NO, Unemployment is NOT DOWN

How immigrants work has NO BEARING whatsoever on this matter.
Sure it does. I have the right to decide what has bearing on any matter I'm discussing, and if I was still working I'd take a hard working immigrant coworker over a lazy sloth of any nationality.

The USA is a nation. It is composed of Americans with a govt that is supposed to protect those Americans.
A more productive society does more for Americans.

And as far as the immigration is concerned, it is not a matter of "fear".
I can smell the fear in your posts. The fear of people who might be better than you.
I have already refuted these idiotic posts.

Yes I do fear immigrants for some good reasons. These have nothing to do with anybody being better than anybody. They are because of the HARMS immigrants bring, and you should fear them and oppose them for those reasons too., which maybe you would if you weren't so GREEDY, and just thinking about who is going to work for you..

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
which maybe you would if you weren't so GREEDY, and just thinking about who is going to work for you..
Nah, you're greedy only thinking about keeping others from getting what you have.

I shall lead my merry band of immigrants to your home, and take all your stuff including your collection of rare South African ivory dildos. Then we shall happily dance around wearing sombreros while singing old show tunes in falsetto voices.

Sorry but you lose, we're coming...
which maybe you would if you weren't so GREEDY, and just thinking about who is going to work for you..
Nah, you're greedy only thinking about keeping others from getting what you have.

I shall lead my merry band of immigrants to your home, and take all your stuff including your collection of rare South African ivory dildos. Then we shall happily dance around wearing sombreros while singing old show tunes in falsetto voices.

Sorry but you lose, we're coming...
HA HA HA.. What I have!! I don't have anything. And why would I, after I've been discriminated against for 50 years when I was in the workforce. And if you came to my house to take all my stuff, I would exercise my 2nd amendment rights, and Florida's self defense law, and promptly make a pile of swiss cheese out or you, and all your invader buddies. So tell me, how would you like it ? A. .380 semi-automatic, B. 12 gauge shotgun or C. M1A1 full automatic rifle ?



How immigrants work has NO BEARING whatsoever on this matter.
Sure it does. I have the right to decide what has bearing on any matter I'm discussing, and if I was still working I'd take a hard working immigrant coworker over a lazy sloth of any nationality.

The USA is a nation. It is composed of Americans with a govt that is supposed to protect those Americans.
A more productive society does more for Americans.

And as far as the immigration is concerned, it is not a matter of "fear".
I can smell the fear in your posts. The fear of people who might be better than you.
I have already refuted these idiotic posts.

Yes I do fear immigrants for some good reasons. These have nothing to do with anybody being better than anybody. They are because of the HARMS immigrants bring, and you should fear them and oppose them for those reasons too., which maybe you would if you weren't so GREEDY, and just thinking about who is going to work for you..

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

That is a fallacy of composition and false Cause under our form of Capitalism, (at least until we become a third world banana republic, with or without any actual bananas under cultivation); simply Because:

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[23][24][25][26][27][28] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.711 trillion as of Q4 2014. (Source: Economy of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia)

Even with all of the negativity of the right, simply because they consider Capitalism useless and prefer to practice their Communism, in Cuba.

Even illegal foreign immigration has helped maybe twice as much at one third the cost, as our elected representatives to our federal Congress.

We really just need more, superior public policy choices instead of just more complaints without a Cause or department.
The Fed always prints money.
That doesn't create a real estate bubble. You truly are beyond stupid.

dear, so then did the Girl Scouts print the money that made it possible for all those people to buy and bid up the prices of homes?
We really just need more, superior public policy choices.

so you want liberal Nazis elites in Washington to make superior choices foro us. HItler Stalin Castro and Mao already tried that- right? So what choice do you want our elites to make? Are you afraid to tell us?
We really just need more, superior public policy choices.

so you want liberal Nazis elites in Washington to make superior choices foro us. HItler Stalin Castro and Mao already tried that- right? So what choice do you want our elites to make? Are you afraid to tell us?

Of course, dear; i believe supply side economics should be supplying us with better governance at lower cost, not "trickle down".

We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint; what more do Good capitalists need?
We really just need more, superior public policy choices.

so you want liberal Nazis elites in Washington to make superior choices foro us. HItler Stalin Castro and Mao already tried that- right? So what choice do you want our elites to make? Are you afraid to tell us?

Of course, dear; i believe supply side economics should be supplying us with better governance at lower cost, not "trickle down".

We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint; what more do Good capitalists need?

dear, you are trying to change the subject because as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to answer the obvious question your own post raised: What superior public policy choice
do you want Washington liberal elites to make?????

