No Singing at the Table...


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
Some guy with a bad voice fucked it up for everyone...

Longmont 2-Year-Old Tests Positive For Pot « CBS Denver

I am all for the legalization of marijuana, I think it is long overdue.

We now have a couple of states who can show the rest of the country how to do it successfully... But they're going to have to reign in the stupid shit, keep this sort of thing from happening... Or they'll fuck it up for everyone.

And parents need to be teaching their kids not to eat things off the ground...

(Bonus points for anyone who can tell me from where I pulled the thread title and first line...)
So what? Haven't you ever heard of the scenario of kids going around taking sips out of adults' drinks at a gathering and ending up tipsy? I've heard of more than one instance of that. Why isn't that a big fucking deal?

I don't do pot, by the way, I tried it when I was young and it didn't set well with me. In fact, I think it may have triggered the panic attacks and agoraphobia I've had to deal with all my adult life. :(

However, I just have to call b.s. on this. A kid found a piece of marijuana-laced cookie and ate it. Big deal.

I don't drink either. But it's not about what I want to do, it's about not having a bunch of oppressive laws that put people in prison for ridiculous reasons.
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Some moron on this thread referred to smoking dope and prostitution as "victimless crimes". Ya right.
Tell that to the fifteen year old girl strung out on meth b/c some bastard got her addicted and now she's risking her life every day turning tricks trying to stay 'well'. Ya right.
Smoking dope is a "victimless crime"? Tell that to the kids carrying bails of Mexican grown dope into the country in 125 F heat. Tell that to the ten year old kid who used to be interested in life and now wants to do SFA all day except get 'loaded'. For many young kids dope is an 'entry level' drug and that means their lives are pretty much screwed.
Tell that to the thousands of families who have had their loved ones murdered by the drug cartels.
My God some people are downright idiots.
Some moron on this thread referred to smoking dope and prostitution as "victimless crimes". Ya right.

Uh, wrong. No one made that statement on this thread. You've already started off rather confused.

Tell that to the fifteen year old girl strung out on meth b/c some bastard got her addicted and now she's risking her life every day turning tricks trying to stay 'well'.

No one is advocating allowing drug use by children, much less forcing drug use on children. Fail. Big fat FAIL.

Ya right.

You can keep stating you're right as much as you like, but that doesn't make it so...because you're not.

Smoking dope is a "victimless crime"?

No, consensual activity between adults is none of your damn business. As long as they're not hurting another (already illegal) or taking what doesn't belong to them (also already illegal), it's not your concern. Sorry, but you really don't know what's best for others, no matter how pissed off you are that you weren't picked to be hall monitor back in grade school.

Tell that to the kids carrying bails of Mexican grown dope into the country in 125 F heat.

Which happens ONLY because it's illegal to produce cannabis here and to transport it in a normal manner.

Those kids are suffering because of YOUR support of prohibition! Oh the irony!

Tell that to the ten year old kid who used to be interested in life and now wants to do SFA all day except get 'loaded'.

Again, no one has suggested drugs...or alcohol for that matter...should be legal for kids. You can stop saying that now.

For many young kids dope is an 'entry level' drug and that means their lives are pretty much screwed.

Again, stop with the "kids" argument. We're talking about activity between adults.

Tell that to the thousands of families who have had their loved ones murdered by the drug cartels.

Pretty sure murder is already illegal.

My God some people are downright idiots.

Pot, kettle...I see you've met.
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Some moron on this thread referred to smoking dope and prostitution as "victimless crimes". Ya right.
Tell that to the fifteen year old girl strung out on meth b/c some bastard got her addicted and now she's risking her life every day turning tricks trying to stay 'well'. Ya right.
Smoking dope is a "victimless crime"? Tell that to the kids carrying bails of Mexican grown dope into the country in 125 F heat. Tell that to the ten year old kid who used to be interested in life and now wants to do SFA all day except get 'loaded'. For many young kids dope is an 'entry level' drug and that means their lives are pretty much screwed.
Tell that to the thousands of families who have had their loved ones murdered by the drug cartels.
My God some people are downright idiots.

Are you reading the same thread? No one in this thread said shit about victimless crimes... And I don't see anyone mentioning prostitution. And you do of course realize that once legalized, it would no longer be a crime, right? You would no longer have drug mules dragging product across borders illegally, well, the tide would certainly be stemmed at least. Odds are it would never stop entirely... But hey, we still have folks making moonshine in stills in the woods...

As to your contention that weed is an "entry level" drug, that is simply moronic. There are two "gateway" drugs out there that are far more prominent, they are amazingly easy for kids to acquire and use, and they are perfectly legal. Cigarettes and alcohol. Bigger "entry level" drugs than pot will ever be...

So what? Haven't you ever heard of the scenario of kids going around taking sips out of adults' drinks at a gathering and ending up tipsy? I've heard of more than one instance of that. Why isn't that a big fucking deal?

