No Solution

Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
Whats the Hill? You arent aware of the newest indictment are you?
The real solution is for the whiny little beyatches on the Left to grow up and learn how to engage in proper civil society. I won't hold my breath, however, as they are too completely programmed with their Because-Feelz-ShutUp modus operandi.
talking to yourself?

By looking in the files they already had.

"April 29: The professor told Papadopoulos the Russians had “thousands” of Clinton’s emails containing dirt. "

Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Youre floundering badly. How can you find something you already had? If the Russians had the 30K emails Drumpf was referencing they wouldnt have tried hacking her after Drumpf asked them to.

I'm not foundering a bit.

Looks like you might be.

Trump, by your own link, asked them to find the missing emails.

why would they hack the server for emails that had disappeared?
Its kind of obvious youre floundering.

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails. If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

Correct Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails

finally, there's a crack in the concrete

If they already had those emails why did they try to hack Hilarys servers the very same night Drumpf asked them to find the missing emails?

same night?

July 27th, or 'thereabouts?

Thereabouts could be days before, or after.

no firm date.

Your story has always had cracks in it.

Yes same night. I am assuming you havent been informed regarding the lastest indictment?

Your story has always had cracks in it.

not nearly as many as yours.

I read eds cut and paste.

it made the claim 27th, or 'thereabouts'.

that means they aren't sure.

(why are you?)
The real solution is for the whiny little beyatches on the Left to grow up and learn how to engage in proper civil society. I won't hold my breath, however, as they are too completely programmed with their Because-Feelz-ShutUp modus operandi.
You bitch ass traitors are supporting the Russians. Why do you guys want the probe stopped if Drumpf hasnt done anything?
Don't you give a damn?

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign
The announcement came only three days before President Donald Trump is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...
Good for Mueller.

What does that have to do with what Trump said?

The Russians already had thousands of HIllarys emails.

He asked them to 'find' the missing ones, not hack new ones.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off
If they already had the missing ones they would have not tried to hack back into her servers at Drumpfs request right?

you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Thats the plan. In the meantime we need to scoop up all the players.
you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off

Only one reason to wait.

lack of reasons to impeach.
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off

Only one reason to wait.

lack of reasons to impeach.
There are a million reasons to wait. I hope they wait another year.
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off

Only one reason to wait.

lack of reasons to impeach.
Don't you see anything wrong with him kissing putins ass when we know putin launched this cyber attack on USA ?Surely you can't be that dense?
you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Thats the plan. In the meantime we need to scoop up all the players.

thats not a plan

that's a pipe dream

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off

Only one reason to wait.

lack of reasons to impeach.
Don't you see anything wrong with him kissing putins ass when we know putin launched this cyber attack on USA ?Surely you can't be that dense?
Being wrong is a hard pill to swallow. Drumpflings will do anything to stay consistent in their ass worship of Drumpf.
according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off

Only one reason to wait.

lack of reasons to impeach.
There are a million reasons to wait. I hope they wait another year.

the biggest being

they got nuttin
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Thats the plan. In the meantime we need to scoop up all the players.

thats not a plan

that's a pipe dream

You really think that Mueller is dreaming ,,,,with all those brilliant prosecutors on the job?
according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off

Only one reason to wait.

lack of reasons to impeach.
Don't you see anything wrong with him kissing putins ass when we know putin launched this cyber attack on USA ?Surely you can't be that dense?

Don't you see anything wrong with him kissing putins ass w

no worse than Obama kissing Putins ass...

(to be more flexible)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Thats the plan. In the meantime we need to scoop up all the players.

thats not a plan

that's a pipe dream

You better hope so. :laugh:
according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Thats the plan. In the meantime we need to scoop up all the players.

thats not a plan

that's a pipe dream

You really think that Mueller is dreaming ,,,,with all those brilliant prosecutors on the job?


I think YOU are
you'd have a point, IF Trump had asked them to hack her server.

only idiots think he did.

(y'all either can't read, or can't hear)
The point is that they didnt have those emails. The point is that Drumpf asked them to get them. The point is later that night Russians attempted to hack her servers. Where are you getting confused?

The point is that they didnt have those emails.

according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Not yet will benghazi bs lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,we have years to go to make trump, his cowardly traitors in congress sweat their lying asses off
Trump is laughing at these clowns.
according to the Hill, they did.
BAD news Will

Mueller's Indictment of 12 Russian Spies is Very Bad for Trump
Mother Jones-2 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday obtained an indictment of 12 members of a Russian military intelligence agency for hacking ...
12 Russians indicted: Military officials accused of hacking DNC ...
In-Depth-Atlanta Journal Constitution-7 hours ago

Building his A-Team: Prosecutors specialized in cybercrime and ...
Daily Mail-Jul 11, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stocking his team of prosecutorswith experts ... allies on Capitol Hill, Mueller is chugging along - deepening his probe into ... it to a quick conclusion, it appears that Mueller isn't even close to the end. ... Fattah, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, ...


Impeach him.
Thats the plan. In the meantime we need to scoop up all the players.

thats not a plan

that's a pipe dream

You better hope so. :laugh:

I could care less.

But, remember

you get rid of Trump, you end up with Pence.

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