If you can't answer just admit to being a typical liberal and we will understand.
The Fed always prints money.
That doesn't create a real estate bubble. You truly are beyond stupid.

dear, so then did the Girl Scouts print the money that made it possible for all those people to buy and bid up the prices of homes?
Exactly how insane are you, fruitcake? That has nothing to do with my point. :cuckoo:

Let me try dumbing it down a bit for ya ... the Fed printed money before the bubble, during the bubble and after the bubble. The fed printing money had no impact on house prices soaring to unsustainable levels -- demand did. And demand was driven up in large part due to the Fed dropping the federal fund rate to under two percent.
We really just need more, superior public policy choices.

so you want liberal Nazis elites in Washington to make superior choices foro us. HItler Stalin Castro and Mao already tried that- right? So what choice do you want our elites to make? Are you afraid to tell us?

Of course, dear; i believe supply side economics should be supplying us with better governance at lower cost, not "trickle down".

We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint; what more do Good capitalists need?

dear, you are trying to change the subject because as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to answer the obvious question your own post raised: What superior public policy choice
do you want Washington liberal elites to make?????

If you can't answer just admit to being a typical liberal and we will understand.
Good capitalists should be able to make more money, with an official Mint at their disposal.

Good socialists can simply resort to social morals for free to solve a simple economic problem.
And demand was driven up in large part due to the Fed dropping the federal fund rate to under two percent.

dear, please always remember you are a liberal and that means stupid. When we say the fed prints money we mean they do it primarily by dropping interest rates so more money is available( in effect, printed) from banks, much of it for home mortgages.

Your ignorance was so thorough you admitted that liberal govt action created false demand for houses thus creating the bubble!! Feel like a fool yet? Time to show some character. Do you want to be a liberal all your life.
And demand was driven up in large part due to the Fed dropping the federal fund rate to under two percent.

dear, please always remember you are a liberal and that means stupid. When we say the fed prints money we mean they do it primarily by dropping interest rates so more money is available( in effect, printed) from banks, much of it for home mortgages.

Your ignorance was so thorough you admitted that liberal govt action created false demand for houses thus creating the bubble!! Feel like a fool yet? Time to show some character. Do you want to be a liberal all your life.
If "Liberal" means "stupid," there is no bigger Liberal here than you. Need I remind you of some of your more moronic statements .... ?

  • "U6 which is the broadest measure of unemployment has now gone down to 11.2%( 40% more than before recession so still not good)."
  • "A Ph.D flipping burgers 3 hours a work will not show up as u3 unemployed but will show up in U6 as unemployed."
  • "The BLS calls them unemployed under the U6 designation."
  • "I didn't create u6 the BLS did." ... [when quoting, not]
  • "dear, are you saying that a person who works part time for economic reasons is counted as employed in both u3 and u6?" ... [later, the con says: U-6 ... plus total employed part time for economic reasons
  • "and I even bet you $10,000" ... [he did not bet me $10,000]
  • "dear, the U in U6 stand for unemployment."
  • "U6 would count a guy with a Ph.D flipping burgers 20 hours a week as unemployed."
If "Liberal" means "stupid," there is no bigger Liberal here than you. Need I remind you of some of your more moronic statements .... ?
dear, we were giving you your first lesson on monetary policy and you changed the subject? Do you have the character to admit to yourself why you changed the subject?? Do you see what liberalism does to you? Are you essentially any better than a Nazi who believed in Hitler without reason? You have no reason to be a liberalj just silly emotion!!
If "Liberal" means "stupid," there is no bigger Liberal here than you. Need I remind you of some of your more moronic statements .... ?
dear, please pick out the most substantive moronic statement you can find and tell us which one it is. Don't be afraid. Go for it! Will you know as much about it as you know about monetary policy??
If "Liberal" means "stupid," there is no bigger Liberal here than you. Need I remind you of some of your more moronic statements .... ?
dear, please pick out the most substantive moronic statement you can find and tell us which one it is. Don't be afraid. Go for it! Will you know as much about it as you know about monetary policy??
You can't tell which of those statements were the most moronic either, huh? I agree, they're all incredibly moronic.

You're quite the raging Liberal, ain'tcha?
If "Liberal" means "stupid," there is no bigger Liberal here than you. Need I remind you of some of your more moronic statements .... ?
dear, please pick out the most substantive moronic statement you can find and tell us which one it is. Don't be afraid. Go for it! Will you know as much about it as you know about monetary policy??
You can't tell which of those statements were the most moronic either, huh? I agree, they're all incredibly moronic.

You're quite the raging Liberal, ain'tcha?

dear, please pick out the most substantive moronic statement you can find and tell us why it is moronic. Don't be afraid. Go for it! Will you know as much about it as you know about monetary policy??

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