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No Way Out for Putin

As did Obama. These deranged American leftists are enabling a state sponsor of terror that has threatened death to America and death to Israel.
So what happens if Iran does develop a nuclear weapon and gives it to a terrorist group to set off in New York City?

Don’t kid yourself. This could happen.
Back in 1973? There was no oil embargo until after the Yom kippur war.
The day after Nixon had weapons and supplies delivered to Israel, Arab oil producers cut production by 5% and instituted an embargo against Israel's allies. The embargo was on, only getting worse in the next few months.
On October 6, 1973, Egypt attacked the Bar Lev Line in the Sinai Peninsula and Syria launched an offensive in the Golan Heights, both of which had been occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War. On October 12, 1973, US president Richard Nixon authorized Operation Nickel Grass, a strategic airlift to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel in order to replace its materiel losses, after the Soviet Union began sending arms to Syria and Egypt. The following day, on October 13, Arab oil producers cut production by 5% and instituted an oil embargo against Israel's allies: the United States, the Netherlands, Rhodesia, South Africa, and Portugal. Saudi Arabia only consented to the embargo after Nixon's promise of $2.2 billion in military aid to Israel.The embargo was accompanied by gradual monthly production cuts—by December, production had been cut to 25% of September levels. This contributed to a global recession and increased tension between the United States and several of its European allies, who faulted the US for provoking an embargo by providing what many viewed as unconditional assistance to Israel. OAPEC demanded a complete Israeli withdrawal from all territories beyond the 1949 Armistice border
The day after Nixon had weapons and supplies delivered to Israel, Arab oil producers cut production by 5% and instituted an embargo against Israel's allies. The embargo was on, only getting worse in the next few months.
My neighbor Frank Jungers was with king Faisel that week. He said it was an agonizing decision. At least the Saudis continued to supply our troops in Vietnam.
There's many links over a long period of time. Trump is impulsive and wanted to spite Obama. He screwed up.
No my friend , Obama was a liberal, Trump was a liberal and followed Republican values

Of course he would try to reverse liberal policys
I've been studying the events in Ukraine and I'm seeing nothing buy lose-lose for Putin and his enablers in the Kremlim.

UKRAINE was supposed a "fait accompli." To be completed and over before the rest of the world or Ukraine could react. Then, like Crimea, something we don't like but about which nothing can be done.

UKR has fought back magnificently so the quick win is out. This is going to become Russia's Afghanistan part II.
The Sanctions are killing the Russian economy.
Not surprisingly, other than the oil speculators taking it in the shorts, the global economy is adjusting to life w/o Russia.

This was is now the greatest threat to Putin's power since he got VP under Yeltsin.

That's where we are.

Putin's goals are shattered. Not only can he not win in UKR, his personal future is mostly likely filled with assassination or execution.

Do, How does Russia get out of Ukraine while Putin saves face?

Personally, I don't see it.
The longer the war goes, the greater the opposition in Russia and the greater the likelihood of revolt among Russian leadership.
Stop the war and withdraw and the probability of arrest, imprisonment, and execution increase.
Try to draw NATO into the war by hitting NATO countries will result in Russia's and Putin's destruction.

Ukraine will not accept Russian occupation of the "contested" areas and there is some chance that Ukraine, with sufficient weapons and support actually crosses into Russian territory.

All very dangerous.


I don't see a way out.
You wrote: “This was is now the greatest threat to Putin's power since he got VP under Yeltsin”. Putin was never the vice president of Russia. After Yeltzin resigned, Putin was made acting president until 4 months later being elected as president.

Perhaps you are confusing one of his interim stents as prime minister or his 4 months as acting president until he was voted into office?
The pro-Arab, anti-Israel U.N. was in charge of the monitoring.
The IAEA was in charge.

International inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will not only be continuously monitoring every element of Iran's declared nuclear program, but they will also be verifying that no fissile material is covertly carted off to a secret location to build a bomb.
I've been studying the events in Ukraine and I'm seeing nothing buy lose-lose for Putin and his enablers in the Kremlim.

UKRAINE was supposed a "fait accompli." To be completed and over before the rest of the world or Ukraine could react. Then, like Crimea, something we don't like but about which nothing can be done.

UKR has fought back magnificently so the quick win is out. This is going to become Russia's Afghanistan part II.
The Sanctions are killing the Russian economy.
Not surprisingly, other than the oil speculators taking it in the shorts, the global economy is adjusting to life w/o Russia.

This was is now the greatest threat to Putin's power since he got VP under Yeltsin.

That's where we are.

Putin's goals are shattered. Not only can he not win in UKR, his personal future is mostly likely filled with assassination or execution.

Do, How does Russia get out of Ukraine while Putin saves face?

Personally, I don't see it.
The longer the war goes, the greater the opposition in Russia and the greater the likelihood of revolt among Russian leadership.
Stop the war and withdraw and the probability of arrest, imprisonment, and execution increase.
Try to draw NATO into the war by hitting NATO countries will result in Russia's and Putin's destruction.

Ukraine will not accept Russian occupation of the "contested" areas and there is some chance that Ukraine, with sufficient weapons and support actually crosses into Russian territory.

All very dangerous.


I don't see a way out.
You're seeing what I saw on day one.

The only way to stop a war is before it starts. Once Russia was committed to battle many doors were closed.

Regardless of what you think...that Russia would be destroyed by drawing in NATO...that IMO is the worst possible outcome from the standpoint if the US and Europe. Russia may be no match for us in conventional warfare...the nuclear option makes the prospect lose-lose for everyone.

Honestly I believed Ukraine would fall quickly as well...but I still believe Russia will take Kiev in the long run. And that may be...at least in my opinion...the best outcome fir the human race on planet Earth.

If Russia takes Kiev...some substantial doorways to peace open.

The negotiations go something like this.

Russia leaves Ukraine in exchange for the disputed territories and a promise Ukraine will not join NATO.

Russia pays Ukraine restitution.

Some sanctions on Russia are eased... some are phased out over time.

Peace is restored. Putin can declare limited victory and Ukraine can claim they are a warrior people that fought Russia to a standstill and forced Putin to the negotiating table.

Ukraine may not join NATO...but believe me, they will become a powerhouse in defending against a second invasion.

Putin remains in power and Russia remains stable.

The US and Europe get an opportunity to put the Pandemic and the damage it wrought on our economies in the rearview mirror and position ourselves better in energy self-sufficiency and national manufacturing and technology infrastructure.

Again IMO we are entering Cold War II...and we had better get our house in order on the homefront...secure our borders...become more internally capable of taking care of our own durable and everyday consumer needs...or we are going to end up catastrophically wishing we had in the not to distant future...
The IAEA was in charge.

International inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will not only be continuously monitoring every element of Iran's declared nuclear program, but they will also be verifying that no fissile material is covertly carted off to a secret location to build a bomb.
Yeah - with all sorts of secret side deals arranged with the pro-Arab U.N.

The very fact that Obama bypassed Congress and raced it up to to the antisemites speaks volumes. Do you know that Congress was so kept in the dark by King Obama that they learned some of the details thanks to Israeli intelligence?
Russia is actually winning - it's not close.

I expect a Sarin gas False Flag attack, too many bad people (Obama, Biden, Klaus) been caught red-handed either stealing Ukraine or putting 26 bioweapons labs there. We invaded Iraq over an imaginary "vial" After Fauxi Wuhan Covid Bioweapon it easy to see how the USA could get dirty with a bioweapon.

Putin is the only world leader standing up to the Globalists so they are beside themselves to destroy him. He's also smart enough to know - and target - his real enemies.

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