No to stimulus 5. Paying people to not work and to bail out bad local governments and unions is wrong

What Nancy Pelosi wants is a pure government giveaway to discourage people from working by paying them more money to not work than work. And the rest is a giveaway to unions and bad blue State governments and their huge pension fund liabilities that were never adequately funded. And then she wants other green and leftist objectives to tie it all up in a nice bow. I didn't see ANYTHING in her bill that I supported. There is no compromise with that. Far better to not do anything.

Your entire premise is flawed. It starts out with the idea that people currently collecting unemployment would rather sit home and watch TV than get out there and work. This is garbage. The jobs aren't out there for them to go back to. Similarly, the State jobs, all of which are harder to do now because of TRUMP PLAGUE, are losing revenues because the lost sales tax revenues.

This is an unusual time since government forced businesses to shut down. So I'm open even as a libertarian to spending I would not normally support. But the bill would have to be payouts to get businesses running and hiring again. A payroll tax suspension would be great for workers and businesses. But those are non-starters for Nancy. At least 20 or so Republicans realize that a deal is not always a good thing. And this deal isn't worth making. Let's send them home for their August break.

Uh, the first round of Stimulus gave a shitload of money to businesses. 500 BILLION went to big corporations and another 378 BILLION went to small businesses. Only 560 Billion went to individuals, of which only $260 Billion were enhanced unemployment benefits. So we've kind of already tried it your way of the Libertarian Corporate Welfare model... and it didn't work.

Paying people to not work
Well, with all due respect, this isn't exactly welfare for the lazy. This is help for people who cannot work because the government itself shut their jobs down!
And paying people more to not work than to work and handouts to failed local and State governments that acted irresponsibility doesn't fix anything.

I said I'm open to a JOBS bill. But Nancy's insane $3.5T Christmas tree actually hurts jobs

Again, if people could safely go back to work, that wouldn't be an issue. They can't right now.
What Nancy Pelosi wants is a pure government giveaway to discourage people from working by paying them more money to not work than work. And the rest is a giveaway to unions and bad blue State governments and their huge pension fund liabilities that were never adequately funded. And then she wants other green and leftist objectives to tie it all up in a nice bow. I didn't see ANYTHING in her bill that I supported. There is no compromise with that. Far better to not do anything.

Your entire premise is flawed. It starts out with the idea that people currently collecting unemployment would rather sit home and watch TV than get out there and work. This is garbage. The jobs aren't out there for them to go back to. Similarly, the State jobs, all of which are harder to do now because of TRUMP PLAGUE, are losing revenues because the lost sales tax revenues.

This is an unusual time since government forced businesses to shut down. So I'm open even as a libertarian to spending I would not normally support. But the bill would have to be payouts to get businesses running and hiring again. A payroll tax suspension would be great for workers and businesses. But those are non-starters for Nancy. At least 20 or so Republicans realize that a deal is not always a good thing. And this deal isn't worth making. Let's send them home for their August break.

Uh, the first round of Stimulus gave a shitload of money to businesses. 500 BILLION went to big corporations and another 378 BILLION went to small businesses. Only 560 Billion went to individuals, of which only $260 Billion were enhanced unemployment benefits. So we've kind of already tried it your way of the Libertarian Corporate Welfare model... and it didn't work.

View attachment 372187

You keep putting out lists of free shit you want from government, then you say people would rather work for less money then they would get sitting at home and doing nothing.

Double standard much? You're Joe the Mooch, it's hilarious.
Paying people to not work
Well, with all due respect, this isn't exactly welfare for the lazy. This is help for people who cannot work because the government itself shut their jobs down!

And if you're being fair, which you're not, you will read my entire statement where I said my objection is paying people MORE to not work than work. This is selective editing that changed my point.

Here is the first line of my OP: "What Nancy Pelosi wants is a pure government giveaway to discourage people from working by paying them more money to not work than work."

By paying people to not work, I'm referring to that difference. Don't work, you get MORE pay than if you work. That is paying you to not work
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And paying people more to not work than to work and handouts to failed local and State governments that acted irresponsibility doesn't fix anything.

I said I'm open to a JOBS bill. But Nancy's insane $3.5T Christmas tree actually hurts jobs

Again, if people could safely go back to work, that wouldn't be an issue. They can't right now.

OOOhhhhhh, a 0.26% death rate. And in exchange we get suicides, depression, drug use, domestic violence, destroy businesses and retirement funds. And you don't care about that. They can't go back to work.

And most of the people going back to work are BELOW that death rate. That's the overall rate according to the CDC.

