No such thing as racists - since when

The pandemic overuse.

I posted one example before I read your response. That one symbolizes what has come out of MSNBC for the past six years. That reprehensible video did not exist in a vacuum.

Do you remember all the discussion of code words? Everyday language frequently used toward politicians was suddenly deemed to be racist when the politician in question was black. A rodeo clown wearing a political mask is racist when the politician is black -- the guy gets banned for life for wearing it. In 2008 when Republicans pointed out salient things about Obama which remain relevant to this day in explaining why he hasn't lived up to the press about him, the story wouldn't be about those facts which truly deserved wider dissemination -- instead there would be consultants brought in to pontificate on how Republicans who said these things were actually trying to subtly undermine Obama racially. How many times a day on this board does someone blame Republican opposition to the left on there being a black man in the White House?

In defense on that one - if nothing the man does is ever, ever right, and I mean Nothing, Ever. Then the apparent conclusion is the one you just alluded to.

The secondary conclusion is likely the actual conclusion which is that there is a Democrat in the White House.

So when liberals come on here and tells us "everything" this man does is right, they never ever say he's been wrong about anything....are they just afraid to be called racist by other liberals because they may disagree with something he's done?

Many on the right are against the majority of things he's done, but has nothing to do with his color. We see him for the F up that he is. So when so many on the left are for what he's done, is this only because of his color? Is it just because they hate the right so much that they would never let themselves agree with us on anything? I can't imagine they all think he's done such a great job.
I posted one example before I read your response. That one symbolizes what has come out of MSNBC for the past six years. That reprehensible video did not exist in a vacuum.

Do you remember all the discussion of code words? Everyday language frequently used toward politicians was suddenly deemed to be racist when the politician in question was black. A rodeo clown wearing a political mask is racist when the politician is black -- the guy gets banned for life for wearing it. In 2008 when Republicans pointed out salient things about Obama which remain relevant to this day in explaining why he hasn't lived up to the press about him, the story wouldn't be about those facts which truly deserved wider dissemination -- instead there would be consultants brought in to pontificate on how Republicans who said these things were actually trying to subtly undermine Obama racially. How many times a day on this board does someone blame Republican opposition to the left on there being a black man in the White House?

In defense on that one - if nothing the man does is ever, ever right, and I mean Nothing, Ever. Then the apparent conclusion is the one you just alluded to.

The secondary conclusion is likely the actual conclusion which is that there is a Democrat in the White House.

So when liberals come on here and tells us "everything" this man does is right, they never ever say he's been wrong about anything....are they just afraid to be called racist by other liberals because they may disagree with something he's done?

Many on the right are against the majority of things he's done, but has nothing to do with his color. We see him for the F up that he is. So when so many on the left are for what he's done, is this only because of his color? Is it just because they hate the right so much that they would never let themselves agree with us on anything? I can't imagine they all think he's done such a great job.

Speaking for myself? If somebody will never own one thing he did right, then I dig my little heels in and will not name one thing he's done wrong.
Additionally? I'm an optimist, possibly in large part because I was raised by a pessimist. That, and the Bible verses that mean the most to me say "Don't do that. Don't go there. Don't be a negative person, don't be angry, don't hold grudges. Whatsoever things are" Phil 4:8, and etc.

I don't want to get too deeply entrenched in this little segment of the thread, though, because then I am debating a different point than where the thread began.
I posted one example before I read your response. That one symbolizes what has come out of MSNBC for the past six years. That reprehensible video did not exist in a vacuum.

Do you remember all the discussion of code words? Everyday language frequently used toward politicians was suddenly deemed to be racist when the politician in question was black. A rodeo clown wearing a political mask is racist when the politician is black -- the guy gets banned for life for wearing it. In 2008 when Republicans pointed out salient things about Obama which remain relevant to this day in explaining why he hasn't lived up to the press about him, the story wouldn't be about those facts which truly deserved wider dissemination -- instead there would be consultants brought in to pontificate on how Republicans who said these things were actually trying to subtly undermine Obama racially. How many times a day on this board does someone blame Republican opposition to the left on there being a black man in the White House?

