NO, Unemployment is NOT DOWN

. We should have solved simple poverty in the US during the Great Depression and never had the experience in our historical record, but for a sad lack of a moral of "goodwill toward men".
please stop being an idiot. China just switched to capitalism and proved it is the most moral economic system by far. Under liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death.

Now do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
. We should have solved simple poverty in the US during the Great Depression and never had the experience in our historical record, but for a sad lack of a moral of "goodwill toward men".
please stop being an idiot. China just switched to capitalism and proved it is the most moral economic system by far. Under liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death.

Now do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Liberalism makes sense to the criminals, dead beats, friends of the government, and others that get a cut of their neighbor's paychecks. Liberalism doesn't work for people who actually put out effort.

Liberalism is punishing people who do their best for the benefit of people who don't do shit.
. We should have solved simple poverty in the US during the Great Depression and never had the experience in our historical record, but for a sad lack of a moral of "goodwill toward men".
please stop being an idiot. China just switched to capitalism and proved it is the most moral economic system by far. Under liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death.

Now do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No, Only idiots prefer fallacy to sublime Truth (value) through argumentation, when diagnosing the Body politic.

We have our own Constitutions. Why are we waging a War on Poverty when we have a Commerce Clause?
Don't you read the thread ?
I read the thread. From what I can tell you fear immigrants will work harder/smarter/faster than you, and as a solution you'd like to implement policies to protect you from needing to succeed on your own merit.
How immigrants work has NO BEARING whatsoever on this matter. The USA is a nation. It is composed of Americans with a govt that is supposed to protect those Americans. Part of that is seeing to it that employment in America will be for Americans (millions of whom are currently unemployed).

As for me, my success on my own merit is not an issue at all. I am 100% RETIRED.

And as far as the immigration is concerned, it is not a matter of "fear". Fear is something that pertains to the future. The immigration that has befallen the US, is a disaster that is past, present and future, and is really an imperialist war (21st century style) waged by Mexico et al countries, with millions of cheap labor "troops" invaders, that has succeeded in pillaging the US, for $123 Billion/year in remittances + tens of Billions$$ more in human services payouts. Us paying their poverty bills.
And who said it was down ? The Obama administration ? And its Bureau of Labor Statisitics ? That's part of the US Dept of Commerce. And that's part of Obama's cabinet.

Here's the kicker of it. Unemployment rates include FOREIGNERS coming into the country and taking American jobs, inside the US. These include millions of illegal aliens, and many more legal aliens on work visas, added to that. NONE of these jobs should be counted in calculating unemployment rates. But every one of them is counted as employment, while every one of them should be counted as UNEMPLOYMENT.

These jobs are employment, yes. But they are employment for ANOTHER COUNTRY (not the US). A Mexican comes to the US in 2013, and for all of 2014, he is working in a particular job. Same with a guy from India. And these guys should be counted in such a way as to lower the unemployment rate ? Not hardly. This whole unemployment picture as reported by the media is poppy$#@!.

Until the govt gets every foreigner the hell out of here, and out of the jobs they're stealing from American workers, there is NOTHING to be said about unemployment, and until then there IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. And we should all stop talking about it as if there is.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.

1. ILLEGAL aliens are not the only ones I'm referring to. I'm also referring to LEGAL aliens.

2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.

3. I see no evidence from you about illegal aliens working part-time, or temporary. I do see evidence of the contrary, right outside my window. There are aliens working here doing landscaping, and as usual, they will be here all day long, and they're the same guys that were here more than a year ago.
I wasn't claiming an exact quote. But as for denyina the need for a huge bureauocracy?You most certainly did:
So how is that not denying the need for a huge bureauocracy to implement your plan?
You lying POS I never said that either. Maybe you need to learn to read, write, and cite without completely changing what people say into something completely different than what they actually said.
That was a direct quote from you in post 156. You're looking awfully foolish denying you wrote those words when it's right there for everyone to see. I didn't change anything you wrote, just cut and pasted the exact words. I omitted one previous quote from you, but that omission didn't change the context.

