NO, Unemployment is NOT DOWN

And who said it was down ? The Obama administration ? And its Bureau of Labor Statisitics ? That's part of the US Dept of Commerce. And that's part of Obama's cabinet.

Here's the kicker of it. Unemployment rates include FOREIGNERS coming into the country and taking American jobs, inside the US. These include millions of illegal aliens, and many more legal aliens on work visas, added to that. NONE of these jobs should be counted in calculating unemployment rates. But every one of them is counted as employment, while every one of them should be counted as UNEMPLOYMENT.

These jobs are employment, yes. But they are employment for ANOTHER COUNTRY (not the US). A Mexican comes to the US in 2013, and for all of 2014, he is working in a particular job. Same with a guy from India. And these guys should be counted in such a way as to lower the unemployment rate ? Not hardly. This whole unemployment picture as reported by the media is poppy$#@!.

Until the govt gets every foreigner the hell out of here, and out of the jobs they're stealing from American workers, there is NOTHING to be said about unemployment, and until then there IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. And we should all stop talking about it as if there is.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Oh, that's right. You had a plan to get us to 95% employment of every single person aged 16 and over. I almost forgot. Add that idiocy to your list of moronic statements; like people who work are unemployed.

And who said it was down ? The Obama administration ? And its Bureau of Labor Statisitics ? That's part of the US Dept of Commerce. And that's part of Obama's cabinet.

Here's the kicker of it. Unemployment rates include FOREIGNERS coming into the country and taking American jobs, inside the US. These include millions of illegal aliens, and many more legal aliens on work visas, added to that. NONE of these jobs should be counted in calculating unemployment rates. But every one of them is counted as employment, while every one of them should be counted as UNEMPLOYMENT.

These jobs are employment, yes. But they are employment for ANOTHER COUNTRY (not the US). A Mexican comes to the US in 2013, and for all of 2014, he is working in a particular job. Same with a guy from India. And these guys should be counted in such a way as to lower the unemployment rate ? Not hardly. This whole unemployment picture as reported by the media is poppy$#@!.

Until the govt gets every foreigner the hell out of here, and out of the jobs they're stealing from American workers, there is NOTHING to be said about unemployment, and until then there IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. And we should all stop talking about it as if there is.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Oh, that's right. You had a plan to get us to 95% employment of every single person aged 16 and over. I almost forgot. Add that idiocy to your list of moronic statements; like people who work are unemployed.

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add another 10 million.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Oh, that's right. You had a plan to get us to 95% employment of every single person aged 16 and over. I almost forgot. Add that idiocy to your list of moronic statements; like people who work are unemployed.

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add another 10 million.
That's it? All that for just 10-20 new jobs?
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Oh, that's right. You had a plan to get us to 95% employment of every single person aged 16 and over. I almost forgot. Add that idiocy to your list of moronic statements; like people who work are unemployed.

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add another 10 million.
Except there aren't that many Americans who want jobs who don't already have one
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It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Oh, that's right. You had a plan to get us to 95% employment of every single person aged 16 and over. I almost forgot. Add that idiocy to your list of moronic statements; like people who work are unemployed.

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add another 10 million.

Then I asked how anyone could come up with really stupid shit like this: whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add another 10 million.

And tried to explain that many of those jobs Republicans couldn't do because they don't have the skills, the intelligence or the education. I didn't need to ask a question. Because that is one answer I already know.
Why do you believe we even have social safety nets in modern times,

it's a way for liberals to buy votes. Get it? You vote for them, they keep up the welfare checks. Times are modern in China. They spend only 5% on safety net while a huge middle class is growing and growing. We spend 35% while a huge middle class is shrinking and shrinking.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Only the right would look at it that way; while complaining some of the wealthiest are "too wealthy" to fail, and using socialism to bailout capitalism, like usual.
some of the wealthiest are "too wealthy" to fail,

too stupid as always. Too big to fail means we'd have depression if we let the big banks fail. Even Krugman( an extreme leftist) agrees. It had nothing to do with being too wealthy to fail. Why be an idiot all the time?
using socialism to bailout capitalism,

too stupid the banks failed because of massive liberal/socialist interference (132 programs) designed to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.
Imbecile ... the majority of toxic loans that crashed the credit and real estate markets were in middle and upper class neighborhoods. CRA loans had little to do with the crash and one of the contributing factors was conservative policy of stripping away regulations.

That's a failure of conservatism.

Then the crash could have been avoided had oversight of the GSE's been increased but the Republican-led Congress wouldn't do it.

That's a failure of Republicans.
using socialism to bailout capitalism,

too stupid the banks failed because of massive liberal/socialist interference (132 programs) designed to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.
Imbecile ... the majority of toxic loans that crashed the credit and real estate markets were in middle and upper class neighborhoods. CRA loans had little to do with the crash and one of the contributing factors was conservative policy of stripping away regulations.

That's a failure of conservatism.

Then the crash could have been avoided had oversight of the GSE's been increased but the Republican-led Congress wouldn't do it.

That's a failure of Republicans.
what a fucking moron...
using socialism to bailout capitalism,

too stupid the banks failed because of massive liberal/socialist interference (132 programs) designed to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.
Imbecile ... the majority of toxic loans that crashed the credit and real estate markets were in middle and upper class neighborhoods. CRA loans had little to do with the crash and one of the contributing factors was conservative policy of stripping away regulations.

That's a failure of conservatism.

Then the crash could have been avoided had oversight of the GSE's been increased but the Republican-led Congress wouldn't do it.

That's a failure of Republicans.
what a fucking moron...
Oh, now that really hurts coming from a conservative. :rolleyes:
one of the contributing factors was conservative policy of stripping away regulations.
perhaps but that does not address the massive liberal interference in the Republican free market(132 programs) to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.
It didn't work in the USSR and it didn't work here.

What other market doesn't work? Health care? Did you notice there is massive liberal interference there too? What lesson are you learning? Did conservatives or liberals spy for the USSR
one of the contributing factors was conservative policy of stripping away regulations.
perhaps but that does not address the massive liberal interference in the Republican free market(132 programs) to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.
It didn't work in the USSR and it didn't work here.

What other market doesn't work? Health care? Did you notice there is massive liberal interference there too? What lesson are you learning? Did conservatives or liberals spy for the USSR
Repeating your idiocy doesn't help you as it's just as wrong the second time as it was the first. Republicans controlled the Congress and conservative policies stripped away regulations which made the corruption possible. Add in 1% ARMs and down payment waivers and you know the results.
Why is Capitalism too lazy to have a full employment ethic?

Why is Capitalism too lazy to have a full employment ethic?
total stupidity as always. Under capitalism you have the law of supply and demand which means the the number of jobs equals the number of workers. Liberal interference prevents this law from operating.
Without college you could not understand in a million years,
. Republicans controlled the Congress .

dear they did not have enough control to eliminate any of the 132 programs designed to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.

Do you understand now?

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