In defense on that one - if nothing the man does is ever, ever right, and I mean Nothing, Ever. Then the apparent conclusion is the one you just alluded to.

The secondary conclusion is likely the actual conclusion which is that there is a Democrat in the White House.

So when liberals come on here and tells us "everything" this man does is right, they never ever say he's been wrong about anything....are they just afraid to be called racist by other liberals because they may disagree with something he's done?

Many on the right are against the majority of things he's done, but has nothing to do with his color. We see him for the F up that he is. So when so many on the left are for what he's done, is this only because of his color? Is it just because they hate the right so much that they would never let themselves agree with us on anything? I can't imagine they all think he's done such a great job.

Caroljo, most liberals don't live here. And I do grow weary of the us v them that permeates this board. This country doesn't have a lot of chance to heal if we can't ALL reach across and say "I don't understand - but I don't have to. I just figure you're a fellow human who wants a healthy country, and we can begin from there."
How is that not racism if the only distinction being made is 'race'?

The only distinction being made is not race. The key factor is political ideology. With one particular person I have in mind, black Republicans were deemed bad too unless they had crossed the line to support Obama. Black Republicans were given a different set of negative labels than white Republicans were but what set them up for hateful names in the first place was not supporting Obama.

Yes, I still have a spark in my brain.

The people making the distinction may have arrived at that conclusion in error. As I stated earlier, assuming it's because he's black instead of because he's a Democrat.

His skin color is not the ONLY thing. It's just the most obvious.

It also prevents further thinking or examination, because people can just knee jerk "AHA!! Racist!" as opposed to examining the issue at hand.

I dont dislike Obama for his race. I dislike obama for his politics and using his race to his advantage everytime he gets a chance.
The only distinction being made is not race. The key factor is political ideology. With one particular person I have in mind, black Republicans were deemed bad too unless they had crossed the line to support Obama. Black Republicans were given a different set of negative labels than white Republicans were but what set them up for hateful names in the first place was not supporting Obama.

Yes, I still have a spark in my brain.

The people making the distinction may have arrived at that conclusion in error. As I stated earlier, assuming it's because he's black instead of because he's a Democrat.

His skin color is not the ONLY thing. It's just the most obvious.

It also prevents further thinking or examination, because people can just knee jerk "AHA!! Racist!" as opposed to examining the issue at hand.

I dont dislike Obama for his race. I dislike obama for his politics and using his race to his advantage everytime he gets a chance.

People can deal with that if the person disagreeing does not bring race or imply race in their criticism.
Yes, I still have a spark in my brain.

The people making the distinction may have arrived at that conclusion in error. As I stated earlier, assuming it's because he's black instead of because he's a Democrat.

His skin color is not the ONLY thing. It's just the most obvious.

It also prevents further thinking or examination, because people can just knee jerk "AHA!! Racist!" as opposed to examining the issue at hand.

I dont dislike Obama for his race. I dislike obama for his politics and using his race to his advantage everytime he gets a chance.

People can deal with that if the person disagreeing does not bring race or imply race in their criticism.

And that statement you are addressing. RIGHT THERE. "Using his race to his advantage?" How the fuck does one do that. Seriously. I mean pardon my bluntness, but it's pretty damn hard to be a black man in American today - and use that to your advantage.

Gracious. I love being ADD. My brain just went through an entire - Jay-Z. Is he a self-made man? Yes. Just like Obama is. Okay. You say he's not (not YOU who I'm talking to, but you who says he's not). Those who say he's not say he got so much from his grandparents, why; they were practically wealthy (with only the one income, of a bank vice-president; but I digress).

