No, The Taliban Did Not Seize $83 Billion Of U.S. Weapons

Semantics? Really? You people are disgusting.

U.S.-made weapons seized by Taliban could lead to regional arms bazaar​

It’s unclear to U.S. officials how much equipment the Taliban has seized and how much sits unattended on bases and small combat outposts across the country.

Here are the top 10 military-grade weapons seized by the Taliban and what they are capable of doing in the battlefield:

1. A-29 Super Tucano: A light attack aircraft, it is estimated to cost around $20 and 30 million, a relatively low price compared to other same-level fighter aircraft, according to the American defence contractor, Sierra Nevada Corporation. It can carry a wide scale of weapons and is designed for riot controlling, close air support and reconnaissance missions in low-hazard environments. At least one Super Tucano was seized in Afghanistan's Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport.

2. UH-60 Black Hawk: It is a military transport and attack helicopter. One of the most expensive helicopters on the market with a $5.9 million cost, its advanced system facilitates pilots to identify static targets with its firing rifles and laser-designated missiles. It can measure the required range for pilots to hit targets during day and night operations with sharp accuracy even from high distances. Black Hawk was captured soon after Kandhar fell on August 12. Kandhar is Afghanistan's second-biggest city, where the US had one of its main bases containing substantial military equipment.

3. ScanEagle mini military drone: An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that fulfils the trinity of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions during exclusive service, escort operations while obligated to protect secure data and collect swift wireless voice and video evidence. The UAV can give a bird's-eye view for more than 24 hours at a rapid speed. Each system costs about $3.2 million.

5. Mine-resistant vehicles (MRAPs): These are armoured, all-terrain vehicles that provide effective protection against land mines and ambushes and cost between $500,000-$1,000,000. The MRAPs can furnish safe shipments even in intense conflict areas and are designed to protect personnel and passengers from explosive roadside bombs.

6. M1151 Humvee: It is an upgraded armament carrier with more than a price of $220,000 per vehicle and was created to protect passengers with exceptional armours, allowing it to function more like a lifeguard. In 2017, the US had supplied a stock of 4,700 Humvees to Afghanistan. Most of them, as per various media reports, are now in the hands of the Taliban.

7. M24 Sniper Weapon System: Referred to as a system, its accessories and attachments help the weapon transform into an eagle eye sniper rifle. M24 is known for its simplicity and reliability and provides superior accuracy by its cost and versatility

8. M18 assault weapon: It is a single-shot rifle that can shoot at a tank and personnel with high accuracy. This recoilless rifle is capable of firing artillery-type bullets more effectively than anti-tank weapons.
The Taliban has seized thousands of such assault rifles.

9. M4 Carbine:
It is a gas-operated weapon with a $700 average cost and has a multi-firing system. The system allows the rifle to be equipped with a laser, grenade launcher, night vision, flashlight, laser mark and even a tiny shotgun that bestows extra lethality.
The US left thousands of them behind and the Taliban happily added them to their inventory.

10. 40 mm high explosive grenade:
Designed for grenade launcher ammunition, the weapon consists of high-velocity shells. 'An AGL (Automatic Grenade Launcher) with a high velocity 40mm gun gets you an effective range of around two kilometres' says defence expert Helge Stadheim, explaining the functionality of 40mm grenades. (Cost: $400 to $500 per cartridge)

Except for the rifles and grenades, most are of no use to the Taliban.
Aircraft and vehicles given to the Afghan Army were going to be maintained by US contractors

Taliban does not have contractors
Sophisticated weapons will not last long in the hands of the Taliban
Aircraft require extensive maintenance by trained mechanics and a steady supply of spares
Aircraft, vehicles, weapons systems, communications equipment will all be useless within months
Oh, that makes it all okay then. No need to worry about anyone selling the arms on the open market to someone who will reverse engineer a weapon, then proceed to use it against the US. No need to worry about anyone using them until they stop working to attack and kill. It's all good because reasons and Orange Man Bad.
Sure dimbulb. Those photos of Taliban fighters with OUR weapons and equipment don’t exist do they? You’re dumber than any of us could have possibly imagined.

So, the Taliban have some of "OUR weapons and equipment", so this must be $83 billion worth?
Whenever an article starts with "No...." I immediately recognize it as complete bullshit.
See? The Trump cult just melts down when presented with facts. Their religion says "Biden gave $82 billion in weapons to the Taliban", and in their cult loser minds, that settles it, no debate allowed. Facts are whatever they want them to be at any given instant.
Except for the rifles and grenades, most are of no use to the Taliban.
Aircraft and vehicles given to the Afghan Army were going to be maintained by US contractors

Taliban does not have contractors
Do they have customers?
See? The Trump cult just melts down when presented with facts. Their religion says "Biden gave $82 billion in weapons to the Taliban", and in their cult loser minds, that settles it, no debate allowed. Facts are whatever they want them to be at any given instant.
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that supposed to be an objective piece? Probably shouldn't start with that schmarmy bullshit, "No, blahblahblah." It's fucking bullshit.
Oh, that makes it all okay then. No need to worry about anyone selling the arms on the open market to someone who will reverse engineer a weapon, then proceed to use it against the US. No need to worry about anyone using them until they stop working to attack and kill. It's all good because reasons and Orange Man Bad.
Trump should have thought about that before he sold them the weapons and then withdrew our forces
I had a feeling all that right wing fake outrage about the weapons left in Afghanistan was mostly a bunch of garbage.

Fact check puts the truth to the situation.

It doesn't matter. In much the same way as the Russia collusion was never real the only thing that matters is that first fatal impact which can never actually be rescinded. Sucks now that it's being used against you eh?

Because they're all lying on this thread, for one example.

None of them even read the article. They just reacted in kneejerk hatred because their religious beliefs have been challenged. They literally didn't care about the facts. The cult told them to repeat a lie, so they obeyed.

The Taliban did not seize $82 billion in weaponry. $82 billion was the total sum the US has spent on the Afghan military over the past 20 years.

Only $24 billion of that went to equipment, much of which wore out over 20 years.

Most of that went to tens of thousands of pickup trucks and humvees.

The few low-tech aircraft? The Taliban can't keep them flying.

Now, if you'd like, you can join in with the sky-is-falling hysterics of the other Trump cultists here, who have retreated into their bunkers and SafeSpaces because the Taliban grabbed some rifles and grenade launchers. They're a very delicate and easily frightened bunch. That's why they're in the Trump cult. In their cowardly cult minds, a Taliban riding a humvee with a rifle is driving over here RIGHT NOW to kill us all, oceans be damned.

The taliban will use those grenade launchers and rifles in their war with ISIS.

None of any of it will be used on Americans.

Most of all of it is useless.
I had a feeling all that right wing fake outrage about the weapons left in Afghanistan was mostly a bunch of garbage.

Fact check puts the truth to the situation.

The taliban got $28 which is $28 billion to much. Sad that taxpayers had to lose that much. It is also disturbing that the taliban will use it to torture and kill women, gays, and other minorities but I’m sure you don’t really give a damn.
Expect the Moon Bats to try and discredit anything said about Potatohead. They are dishonest like that.

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