no tax return, no place on ballot

Yes when she runs for president she will be required to release her tax returns. Just like everyone else who runs for president.

Except of course, trump. Even though he said he would release his tax returns he has not and has fought to keep it secret.

It's as legitimate of a question to ask of everyone. This is why nothing gets done. Everyone is willing to overlook in their politician what they will not overlook in someone else's.
Then say that. Don't continue to promise you will. Should a persons word not be worth something?

Like "nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind; no new taxes?"

Show me a politician that hasn't lied, and I'll show you a waitress that refuses to accept tips.

I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.
Like "nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind; no new taxes?"

Show me a politician that hasn't lied, and I'll show you a waitress that refuses to accept tips.

I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
His taxes are his own business... not yours.
You sound Like a spineless motherfucker

I think a country has a right to know about any conflicts of interests.

I think a candidate should simply be open and honest here though.

That's why they do financial statements.

Trump is a known liar. I want to see what he sent to the IRS.

Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up the fastest. Federal law says tax returns are confidential and release without the taxpayers consent is a felony. Neither you or CA has the authority to force a taxpayer to release their returns.

California is not forcing Trump to release his tax return. It's his choice.

And so if every state is allowed to add their own requirements of the Constitution, then the Republican can't run in those states and he's not deprived of the constitutional right to run for President?
I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.
That's exactly why the courts will bitch slap them. It's pure politics, not a proper State interest.

Yet the Constitution grants states the authority to determine how their electors are chosen, and California is well within its constitutional right to include this requirement. California already requires candidates to make disclosures about themselves to better inform voters so they can make intelligent choices. How can adding a requirement that all candidates disclose their tax forms be illegally?

Because it puts another requirement above and beyond those listed in the Constitution. 35 years or older, Natural Born Citizen,

That's it.
A primary is a state election, not a federal election. There is no constitution violation. States can put whatever requirements they choose on candidates as long it applies to all candidates.

Do you have any precedent for that?

Most restrictions are based on making sure the ballots are not 500 pages long, with signature requirements.

None have ever been based on disclosure of information beyond the federal requirements.

You would lose in court.
The state of California is not altering requirements for the presidency. They are altering the requirements to appear on the ballot of a state primary. Political parties can nominate whoever they choose for president by whatever method they choose.

"The Supreme Court has said that states have broad latitude over who is going to be on the ballot so long as they aren’t discriminating based on wealth and ideology."

Since the law requires tax returns be filled by the end of the year and there will be multiple cases filled in federal court, it seems unlikely that this will be resolved in the courts before the end of the year. Some federal judge will issue an injunction against the state which will effectively save the royal ass of the president once again.

Well if Buddyjiz gets the nomination, maybe we will make a requirement that you can't be on the ballot in our state if you are gay. Hey!!!!! It's his choice to be gay, so all he'd have to do is get a divorce and marry a woman.
Like "nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind; no new taxes?"

Show me a politician that hasn't lied, and I'll show you a waitress that refuses to accept tips.

I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%.

I posted his education plan and no, that is not what it does. Educating yourself on these things are not important to you is it?

Here’s how Bernie Sanders says he would fund ‘Medicare for All’
I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%.

I posted his education plan and no, that is not what it does. Educating yourself on these things are not important to you is it?

Here’s how Bernie Sanders says he would fund ‘Medicare for All’

"A Conservative Group Estimates"........but as you note and I've said all along, paid for.

Who is paying for Trump's bailout of corporate farming?
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.

If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
so you lied, he lies everyday promoting his free shit daily.

No, as I noted, he has a program to pay for every one of his programs. You can continue to ignore that but that doesn't make Sanders the liar.
name one program! where is it funded? free college, who actually pays, it isn't free? that's like free shipping from Amazon, but you have to give them 100 bucks a year to get free shipping. That means it isn't free. fk dude, free public high schools are paid with property taxes in most states, that's my money paying for kids that aren't mine. that isn't free sucka

You are the one yelling "Free Free Free" but when I tell you that is your argument, you want me to prove your argument. I can not.

Sanders pays for his Education program.

Yeah, and that system has never worked in the history of the world.

If you could pay for all that stuff with the Robin Hood tax, then why hasn't anywhere else in the world done that?

Lets look at Germany.

Germany has enacted a tax. Bernie has proposed a tax. Every country has done that. None have not.

A tax on the poor and middle class.

Not this "rich will pay for it" nonsense that every left-winger has spewed.

If Bernie was actually honest enough to say he wants to double taxes on the lower and middle class, I'd have a little more respect for him, and his ignorant followers.