However, you say Romney? Oh, his dad gave him nothing. Gave it all away. Why, he and Ann were eating tuna fish sandwiches in college. The HUMANITY!

So how do you rectify saying one man had a silver spoon up his ass (somebody said that to me about Obama just within the past couple weeks) - and it's not Romney?

And so that's the kind of shit that has me repeatedly explaining why I admire him so much? And nobody hearing me anyway.

The only distinction being made is not race. The key factor is political ideology. With one particular person I have in mind, black Republicans were deemed bad too unless they had crossed the line to support Obama. Black Republicans were given a different set of negative labels than white Republicans were but what set them up for hateful names in the first place was not supporting Obama.

Yes, I still have a spark in my brain.

The people making the distinction may have arrived at that conclusion in error. As I stated earlier, assuming it's because he's black instead of because he's a Democrat.

His skin color is not the ONLY thing. It's just the most obvious.

It also prevents further thinking or examination, because people can just knee jerk "AHA!! Racist!" as opposed to examining the issue at hand.

I dont dislike Obama for his race. I dislike obama for his politics and using his race to his advantage everytime he gets a chance.

By holding Obama up the way they did, the media did Obama a HUGE unkindness.

He had a lot to learn about government-level leadership. The media made it so that it was practically impossible to work with him. There would be substantial partisan resistance either way. How would Clinton or Edwards have been treated? Add the drumbeat of "Obama is wonderful, Republicans are racist" and no wonder that the will and ability to find common ground was nonexistent.

Obama was not given the incentive he needed to talk to members of Congress and build connections early. Even members of his own party now admit he didn't do well in that regard. And as far as addressing members of the public who were not yet on board with him, he chose to double down on the attitude which led him to call us bitter clingers in 2008.

Republicans were in a "do you still beat your wife" situation. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. So why take a risk and go against your base?
In defense on that one - if nothing the man does is ever, ever right, and I mean Nothing, Ever. Then the apparent conclusion is the one you just alluded to.

The secondary conclusion is likely the actual conclusion which is that there is a Democrat in the White House.

So when liberals come on here and tells us "everything" this man does is right, they never ever say he's been wrong about anything....are they just afraid to be called racist by other liberals because they may disagree with something he's done?

Many on the right are against the majority of things he's done, but has nothing to do with his color. We see him for the F up that he is. So when so many on the left are for what he's done, is this only because of his color? Is it just because they hate the right so much that they would never let themselves agree with us on anything? I can't imagine they all think he's done such a great job.

Caroljo, most liberals don't live here. And I do grow weary of the us v them that permeates this board. This country doesn't have a lot of chance to heal if we can't ALL reach across and say "I don't understand - but I don't have to. I just figure you're a fellow human who wants a healthy country, and we can begin from there."

I agree with that....and it's gotten so bad I just don't see that happening. I think a lot of people would like to see that happen. I get so tired of arguing with people, you can't even carry on a decent conversation with some (on both sides). Everything Obama's done hasn't been bad....but I feel most of the really important things he hasn't proven he can handle. And he comes across at times like a spoiled brat and has to have his way. Of course, I think most in our government has gotten that way now. I really don't like any of them. They've forgotten who they work FOR, and that includes the President. But what do you do???
So when liberals come on here and tells us "everything" this man does is right, they never ever say he's been wrong about anything....are they just afraid to be called racist by other liberals because they may disagree with something he's done?

Many on the right are against the majority of things he's done, but has nothing to do with his color. We see him for the F up that he is. So when so many on the left are for what he's done, is this only because of his color? Is it just because they hate the right so much that they would never let themselves agree with us on anything? I can't imagine they all think he's done such a great job.

Caroljo, most liberals don't live here. And I do grow weary of the us v them that permeates this board. This country doesn't have a lot of chance to heal if we can't ALL reach across and say "I don't understand - but I don't have to. I just figure you're a fellow human who wants a healthy country, and we can begin from there."

