No! We Aren't Giving You Anything.

Right? Its just a pervert that creeps on teens. Go MURICA!
Creeps on teens? who?
After this election is over, and Moore has won (and he will win)... This thread, and those similar; will be endlessly fun to revisit. If only to laugh at the desperation exhibited by the left; and the overzealouness of those in a rush to virtue signal, run roughshod over their own ancestors, and in some cases... The very god they worship. Pure comedy!
For me its much simpler. This is just one more chance to slam the door in the faces of the left, and Denis them a seat at the table. Again. It really is just that simple.
It really is laughable to watch. First the Dems try and make up a BS story about Trump and Russian collusion only to place the Clinton's and the Obama hold overs on the Russian hot seat. Then the dems try a dirty last min trick on Moore with all of these women and it ends up hitting the libs big donors in the movie industry and taking out big libs in the senate and in the news media.
Got ta love it!

None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?
you have evidence Ray did that?
Republican regressives want to take society back hundreds of years ago. Awesome.
Maybe i can start beating my wife for burning the cornbread. Or stone the adulterer to death. Or start hanging ******* in the streets.
wow TN you converted. ahhhhhhh another loser. You are raging on a message board like someone violated you. what a shame. Oh well, I'll move on. BTW, you still got nothing of fact that you've been posting on this subject. It was history. It was forty years ago. So it is you willing to go back and relive the past. Not anyone else. we've all moved on. And see now our reps in congress are far many more times sexually harassing women. and no one cares. and you wish to discuss beating women. wow. dude, I feel sorry for you.
None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?
I didn't say those democrats were accused criminally but they have been touched by this back fire and will be out of the Senate shortly one way or the other. And it's Roy not Ray but that aside Moore has not been convicted of a crime, he has had an accusation made towards his behavior of over 40 years ago. I can't believe that you can't differentiate between the two. If Moore was a democrat I'm sure you would be able to.

Roy Moore has been accused of a criminal (and very sick offense). The only reason that he hasn't been charged is that it is beyond the statute of limitations.

The fact that he has not owned up to his actions (which most Democrats have) shows that he is still a SICK individual.

And don't hold you breathe waiting for Democrats to be removed from office...ain't gonna happen. They man'd up and apologized.
Right? Its just a pervert that creeps on teens. Go MURICA!
Creeps on teens? who?
After this election is over, and Moore has won (and he will win)... This thread, and those similar; will be endlessly fun to revisit. If only to laugh at the desperation exhibited by the left; and the overzealouness of those in a rush to virtue signal, run roughshod over their own ancestors, and in some cases... The very god they worship. Pure comedy!
For me its much simpler. This is just one more chance to slam the door in the faces of the left, and Denis them a seat at the table. Again. It really is just that simple.
It really is laughable to watch. First the Dems try and make up a BS story about Trump and Russian collusion only to place the Clinton's and the Obama hold overs on the Russian hot seat. Then the dems try a dirty last min trick on Moore with all of these women and it ends up hitting the libs big donors in the movie industry and taking out big libs in the senate and in the news media.
Got ta love it!

None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?
you have evidence Ray did that?

It's on record that Roy Moore was known to molest underage girls at the shopping mall.

Do you really need more than that?

Then your as sick as he.
Creeps on teens? who?
After this election is over, and Moore has won (and he will win)... This thread, and those similar; will be endlessly fun to revisit. If only to laugh at the desperation exhibited by the left; and the overzealouness of those in a rush to virtue signal, run roughshod over their own ancestors, and in some cases... The very god they worship. Pure comedy!
For me its much simpler. This is just one more chance to slam the door in the faces of the left, and Denis them a seat at the table. Again. It really is just that simple.
It really is laughable to watch. First the Dems try and make up a BS story about Trump and Russian collusion only to place the Clinton's and the Obama hold overs on the Russian hot seat. Then the dems try a dirty last min trick on Moore with all of these women and it ends up hitting the libs big donors in the movie industry and taking out big libs in the senate and in the news media.
Got ta love it!

None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?
you have evidence Ray did that?

It's on record that Roy Moore was known to molest underage girls at the shopping mall.

Do you really need more than that?

Then your as sick as he.
It's on no fking record. what a loser play.

And stop projecting it's unbecoming as a human.
None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?
I didn't say those democrats were accused criminally but they have been touched by this back fire and will be out of the Senate shortly one way or the other. And it's Roy not Ray but that aside Moore has not been convicted of a crime, he has had an accusation made towards his behavior of over 40 years ago. I can't believe that you can't differentiate between the two. If Moore was a democrat I'm sure you would be able to.

Roy Moore has been accused of a criminal (and very sick offense). The only reason that he hasn't been charged is that it is beyond the statute of limitations.

The fact that he has not owned up to his actions (which most Democrats have) shows that he is still a SICK individual.

And don't hold you breathe waiting for Democrats to be removed from office...ain't gonna happen. They man'd up and apologized.
well that really tells you something. The dems actually admit they did it. Roy said he didn't. now I suggest you prove it or shut the fk up.
Creeps on teens? who?
After this election is over, and Moore has won (and he will win)... This thread, and those similar; will be endlessly fun to revisit. If only to laugh at the desperation exhibited by the left; and the overzealouness of those in a rush to virtue signal, run roughshod over their own ancestors, and in some cases... The very god they worship. Pure comedy!
For me its much simpler. This is just one more chance to slam the door in the faces of the left, and Denis them a seat at the table. Again. It really is just that simple.
It really is laughable to watch. First the Dems try and make up a BS story about Trump and Russian collusion only to place the Clinton's and the Obama hold overs on the Russian hot seat. Then the dems try a dirty last min trick on Moore with all of these women and it ends up hitting the libs big donors in the movie industry and taking out big libs in the senate and in the news media.
Got ta love it!

