No, The Taliban Did Not Seize $83 Billion Of U.S. Weapons

I didn't post the article for the right wingers here.

I posted it for the intelligent people who want honest facts.

I know I can fill a message box with links to facts all day long. The far right will never even read it much less comprehend it.

All they will do is their usual fake news or personally attack me.

It's old and boring.

There are many intelligent people on this board and they might like to see the fact check.
You do realize that none of this is going to change anything, right? Everyone will be just as upset by 24 billion in weapons, as they would if it was 84 billion. Your president (that you fucktards voted for), is now considered the worst president in US history. He is even worse than Carter.
I didn't post the article for the right wingers here.

I posted it for the intelligent people who want honest facts.

I know I can fill a message box with links to facts all day long. The far right will never even read it much less comprehend it.

All they will do is their usual fake news or personally attack me.

It's old and boring.

There are many intelligent people on this board and they might like to see the fact check.

You're the most pronounced 'cherry picker' on the board next to Biffster Pointyhead!
Be weary, very weary of their fact-checks!

But the dishonest right is going to lie about it anyway, along with their other endless lies about Afghanistan.
So they didn't get eighty three billion in actual weapons, perhaps ONLY fifty billion. It's still US taxpayer's dollars being abandoned to our enemies. At least at the end of WWII we destroyed the aircraft, boats and equipment we left behind. We should have stayed as long as it took to destroy every vehicle. smash every weapon and destroy every base, runway and building that we paid for. We should have left Afghanistan in exactly the condition it was in on September 11th, 2001.
I didn't post the article for the right wingers here.

I posted it for the intelligent people who want honest facts.

I know I can fill a message box with links to facts all day long. The far right will never even read it much less comprehend it.

All they will do is their usual fake news or personally attack me.

It's old and boring.

There are many intelligent people on this board and they might like to see the fact check.
so the fact Joe xiden turns over military weapons, including new black hawks to the terrorist makes you feel how?
Oh, OK, WAPO sez we don't really know the value so the figure can't be right. Later on the Post says the fact checked figure isn't 83 billion but a mere 82.9 billion. I feel so much better.
Other than the Blackhawks, the stuff we left there is low tech and easy to maintain and operate. The MRAPS are built on commercial chassis so parts will be easy to buy for decades to come, HUMVEES are everywhere so parts will not a be a problem. The Taliban is now a national government, it will have the revenue to have pilots and mechanics trained to operate the Blackhawks. The Super Tucanos are designed for a third world environment.
You do realize that none of this is going to change anything, right? Everyone will be just as upset by 24 billion in weapons, as they would if it was 84 billion. Your president (that you fucktards voted for), is now considered the worst president in US history. He is even worse than Carter.
right? i get the propagandist don’t have much to work with in defending xiden here…but reading the OP’s own link…he completely missed forest when he ran right into the blackhawks…the cultist just can’t see
And you know this is TRUE how?
Because they're all lying on this thread, for one example.

None of them even read the article. They just reacted in kneejerk hatred because their religious beliefs have been challenged. They literally didn't care about the facts. The cult told them to repeat a lie, so they obeyed.

The Taliban did not seize $82 billion in weaponry. $82 billion was the total sum the US has spent on the Afghan military over the past 20 years.

Only $24 billion of that went to equipment, much of which wore out over 20 years.

Most of that went to tens of thousands of pickup trucks and humvees.

The few low-tech aircraft? The Taliban can't keep them flying.

Now, if you'd like, you can join in with the sky-is-falling hysterics of the other Trump cultists here, who have retreated into their bunkers and SafeSpaces because the Taliban grabbed some rifles and grenade launchers. They're a very delicate and easily frightened bunch. That's why they're in the Trump cult. In their cowardly cult minds, a Taliban riding a humvee with a rifle is driving over here RIGHT NOW to kill us all, oceans be damned.
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Becdause they're all lying on this thread, for one example.

None of them even read the article. They just reacted in kneejerk hatred because their religious beliefs has been challenged. They literally didn't care about the facts. The cult told them to repeat a lie, so they obeyed.

The Taliban did not seize $82 billion in weaponry. $82 billion was the total sum the US has spent on the Afghan military over the past 20 years.

Only $24 billion of that went to equipemt, much of which wore out over 20 years.

Most of that went to tens of thousands of pickup trucks and humvees.

The fewlow-tech aircraft? The Taliban can't keep them flying.

Now, if you'd like, you can join in with the sky-is-falling hysterics of the other Trump cultists here, who have retreated into their bunkers and SafeSpaces because the taliban grabbed some rifles and grenade launchers. They're a very delicate and easily frightened bunch. That's why they're in the Trump cult. In their cowardly cult minds, a Taliban riding a humvee with a rifle is driving over here RIGHT NOW to kill us all, oceans be damned.

For the love of God man, please stop fingering Bi-Dung's glory hole!!
For the love of God man, please stop fingering Bi-Dung's glory hole!!
Don't project. Just because you're an expert in fingering glory holes and applying coats of saliva, that doesn't mean others share your depravity. Can you list all the famous glory holes that you've fingered? Don't be shy. Given your self-professed expertise in the field, I'm sure it's a very long list that you should be proud of.

I think everyone noticed how you ran squealing from the issue. You Trump cultists always do. Did you join the Trump cult because you were already a eunuch, or was your neutering part of the cult initiation ceremony?
So they didn't get eighty three billion in actual weapons, perhaps ONLY fifty billion. It's still US taxpayer's dollars being abandoned to our enemies. At least at the end of WWII we destroyed the aircraft, boats and equipment we left behind. We should have stayed as long as it took to destroy every vehicle. smash every weapon and destroy every base, runway and building that we paid for. We should have left Afghanistan in exactly the condition it was in on September 11th, 2001.
We did destroy the equipment we left behind.
It is the equipment issued to the Afghan Army that was lost
Don't project. Just because you're an expert in fingering glory holes and applying coats of saliva, that doesn't mean others share your depravity. Can you list all the famous glory holes that you've fingered? Don't be shy. Given your self-professed expertise in the field, I'm sure it's a very long list that you should be proud of.

I think everyone noticed how you ran squealing from the issue. You Trump cultists always do. Did you join the Trump cult because you were already a eunuch, or was your neutering part of the cult initiation ceremony?

As usual, you have presented no facts.

Just a homo meltdown. :pinkygirly:

Don't project. Just because you're an expert in fingering glory holes and applying coats of saliva, that doesn't mean others share your depravity. Can you list all the famous glory holes that you've fingered? Don't be shy. Given your self-professed expertise in the field, I'm sure it's a very long list that you should be proud of.

I think everyone noticed how you ran squealing from the issue. You Trump cultists always do. Did you join the Trump cult because you were already a eunuch, or was your neutering part of the cult initiation ceremony?

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