No Wonder The "christians" Are So Full Of Bitter Hate

Man, I should start a website and smoke past these people.
Promote the real message and solutions everyone contributes to,
and not just nitpick and project blame on others.

It's not about taking sides and condemning by blaming another group.
It's about solving problems everywhere, including all groups and healing
all relations by resolving all conflicts.

I guess my faith is on a higher level than these people who don't
get that everyone is part of the process, and you cannot just cut
people out thinking that's going to solve the problem. There are no shortcuts.

We all have to work together to make sure everyone passes and graduates successfully,
not just trying to vote people off the island! OMG so sad that people don't get it.

Wow. Just wow.

The mission statement from Christwire:


Dear friends, we are living in cruel days. Evil hours. Yes, these are certainly dark times and it’s time for the moral majority to once again step forward to bring freedom and liberty to the world.

Our culture was built on the guiding principles of conservatism and Christianity, from which all morality is born. As such American heritage was meant to be passed on from generation to generation, ensuring that our principles…our values…were never compromised.

But alas, the Left Wing Conspiracy and Liberal Agenda is spreading like a plague not only through our fine society, but through lesser cultures as well. Their sinful antics and attempt to pass off their wanton carnal desires into mainstream culture is destroying society and mankind.

That’s where we come in. Together, in this community, you and your Moral Leaders will combat the evil liberals of this world and once again ensure that a bit of freedom and righteousness once again permeates every country, and let those who don’t abide by our teachings know the eternal pit of hellfire shall be awaiting!


Jack Gould
Youth Pastor/Motivational Speaker
Langley CC
Mission - ChristWire
Love how Christians bash idolatry ignoring their own wearing crosses and kneeling before crosses in church. :)
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

hmmm yes you can find lots of hate on websites isnt that interesting. when i was a kid i grew up going to a few churches, funny, i never once heard anyone preachng the politics of religion, i just remember being brainwashed by the hateful songs like Jesus loves the little children... red, yellow, black and white we are precious in his sight... you know that kind of crap, that made me believe we were all kind of the same. I guess that must be pretty rare. Im sure your websites much more represent the norm. And I see you provide a great service by adding a balance with all the muslim bashing going on. congratulations
Curious that nobody on the right has called the site extremist bullshit,

oh boy, so now they can post off any idiot website and we are now REQUIRED to condemn it.

just wow
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. :)

Because the Nazis were homosexuals, and we don't want the Nazis coming back around now, do we? Oh, and those two million people of color with AIDS, well they wouldn't have AIDS if it weren't for a bunch of self-indulgent, white privileged, irresponsible, homosexual males, would they?

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Far be it from Hitler to use Christianity to inflame the passions of the German people against the real devil that haunted his every cell.

Hitler was so drugged up it's hard to really say much about what he was other than incorrent.
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. :)

Because the Nazis were homosexuals, and we don't want the Nazis coming back around now, do we? Oh, and those two million people of color with AIDS, well they wouldn't have AIDS if it weren't for a bunch of self-indulgent, white privileged, irresponsible, homosexual males, would they?

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Far be it from Hitler to use Christianity to inflame the passions of the German people against the real devil that haunted his every cell.

Hitler was so drugged up it's hard to really say much about what he was other than incorrent.

He got on medication injections in 1936. Those were mainly vitamin shots. It was only late in the war, in 1944 that his physician, Theodor Morell, started including amphetamines and other concoctions into Hitler's daily injection. His entire life before that he was a strict vegetarian who shunned any form of pharmaceutical or alcohol ingestion.
Curious that nobody on the right has called the site extremist bullshit,

oh boy, so now they can post off any idiot website and we are now REQUIRED to condemn it.

just wow

If you had linked to my post, everyone could click back and see the context of what I said before you edited it, but that would have blown holes in your comment just as easily as had you simply quoted it.

Too smooth, Steph. Too smooth. :rolleyes:

For the convenience of our dear readers:
No Wonder The "christians" Are So Full Of Bitter Hate
Curious that nobody on the right has called the site extremist bullshit,

oh boy, so now they can post off any idiot website and we are now REQUIRED to condemn it.

just wow

Nope. You can embrace this insanity just like you did that load of crap about using dildos to teach kids.