This is just a lame excuse for you. And you hate people. The cost of keeping us imprisoned in our homes is worth getting Biden and more free shit!
You keep putting out lists of free shit you want from government, then you say people would rather work for less money then they would get sitting at home and doing nothing.

Except they aren't getting more money for staying home. Even if they are getting their salary back with the extra $600, they still are on the hook for paying for their own health insurance through COBRA.

As for spending, I'm perfectly fine with ending CORPORATE WELFARE.
You keep putting out lists of free shit you want from government, then you say people would rather work for less money then they would get sitting at home and doing nothing.

Except they aren't getting more money for staying home. Even if they are getting their salary back with the extra $600, they still are on the hook for paying for their own health insurance through COBRA.

As for spending, I'm perfectly fine with ending CORPORATE WELFARE.

Not sure what exactly you mean by that, but neither do you. It's just on the list of your Marxist talking points
OOOhhhhhh, a 0.26% death rate. And in exchange we get suicides, depression, drug use, domestic violence, destroy businesses and retirement funds. And you don't care about that. They can't go back to work.

The only reason why we are at such a low death rate (still higher than most of the industrialized world that did this right) is because we did do the lockdowns.

But you guys totally need to run on the "DIE GRANNY, RICH PEOPLE NEED THEIR DRESSAGE HORSES" platform. That will totally work for you guys. Just ask Mitt Romney.

And most of the people going back to work are BELOW that death rate. That's the overall rate according to the CDC.

This is just a lame excuse for you. And you hate people. The cost of keeping us imprisoned in our homes is worth getting Biden and more free shit!

You got it in reverse buddy. The reason why we are in the mess we are in is because we DIDN'T Have single player health care, we didn't have a national plan to deal with this. While most of the Industrialized World has broken the back of this, or never had a problem to start with, we are still taking a pounding because of Trump's incompetence, failure to institute a national plan, and inconsistant messaging.


Trump's Hero, Dr. Demon Sperm.

You see, you whine that I want "Free Shit", but the fact is, when you look at the European Countries, Canada and Japan that have the kind of "Free Shit" that you get in a civilized society where the rich can't promote silly ideas like "Libertarian", then something like Covid isn't that bad.

Not as many people die, not as many people go broke, not as many jobs are lost.

It's why we are at 11.8% unemployment and the EU is at 7%.
Not sure what exactly you mean by that, but neither do you. It's just on the list of your Marxist talking points

I mean all the big money we spend subsidizing corporations...

In the last Stimulus, Big Corporations got $500 Billion dollars in bailout money.
Paying people to not work
Well, with all due respect, this isn't exactly welfare for the lazy. This is help for people who cannot work because the government itself shut their jobs down!

And if you're being fair, which you're not, you will read my entire statement where I said my objection is paying people MORE to not work than work. This is selective editing that changed my point

No selective editing, I took it from YOUR TITLE. If you said that farther down inside your post, then you should have said that right at the start. You could have simply added the word "MORE" to the OP title and been fair, honest, and met the new terms of thread creation. Of course it doesn't make sense to pay people more and I don't know why we are doing that now, any time I was ever on unemployment, I never got more than about 2/3rds / 75% my regular pay on the rationalization that it was costing me less to live which was bullshit. I LOST money and never even made as much.
Not sure what exactly you mean by that, but neither do you. It's just on the list of your Marxist talking points

I mean all the big money we spend subsidizing corporations...

In the last Stimulus, Big Corporations got $500 Billion dollars in bailout money.

So when government forces shut downs and they give money to citizens to survive, that's fine with you.

But when they force businesses to shut down and give them money to survive, that's welfare.

You're just proving again you're a card carrying Communist.

They didn't fail, government forced them to close. You're a flaming hypocrite and a Marxist
Paying people to not work
Well, with all due respect, this isn't exactly welfare for the lazy. This is help for people who cannot work because the government itself shut their jobs down!

And if you're being fair, which you're not, you will read my entire statement where I said my objection is paying people MORE to not work than work. This is selective editing that changed my point

No selective editing, I took it from YOUR TITLE. If you said that farther down inside your post, then you should have said that right at the start. You could have simply added the word "MORE" to the OP title and been fair, honest, and met the new terms of thread creation. Of course it doesn't make sense to pay people more and I don't know why we are doing that now, any time I was ever on unemployment, I never got more than about 2/3rds / 75% my regular pay on the rationalization that it was costing me less to live which was bullshit. I LOST money and never even made as much.

Here's the first line of my OP: " What Nancy Pelosi wants is a pure government giveaway to discourage people from working by paying them more money to not work than work."

I suppose if you have a bad memory and don't remember all the threads we've both posted in where I've repeatedly said my issue is paying people more money to not work than to work and if you didn't read any of this thread but the title, then that's a rational argument.

