No, the USA is NOT Exceptional

The US went retard after electing obama.

Especially if all future Presidents are Marxist Dimms!
The US went retard after electing obama.

Especially if all future Presidents are Marxist Dimms!
Here's some fun advice from Marx:

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary

sounds just like your 2nd amendment gun-totin' republican.

I'm willing bet money that half of the people who spits out "Marxists" as a derogatory from their mouths with as much vitriol as they can have no idea what that even is. Double or nothing they also don't know what socialism is.
The US went retard after electing obama.

Especially if all future Presidents are Marxist Dimms!
Here's some fun advice from Marx:

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary

sounds just like your 2nd amendment gun-totin' republican.

I'm willing bet money that half of the people who spits out "Marxists" as a derogatory from their mouths with as much vitriol as they can have no idea what that even is. Double or nothing they also don't know what socialism is.

But, but, but Marx is anti private property!

Guns are private property.
Nice cherry-pick attempt, tho'.
We never have been exceptional, besides being the badasses. Thats only good depending on how you look at it.
I still love this country though.
Yeah we are badasses... :stupid:
A badass nation would be the old British Empire, French, Italians etc. Or some of the ancient Chinese dynasties. Germany under Hitler, the Spains.... they all invaded nations to build enormous empires and ruined those they conquered.
Post 1900 America hasn't went conquering anywhere. If we were a "badass" nation we would have at the very least invaded Mexico and Central America for the natural resources. Then 100% would have invaded Iraq, took over the oil fields and set up base to then invade most of the entire region and taken over the worlds energy supplies.
But we didn't.
And all of the aforementioned nations certainly would have.
We are/were the badasses of the day. No need to reach back centuries and millennia to prove a point :lol:
You are not getting it.
Our Navy alone could take over the world.
The size of our Navy is multiples of the next several combined. And that is just the Navy.
We don't use that power to overtake other countries like everyone else has done since the first couple guys picked up a club in a cave.
THAT is what makes us exceptional.
We use out "badass" power to protect the world, not invade it.
I gotcha. And a good point.
But we do force our will all over the planet. Which is just as bad.
I guess we could just step back and be actual isolationists and let the China's and Russia's do what they do best
and force their will over the countries that they choose. Which is worse for the globe?
I wasnt evem considering russia and china when I was typing that. I was thinking of the ME. South America. Third world shitholes
The US went retard after electing obama.

Especially if all future Presidents are Marxist Dimms!
Here's some fun advice from Marx:

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary

sounds just like your 2nd amendment gun-totin' republican.

I'm willing bet money that half of the people who spits out "Marxists" as a derogatory from their mouths with as much vitriol as they can have no idea what that even is. Double or nothing they also don't know what socialism is.

I can tell that you are one of those Marxist shape-shifters.
Nice try, comrade; but you fail!
"Exceptional" nations don't have people marching in the streets for their rights. The people in "exceptional" nations have equal rights for ALL. Exceptional nations have wages which are a reasonable percentage of the costs of manufacture, and which provide for their workers, and their families throughout their working lives.

In the USA, 10% of the people own 70% of the wealth of the nation, while 40% of workers are dependent on government handouts to feed and house their families. In Norway, the top 10% own 53% of the wealth. In Canada, it's 47%. These two countries are consistently at the top of the "best places to live in the world" indexes. The USA is barely in the top 10 and sinking like a stone.

Then why do so many people from all over the world immigrate to the U.S.?
Cheaper and better drugs ? Girls whos sex ed was porn hub ? Fast food every 50 meters ? Lots more retailers with heavy cash to rob ? A legal system that wont do hit when you fuck up ? Ability to pay a rent deposit and that's it. The eviction process goes along forever.Nice countries require many things to enter. In Muhreeka a pulse will do
American exceptionalism does NOT mean the American people are better than anybody else.

It means we are the exception to the rule.

For thousands of years, since the dawn of man, the "rule" was a dictator or a king will rule a nation. America is the only nation that is trying to answer the question "CAN MAN RULE HIMSELF"?

That is why we still refer to our system of government as "THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT". And that makes us exceptional!
American exceptionalism does NOT mean the American people are better than anybody else.

It means we are the exception to the rule.