@Stephanie you're one of the most stupid people I've ever seen. You seem to be utterly unable to actually form a coherent thought. I'd say this site is perfect for you to wallow around in cuz that's the way you roll.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
“In the case of such a blasphemy, staunch conservatives must remember that most, if not all, of the infected will be liberals and poor people.”


'The Evil Poor.'

The only reason evil can continue
is where rich and poor "BLAME each other" instead of forgiving mutual problems we share in common.

How are the rich or the poor
more or less to blame for ill will dividing us this way?

Same with left and right.

Same with theist and nontheist, religious and secular.

As Dr. King said
Men often hate each other because they fear each other;
they fear each other because they don't know each other;
they don't know each other because they can not communicate;
they can not communicate because they are separated.

CCJones: if you keep SEPARATING yourself from others
as rich vs. poor, or left vs. right, you will always see racism .
Because you will be carrying the fear with you and projecting it
onto whatever you do, say or perceive in relations with others doing the same.

It is mutual and can only reach an end when all people agree to drop their colors
and stop this gang bullying and blaming back and forth.

We are in the same boat together, we can either row in the same direction
or fight and stay stuck in the middle of the ocean, both claiming the other team is not in sync with us.
We are not in sync with them either. It's a mutual process, we can't win until we agree to work together!

If you honor the legacy of Dr. King, then take the challenge
to drop your colors, your defenses and projections onto others,
and you will see they will learn to drop the projections back on you.

We are all in this together, and will come to the same realization,
as the oneness of humanity that all religions and spiritual leaders have attested to.

Thanks CCJ! More power and courage and respectful humility to you
to do what is right that you may inspire others by your words and example.
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

Did you know that the Democratic state of California just passed a law, signed by the Democratic governor, that forces colleges to spy on students in their bedrooms? Want to explain how that is the fault of radical right wing Christian Republicans?
Wow. Just wow.

The mission statement from Christwire:


Dear friends, we are living in cruel days. Evil hours. Yes, these are certainly dark times and it’s time for the moral majority to once again step forward to bring freedom and liberty to the world.

Our culture was built on the guiding principles of conservatism and Christianity, from which all morality is born. As such American heritage was meant to be passed on from generation to generation, ensuring that our principles…our values…were never compromised.

But alas, the Left Wing Conspiracy and Liberal Agenda is spreading like a plague not only through our fine society, but through lesser cultures as well. Their sinful antics and attempt to pass off their wanton carnal desires into mainstream culture is destroying society and mankind.

That’s where we come in. Together, in this community, you and your Moral Leaders will combat the evil liberals of this world and once again ensure that a bit of freedom and righteousness once again permeates every country, and let those who don’t abide by our teachings know the eternal pit of hellfire shall be awaiting!


Jack Gould
Youth Pastor/Motivational Speaker
Langley CC
Mission - ChristWire

Think of all the aborted that will never have the opportunity to read what you just posted.............
I know you guys are trying to paint Christians as radical and insane. Doesn't it bother you that you need to take extreme examples to make your points and pretend it applies to all Christians?

I don't care about the website. They don't speak for me. I can speak for myself.

it seems like you just want to stir up hate towards us. But you know what? I love you guys. Even if you don't care I love you. Because it's the right.
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

Did you know that the Democratic state of California just passed a law, signed by the Democratic governor, that forces colleges to spy on students in their bedrooms? Want to explain how that is the fault of radical right wing Christian Republicans?

If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Just like if Conservatives want civil liberties and "freedom of choice" in health care,
they want "people to die" from lack of insurance coverage.

While Liberals who want reproductive freedom of choice, want babies to die of abortion.
No wait, they want FREEDOM from govt making that decision for them, sorry.

It's only Conservatives who want "people to die" by opposing federal regulations on guns or insurance mandates.
For Liberals, it's called "prochoice" but nobody else is allowed to defend their freedom from govt controls, only them.

Got it!
I think? Right?
Sorry, for a minute I thought it almost made sense there. Darn!
Think of all the aborted that will never have the opportunity to read what you just posted.............

.... and compare that to the number people with perfect ability to read
who will not be able to see that the same complaints they make of others
also apply to them when they come across the same way!

Can we not see that people of BOTH groups project accusations
from opposites sides of the spectrum? And to each, the other side
appears to push a selfish agenda with no concern of the effects or interest of the others.
and they BOTH believe they are doing what is right, regardless of the wrongs of the others.

