No Wonder Democrats Support Anti-Semitism

Why is this really silly thread in politics?
Because it attacks liberals

I guess...pretty lame attack. Not even sure where she's going with this one. Jews, who are mostly Democrats aka liberals, have higher marriage rates than other groups and this is supposed to be bad for liberals? I don't get it...

This must be why you've been left back so many time.

OK...OK....try again:

No Wonder Democrats Support Anti-Semitism

The marital behavior of Jewish people is an affront to Progressives.

1.Central to every totalitarian instinct is the desire, the need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. They claim it necessary in order to provide space for the Utopia they claim they can bring forth.

To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women. “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and all that.

And, sure enough, marriage, under Leftist indoctrination, has largely fallen by the wayside.

Except for Jewish folks.

You start your whole premise on a lie. Democrats don't support anti semitism. Thread fail on opening premise.

Looks like I put a cork in your pie-hole, huh?
When did this Hebrew God no longer approve of polygamy?

Did he offer to Marry Mary, after he knocked her up?
When did this Hebrew God no longer approve of polygamy?

Did he offer to Marry Mary, after he knocked her up?

I can see why you'd like to change the subject from....

No Wonder Democrats Support Anti-Semitism

The marital behavior of Jewish people is an affront to Progressives.

1.Central to every totalitarian instinct is the desire, the need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. They claim it necessary in order to provide space for the Utopia they claim they can bring forth.

To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women. “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and all that.

And, sure enough, marriage, under Leftist indoctrination, has largely fallen by the wayside.

Except for Jewish folks.

2. So saith a recent article in the magazine Tablet.
“Today, only about half of American adults are married, compared with nearly three-quarters in the 1960s. Young Americans are choosing to delay marriage into their late 20s and early 30s: half as many under-35s were married in 2018 as were married in 1978. At the same time, “gray divorce” is on the rise as baby boomers dissolve their marriages (although millennials look likely to reverse that trend).

3. Amid this turmoil, Jewish marriage rates have proved surprisingly resilient. Surveys reveal that Jews are among the most-married religious groups in the United States, outpacing Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants. (Those statistics combine both Jews married to other Jews and married to non-Jews.) What is more, while other groups have seen precipitous declines in marriage since the middle of the last decade, the share of Jews married has remained roughly constant—

4. What is behind this trend? The data point in several directions. Almost certainly, it is linked to Jews’ socioeconomic advantages. But at the same time, it appears that Jewish religious identity and communal bonds play a role.”
The Chuppah Advantage

5. Is there anything wrong with simply living together, or having children outside of marriage? Yup….there sure is.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats, seem to be aware of it. Perhaps David Mamet was onto something special here:

"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Could the Bible simply be a better guide for society than Das Kapital???

You could simply admit that, as always, the OP is spot on.
There is no way to separate the concept of marriage from the requirements of responsibility and obligation.
But the Left’s selling point is government as the agency that will take care of its citizens from cradle to grave… marriage is out-dated, obsolete, ….even a pejorative.

The treat the idea of work through the same prism.

7. “… there is the work ethic: if a child does not understand that accomplishment is based on performance, doom is nearby…”
The most succinct statement from the Liberal/Democrat perspective is that of former Massachusetts Attorney General Coakley: “ We try and discourage people from self help."

When Liberalism did away with personal responsibility…..the die was cast.

“The breakup of this 300-year-old consensus on the work ethic began with the cultural protests of the 1960s, which questioned and discarded many traditional American virtues.

By the 1960s, that modernist tendency had evolved into a credo of self-fulfillment in which “nothing is forbidden, all is to be explored,” Bell wrote. Out went the Protestant ethic’s prudence, thrift, temperance, self-discipline, and deferral of gratification. Weakened along with all these virtues that made up the American work ethic was Americans’ belief in the value of work itself. Along with “turning on” and “tuning in,” the sixties protesters also “dropped out.” As the editor of the 1973 American Work Ethic noted, “affluence, hedonism and radicalism” were turning many Americans away from work and the pursuit of career advancement…”
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic?

Why work at all, or save, or marry for that matter, if government promised to coddle you from cradle to grave????
How could the elimination of the work ethic not result in economic inequality???

The Green New Deal proves ‘economic security for those who don’t care to work.’

The marital behavior of Jewish people is an affront to Progressives.

1.Central to every totalitarian instinct is the desire, the need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. They claim it necessary in order to provide space for the Utopia they claim they can bring forth.