None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?
you have evidence Ray did that?

It's on record that Roy Moore was known to molest underage girls at the shopping mall.

Do you really need more than that?

Then your as sick as he.
link to those records?
Right? Its just a pervert that creeps on teens. Go MURICA!
Creeps on teens? who?
After this election is over, and Moore has won (and he will win)... This thread, and those similar; will be endlessly fun to revisit. If only to laugh at the desperation exhibited by the left; and the overzealouness of those in a rush to virtue signal, run roughshod over their own ancestors, and in some cases... The very god they worship. Pure comedy!
For me its much simpler. This is just one more chance to slam the door in the faces of the left, and Denis them a seat at the table. Again. It really is just that simple.
It really is laughable to watch. First the Dems try and make up a BS story about Trump and Russian collusion only to place the Clinton's and the Obama hold overs on the Russian hot seat. Then the dems try a dirty last min trick on Moore with all of these women and it ends up hitting the libs big donors in the movie industry and taking out big libs in the senate and in the news media.
Got ta love it!

None of the Democrats have been accused of any criminal offense. They been accused of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Ray Moore's molesting a minor is a criminal offense. Not to mention it's the act of a very, very sick man. Just the fact that a shopping mall put out an alert warning against Ray Moore should be enough to bar him from election (and force him to seek medical help).

Do you understand that's a whole order of magnitude more serious than what the Dems have been accused of?

Grabbing a sleeping woman's breast isn't illegal now? Misappropriating tax money to pay off your misconduct isn't illegal?
Last edited:
So you’re supporting the child rapist, I take it? At 14 in Alabama, you’re basically an old maid.

Who did Roy Moore rape? Did I miss something?

Moore's alleged behavior is creepy enough without having to exaggerate or lie about it and doing so only gives those tards credibility that the accusations are a witch hunt to steal a Senate seat away. No reason to fuel their fire.

Agreed Bro, people have to stop with the hyperbole. I mean, it's good to bring up things that are going on, but it isn't good if you bring those things up and spin them to appear worse than they actually are.

Moore did a bad thing. He took a 14 year old girl back to his house, stripped both of them down to their underwear, and then he put her hand on his erection. She got uncomfortable and then was taken home.

No, Moore isn't a pedophile, because the girl in question was already going through puberty. Pedophiles are people who go after pre pubescent children.

Moore never raped anyone. Granted, he did some pretty creepy things that were fairly questionable, but he never forced anyone to have sex with him (that we know of).

No. Moore isn't a pedophile or a rapist. However, based on the testimony of that woman, he IS a child molester, because at the time, she was under the age of consent.

C'mon people...............cut the hyperbole and talk about what actually happened. It's a bad enough situation without spinning it to appear worse.
we don't always see eye to eye. in fact, it's pretty rare. but yes, i agree 100%. people take what happens and push it to max value and it's annoying as hell anymore.
So you’re supporting the child rapist, I take it? At 14 in Alabama, you’re basically an old maid.

Who did Roy Moore rape? Did I miss something?

Moore's alleged behavior is creepy enough without having to exaggerate or lie about it and doing so only gives those tards credibility that the accusations are a witch hunt to steal a Senate seat away. No reason to fuel their fire.
Groping a child is rape. Lessening it by saying it’s just “creepy” normalizes it.
calling it what it isn't confuses it. then you get to go change the definition of words or make up new ones to satisfy your hate.

far as i know there was no rape. your stated definition isn't it.
Roy Moore has been accused of a criminal (and very sick offense). The only reason that he hasn't been charged is that it is beyond the statute of limitations.

The fact that he has not owned up to his actions (which most Democrats have) shows that he is still a SICK individual.

And don't hold you breathe waiting for Democrats to be removed from office...ain't gonna happen. They man'd up and apologized.

See more synonyms on
charged with a crime, wrongdoing, fault, etc.:
the accused boy.
a person or persons charged in a court of law with a crime,offense, etc.
He was not Accused an accusation was made against him, big difference. Anyone can say anything but it doesn't make it true.
When you have the proof or when Moore admits to it then get back to us. Until then get over it.
It's on record that Roy Moore was known to molest underage girls at the shopping mall.

It is on record he would ogle over them. I have not read anything that he molested anybody at the mall. I may be wrong, I just don’t recall ever seeing that reported
It's on record that Roy Moore was known to molest underage girls at the shopping mall.

It is on record he would ogle over them. I have not read anything that he molested anybody at the mall. I may be wrong, I just don’t recall ever seeing that reported

Keep 'em honest Bro. Yes, while there are many accounts by various people who say that they were warned about Moore, and that mall security was told to keep an eye on him because of his unusual interest in teenage girls, there were never any accounts that he molested anyone at the mall itself.

You people on the left (not you Bro) need to quit imitating the right's hyperbole.

Lefties...............get it right................pedophiles go after children who have not yet reached puberty. Moore is not a pedophile because he liked to go after teens who were already going through puberty.

And, the definition of rape requires actual penetration, however slight, to be considered rape. Moore has never been accused of rape by any of those women, so no, Moore hasn't raped anyone (that we know of).

What Moore actually did was take a 14 year old girl back to his place, stripped both of them down to underwear, placed her hand on his erection, and then took her back when she said she was uncomfortable. There was no rape there, but because of her age, it is considered child molestation.

Moore is not a pedophile, he is not a rapist. Moore is a child molester. Please try to not mix up the terms like others have with communist, nazi, and socialist.

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