No Tax on Tips is a brilliant political strategy i.e. Trump relates to the rank and file

Income tax is theft...
When I do side jobs for cash I don't report shit.
They already are robbing us blind with multiple, overlapping taxes and "fees".
Cleaning ladies
The IRS does not automatically expect house cleaners to report tips... I don't tip my house keepers... they come every two weeks... and they charge $35 per hour per house cleaner...
A table server is paid less than minimum wage because they make tips.... and the IRS knows this...
Tips should never be taxed. I remember claiming 5 percent when I waited tables but that was 25 years ago. I think they're required to claim 15 percent now.
It's complicated. If I read the tax code correctly though, all tips more than $20 in a month are added to a person's income and are therefore taxable. The employee is required to report all cash tips above that $20 to their employers who will withhold taxes from them. If they split tips with the kitchen staff, bussers, seating hostess etc. they report only the amount they keep. And those people they split the tips with are in turn required to report them to their employers who will withhold taxes from them.

Not only would not taxing tips result in a hell of a lot less bookkeeping by everybody, but the fairly modest loss in federal revenues would be largely offset by that money being returned to the economy buying things which always results in more money going to the federal/state treasuries.

At any rate, allowing the citizens to keep more of what they earn is a good thing.
Let's get to the short strokes! There's too much tipping in America because employers depend on tips so they can pay less than a fair working wage.

And some employers are even stealing the workers' tips by deducting from their wages according to tips earned.

Yeah, Trump is sure going to turn into a socialist overnight and fix those problems!!

An employer's scam of the century against the working class!
Removed the tax on tips is fine but not while running up $7.8 trillion in debt.
For somebody with no dog in the hunt, you sure seem to have very strong opinions about America and Americans and you get it so wrong most of the time.
It's the other times that cause your petulant whining.
Trump has turned ya'all into fkn commies!
Hardly. It is those on the left with the Marxist mentality and initiatives. Trump policies are entirely the opposite.

Trump however has turned the TDS afflicted into blithering idiots when it comes to telling the truth, policy, results, consequences.
Let's get to the short strokes! There's too much tipping in America because employers depend on tips so they can pay less than a fair working wage.

And some employers are even stealing the workers' tips by deducting from their wages according to tips earned.

Yeah, Trump is sure going to turn into a socialist overnight and fix those problems!!

An employer's scam of the century against the working class!
In table service jobs only... so its unfair.... if a restaurant owner paid a waitress what she makes in salary and tips a breakfast would cost $50....
The IRS does not automatically expect house cleaners to report tips... I don't tip my house keepers... they come every two weeks... and they charge $35 per hour per house cleaner...
A table server is paid less than minimum wage because they make tips.... and the IRS knows this...
I don’t tip my cleaning lady either. However I do tip the ones that clean my room when I stay at hotels.
In table service jobs only... so its unfair.... if a restaurant owner paid a waitress what she makes in salary and tips a breakfast would cost $50....
You're backing the wrong dog in the fight, out of your own confusion and you need to find a way out of it.
Maybe. I will need to see the probability of consequences for funding government via tariffs rather than taxes. It is closer to what the Founders envisioned though.

It's s much more involved than ''funding government.''

The monetary policy has failed as such that now we must pay tax just to have a monetary system.

Heck, you're not even gonna touch a fraction of the interestpayment on the debt with tariffs.
His "No Tax on Tips" is not only a winning campaign slogan, but it is brilliant. And illustrates Trump's greatest strength which is his ability to relate to the rank and file American who is not blessed with great wealth.

Trump supporters don't care that he is a multi-billionaire but see him as one who had far less than a billion starting out and made his fortune building things, hiring people, contributing to the economy instead of by running hedge funds or getting rich in government. It is his ability to relate to the common man that draws tens of thousands to his rallies.

I don't know who will win come November.

But it should be Trump for the good of America. For the good of Americans.

This is true. I have a daughter, now a registered nurse who as a waitress was making a hell of a lot of money. She had some massive tips. She has a brother who was also a waiter and he made so much money he retired and builds homes at Kauai. I don't know his income but believe his older brother who is also a builder of homes is very very rich.
I was once in the auto business and a customer came to me who was a very young boy, just out of high school. His dad was very rich and gave his son tons of fancy expensive things. The son had just got a new Corvette and he asked me to change his engine to a racing engine. The outcome was his Corvette back around 1961 hit around 127 mph in the quarter mile. He wrecked it not very long after i put in the super engine. I read his obituary yesterday and he had moved out of San Leandro, CA to Carson City Nevada where he built industrial buildings. And he owned a bunch of them. He is credited for donating to the Catholic Church land to build a church in Carson City. He did not do skyscrapers but as kid he seemed silly. He told me as a kid he was having sex with his future wife. She died ahead of him and he had a different wife for 10 years. My point is a young guy can get very very rich.
His "No Tax on Tips" is not only a winning campaign slogan, but it is brilliant. And illustrates Trump's greatest strength which is his ability to relate to the rank and file American who is not blessed with great wealth.

Trump supporters don't care that he is a multi-billionaire but see him as one who had far less than a billion starting out and made his fortune building things, hiring people, contributing to the economy instead of by running hedge funds or getting rich in government. It is his ability to relate to the common man that draws tens of thousands to his rallies.

I don't know who will win come November.

But it should be Trump for the good of America. For the good of Americans.

Not only brilliant politically, it's the right thing to do. People who work for tips need to retain every dollar they can to survive what Biden did to them.
In table service jobs only... so its unfair.... if a restaurant owner paid a waitress what she makes in salary and tips a breakfast would cost $50....
Yes and that, plus the fact that most restaurant workers do NOT want to change the system, is why the USA is pretty unique in the system we have. Maybe entirely unique. I don't know as I never researched it.

But a competent server who makes the dining experience pleasant and enjoyable for the customers can make out like bandits with tips. In a top tier popular restaurant, a good server can net several hundred dollars or more in tips in a single shift. The less competent, surly, don't give a damn types don't do nearly as well nor should they. There are usually far more good ones than the others though.

But tipping does keep the restaurant costs for the food down sufficiently that most of us can afford to eat out now and then even if we do tip the server generously. Places like assisted living facilities that don't allow tipping of the dining room workers have a much harder time finding and hiring good people to work even though they pay a much better hourly wage than restaurants are required to pay.

(And for the member who sneers at our American custom of tipping, I'm sure he will avoid visiting this horrible country and I'm equally sure we won't mind that at all or miss his company. :) )
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The IRS expects anyone who receives tips to report it as income and pay taxes on it. Most people dont tip their plumber so the IRS isnt looking for that revenue stream on their income taxes unlike a waiter. But make no mistake if you tip your plumber and he's supposed to report it as income just like your waiter.
Thanks to the Democrat rulers.

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