To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women. “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and all that.

And, sure enough, marriage, under Leftist indoctrination, has largely fallen by the wayside.

Except for Jewish folks.

2. So saith a recent article in the magazine Tablet.
“Today, only about half of American adults are married, compared with nearly three-quarters in the 1960s. Young Americans are choosing to delay marriage into their late 20s and early 30s: half as many under-35s were married in 2018 as were married in 1978. At the same time, “gray divorce” is on the rise as baby boomers dissolve their marriages (although millennials look likely to reverse that trend).

3. Amid this turmoil, Jewish marriage rates have proved surprisingly resilient. Surveys reveal that Jews are among the most-married religious groups in the United States, outpacing Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants. (Those statistics combine both Jews married to other Jews and married to non-Jews.) What is more, while other groups have seen precipitous declines in marriage since the middle of the last decade, the share of Jews married has remained roughly constant—

4. What is behind this trend? The data point in several directions. Almost certainly, it is linked to Jews’ socioeconomic advantages. But at the same time, it appears that Jewish religious identity and communal bonds play a role.”
The Chuppah Advantage

5. Is there anything wrong with simply living together, or having children outside of marriage? Yup….there sure is.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats, seem to be aware of it. Perhaps David Mamet was onto something special here:

"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Could the Bible simply be a better guide for society than Das Kapital???
Ironic that the GOP selected such a non-traditional candidate for President in 2016.

This could have been the GOP platform:
1. We need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. It is necessary in order to provide space for the Conservative Utopia we can bring forth.​
I can see why you'd like to change the subject from....

Was polygamy allowed by Hebrews?

Why did it change? Could it be that the concept of marriage has been fluid throughout mankind's history?

OK....last chance to respond to the post that brought you slithering in....

I can see why you'd like to change the subject from....

No Wonder Democrats Support Anti-Semitism

The marital behavior of Jewish people is an affront to Progressives.

1.Central to every totalitarian instinct is the desire, the need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. They claim it necessary in order to provide space for the Utopia they claim they can bring forth.

To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women. “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and all that.

And, sure enough, marriage, under Leftist indoctrination, has largely fallen by the wayside.

Except for Jewish folks.

2. So saith a recent article in the magazine Tablet.
“Today, only about half of American adults are married, compared with nearly three-quarters in the 1960s. Young Americans are choosing to delay marriage into their late 20s and early 30s: half as many under-35s were married in 2018 as were married in 1978. At the same time, “gray divorce” is on the rise as baby boomers dissolve their marriages (although millennials look likely to reverse that trend).

3. Amid this turmoil, Jewish marriage rates have proved surprisingly resilient. Surveys reveal that Jews are among the most-married religious groups in the United States, outpacing Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants. (Those statistics combine both Jews married to other Jews and married to non-Jews.) What is more, while other groups have seen precipitous declines in marriage since the middle of the last decade, the share of Jews married has remained roughly constant—

4. What is behind this trend? The data point in several directions. Almost certainly, it is linked to Jews’ socioeconomic advantages. But at the same time, it appears that Jewish religious identity and communal bonds play a role.”
The Chuppah Advantage

5. Is there anything wrong with simply living together, or having children outside of marriage? Yup….there sure is.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats, seem to be aware of it. Perhaps David Mamet was onto something special here:

"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Could the Bible simply be a better guide for society than Das Kapital???

You could simply admit that, as always, the OP is spot on.
The marital behavior of Jewish people is an affront to Progressives.

1.Central to every totalitarian instinct is the desire, the need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. They claim it necessary in order to provide space for the Utopia they claim they can bring forth.

To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women. “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and all that.

And, sure enough, marriage, under Leftist indoctrination, has largely fallen by the wayside.

Except for Jewish folks.

2. So saith a recent article in the magazine Tablet.
“Today, only about half of American adults are married, compared with nearly three-quarters in the 1960s. Young Americans are choosing to delay marriage into their late 20s and early 30s: half as many under-35s were married in 2018 as were married in 1978. At the same time, “gray divorce” is on the rise as baby boomers dissolve their marriages (although millennials look likely to reverse that trend).

