No taxes, none. Now what do we pay for, and how?

A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

So this question is to like the four anarchists?

Even for a small government libertarian:

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for? - If it's a justified war for actual defense of the US, taxes. We usually oppose wars like Iraq that are not

Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster? - taxes

A standing army and navy? - taxes

But that is funny, after like the 300th time a leftist went with the if you want roads you get Marxism, it's still funny! Not, what a stupid question

This guy is of the opinion that you only have rights because his liberal government gave them to you (rather than primarily infringing upon them).

He is paranoid level of delusional.
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A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

So this question is to like the four anarchists?

Even for a small government libertarian:

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for? - If it's a justified war for actual defense of the US, taxes. We usually oppose wars like Iraq that are not

Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster? - taxes

A standing army and navy? - taxes

But that is funny, after like the 300th time a leftist went with the if you want roads you get Marxism, it's still funny! Not, what a stupid question

This guy is of the opinion that you only have rights because his liberal government gave them to you (rather than primarily infringing upon them).

He is paranoid level of delusional.
The Bill of Rights.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

According to most right wing "experts", its magic......For example, Cheney's and his sidekick Bush simply buried the $3.2 TRILLION to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan......AND also gave drastic tax cuts to their cronies......and then these experts bitch about the unbelievable debt that, Obama, supposedly piled on.

Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

According to most right wing "experts", its magic......For example, Cheney's and his sidekick Bush simply buried the $3.2 TRILLION to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan......AND also gave drastic tax cuts to their cronies......and then these experts bitch about the unbelievable debt that, Obama, supposedly piled on.

Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.
Not based the percentage increase.

And the worst for that was Reagan.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Another giant STRAWMAN. Where do you people get all these straws, do you steal them by the handful at McDonalds? It's just silly.

Few if any conservatives argue that all taxes should be eliminated. The argument is around the process by which they are collected, and how the money should be spent.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

According to most right wing "experts", its magic......For example, Cheney's and his sidekick Bush simply buried the $3.2 TRILLION to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan......AND also gave drastic tax cuts to their cronies......and then these experts bitch about the unbelievable debt that, Obama, supposedly piled on.

Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.
Not based the percentage increase.

And the worst for that was Reagan.

Reagan wasn't the worst, since no one cares about percentage increases when talking about a tiny debt. Obama took an already large debt and almost doubled it. Not including the war time period, he is by far the worst if anyone sane is asked about it.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Another giant STRAWMAN. Where do you people get all these straws, do you steal them by the handful at McDonalds? It's just silly.

Few if any conservatives argue that all taxes should be eliminated. The argument is around the process by which they are collected, and how the money should be spent.
Read the fucking thread.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

According to most right wing "experts", its magic......For example, Cheney's and his sidekick Bush simply buried the $3.2 TRILLION to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan......AND also gave drastic tax cuts to their cronies......and then these experts bitch about the unbelievable debt that, Obama, supposedly piled on.

Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.
Not based the percentage increase.

And the worst for that was Reagan.

Reagan wasn't the worst, since no one cares about percentage increases when talking about a tiny debt. Obama took an already large debt and almost doubled it. Not including the war time period, he is by far the worst if anyone sane is asked about it.
If you don't do it as a percentage, don't bother.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

I don't know (or rather want to explain). Why don't you read a history book to figure out?

No thanks. If you can't tell me, I don't care.

And BTW, I know the history. We don't live in history, we live now.

Well, you could also ask the nations far more tax free and recently successful than USA.

How did they do it?

They lowered taxes. Wow... You do know that taxes have a negative effect on the economy. You just lower them and the rest seems to be handled almost magically.
Bush lowered them, it got worse. JFK lowered them, it got better. Clinton raised them, it got better. Reagan raised them, it got better.

Now, what could all that mean? Maybe, just maybe, taxes aren't a light switch or a magical fairy wand.

Just when I wasn't sure it was possible, you go and make sense.

I couldnt agree more that taxes are not a magic wand, in fact, there isn't one. Economies are very complex, and there are times when additional government spending, and thus higher taxes are justified. But there are also times when higher taxes are harmful.

As long as the government has their own private bank called the Federal Reserve, they will try to " fix" the economy, and more often than not, they will screw it up. An economy is a natural, living entity. Just like other natural things it will change, vary, move up, and slow down, it's natural. A bunch of attorneys in Washington can't improve it.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

According to most right wing "experts", its magic......For example, Cheney's and his sidekick Bush simply buried the $3.2 TRILLION to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan......AND also gave drastic tax cuts to their cronies......and then these experts bitch about the unbelievable debt that, Obama, supposedly piled on.

Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.
Not based the percentage increase.

And the worst for that was Reagan.

Reagan wasn't the worst, since no one cares about percentage increases when talking about a tiny debt. Obama took an already large debt and almost doubled it. Not including the war time period, he is by far the worst if anyone sane is asked about it.
If you don't do it as a percentage, don't bother.

Damn you are stiff.

I think we will have to do it the picture way then, even retards understand this:


Do you now understand, the debt was TINY at the start of Reagan presidency. The percentage thus gives you a completely wrong answer. The debt was HUGE at the start of Obama's presidency, and he made it truly alarmingly YUGE.
According to most right wing "experts", its magic......For example, Cheney's and his sidekick Bush simply buried the $3.2 TRILLION to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan......AND also gave drastic tax cuts to their cronies......and then these experts bitch about the unbelievable debt that, Obama, supposedly piled on.

Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.
Not based the percentage increase.

And the worst for that was Reagan.

Reagan wasn't the worst, since no one cares about percentage increases when talking about a tiny debt. Obama took an already large debt and almost doubled it. Not including the war time period, he is by far the worst if anyone sane is asked about it.
If you don't do it as a percentage, don't bother.

Damn you are stiff.

I think we will have to do it the picture way then, even retards understand this:

That's better.
Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.

My post went right OVER your half brain......Expected from a moron like you, however.
Obama didn't "suppsedly" pile on a lot of debt. He piled on an enormous amount of debt about doubling the debt. He was indeed worse than Bush in this regard.

My post went right OVER your half brain......Expected from a moron like you, however.

I corrected the part where you said obama "supposedly" massed debt. Please tell me what there went right over my head... then look at the chart above... and conclude that you are the only moron here.
Do you now understand, the debt was TINY at the start of Reagan presidency. The percentage thus gives you a completely wrong answer. The debt was HUGE at the start of Obama's presidency, and he made it truly alarmingly YUGE.

Another moronic response.......Did you notice the spike in the 1940s because of WWII????
Well, nitwits, when GWB started an unnecessary war ON Iraq, instead of trying to figure out how the hell to pay for the trillions that the war would cost (never mind the devil, Cheney. stating that oil would pay for it) Bush, instead, continued his huge tax cuts and just put the war costs on a "credit card" for the next administration to figure out.

Objections from you right wing, imbeciles??? Sure, try to find the war costs in GWB's budget proposals .
Do you now understand, the debt was TINY at the start of Reagan presidency. The percentage thus gives you a completely wrong answer. The debt was HUGE at the start of Obama's presidency, and he made it truly alarmingly YUGE.

Another moronic response.......Did you notice the spike in the 1940s because of WWII????
Well, nitwits, when GWB started an unnecessary war ON Iraq, instead of trying to figure out how the hell to pay for the trillions that the war would cost (never mind the devil, Cheney. stating that oil would pay for it) Bush, instead, continued his huge tax cuts and just put the war costs on a "credit card" for the next administration to figure out.

Objections from you right wing, imbeciles??? Sure, try to find the war costs in GWB's budget proposals .

It wasn't a moronic response it addressed your misinformation perfectly.

Also putting wars on credit card is what DEBT is called. So apparently Bush didn't put as much on credit card as your personal hero and savior - Obama. DEAL WITH IT.
It wasn't a moronic response it addressed your misinformation perfectly.

Also putting wars on credit card is what DEBT is called. So apparently Bush didn't put as much on credit card as your personal hero and savior - Obama. DEAL WITH IT. DO NOT offer huge tax cuts when you don't have the money to pay for a war for oil.
It wasn't a moronic response it addressed your misinformation perfectly.

Also putting wars on credit card is what DEBT is called. So apparently Bush didn't put as much on credit card as your personal hero and savior - Obama. DEAL WITH IT. DO NOT offer huge tax cuts when you don't have the money to pay for a war for oil.

Do you have problems reading the chart?

Obama increased the debt way more.

Case Closed. Go away.
It wasn't a moronic response it addressed your misinformation perfectly.

Also putting wars on credit card is what DEBT is called. So apparently Bush didn't put as much on credit card as your personal hero and savior - Obama. DEAL WITH IT. DO NOT offer huge tax cuts when you don't have the money to pay for a war for oil.

IDIOT, why would you create a huge spending program when we were already 10 Trillion in the hole?
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Those goods and services that are demanded would be paid for voluntarily.

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