No Solution

So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—which his defenders dismissed as a "joke"—was taken very seriously indeed by Russian hackers. He asked them to, and they did. If you are not yet convinced something went very, very wrong in the 2016 election, you might ask yourself whether at this point you'd be perfectly fine with the president shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—

missed where he said that.

Does this help will?
Russians Targeted Clinton’s “Personal Office” On Same Day Trump Called on Russia to Find Her Personal Emails, Indictment Says


JULY 13, 20181:59 PM
Trump at the press conference in Doral, Florida at which he asked “Russia” to find Clinton’s emails.
Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images
There’s an interesting factoid noted in the special counsel indictment, released Friday, of 12 Russian intelligence operatives for hacking various Hillary Clinton-related Democrats during the 2016 campaign via the technique of “spearphishing“:

22. The Conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.

As was quickly noticed by a number of observers, July 27, 2016 is the same day that Trump made his infamous and seemingly facetious request to “Russia” to find emails from Clinton’s Secretary of State tenure that she had deleted, on the grounds that they were purely personal, before turning over her server archive to the State Department. Trump made the remarks—”Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” at a press conference in Doral, Florida.

Got a link?

"For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office."

on, or about, makes it the same day?

can the crap, parrot
Did you see your leader will all over TV begging russians to find hills e mails ??
Are you one of their best and brightest too Will
Trey Gowdy, former federal prosecutor, Tea Party Republican, elected to Congress from South Carolina’s 4th District, now has two landmark events on his political resume:

1) Chaired a politically fabricated committee to investigate the Benghazi non-story. Spent 2-1/2 years and $7.8 million. Grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours. Clinton handed him his hat. Wound up with nothing...admitting it was a politically motivated witchhunt.

2) Chaired a similarly contrived faux investigation into an FBI agent’s role in political bias within the bureau. Grilled agent Peter Strzok for 10 hours. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow. Ended up with egg on his face...again.

And Gowdy is considered one of the GOP’s “best and brightest” by the Heritage Foundation.

. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow.

only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
missed where he said that.

Does this help will?
Russians Targeted Clinton’s “Personal Office” On Same Day Trump Called on Russia to Find Her Personal Emails, Indictment Says


JULY 13, 20181:59 PM
Trump at the press conference in Doral, Florida at which he asked “Russia” to find Clinton’s emails.
Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images
There’s an interesting factoid noted in the special counsel indictment, released Friday, of 12 Russian intelligence operatives for hacking various Hillary Clinton-related Democrats during the 2016 campaign via the technique of “spearphishing“:

22. The Conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.

As was quickly noticed by a number of observers, July 27, 2016 is the same day that Trump made his infamous and seemingly facetious request to “Russia” to find emails from Clinton’s Secretary of State tenure that she had deleted, on the grounds that they were purely personal, before turning over her server archive to the State Department. Trump made the remarks—”Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” at a press conference in Doral, Florida.

Got a link?

"For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office."

on, or about, makes it the same day?

can the crap, parrot
Did you see your leader will all over TV begging russians to find hills e mails ??
Are you one of their best and brightest too Will
Trey Gowdy, former federal prosecutor, Tea Party Republican, elected to Congress from South Carolina’s 4th District, now has two landmark events on his political resume:

1) Chaired a politically fabricated committee to investigate the Benghazi non-story. Spent 2-1/2 years and $7.8 million. Grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours. Clinton handed him his hat. Wound up with nothing...admitting it was a politically motivated witchhunt.

2) Chaired a similarly contrived faux investigation into an FBI agent’s role in political bias within the bureau. Grilled agent Peter Strzok for 10 hours. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow. Ended up with egg on his face...again.

And Gowdy is considered one of the GOP’s “best and brightest” by the Heritage Foundation.

. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow.

only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
The only time in these past posts you've been right

"For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office."

on, or about, makes it the same day?

can the crap, parrot
Did you see your leader will all over TV begging russians to find hills e mails ??
Are you one of their best and brightest too Will
Trey Gowdy, former federal prosecutor, Tea Party Republican, elected to Congress from South Carolina’s 4th District, now has two landmark events on his political resume:

1) Chaired a politically fabricated committee to investigate the Benghazi non-story. Spent 2-1/2 years and $7.8 million. Grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours. Clinton handed him his hat. Wound up with nothing...admitting it was a politically motivated witchhunt.