I agree with that....and it's gotten so bad I just don't see that happening. I think a lot of people would like to see that happen. I get so tired of arguing with people, you can't even carry on a decent conversation with some (on both sides). Everything Obama's done hasn't been bad....but I feel most of the really important things he hasn't proven he can handle. And he comes across at times like a spoiled brat and has to have his way. Of course, I think most in our government has gotten that way now. I really don't like any of them. They've forgotten who they work FOR, and that includes the President. But what do you do???

What if you made a conscious decision to stop focusing on him. In my understanding of humanity, if somebody is being scapegoated, the person doing the scapegoating renders themselves powerless. Because all the bad things happening to them are someone else's fault, and there is nothing they can do to prevent it.

This line of thought requires a willingness to step out of the place you are entrenched and ask what YOU can do to make a change. And I'm not saying "IMPEACH!" I am saying what can you do, where you are, right now, so this man ceases to be your focus.

Because once you do that, then you can use positive energy to bring about change.
Yes, I still have a spark in my brain.

The people making the distinction may have arrived at that conclusion in error. As I stated earlier, assuming it's because he's black instead of because he's a Democrat.

His skin color is not the ONLY thing. It's just the most obvious.

It also prevents further thinking or examination, because people can just knee jerk "AHA!! Racist!" as opposed to examining the issue at hand.

I dont dislike Obama for his race. I dislike obama for his politics and using his race to his advantage everytime he gets a chance.

People can deal with that if the person disagreeing does not bring race or imply race in their criticism.
Not all people can deal with that. I've shown in this thread people who insist race is part of the criticism when the critic doesn't mention it.
Caroljo, most liberals don't live here. And I do grow weary of the us v them that permeates this board. This country doesn't have a lot of chance to heal if we can't ALL reach across and say "I don't understand - but I don't have to. I just figure you're a fellow human who wants a healthy country, and we can begin from there."

I agree with that....and it's gotten so bad I just don't see that happening. I think a lot of people would like to see that happen. I get so tired of arguing with people, you can't even carry on a decent conversation with some (on both sides). Everything Obama's done hasn't been bad....but I feel most of the really important things he hasn't proven he can handle. And he comes across at times like a spoiled brat and has to have his way. Of course, I think most in our government has gotten that way now. I really don't like any of them. They've forgotten who they work FOR, and that includes the President. But what do you do???

What if you made a conscious decision to stop focusing on him. In my understanding of humanity, if somebody is being scapegoated, the person doing the scapegoating renders themselves powerless. Because all the bad things happening to them are someone else's fault, and there is nothing they can do to prevent it.

This line of thought requires a willingness to step out of the place you are entrenched and ask what YOU can do to make a change. And I'm not saying "IMPEACH!" I am saying what can you do, where you are, right now, so this man ceases to be your focus.

Because once you do that, then you can use positive energy to bring about change.
Obama can't be a scapegoat, because the agenda he's defined is what conservatives oppose.
It is what I have been hearing from the right for about a year now.

Can you provide an example, because I have never heard this from anyone?

Yes, you have said so.

I have said no such thing.

And everybody else knew what I was talking about, so you can either assume I'm a liar or not - makes no never mind to me.

I never said you were a liar. I have simply asked for an example of someone making this claim, which apparently you can't produce or you would have, hence the reason I asked in the first place.
Can you provide an example, because I have never heard this from anyone?

Yes, you have said so.

I have said no such thing.

And everybody else knew what I was talking about, so you can either assume I'm a liar or not - makes no never mind to me.

I never said you were a liar. I have simply asked for an example of someone making this claim, which apparently you can't produce or you would have, hence the reason I asked in the first place.

Okay. "Yes you have said so" refers to the fact that you posted the exact same thing earlier in the thread.

No, I'm not going looking for people saying so. I could produce it if I felt like making the effort and again - everybody else seems to know why I am asking, and they are helping me to understand.

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