So now you've been corrected. I am against people earning MORE to not work than to work. I am not against helping people survive the economic shut down if they aren't able to work.

Are you clear?
I bet it happens. And while you are blaming dems, repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. It wouldn’t happen if repubs didn’t want it to.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.
We should give those LP's some credit. After all, they managed to garner 4.4M votes in 2016 with Gary Johnson. An all time high for the party.

That is why Clinton lost in 2016. When the two major parties lose more than 5% of the vote to third parties, it is not good for the incumbent party and it indicates America is not happy with the two major parties. We will see this in the next election and I also believe 2024. Americans are tired of the BS and the brave are actually looking for solutions. The lemmings will continue to vote D or R and expect a different result.
How bad did you have it under Clinton and Obama? Was the nation starving for jobs ? Did all our allies laugh at us ?? Now we have a real unqualified piece of garbage in our wh Do you really think you could EVER call Biden that??
John What alt left universe ?? You don't believe like so many others do that Putin helped trump get elected and the POS is trying again? How tf can anyone want 4 more years of this lying POS Trump?
That shit has all been debunked and normal informed thinking Americans know it.

Your post are not worthy of a response.

Run along lil' troll.
Debunked ? BULLSHIT Even Republicans admitted it .... you run along traitor and get your head out of trumps ass It's unseemly

yes it has been debunked you uneducated shithead. Several times. Try keeping up with current events. Or better yet, keep you head firmly ensconced in your rectum. Run along little liar.
Lantern You fn moron you AH which of these links is wrong??
About 38,800,000 results (0.54 seconds)

Search Results
Web results
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 › news › 2020/04/21 › senate-intel-r...

Apr 21, 2020 - Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray ...

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections ... › wiki › Russian_interference_in_the_...

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of ... Finally, several individuals connected to Russia contacted various Trump campaign ... Clinton's campaign, and by the fall of 2016 to directly helping Trump's campaign, because Putin thought Trumpwould ease economic sanctions.
Background and Russian ... · ‎Cyberattack on Democrats

Senate Intel Committee backs finding that Russia helped ... › news › politics › 2020/04/21 › se...

Apr 21, 2020 - Trump has long-sought to undermine the intelligence community's assessment of Russia's interference campaign and has moved to shake-up ...

Opinion | Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee ... › opinions › 2020/04/21 › e...

Apr 21, 2020 - Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee admit that Putin helped Trump get elected. Russian President Vladimir Putin with President ...

People also ask
I lost my job during the Obama administration and so did thousands of others in Healthcare.
So when government forces shut downs and they give money to citizens to survive, that's fine with you.

But when they force businesses to shut down and give them money to survive, that's welfare.

Depends what business. I have no problem with the payments to small businesses. Big Corporations that made obscene profits over the last 10 years while working people have scraped by, I'm less sympathetic.

The reason why these big corporations are in such trouble is that they borrowed to the nines to buy back their own stock and acquired other companies. Most people think a major driver of this current recession is not just Covid (TRUMP PLAGUE), but the Big Corporations borrowing and speculating as much as they did.

You're just proving again you're a card carrying Communist.

They didn't fail, government forced them to close. You're a flaming hypocrite and a Marxist

No, man, a lot of these Corporations squandered the good times, and now they are coming back hat in hand after they laid a lot of people off.

More money for working folks, not a fucking penny to a corporation that isn't doing something to directly fight TRUMP PLAGUE.
Are you clear?
  1. You somehow think I should read and follow all of your threads and views, which I don't.
  2. Had you simply added the one word "more", your OP title would have been clear, honest, and there would be no confusion as to the direction of your thread. Thread titles are supposed to have sufficient clues about the actual expected direction of the discussion.
I suppose if you have a bad memory and don't remember all the threads we've both posted in where I've repeatedly said my issue is paying people more money to not work than to work and if you didn't read any of this thread but the title, then that's a rational argument.

Except nobody is getting "More money". If $600 a week is more than you were making in benefits and salary, then you weren't making that much to start with.

Here's the other part of the equation. If your job is open again, and you boss calls you back and you refuse to go, then they can challenge your right to keep getting benefits.
I bet it happens. And while you are blaming dems, repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. It wouldn’t happen if repubs didn’t want it to.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.
We should give those LP's some credit. After all, they managed to garner 4.4M votes in 2016 with Gary Johnson. An all time high for the party.

