No Socialist Regime Survives Without Murder.

First of all, the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Maoists, etc. were all capitalists and not at all remotely socialist in any way.
Socialism has to be communal, collective, and cooperative, while these groups you listed were all profit motivated, wealthy elite instead.

Sure "no government has to force anyone to be a capitalist", but that is not how it works.
Capitalist want profits, so use their capital in order to buy weapons and hire mercenaries, so that they can become government. Like the East India Trade company, which was owned by the British aristocracy. They invaded and took over the government of countries like India, China, etc.
All dictatorship are always capitalist.
Stalin was a dictator, so then obviously he was a capitalist, motivated by the un-communist profits he was able to force from others.

If not prevented by a communal government, all capitalists would just extort and steal instead of sell for only marginal profits. All dictatorships are capitalists, and all democracies have socialist restrictions on capitalism.
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[8] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the view, popular among British Marxists, that fascism (including Nazism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, Nazism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
If you notice, a killing by government official in a democrat administration is never treated as murder. Bill Clinton showed that one in spades and Biden has a shooting death of an unarmed citizen on his hands. Recently it seems that democrat officials in big cities are determined to treat murder as a misdemeanor.
On that basis, that can you vote for one????
Is it the hope that it will kill you last???

1.If you went through socialist government school, they hid that from you. If they had informed you of the truth, you would have put two and two together, and recognized that Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Maoists,……and Democrats…..are all socialist. And none of ‘em have the slightest compunction about murder.

2. Just to underscore the difference… government has to force anyone to be a capitalist. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
It is based on voluntary transactions.

3. “…Das Kapital is full of promises that could never be fulfilled because they are based on a false view of human nature. The central fallacy lies in the mechanistic concept of human nature: the notion that man’s ideas and values are totally governed by his economic circumstances. This in turn means that Marx’s philosophy ignores a basic reality of human nature: that man works best when he is driven by a sense of purpose: that is, by ‘the profit-motive’ in its broadest sense.

A man who badly wants anything, from the girl next door to a new car, will pour an enormous amount of concentrated effort into obtaining it. Place him in a commune and tell him he is working for ‘the common good’, and even if he is a good communist, some of his enthusiasm will evaporate. In communist countries, the result has been almost permanent economic crisis due to inefficiency. China and the Soviet bloc are the most powerful living argument against the doctrines of Das Kapital, a demostration that Marx’s blueprint for Utopia has no relation to actuality.

4. Then why did Kapital come to exercise such widespread influence? Because Marx possessed Savonarola’s talent for emotional invective. He himself told a correspondent ‘It is certainly the most terrible missile that has ever been aimed at the bourgeoisie.’ Marx could always marshal his ‘economic facts’, his starving Irish, his miners dying of silicosis, his foundrymen scalded to death with boiling metal, his seamstresses coughing away their lungs. And the tone of scientific precision proved irresistible to a new generation of socialists, from Bernard Shaw to Lenin and Trotsky. Marx, like Luther, had arrived at precisely the right moment in history.” Colin Wilson, “A Criminal History of Mankind”

5. “How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
Ronald Reagan

More lies from our resident anti-democratic propaganda queen. Authoritarian governments on the left and the right are equally murderous. Just look at your buddy Putin.

No government of any stripe has ever survived without murder, especially the USA. The Trail of Tears, the slaves, the Iraq War.
More lies from our resident anti-democratic propaganda queen. Authoritarian governments on the left and the right are equally murderous. Just look at your buddy Putin.

No government of any stripe has ever survived without murder, especially the USA. The Trail of Tears, the slaves, the Iraq War.

Let's see how easily I smash another custard pie of truth in your ugly, lying, kisser.


Mao.....37,828,000 (could be up to 75 million)



Pol Pot...2,397,000

"Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived. Hate on the Left

All Leftists/Socialists/Collectivists, like the Democrats.

We should include this:

Over 63 million abortions have occurred in the US since Roe v ... › politics › abortions-since-roe-...

May 4, 2022 — More than 63 million abortions are estimated to have taken place in the U.S. since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, according to ...

You're quite a homicidal bunch, aren't you.
On that basis, that can you vote for one????
Is it the hope that it will kill you last???

1.If you went through socialist government school, they hid that from you. If they had informed you of the truth, you would have put two and two together, and recognized that Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Maoists,……and Democrats…..are all socialist. And none of ‘em have the slightest compunction about murder.

2. Just to underscore the difference… government has to force anyone to be a capitalist. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
It is based on voluntary transactions.

