No Wonder The "christians" Are So Full Of Bitter Hate

Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

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Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

Did you know that the Democratic state of California just passed a law, signed by the Democratic governor, that forces colleges to spy on students in their bedrooms? Want to explain how that is the fault of radical right wing Christian Republicans?

If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Just like if Conservatives want civil liberties and "freedom of choice" in health care,
they want "people to die" from lack of insurance coverage.

While Liberals who want reproductive freedom of choice, want babies to die of abortion.
No wait, they want FREEDOM from govt making that decision for them, sorry.

It's only Conservatives who want "people to die" by opposing federal regulations on guns or insurance mandates.
For Liberals, it's called "prochoice" but nobody else is allowed to defend their freedom from govt controls, only them.

Got it!
I think? Right?
Sorry, for a minute I thought it almost made sense there. Darn!

Of course they are hypocrites, but at least there is some sort of goal to aspire to. Do you know how many are hypocrites ? do all christians film people in their bedrooms? probably not. If you keep lowering the moral Bar so to speak, people will always tend to push it lower and lower, its human nature I think. well this is just a generalization of course, there are always just good and bad people by nature.
I know you guys are trying to paint Christians as radical and insane. Doesn't it bother you that you need to take extreme examples to make your points and pretend it applies to all Christians?

I don't care about the website. They don't speak for me. I can speak for myself.

it seems like you just want to stir up hate towards us. But you know what? I love you guys. Even if you don't care I love you. Because it's the right.

Care to point out where anyone said that this site "applies to all christians"?

Lying doesn't help your cause.

If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Its their private business. Its when they try to control what others do in the privacy of their own bedrooms that it becomes hypocrisy.

I'm sorry but I just can't wade through your convoluted and verbose posts but this line caught my eye.
dont have to lie. Your posts are clear. But as I said you are still loved
dont have to lie. Your posts are clear. But as I said you are still loved

I have always been very clear that I consider real Christians to be completely different from the bible thumping, holier than thou screech and preach hate posting crap we see here. To say anything different is a lie and you know it.

Lying is anything BUT "love". And you know that too.
which doesn't stop you from attacking Christians.

maybe you should stop being so bitter and full of hate toward Christians.
Hi Luddly
I know you guys are trying to paint Christians as radical and insane. Doesn't it bother you that you need to take extreme examples to make your points and pretend it applies to all Christians?

I don't care about the website. They don't speak for me. I can speak for myself.

it seems like you just want to stir up hate towards us. But you know what? I love you guys. Even if you don't care I love you. Because it's the right.

Care to point out where anyone said that this site "applies to all christians"?

Lying doesn't help your cause.

Even if it doesn't mean painting all christians in that light,
be honest:
the people AGAINST the religious right carry that bias and project it first.
And do not go around defending the people in that group who are doing right, or who are correcting their own.

When they gripe, they blame this "entity or identity" COLLECTIVELY.

And SAME when the theists go after atheists or right attacks the left:
* FORGET about microlending and all the solutions from the left that DON'T enable handouts.
* FORGET about the nontheists that AREN'T against God, Christ or the Bible
And just attack the negative IMAGE seen as the 'majority'
that magically "represents' that group.

Luddly the point is the same: It IS about projecting MORE BLAME on someone else OUTSIDE.
No, it doesn't have to be ALL Christians to create a convenient scapegoat, as long as that label isn't you.

And I'm not just picking on you or Atheists, because of COURSE the
rightwing does this to label and project blame on the left, using ANY person, group or instance they can find
to use as a target example. It doesn't have to be ALL atheists, or ALL liberals, just ONE they can bully to make the point.

Luddly do you at least agree that people on BOTH sides of any divide
(either political, religious, class, gender, whatever the topic or angle may be)
can pick ONE person or ONE fault and project blame on that to make a statement
putting MORE responsibility for correction and change on someone or something outside themselves!

Do you agree both sides are doing this?

LN said:
EN said:
If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Its their private business. Its when they try to control what others do in the privacy of their own bedrooms that it becomes hypocrisy.

I'm sorry but I just can't wade through your convoluted and verbose posts but this line caught my eye.

Yes, I agree. That is what I'm saying!
That's why both groups blame the other for hypocrisy and for denying it,
because they are both right.

And thanks for taking the effort to edit through and reply.
I tried to point this out to Jake Starkey how it takes just as much effort on
both sides to hear each other out; change is not a onesided process but mutual.

So thanks for pushing that process forward which will get easier as we go.
dont have to lie. Your posts are clear. But as I said you are still loved

I have always been very clear that I consider real Christians to be completely different from the bible thumping, holier than thou screech and preach hate posting crap we see here. To say anything different is a lie and you know it.

Lying is anything BUT "love". And you know that too.

Hi Luddly Neddite: I missed your posts on that because most of the threads end up going someplace else, not there.

Can you start a thread with either links or just your thoughts and experiences with real Christians?

I have also been accused of being biased too far conservative,
when I push for political inclusion and environmental restoration as a prochoice progressive Green Democrat.

So maybe we need a thread where people can show that just because most posts and convo's
go so far in one direction that we end up defending the other, DOESN'T mean we don't
support the points and sides we hardly ever TALK about BECAUSE IT ISN'T THE PROBLEM.

We kind of take that for granted, what works, so people only see when we gripe about the negatives.
They don't always see the positives we support.