For thousands of years, since the dawn of man, the "rule" was a dictator or a king will rule a nation. America is the only nation that is trying to answer the question "CAN MAN RULE HIMSELF"?

That is why we still refer to our system of government as "THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT". And that makes us exceptional!
Well, the rule is that most other countries have got COVID under control. We certainly are the exception to that rule. :rolleyes:
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

With all her issues I would not trade my freedom in Americs to live anywhere else.

Does she have issues?

Of course and as you pointed out no nation is perfect and America like many great societies is going through her drought patch but again I would not trade my life here for anywhere else.

Instead of bitching about it what need to be done is people need to get off their sorry asses and make a difference!

You should never look to your government to solve what you can solve yourself and even during harsh times like this we as a nation need to unite even more!

The division has worsen even more under Trump and it is sickening in my eyes!

Truth is daily I go out helping the community and doing my part to make it better, and if I die doing this so be it but this nation gave me the chance to be who I am and maybe she has lost her shine the fact is for me she is still my country and I love her no matter what!

Trump, Obama and others are not America and the sooner we start realizing we must make the change for the better then our beautiful country will shine again.

As for killings, the infrastructure and so on, well again it is our duty to work on the change from Local to Federal level and the two parties have failed us and they need to have change from within and from the outside also!
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Right, and it is exactly because of people saying we are not exceptional, and trying to tear this country down... that we have those problems.

That's the issue. If you go back to the 1950s, we didn't have mass murdering all over the place, like we do today. And reason is simple. We actually believed we were a good nation, and worked to make it a good nation.

Go read Thomas Sowell. Things were way better before the 1960s screwed everything up.

Now we have a nation of people who already believe the nation itself is evil and terrible, and they are working to make it as evil and terrible as they claim it to be.

You actually had the mayor saying we'll have a summer of love, when some anarchists announced they would have CHAZ.

Well what did you think was going to happen, when people saw that police wouldn't stop a bunch of criminals engaging in mass crime?

It is exactly because you want to tell everyone that America is not exceptional, that we have the problems you point to.
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Our country is a global embarrassment right now. With the pandemic response being the number one reaaon.
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
Lets rid the nation of ignorant hillbilly retards like trump supporters. Instant, huge improvement.
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
Lets rid the nation of ignorant hillbilly retards like trump supporters. Instant, huge improvement.
We're waiting.......
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
Lets rid the nation of ignorant hillbilly retards like trump supporters. Instant, huge improvement.
We're waiting.......
It's a pipe dream. I fully support your right to be an idiot and live here until you drop dead.
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
Lets rid the nation of ignorant hillbilly retards like trump supporters. Instant, huge improvement.
We're waiting.......
It's a pipe dream. I fully support your right to be an idiot and live here until you drop dead.
Thanks. I knew it was just talk anyways. LOL
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
Lets rid the nation of ignorant hillbilly retards like trump supporters. Instant, huge improvement.
We're waiting.......
It's a pipe dream. I fully support your right to be an idiot and live here until you drop dead.
Thanks. I knew it was just talk anyways. LOL
Yes, that's what we do here. Welcome to the internet. Your english is better than my russian.
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Let's flood their major cities with Blacks and Hispanics for 50-100 years and then see how they're doing...
Lets rid the nation of ignorant hillbilly retards like trump supporters. Instant, huge improvement.
We're waiting.......
It's a pipe dream. I fully support your right to be an idiot and live here until you drop dead.
Thanks. I knew it was just talk anyways. LOL
Yes, that's what we do here. Welcome to the internet. Your english is better than my russian.
We? Sorry but I don't engage with empty threats. But that's just me, I'll leave the empty threats to the Biden supporters. It's all you have anyway...... Pipe dreams.
We always hear how the US is an exceptional nation, but it simply isn't true. Exceptional nations don't have 160 people killed over the weekend in their cities. They have don't have riots and looting in the streets. Their major urban cores don't look like Hiroshima after the bomb. They don't have tens of thousands dying of drug overdoses every year. They don't have one of the most expensive education systems with one of the poorest outcomes.

I have been to 17 countries and while all of them have their set of issues, most of them don't experience the things I listed above on a scale anywhere near what we do. There was a time when America may have been exceptional, but that day is behind us. Neither the country nor the people in it are worthy of that title. The brutal truth is we've become the trailer trash of the industrialized world.

Say thank you democrats!

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