But you guys keep lying that you'll get the rich to pay for it. Bull crap.
Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.

If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
But he’s got billions in his plan , someone should explain trillion is bigger than billions!
No, as I noted, he has a program to pay for every one of his programs. You can continue to ignore that but that doesn't make Sanders the liar.
name one program! where is it funded? free college, who actually pays, it isn't free? that's like free shipping from Amazon, but you have to give them 100 bucks a year to get free shipping. That means it isn't free. fk dude, free public high schools are paid with property taxes in most states, that's my money paying for kids that aren't mine. that isn't free sucka

You are the one yelling "Free Free Free" but when I tell you that is your argument, you want me to prove your argument. I can not.

Sanders pays for his Education program.

Yeah, and that system has never worked in the history of the world.

If you could pay for all that stuff with the Robin Hood tax, then why hasn't anywhere else in the world done that?

Lets look at Germany.

Germany has enacted a tax. Bernie has proposed a tax. Every country has done that. None have not.

A tax on the poor and middle class.

Not this "rich will pay for it" nonsense that every left-winger has spewed.

If Bernie was actually honest enough to say he wants to double taxes on the lower and middle class, I'd have a little more respect for him, and his ignorant followers.

But you guys keep lying that you'll get the rich to pay for it. Bull crap.

I'm not "you guys". I have not argued anything. It's always this box people have to put others in to argue against because one can't argue the actual subject.
Teddy Kennedy never released his tax returns when he challenged Jimmy Carter in the 1980 Dem primary.

How about a different standard? If you destroy evidence that's under a Congressional subpoena, you don't get to be on the ballot. Hillary would have been ineligible under this rule.

Some day.....when you grow may finally admit to yourself that Hillary is NO LONGER in the fucking picture....nbut your orange clown surely is........LOL

There's a department in the government designed to tell if someone filed their tax returns correctly or not. It's called the IRS. If the returns are filed correctly in accordance with tax code, why do we need to let political hacks mull over someones tax returns so they can second guess someones CPA? Then leak slanderous info to CNN whether it's true or not? We all know the democrats have weaponized the IRS in the past so I'm not in favor of giving those clowns more power over everyones lives
California, the traitor state! lol you idiots are insane!
Oh stop. We were NEVER voting for Trump. With or without the tax returns.
Thank for admitting your disorder.
You can pretty much take it to the bank that California will not vote GOP for the remainder of your lifetime.

Better not say that too loud. After this, Trump may have ICE focus specifically on that state for the removal of illegals regardless if they are criminal or not.
Illegals ARE criminals. They've broken the law. That's what makes someone a criminal.
Teddy Kennedy never released his tax returns when he challenged Jimmy Carter in the 1980 Dem primary.

How about a different standard? If you destroy evidence that's under a Congressional subpoena, you don't get to be on the ballot. Hillary would have been ineligible under this rule.

Some day.....when you grow may finally admit to yourself that Hillary is NO LONGER in the fucking picture....nbut your orange clown surely is........LOL

Maybe when you guys are ready to let go of the President Nixon story, The anniversary is still a big democrat promo/hit piece in liberal news rags all over the country. HRC is much more relevant
...on the ballot.

Ah, I love this. I can’t wait to see how this would turn out for Trump. Fuck him. I hope he cowers from the challenge.

California becomes first state to bar Trump from 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns

LMAO, I don't even see the 9th circus upholding that shit, a State can't augment the constitutional requirements to serve as president. Also the State doesn't run primaries, the parties do.

Lol I love how you only support states’ rights when it fits your agenda. Typical republican.
The only requirements are outlined in the constitution you stupid fuck
This isn’t about disqualify him for office. That has nothing to do with the language of the bill. It’s stated in the constitution that states can make their own rules on their own ballots. It’s simply a rule of appearing on the ballot.
Have you ever considered why it is leftists can't win at anything without stacking the deck in their favor?
Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.

If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
they paid 70%, money will run out jobs will be dropped and the middle class will pay the consequences! These stupid fks never learned the word consequence
...on the ballot.

Ah, I love this. I can’t wait to see how this would turn out for Trump. Fuck him. I hope he cowers from the challenge.

California becomes first state to bar Trump from 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns
His taxes are his own business... not yours.
You sound Like a spineless motherfucker

I think a country has a right to know about any conflicts of interests.

I think a candidate should simply be open and honest here though.

That's why they do financial statements.

Trump is a known liar. I want to see what he sent to the IRS.
I can't help but notice you've never demanded the same thing about any Democrat ever.

That makes you a hypocrite.

Gotta say, I'm not surprised at all.

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