So explain how you can deny your exact quote? Are you now admitting your plan would require a huge bureauocracy for administration?
I did not deny my exact quote either you POS liar.
Your exact words after I quoted you were "You lying POS I never said that either" how is that not a denial?

But go ahead…clarify your position, then: Your plan would require that the government know everyone's employment status and show proof of employment or dependence on another. The government would then be responsible for finding or giving anyone not employed with a job.
How would that not require a huge bureauocracy?
NO YOU LYING POS ASS HOLE. I NEVER SAID MY "plan would require that the government know everyone's employment status." You said that you POS liar!

I NEVER SAID MY "plan would require ... proof of employment or dependence on another." You said that you POS liar!

I never said the "government would then be responsible for finding or giving anyone not employed with a job." You said that you POS liar!

IOW YOU CAN'T IMAGINE SOLUTIONS WITHOUT "a huge" bureaucracy. Probably the same reason you are a bold faced LIAR.

:chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:
NO, Unemployment is NOT DOWN

He and you both wouldn't post such sillieness, if you had read (and understood) the OP.
Don't you read the thread ? In the future, please don't come in here unprepared. Until then, this is for you >>> :slap:
Then why would applications for unemployment be down by 43,000, to their lowest level since April, 2000?

I've lost contact with the previous discussion that you're referring to. I don't know what you're talking about. Put more words in your post.
How immigrants work has NO BEARING whatsoever on this matter.
Sure it does. I have the right to decide what has bearing on any matter I'm discussing, and if I was still working I'd take a hard working immigrant coworker over a lazy sloth of any nationality.

The USA is a nation. It is composed of Americans with a govt that is supposed to protect those Americans.
A more productive society does more for Americans.

And as far as the immigration is concerned, it is not a matter of "fear".
I can smell the fear in your posts. The fear of people who might be better than you.
. Why are we waging a War on Poverty when we have a Commerce Clause?
too stupid as always. the two are unrelated. The War on Poverty was primarily about welfare in the 1960's while the Commerce Clause was designed in 18th Century to promote free trade between states.

You lack the knowledge to create a coherent sentence and have no chance to make a logical argument.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.

you got one right! The liberals love illegals because the larger immigrant community will then vote liberal. THe Americans who lose their jobs to illegals love liberals too because liberals then provide the welfare they need.

You can see what a tough road Republicans face. Being responsible and being against liberals is like being against Santa Claus.
It has gone from 10.1 to 5.7? That is down my friend ;)
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey News Release

There were 5.0 million job openings on the last business day of November. The job openings rate was
3.4 percent.

The number of job openings (not seasonally adjusted) increased over the 12 months ending in
November for total nonfarm, total private, and government. Job openings increased over the year for
many industries, including professional and business services, health care and social assistance, and
accommodation and food services. Job openings decreased in arts, entertainment, and recreation. The
number of openings increased over the year in all four regions. (See table 7.)


These Republicans crack me up. Obama wants to put programs in place so Jr. College could work with business to help make people eligible for these millions of jobs that are available. But Republicans don't believe in education. They want to block people from getting an education. Everything that could make people eligible for these jobs, Republicans want to block. Then they comment on all these threads complaining that it's Obama who is somehow making it harder to get a job.

2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.

you got one right! The liberals love illegals because the larger immigrant community will then vote liberal. THe Americans who lose their jobs to illegals love liberals too because liberals then provide the welfare they need.

You can see what a tough road Republicans face. Being responsible and being against liberals is like being against Santa Claus.
Business wants immigrants. If you had a million dollar piece of equipment, would you want some dumb Republican with no education trying to run it???? Of course not.
And who said it was down ? The Obama administration ? And its Bureau of Labor Statisitics ? That's part of the US Dept of Commerce. And that's part of Obama's cabinet.

Here's the kicker of it. Unemployment rates include FOREIGNERS coming into the country and taking American jobs, inside the US. These include millions of illegal aliens, and many more legal aliens on work visas, added to that. NONE of these jobs should be counted in calculating unemployment rates. But every one of them is counted as employment, while every one of them should be counted as UNEMPLOYMENT.

