over ignorant, impulsive clown like Trump and in the end that's the only consideration that matters.
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career. What makes an idiot like you think she won't fuck it up again and people will trust her this time? Better yet what the hell makes you think she WON'T fuck up again when everything she has done her entire life has been nothing but a disaster?

I agree and who the hell says she's going to be the next POTUS??

God help us if she is. .
How can Hillary be trusted with the security of the country when
she can not have access to intelligence reports because she can't be trusted with them...

According to whom? You?

She will become the next President of the United States of America with all the access previous presidents received. Time to wake up and smell reality.

Well the smell of reality is starting to smell like a real full adult diaper.....
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career.

All you have to do now is prove such a claim to the Americans. Clinton has had a pretty busy career when she wasn't setting up her email servers.

Good luck, but I think you'll fail and things will work out the way I'm saying they will.
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career.

All you have to do now is prove such a claim to the Americans.

Good luck, but I think you'll fail and things will work out the way I'm saying they will.

Americans aren't quite as dumb as you seem to think they are.

I'm sure Trump will be telling everyone all about Hitlery's failings. I know I sure as hell would. National stage and all. LOL
How can Hillary be trusted with the security of the country when
she can not have access to intelligence reports because she can't be trusted with them...

According to whom? You?

She will become the next President of the United States of America with all the access previous presidents received. Time to wake up and smell reality.

Well the smell of reality is starting to smell like a real full adult diaper.....

Well it is what it is at this point.
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career.

All you have to do now is prove such a claim to the Americans. Clinton has had a pretty busy career when she wasn't setting up her email servers.

Good luck, but I think you'll fail and things will work out the way I'm saying they will.
I can do that with one simple challenge. You list her successes and truths and I will list her failures and lies. I'm thinking the thread count is going to be well in my favor and you'll be struggling.
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career.

All you have to do now is prove such a claim to the Americans. Clinton has had a pretty busy career when she wasn't setting up her email servers.

Good luck, but I think you'll fail and things will work out the way I'm saying they will.
I can do that with one simple challenge. You list her successes and truths and I will list her failures and lies. I'm thinking the thread count is going to be well in my favor and you'll be struggling.

Will we include comparative merits of Trump into the mix for good fun?
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career.

All you have to do now is prove such a claim to the Americans. Clinton has had a pretty busy career when she wasn't setting up her email servers.

Good luck, but I think you'll fail and things will work out the way I'm saying they will.
I can do that with one simple challenge. You list her successes and truths and I will list her failures and lies. I'm thinking the thread count is going to be well in my favor and you'll be struggling.

Will we include comparative merits of Trump into the mix for good fun?
Already moving the goal posts and we haven't even started. Let's do this. Post up one of hillary's greatest accomplishments as a game opener instead of trying to deflect. It should be easy for you.
Hey dipshit, she was given that trust and totally fucked it up at every turn over the course of her career.

All you have to do now is prove such a claim to the Americans. Clinton has had a pretty busy career when she wasn't setting up her email servers.

Good luck, but I think you'll fail and things will work out the way I'm saying they will.
I can do that with one simple challenge. You list her successes and truths and I will list her failures and lies. I'm thinking the thread count is going to be well in my favor and you'll be struggling.

Will we include comparative merits of Trump into the mix for good fun?
Already moving the goal posts and we haven't even started. Let's do this. Post up one of hillary's greatest accomplishments as a game opener instead of trying to deflect. It should be easy for you.

I haven't. My posting on this has been consistent - the choice is between Hillary and Trump, not Hillary and no-Hillary. So measuring of one has to be against the measurement of the other. And when this is all said and done Americans will make what I consider the smarter choice.

And no I'm not interested in the special-Olympics of litigating ALL that on an online forum thread with a stranger, I'll just prove you wrong in the fall.
Well, she proved that she can't be trusted with classified information of any sort, she represents multiple threats to the United States, the American people and the world community.

basically, she's unqualified to be President of the United States..

.... some banana republic maybe but America... sheesh
If I had done what she did my security clearance would have been suspended wiyhin hours.

Justice must be blind in order to be present.
Justice does not exist.
Repubs have been reduced to throwing shit up against the wall & hoping something sticks.

How sad the once great GOP have reduced themselves to one new low after another. Repubs should be probe themselves.
Repubs have been reduced to throwing shit up against the wall & hoping something sticks.

How sad the once great GOP have reduced themselves to one new low after another. Repubs should be probe themselves.
Reduced to throwing shit??? Guess you're right. Putting classified information on an unsecured server, not turning over emails to the FBI, lying to the public over and over, IS SHIT! and I'm tired of her! She is so corrupt or in competent, how could anyone vote for that pile of shit???
Repubs have been reduced to throwing shit up against the wall & hoping something sticks.

How sad the once great GOP have reduced themselves to one new low after another. Repubs should be probe themselves.

:laugh: .. ..and you have reduced yourself to an imbecile and the definition of a lemming Democrat...

Hmm Republicans talking sht about Democratic nominee is somehow more potent if it's in a letter form?

I think America would trust Hillary with this country's security over ignorant, impulsive clown like Trump and in the end that's the only consideration that matters.

You are entitled to your opinion and wishes. The stark reality is that Hillary's actions put her in a position where it was either going to be willfull or wreckless. Either way, she got called out officially by the FBI that she is a proven security risk.

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