3. “…Das Kapital is full of promises that could never be fulfilled because they are based on a false view of human nature. The central fallacy lies in the mechanistic concept of human nature: the notion that man’s ideas and values are totally governed by his economic circumstances. This in turn means that Marx’s philosophy ignores a basic reality of human nature: that man works best when he is driven by a sense of purpose: that is, by ‘the profit-motive’ in its broadest sense.

A man who badly wants anything, from the girl next door to a new car, will pour an enormous amount of concentrated effort into obtaining it. Place him in a commune and tell him he is working for ‘the common good’, and even if he is a good communist, some of his enthusiasm will evaporate. In communist countries, the result has been almost permanent economic crisis due to inefficiency. China and the Soviet bloc are the most powerful living argument against the doctrines of Das Kapital, a demostration that Marx’s blueprint for Utopia has no relation to actuality.

4. Then why did Kapital come to exercise such widespread influence? Because Marx possessed Savonarola’s talent for emotional invective. He himself told a correspondent ‘It is certainly the most terrible missile that has ever been aimed at the bourgeoisie.’ Marx could always marshal his ‘economic facts’, his starving Irish, his miners dying of silicosis, his foundrymen scalded to death with boiling metal, his seamstresses coughing away their lungs. And the tone of scientific precision proved irresistible to a new generation of socialists, from Bernard Shaw to Lenin and Trotsky. Marx, like Luther, had arrived at precisely the right moment in history.” Colin Wilson, “A Criminal History of Mankind”

5. “How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
Ronald Reagan
You were so close to being right. It's not

No Socialist Regime Survives Without Murder​


No Regime Survives Without Murder​

You just got hung up on 'Socialist'.
The subverted zombies cannot process historical facts.
There has been NO communist totalitarian revolution that occurred in the 20th century that didn't involve mass murder via starvation and political persecution.

Fact check: TRUE!
But the OP said 'Socialist'? I guess you don't know the difference or is it just you vs everyone and everything else? A truly impressive level of paranoia.

You are and will never be anything but lying scum.

Marxists and socialists are the same.

Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of
the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."
The subverted zombies cannot process historical facts.
There has been NO communist totalitarian revolution that occurred in the 20th century that didn't involve mass murder via starvation and political persecution.

Fact check: TRUE!

There has been NO communist revolution, as Stalinists took over and murdered any communists.
Communism by definition can not be totalitarian.
Totalitarian means a single dictatorship or oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
Under communism, everything has to be cooperative, communal, and collectively done by mutual consent.
Whenever there is totalitarianism, it is always for the profit motive, so is always capitalist,
You are and will never be anything but lying scum.

Marxists and socialists are the same.

Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,
have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal
twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor
unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,
the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of
the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that
communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow
of all existing social conditions."

There are huge differences between Marxism and Communism.
Karl Marx was writing about the abuses of the Industrial Revolution, that put cottage industries out of work, and made everyone forced to sweat shop factories that were evil monopolies.
Marx was writing about 1830 or so.

Later we discovered other means of preventing abuses like monopolies, child labor, abusive work conditions, etc.
We simply made laws to restrict employers from being abusive.
Unions also helped.

Considering that Marx was talking about royal dictatorship, he was right that "forcible overthrow" was necessary.
Like in France, the US, and Russia.
We out rebellions, royal dictatorships would still be the norm.
This, for instance:
"First of all, the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Maoists, etc. were all capitalists and not at all remotely socialist in any way."

Yeah, no, they were communists and socialists, commie faggot.

Then there's this:
"Stalin was a dictator, so then obviously he was a capitalist, motivated by the un-communist profits he was able to force from others."

(Same link)

(obviously a false conclusion)
And then there's this whopper:

The death toll in China was from the war with the US backed dictatorship of Khang Kia Shek.
There was massive starvation, and the losing US backed fascists absconded with all the wealth they could steal from the treasury of China."

Mao was responsible. You're a lying turd.
The predictions of the coming new soviet famine, aka: supply chain problems and food shortages would be an indicator of the next crisis these insects will go for.
Anthropogenic panic and destabilization about the weather is for another thread.
Covid too! Unbelievable.

Soviet famine of 1930–1933 - Wikipedia

I don't like wiki, but the evil is acknowledged.
All this calamity has been planned.
There has been NO communist revolution, as Stalinists took over and murdered any communists.
Communism by definition can not be totalitarian.
Totalitarian means a single dictatorship or oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
Under communism, everything has to be cooperative, communal, and collectively done by mutual consent.
Whenever there is totalitarianism, it is always for the profit motive, so is always capitalist,
You're stuck on semantics.
The demented Marxists kill off who they think are not Marxist enough.
Trotsky is a prime example, but the list is deep.
Including the MILLIONS murdered for disagreeing with your flawed ideology of collective control.

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