I don't do pot, by the way, I tried it when I was young and it didn't set well with me. In fact, I think it may have triggered the panic attacks and agoraphobia I've had to deal with all my adult life. :(

However, I just have to call b.s. on this. A kid found a piece of marijuana-laced cookie and ate it. Big deal.

I don't drink either. But it's not about what I want to do, it's about not having a bunch of oppressive laws that put people in prison for ridiculous reasons.
No "big Deal"? Apparently you do not have a two year old. Ask any two year old's parents if their child eats a dope laced cookie if they think it's "no big deal". Grow up pal.
Here's my idea to reduce the number of inmates in prison: Anyone convicted of a second felony has their sentence term sold to private prisons in various countries in Africa. The prison pays say 5 grand for the the inmate's term. The prisoner is transported to a prison in say Darfur. There they serve out their term working everyday building roads etc. The inmate is paid for their work equivalent to the cost of housing them. The inmates must pay for their room and board of course. "No free rides Billy boy. No free rides".
Those who become unfit to work are very rare. There's always something the unfit can do.
In serious cases the bedridden would be brought bed pans to wipe out. That sort of thing.
It's a win-win. The US tax payers don't have to spend tens of thousands of their hard earned money housing useless pieces of shit and the prisons in Darfur gets some strong healthy young bucks to help with the road building etc. cheap.
After our inmate has served their sentence (every stinking day of it guaranteed) they are free to apply to enter America..........(not sure how many applicants with a prison record are being allowed to enter America though). LOL
The 'Two Strikes You're Out' law means 'out' of the country'.
Some simian could steal a car and hit a police car while trying to escape and they get a 'one-way' ticket to scenic Africa.
So what? Haven't you ever heard of the scenario of kids going around taking sips out of adults' drinks at a gathering and ending up tipsy? I've heard of more than one instance of that. Why isn't that a big fucking deal?

I don't do pot, by the way, I tried it when I was young and it didn't set well with me. In fact, I think it may have triggered the panic attacks and agoraphobia I've had to deal with all my adult life. :(

However, I just have to call b.s. on this. A kid found a piece of marijuana-laced cookie and ate it. Big deal.

I don't drink either. But it's not about what I want to do, it's about not having a bunch of oppressive laws that put people in prison for ridiculous reasons.
No "big Deal"? Apparently you do not have a two year old. Ask any two year old's parents if their child eats a dope laced cookie if they think it's "no big deal". Grow up pal.
Here's my idea to reduce the number of inmates in prison: Anyone convicted of a second felony has their sentence term sold to private prisons in various countries in Africa. The prison pays say 5 grand for the the inmate's term. The prisoner is transported to a prison in say Darfur. There they serve out their term working everyday building roads etc. The inmate is paid for their work equivalent to the cost of housing them. The inmates must pay for their room and board of course. "No free rides Billy boy. No free rides".
Those who become unfit to work are very rare. There's always something the unfit can do.
In serious cases the bedridden would be brought bed pans to wipe out. That sort of thing.
It's a win-win. The US tax payers don't have to spend tens of thousands of their hard earned money housing useless pieces of shit and the prisons in Darfur gets some strong healthy young bucks to help with the road building etc. cheap.
After our inmate has served their sentence (every stinking day of it guaranteed) they are free to apply to enter America..........(not sure how many applicants with a prison record are being allowed to enter America though). LOL
The 'Two Strikes You're Out' law means 'out' of the country'.
Some simian could steal a car and hit a police car while trying to escape and they get a 'one-way' ticket to scenic Africa.

Confused...and a racist too. Color me shocked...
The poster here 'edited' their post to remove the 'victimless crime' bullshit.
Ya legalizing dope will help make sure no underage kids will use it right? Just like with booze and smokes right?
Wake up pal.
We'll see how things go in Col. in a year or so.
There wouldn't be anyone in jail for stealing cars if it became legal for anyone to drive away anyone's car they wanted right?
This my friends is the result of 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers' AKA schools run by 'men who pee sitting down' and 'women who pee standing up'.
There wouldn't be anyone in jail for stealing cars if it became legal for anyone to drive away anyone's car they wanted right?

Taking someone else's car: NON-consensual activity that involves someone taking what doesn't belong to them.

An adult ingesting cannabis: Consensual activity that neither harms nor steals from another.

See the difference?

Man, you are one confused puppy...
Ya legalizing dope will help make sure no underage kids will use it right? Just like with booze and smokes right?

Of course, no one said making cannabis legal would ensure no underage kids would use it, have they?

Has keeping it illegal ensured kids do not use it?

Didn't think so.

So, we're back to consensual activity among adults being none of your fucking business.
do you know its harder for kids to get alcohol than pot in places where pot is illegal?
It would be hilarious if that won't be so sad. And people expecting anybody changing their wys ( looking after their kids, for example) are simply naive.

Glorification of the harmful substance IS going to cause a lot of collateral damage, because people are extremely stupid and irresponsible.

Now, let the glorificators start yammering about the dangers of alcohol and benefits of pot:lol:

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