These jobs are employment, yes. But they are employment for ANOTHER COUNTRY (not the US). A Mexican comes to the US in 2013, and for all of 2014, he is working in a particular job. Same with a guy from India. And these guys should be counted in such a way as to lower the unemployment rate ? Not hardly. This whole unemployment picture as reported by the media is poppy$#@!.

Until the govt gets every foreigner the hell out of here, and out of the jobs they're stealing from American workers, there is NOTHING to be said about unemployment, and until then there IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. And we should all stop talking about it as if there is.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted
Business wants immigrants. .

dear , our subject was whether liberals or conservatives want illegal immigration, it had nothing to do with what business wants. Slow?.
Um, sorry dipshit, with a title like:

NO, Unemployment is NOT DOWN

I would have thought it had something to do with unemployment.
Then you consider the part where Republicans are pro business and business wants immigration.
And we know Republicans are afraid that immigrants will take jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.
Seems they are all related. Except to a pinhead, of course.
And who said it was down ? The Obama administration ? And its Bureau of Labor Statisitics ? That's part of the US Dept of Commerce. And that's part of Obama's cabinet.

Here's the kicker of it. Unemployment rates include FOREIGNERS coming into the country and taking American jobs, inside the US. These include millions of illegal aliens, and many more legal aliens on work visas, added to that. NONE of these jobs should be counted in calculating unemployment rates. But every one of them is counted as employment, while every one of them should be counted as UNEMPLOYMENT.

These jobs are employment, yes. But they are employment for ANOTHER COUNTRY (not the US). A Mexican comes to the US in 2013, and for all of 2014, he is working in a particular job. Same with a guy from India. And these guys should be counted in such a way as to lower the unemployment rate ? Not hardly. This whole unemployment picture as reported by the media is poppy$#@!.

Until the govt gets every foreigner the hell out of here, and out of the jobs they're stealing from American workers, there is NOTHING to be said about unemployment, and until then there IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. And we should all stop talking about it as if there is.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Then you consider the part where Republicans are pro business and business wants immigration.

1) Republicans favor closing the border to stop illegal immirgation, liberals don't. Thats the bottom line dear

2) Democrats are anti business and so anti jobs? You got one right!!
And who said it was down ? The Obama administration ? And its Bureau of Labor Statisitics ? That's part of the US Dept of Commerce. And that's part of Obama's cabinet.

Here's the kicker of it. Unemployment rates include FOREIGNERS coming into the country and taking American jobs, inside the US. These include millions of illegal aliens, and many more legal aliens on work visas, added to that. NONE of these jobs should be counted in calculating unemployment rates. But every one of them is counted as employment, while every one of them should be counted as UNEMPLOYMENT.

These jobs are employment, yes. But they are employment for ANOTHER COUNTRY (not the US). A Mexican comes to the US in 2013, and for all of 2014, he is working in a particular job. Same with a guy from India. And these guys should be counted in such a way as to lower the unemployment rate ? Not hardly. This whole unemployment picture as reported by the media is poppy$#@!.

Until the govt gets every foreigner the hell out of here, and out of the jobs they're stealing from American workers, there is NOTHING to be said about unemployment, and until then there IS NO UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. And we should all stop talking about it as if there is.
It's true that employment surveys can include illegal aliens. However with an estimated number of illegal aliens old enough to work at 9 million and 120 million people employed in the US, it's a real stretch to think that the unemployment figures could be skewed by as much as .1%. U3, the most common measure of unemployment does not consider part time employment nor temporary employment which are the most common jobs that illegal immigrants fill.
2. it is estimated that there are about 15 million Americans unemployed . This is approximately the same number of aliens working ( legal + illegal). Take the aliens out of the US workforce, put the US unemployed din those jobs, and you have approx. zero unemployment.
Where are you getting those ridiculous numbers? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2014 there were 6,936,000 native born Americans who were unemployed and 24,890,000foreign born who were employed.
Table A-7. Employment status of the civilian population by nativity and sex not seasonally adjusted

whatever the exact number if you shipped 10-20 million illegals back home you there would be 10-20 new jobs for Americans. Eliminate the corporate tax and you could add abother 10 million.
Unless Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs, then you just fucked over the country with some none factual based delusional solution. It's not like we haven't seen that before.

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