Both doing that at the same time.

People can read the same stories in the news, and not see the big picture, only their side of it.
And that's of the people who ARE able to read and comprehend!

How sad is that????
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

Did you know that the Democratic state of California just passed a law, signed by the Democratic governor, that forces colleges to spy on students in their bedrooms? Want to explain how that is the fault of radical right wing Christian Republicans?

If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Just like if Conservatives want civil liberties and "freedom of choice" in health care,
they want "people to die" from lack of insurance coverage.

While Liberals who want reproductive freedom of choice, want babies to die of abortion.
No wait, they want FREEDOM from govt making that decision for them, sorry.

It's only Conservatives who want "people to die" by opposing federal regulations on guns or insurance mandates.
For Liberals, it's called "prochoice" but nobody else is allowed to defend their freedom from govt controls, only them.

Got it!
I think? Right?
Sorry, for a minute I thought it almost made sense there. Darn!

Just let me see if I have this straight, Emily.

According to you a woman making a difficult personal decision to end a pregnancy because the fetus won't survive long after birth is absolutely identical to gunning down in cold blood an inebriated young girl who knocks on your door because her car broke down in the middle of the night?

Is that what you were trying to say there?
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

And yet, not one of them beheaded a woman because she wouldn't convert to their religion. Interesting.
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

Did you know that the Democratic state of California just passed a law, signed by the Democratic governor, that forces colleges to spy on students in their bedrooms? Want to explain how that is the fault of radical right wing Christian Republicans?

If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Just like if Conservatives want civil liberties and "freedom of choice" in health care,
they want "people to die" from lack of insurance coverage.

While Liberals who want reproductive freedom of choice, want babies to die of abortion.
No wait, they want FREEDOM from govt making that decision for them, sorry.

It's only Conservatives who want "people to die" by opposing federal regulations on guns or insurance mandates.
For Liberals, it's called "prochoice" but nobody else is allowed to defend their freedom from govt controls, only them.

Got it!
I think? Right?
Sorry, for a minute I thought it almost made sense there. Darn!

Just let me see if I have this straight, Emily.

According to you a woman making a difficult personal decision to end a pregnancy because the fetus won't survive long after birth is absolutely identical to gunning down in cold blood an inebriated young girl who knocks on your door because her car broke down in the middle of the night?

Is that what you were trying to say there?


No I'm saying the common issue is people only want Govt policing the criminal abuses,
not criminalizing law abiding citizens.

A. With gun laws, it is NOT the same to treat law abiding citizens who want to use arms to DEFEND the laws,
similar to police, the same way the govt would treat criminals who would abuse those weapons for crime.
These are NOT the same.

B. With abortion laws,
1. aborting a pregnancy AFTER the soul has already entered the body is NOT the same as terminating a pregnancy
BEFORE the soul of the child enters the body. Since this is an intangible spiritual process, Govt cannot legislate on it without violating religious freedom. So any decision made is going to involve personal beliefs, so that is why the prochoice arguments trump any attempt to pass laws without consent of the public since religious and spiritual views are involved.

2. it is NOT the same to penalize a rape victim for having an abortion
and not hold the rapist accountable for forcing both the sex, pregnancy and abortion on her. This is not equal protection under the law but discriminates against women by penalizing and holding the female partner more legally responsible than the male equally responsible for the unwanted pregnancy. So again, prochoice arguments will prevail over legislation that keeps attempting to police AFTER the pregnancy already occurs which is going to affect women more than men.

If you want to prevent abortion, BOTH partners are equally responsible for the sex, if not the man more in case of coercion!
Opposition to govt laws EITHER legalizing or criminalizing the woman's response to consequences that are both people's responsibility to prevent is NOT the same as opposing abortion which can be prevented WITHOUT overreaching govt to try to intervene AFTER the pregnancy AFTER that decision to have sex has already been made.

So these are NOT the same to treat women as criminals.

So if the cases in A are not the same.
And the cases in B are not the same.
Certainly any cases in A are not the same as B.

the common factor is not passing govt legislation that criminalizes the wrong people when we could focus more effectively on solving the real causes of gun violence and abortions by preventing crime and abuse in the first place, instead of arguing over symptoms of the problems and going in circles back and forth.
Delta, you bypassed all the normal Christian websites and went straight to the weirdest, which is probably a satire and you're too dumb to realize it.

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