3. Amid this turmoil, Jewish marriage rates have proved surprisingly resilient. Surveys reveal that Jews are among the most-married religious groups in the United States, outpacing Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants. (Those statistics combine both Jews married to other Jews and married to non-Jews.) What is more, while other groups have seen precipitous declines in marriage since the middle of the last decade, the share of Jews married has remained roughly constant—

4. What is behind this trend? The data point in several directions. Almost certainly, it is linked to Jews’ socioeconomic advantages. But at the same time, it appears that Jewish religious identity and communal bonds play a role.”
The Chuppah Advantage

5. Is there anything wrong with simply living together, or having children outside of marriage? Yup….there sure is.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats, seem to be aware of it. Perhaps David Mamet was onto something special here:

"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Could the Bible simply be a better guide for society than Das Kapital???
Ironic that the GOP selected such a non-traditional candidate for President in 2016.

This could have been the GOP platform:
1. We need, to destroy all tradition, history and value systems. It is necessary in order to provide space for the Conservative Utopia we can bring forth.​

Anything you can differ with in the OP???


Wander off.
8. In his best-seller, “Coming Apart,” Charles Murray makes an important point about upper-class values, which may explain one reason why some folks are upper-class.

"One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental. As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class."
Charles Murray

a. Low class morality:
“For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage”
For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage

b. What the elites do:
“One group still largely resists the trend: college graduates, who overwhelmingly marry before having children. That is turning family structure into a new class divide, …”

Only 4% of college graduates have illegitimate children, and only 16% of college graduates get divorced, compared to 46% of high school dropouts, who marry in smaller numbers to begin with.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future Of Marriage In America; “The Frayed Knot – Marriage in America”, The Economist, May 26, 2007

Murray uses a phrase that incorporates the wisdom of traditional morality, the very opposite of Democrat/Leftist values:
"The elites must preach what they practice."

That means not only epitomize traditional morality in their own behaviors....but have the courage to criticize the aberrant behaviors that are the cause of poverty and crime. judgmental.

Jewish folks voting Democrat is certainly an enigma.
To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats
I think your logic is twisted.
A (Leftists) = B (anti-marriage)
C (Jews) = D (pro-marriage)
If C = A, B must equal D

Are you still looking for any errors in my posts?
(This is how to keep an idiot in suspense.)
To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats
I think your logic is twisted.
A (Leftists) = B (anti-marriage)
C (Jews) = D (pro-marriage)
If C = A, B must equal D
Are you still looking for any errors in my posts?
(This is how to keep an idiot in suspense.)
You mean apart from the twisted logic your post is based on?

(I won't keep you in suspense, I stopped looking for errors since the fundamental premise is flawed.)
To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats
I think your logic is twisted.
A (Leftists) = B (anti-marriage)
C (Jews) = D (pro-marriage)
If C = A, B must equal D
Are you still looking for any errors in my posts?
(This is how to keep an idiot in suspense.)
You mean apart from the twisted logic your post is based on?

(I won't keep you in suspense, I stopped looking for errors since the fundamental premise is flawed.)

"....I stopped looking for errors...."

Testimony from a hostile witness agreeing that I am never wrong.

Witness is dismissed.
To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats
I think your logic is twisted.
A (Leftists) = B (anti-marriage)
C (Jews) = D (pro-marriage)
If C = A, B must equal D
Are you still looking for any errors in my posts?
(This is how to keep an idiot in suspense.)
You mean apart from the twisted logic your post is based on?

(I won't keep you in suspense, I stopped looking for errors since the fundamental premise is flawed.)

"....I stopped looking for errors...."

Testimony from a hostile witness agreeing that I am never wrong.

Witness is dismissed.
Jeremiah 5:21
‘Hear this now, O foolish people,
Without an understanding,
Who have eyes and see not,
And who have ears and hear not
To the Leftists, marriage is either obsolete, or oppression of women.

And Jewish folks seem, while being Liberals/Democrats
I think your logic is twisted.
A (Leftists) = B (anti-marriage)
C (Jews) = D (pro-marriage)
If C = A, B must equal D
Are you still looking for any errors in my posts?
(This is how to keep an idiot in suspense.)
You mean apart from the twisted logic your post is based on?

(I won't keep you in suspense, I stopped looking for errors since the fundamental premise is flawed.)

"....I stopped looking for errors...."

Testimony from a hostile witness agreeing that I am never wrong.

Witness is dismissed.
Jeremiah 5:21
‘Hear this now, O foolish people,
Without an understanding,
Who have eyes and see not,
And who have ears and hear not

Ecclesiastes 10:2The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

Still can't find any mistakes???