That is why Clinton lost in 2016. When the two major parties lose more than 5% of the vote to third parties, it is not good for the incumbent party and it indicates America is not happy with the two major parties. We will see this in the next election and I also believe 2024. Americans are tired of the BS and the brave are actually looking for solutions. The lemmings will continue to vote D or R and expect a different result.
How bad did you have it under Clinton and Obama? Was the nation starving for jobs ? Did all our allies laugh at us ?? Now we have a real unqualified piece of garbage in our wh Do you really think you could EVER call Biden that??
John What alt left universe ?? You don't believe like so many others do that Putin helped trump get elected and the POS is trying again? How tf can anyone want 4 more years of this lying POS Trump?
That shit has all been debunked and normal informed thinking Americans know it.

Your post are not worthy of a response.

Run along lil' troll.
Debunked ? BULLSHIT Even Republicans admitted it .... you run along traitor and get your head out of trumps ass It's unseemly

yes it has been debunked you uneducated shithead. Several times. Try keeping up with current events. Or better yet, keep you head firmly ensconced in your rectum. Run along little liar.
Lantern You fn moron you AH which of these links is wrong??
About 38,800,000 results (0.54 seconds)

Search Results
Web results
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 › news › 2020/04/21 › senate-intel-r...

Apr 21, 2020 - Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray ...

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections ... › wiki › Russian_interference_in_the_...

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of ... Finally, several individuals connected to Russia contacted various Trump campaign ... Clinton's campaign, and by the fall of 2016 to directly helping Trump's campaign, because Putin thought Trumpwould ease economic sanctions.
Background and Russian ... · ‎Cyberattack on Democrats

Senate Intel Committee backs finding that Russia helped ... › news › politics › 2020/04/21 › se...

Apr 21, 2020 - Trump has long-sought to undermine the intelligence community's assessment of Russia's interference campaign and has moved to shake-up ...

Opinion | Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee ... › opinions › 2020/04/21 › e...

Apr 21, 2020 - Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee admit that Putin helped Trump get elected. Russian President Vladimir Putin with President ...

People also ask
I lost my job during the Obama administration and so did thousands of others in Healthcare.
GIN I'm sorry to hear that BUT did you know under Obama's presidency a record was set with 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains Don't know how or why you lost your job but plenty of folks got jobs
I bet it happens. And while you are blaming dems, repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. It wouldn’t happen if repubs didn’t want it to.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.
We should give those LP's some credit. After all, they managed to garner 4.4M votes in 2016 with Gary Johnson. An all time high for the party.

That is why Clinton lost in 2016. When the two major parties lose more than 5% of the vote to third parties, it is not good for the incumbent party and it indicates America is not happy with the two major parties. We will see this in the next election and I also believe 2024. Americans are tired of the BS and the brave are actually looking for solutions. The lemmings will continue to vote D or R and expect a different result.
How bad did you have it under Clinton and Obama? Was the nation starving for jobs ? Did all our allies laugh at us ?? Now we have a real unqualified piece of garbage in our wh Do you really think you could EVER call Biden that??
John What alt left universe ?? You don't believe like so many others do that Putin helped trump get elected and the POS is trying again? How tf can anyone want 4 more years of this lying POS Trump?
That shit has all been debunked and normal informed thinking Americans know it.

Your post are not worthy of a response.

Run along lil' troll.
Debunked ? BULLSHIT Even Republicans admitted it .... you run along traitor and get your head out of trumps ass It's unseemly

yes it has been debunked you uneducated shithead. Several times. Try keeping up with current events. Or better yet, keep you head firmly ensconced in your rectum. Run along little liar.
Lantern You fn moron you AH which of these links is wrong??
About 38,800,000 results (0.54 seconds)

Search Results
Web results
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 › news › 2020/04/21 › senate-intel-r...

Apr 21, 2020 - Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray ...

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections ... › wiki › Russian_interference_in_the_...

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of ... Finally, several individuals connected to Russia contacted various Trump campaign ... Clinton's campaign, and by the fall of 2016 to directly helping Trump's campaign, because Putin thought Trumpwould ease economic sanctions.
Background and Russian ... · ‎Cyberattack on Democrats

Senate Intel Committee backs finding that Russia helped ... › news › politics › 2020/04/21 › se...

Apr 21, 2020 - Trump has long-sought to undermine the intelligence community's assessment of Russia's interference campaign and has moved to shake-up ...

Opinion | Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee ... › opinions › 2020/04/21 › e...

Apr 21, 2020 - Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee admit that Putin helped Trump get elected. Russian President Vladimir Putin with President ...

People also ask
I lost my job during the Obama administration and so did thousands of others in Healthcare.
GIN I'm sorry to hear that BUT did you know under Obama's presidency a record was set with 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains Don't know how or why you lost your job but plenty of folks got jobs
Because he destroyed the healthcare industry.

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