2) Chaired a similarly contrived faux investigation into an FBI agent’s role in political bias within the bureau. Grilled agent Peter Strzok for 10 hours. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow. Ended up with egg on his face...again.

And Gowdy is considered one of the GOP’s “best and brightest” by the Heritage Foundation.

. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow.

only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
The only time in these past posts you've been right

After asking the russians to hack hillary's e mails and they do it that very day how can any republican put up with the slime in our WH? WHAT would happen if Obama did the same ? Your fn republican heads would explode
Did you listen to a different video than I did?

I heard, 'if you have hillarys emails, not, please hack hillarys emails.
So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—which his defenders dismissed as a "joke"—was taken very seriously indeed by Russian hackers. He asked them to, and they did. If you are not yet convinced something went very, very wrong in the 2016 election, you might ask yourself whether at this point you'd be perfectly fine with the president shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—

missed where he said that.

Got a link?

Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?
Did you listen to a different video than I did?

I heard, 'if you have hillarys emails, not, please hack hillarys emails.
So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—which his defenders dismissed as a "joke"—was taken very seriously indeed by Russian hackers. He asked them to, and they did. If you are not yet convinced something went very, very wrong in the 2016 election, you might ask yourself whether at this point you'd be perfectly fine with the president shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—

missed where he said that.

Does this help will?
Russians Targeted Clinton’s “Personal Office” On Same Day Trump Called on Russia to Find Her Personal Emails, Indictment Says


JULY 13, 20181:59 PM
Trump at the press conference in Doral, Florida at which he asked “Russia” to find Clinton’s emails.
Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images
There’s an interesting factoid noted in the special counsel indictment, released Friday, of 12 Russian intelligence operatives for hacking various Hillary Clinton-related Democrats during the 2016 campaign via the technique of “spearphishing“:

22. The Conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.

As was quickly noticed by a number of observers, July 27, 2016 is the same day that Trump made his infamous and seemingly facetious request to “Russia” to find emails from Clinton’s Secretary of State tenure that she had deleted, on the grounds that they were purely personal, before turning over her server archive to the State Department. Trump made the remarks—”Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” at a press conference in Doral, Florida.

Got a link?

"For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office."

on, or about, makes it the same day?

can the crap, parrot
Did you see your leader will all over TV begging russians to find hills e mails ??

He thinks that the Russians have been granted access to Hilarys emails and wont have to hack in to get them.
"For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office."

on, or about, makes it the same day?

can the crap, parrot
Did you see your leader will all over TV begging russians to find hills e mails ??
Are you one of their best and brightest too Will
Trey Gowdy, former federal prosecutor, Tea Party Republican, elected to Congress from South Carolina’s 4th District, now has two landmark events on his political resume:

1) Chaired a politically fabricated committee to investigate the Benghazi non-story. Spent 2-1/2 years and $7.8 million. Grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours. Clinton handed him his hat. Wound up with nothing...admitting it was a politically motivated witchhunt.

Don't you give a damn??
2) Chaired a similarly contrived faux investigation into an FBI agent’s role in political bias within the bureau. Grilled agent Peter Strzok for 10 hours. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow. Ended up with egg on his face...again.

And Gowdy is considered one of the GOP’s “best and brightest” by the Heritage Foundation.

. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow.

only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
The only time in these past posts you've been right

Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.
Did you listen to a different video than I did?

I heard, 'if you have hillarys emails, not, please hack hillarys emails.
So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—which his defenders dismissed as a "joke"—was taken very seriously indeed by Russian hackers. He asked them to, and they did. If you are not yet convinced something went very, very wrong in the 2016 election, you might ask yourself whether at this point you'd be perfectly fine with the president shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—

missed where he said that.

Got a link?

Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Did you see your leader will all over TV begging russians to find hills e mails ??
Are you one of their best and brightest too Will
Trey Gowdy, former federal prosecutor, Tea Party Republican, elected to Congress from South Carolina’s 4th District, now has two landmark events on his political resume:

1) Chaired a politically fabricated committee to investigate the Benghazi non-story. Spent 2-1/2 years and $7.8 million. Grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours. Clinton handed him his hat. Wound up with nothing...admitting it was a politically motivated witchhunt.

Don't you give a damn??
2) Chaired a similarly contrived faux investigation into an FBI agent’s role in political bias within the bureau. Grilled agent Peter Strzok for 10 hours. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow. Ended up with egg on his face...again.

And Gowdy is considered one of the GOP’s “best and brightest” by the Heritage Foundation.

. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow.

only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
The only time in these past posts you've been right

Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—which his defenders dismissed as a "joke"—was taken very seriously indeed by Russian hackers. He asked them to, and they did. If you are not yet convinced something went very, very wrong in the 2016 election, you might ask yourself whether at this point you'd be perfectly fine with the president shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

So Trump's call for Russia to hack his opponent during the election—

missed where he said that.

Got a link?

Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.
Before going out just like to know what Trumps son ,son in law have done doesn't smell bad to you and funny his daughters china stuff isn't under tariff ,,,Nothing to see just keep on walking?
Are you one of their best and brightest too Will
Trey Gowdy, former federal prosecutor, Tea Party Republican, elected to Congress from South Carolina’s 4th District, now has two landmark events on his political resume:

1) Chaired a politically fabricated committee to investigate the Benghazi non-story. Spent 2-1/2 years and $7.8 million. Grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours. Clinton handed him his hat. Wound up with nothing...admitting it was a politically motivated witchhunt.

Don't you give a damn??
2) Chaired a similarly contrived faux investigation into an FBI agent’s role in political bias within the bureau. Grilled agent Peter Strzok for 10 hours. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow. Ended up with egg on his face...again.

And Gowdy is considered one of the GOP’s “best and brightest” by the Heritage Foundation.

. Strzok handed him his ass, gift-wrapped with a pretty bow.

only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
The only time in these past posts you've been right

Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.

I'm not foundering a bit.

Looks like you might be.

Trump, by your own link, asked them to find the missing emails.

why would they hack the server for emails that had disappeared?
Before going out just like to know what Trumps son ,son in law have done doesn't smell bad to you and funny his daughters china stuff isn't under tariff ,,,Nothing to see just keep on walking?

and, now you're deflecting.

contact your local dem pusher, and get another cracker
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.

I'm not foundering a bit.

Looks like you might be.

Trump, by your own link, asked them to find the missing emails.

why would they hack the server for emails that had disappeared?
Its kind of obvious youre floundering.

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails. If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?
only because of the clowns on the Left that kept derailing the hearing.

(no doubt, you applauded)
The only time in these past posts you've been right

Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.

I'm not foundering a bit.

Looks like you might be.

Trump, by your own link, asked them to find the missing emails.

why would they hack the server for emails that had disappeared?
Its kind of obvious youre floundering.

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails. If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails

finally, there's a crack in the concrete

If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

same night?

July 27th, or 'thereabouts?

Thereabouts could be days before, or after.

no firm date.
The only time in these past posts you've been right

Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?
"I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

NO mention of hacking.

Didn't you listen to your own link?
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.

I'm not foundering a bit.

Looks like you might be.

Trump, by your own link, asked them to find the missing emails.

why would they hack the server for emails that had disappeared?
Its kind of obvious youre floundering.

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails. If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails

finally, there's a crack in the concrete

If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

same night?

July 27th, or 'thereabouts?

Thereabouts could be days before, or after.

no firm date.
Hey stupid. How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

Hey stupid.
talking to yourself?

How would Russia be able to find the emails without hacking?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.

I'm not foundering a bit.

Looks like you might be.

Trump, by your own link, asked them to find the missing emails.

why would they hack the server for emails that had disappeared?
Its kind of obvious youre floundering.

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails. If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails

finally, there's a crack in the concrete

If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

same night?

July 27th, or 'thereabouts?

Thereabouts could be days before, or after.

no firm date.

Your story has always had cracks in it.

Yes same night. I am assuming you havent been informed regarding the lastest indictment?
Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.

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