Don't give up....keep looking.
For Democrats/Liberals/Leftists, having no values, no responsibility to others, building a structure for your own and your family's simply passé.
But Jews follow older traditions, they marry and stay conundrum why the Democrat Party is anti-Semitic.
The conundrum is why so many Jewish people still support the Democrats.

9. “Roughly 2% of the U.S. population is Jewish, or about 6.5 million people.

The Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life has done the most comprehensive recent work, namely in its 2007 and 2014 Religious Landscape Studies and in its 2013 Portrait of Jewish Americans.

Data from the 2014 study indicates that Jewish respondents were the third-most-likely to be married, among the major religions surveyed. Roughly 55% of the Jewish population was married, outpaced only by Mormons ( about 65%) and practicing Hindus (about 59%). ….Jews are marrying at a higher rate than self-identified Muslims, Protestants, and Catholics.

The second, perhaps bigger, surprise comes when looking at trends over time. According to the Census Bureau, the married share of the over-15 population fell by roughly 2.6 percentage points between 2007 and 2014. Unsurprisingly, every religious group saw at least some decline between those two years.

The group that saw the smallest drop, however, was Jews.”
The Chuppah Advantage
10. In order to nudge the populace away from tradition and morality, the Left’s media allies suggest that marriage is doomed, as half of all marriages end in divorce.

This represents the usual method of the Left: lies.

“Fifty percent of American marriages are not ending in divorce. It's fiction. A myth. A tragically discouraging urban legend.

If there's no credible evidence that half of American marriages will end up in divorce court, where did that belief originate?
Demographers say there was increased focus on divorce rates during the 1970s when the number of divorces rose, partly as a result of no-fault divorce. Divorces peaked in 1979 and articles started appearing that claimed 50 percent of American marriages were ending in divorce.

A spokesperson for the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics told me that the rumor appears to have originated from a misreading of the facts. It was true, he said, if you looked at all the marriages and divorces within a single year, you'd find that there were twice as many marriages as divorces. In 1981, for example, there were 2.4 million marriages and 1.2 million divorces. At first glance, that would seem like a 50-percent divorce rate.

Virtually none of those divorces were among the people who had married during that year, however, and the statistic failed to take into account the 54 million marriages that already existed, the majority of which would not see divorce.

So what is the divorce picture in America? Surprisingly, it's not easy to get precise figures because some states don't report divorces to the National Center for Health Statistics, including one of the largest: California.

In his book Inside America in 1984, pollster Louis Harris said that only about 11 or 12 percent of people who had ever been married had ever been divorced. Researcher George Barna's most recent survey of Americans in 2001 estimates that 34 percent of those who have ever been married have ever been divorced.

One of the latest reports about divorce was released this year by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). It is based on a 1995 federal study of nearly 11,000 women ages 15-44. It predicted that one-third of new marriages among younger people will end in divorce within 10 years and 43 percent within 15 years.”
11. Sooo….which comes first, doing well, or living well.

Is there a basis for suggesting that Jews do well, in part, because they continue to behave in accord with tradition, with respect to marriage?

The Tablet continues:

“Socioeconomically speaking, American Jews are doing well. Jews are financially better off than most other demographic groups in the U.S., with one-quarter reporting that they make more than $150,000 annually, compared with 8% of the general population. In its 2013 “portrait,” Pew found that nearly 6-in-10 Jews graduated college, and nearly 3-in-10 have an advanced degree, respectively two and three times the general population rate. The only religious group with higher educational attainment, Hindus, also happen to be one of the only two groups along with Mormons marrying at a higher rate than Jews.

In many people’s minds, marriage and religion go hand in hand. The data bear that out, showing that individuals who attend religious services more often are also more likely to be married. Part of this is because religious people marry at younger ages; part of it is because religious norms often encourage marriage. Religious marriages may be stronger, too: More-religious relationships predict greater marital happiness worldwide.

…religious identification is both predictive and protective of marriage. That might be because religious observance promotes marriage and discourages divorce, or because even non-Orthodox Jews feel a halakhic pressure to marry.

“It’s a mitzvah, a divine expectation, and it’s considered to be the appropriate state of being for an adult.” The Chuppah Advantage

“…Jews at all levels of religious observance have stronger attachments to marrying than the general population but there’s also a direct correlation between a person’s religiosity and the strength of that bond.”

But marriage....and religion in looked down on by Progressive/Democrats/Communists.....

No wonder Leftists/Democrats hate Jews.

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