If you can please post links, maybe we need one reference thread so if this comes up again,
we can link to that and show all the messages where we aren't against the right solutions but actually recognize
and promote them. If you also list the positive environmental and wildlife causes that I also want to support, that would also
be a good reference.

So we can continue arguing on the majority of threads that tend toward that direction, but have at least one
reference thread for positive msgs, links and projects we support that people wouldn't see or know we support otherwise!
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire

Did you know that the Democratic state of California just passed a law, signed by the Democratic governor, that forces colleges to spy on students in their bedrooms? Want to explain how that is the fault of radical right wing Christian Republicans?

If Conservative Christians film people in their bedrooms, that's porn and they're hypocrites.

Just like if Conservatives want civil liberties and "freedom of choice" in health care,
they want "people to die" from lack of insurance coverage.

While Liberals who want reproductive freedom of choice, want babies to die of abortion.
No wait, they want FREEDOM from govt making that decision for them, sorry.

It's only Conservatives who want "people to die" by opposing federal regulations on guns or insurance mandates.
For Liberals, it's called "prochoice" but nobody else is allowed to defend their freedom from govt controls, only them.

Got it!
I think? Right?
Sorry, for a minute I thought it almost made sense there. Darn!

Of course they are hypocrites, but at least there is some sort of goal to aspire to. Do you know how many are hypocrites ? do all christians film people in their bedrooms? probably not. If you keep lowering the moral Bar so to speak, people will always tend to push it lower and lower, its human nature I think. well this is just a generalization of course, there are always just good and bad people by nature.

Hi Yarddog: The people fighting from the left side approach ALSO have inspiring goals and intentions.
The problem is they don't trust the motives of the other, but paint each other in negative light.

If we stuck to the goals, we'd see what we have in common and can achieve it more effectively.
1. if people for or against global warming focus on buying out land for environmental conservation and wildlife restoration,
and cleaning up oceans, pollution, etc. then OF COURSE the focus would be on PREVENTING
pollution to reduce the cost of cleaning it up. So why not focus there instead of arguing over GW?

2. if more prochoice and prolife activists team up to stop trafficking, rape, and other abuses
we'd probably end that scourge within this lifetime, replacing sweatshops and sex slavery
with restitution for organized crime to convert facilities into schools, clinics and daycare jobs to
help impoverished communities out of exploitation, by setting up sustainable education, health services and jobs.

3. if more people on both sides of the creation/evolution or other religious/scientific debates
focused on medical research to prove how spiritual healing works naturally,
we could reform the medical, mental health and prison systems by focusing on
early diagnosis and treatment of physical, mental and criminal illness and end the arguments on how to fund health care.

4. if people for or against this or that policy on legalization, decriminalization, immigration, etc.
pushed govt leaders and candidates to build facilities and military complexes along the border to address the
problems with drugs and human trafficking, we could solve several problems at once
instead of fighting politically over each of them individually. Earned Amnesty

We could argue day and night who is the bigger hypocrite,
but that doesn't solve any of the problems.

Why not resolve them directly, and take the best approaches each person group or party brings to the table.
Why not bring the best out of people, and make things right. Wouldn't that help more people and
achieve more good with given resources? Instead of pointing out worst faults trying to make each other wrong.
how far is that going to get us in terms of progress and development on sustainable solutions?
which doesn't stop you from attacking Christians.

maybe you should stop being so bitter and full of hate toward Christians.

And you answer with more lies.

I've said it before - I don't hate real Christians and believe they do some very real and very good works. But they would be good decent people without their belief in a god.

I do hate the fakes and frauds - the bible thumpers, as I've said before. The evangelical froot loops and other "christians" who SAY they love their god but who preach hate.

I hate the door knockers but as long as I can just shut the door in their faces, I don't much care about them either. I have what I would call an evangelical froot loop working for me and as long as she keeps it to herself, it means nothing to me.

I have always thought it interesting that you are so threatened by those who hate the hypocrisy of cults and frauds.
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which doesn't stop you from attacking Christians.

maybe you should stop being so bitter and full of hate toward Christians.

And you answer with more lies.

I've said it before - I don't hate real Christians and believe they do some very real and very good works. But they would be good decent people without their belief in a god.

I do hate the fakes and frauds - the bible thumpers, as I've said before. The evangelical froot loops and other "christians" who SAY they love their god but who preach hate.

I hate the door knockers but as long as I can just shut the door in their faces, I don't much care about them either. I have what I would call an evangelical froot loop working for me and as long as she keeps it to herself, it means nothing to me.

I have always thought it interesting that you so threatened by those who hate the hypocrisy of cults and frauds.

Actually, based on your posts, I can pretty accurately state that you hate anyone who doesn't agree with you. Your hatred is fired at anyone with a contrary view to yours, and does far more harm to your argument than anything else you do.

You ARE a hate filled person.
you just hate the ones that follow the bible.

No, I think he feels threatened by
A. the hypocrites who contradict the spirit of Christianity by preaching unforgiving judgment, punishment, rejection
and retribution. Even Christians I know hate those type of hypocrites who do far more damage that way.
Nobody I know likes this, even other Christians who like SOME of these preachers will condemn another the same way.
The only thing missing is people keep blaming OTHER people or groups for being the worse hypocrite,
and won't admit equal fault themselves; thus they get equally attacked by others claiming the same of them!
Both sides of any conflict can do this, and both deny it;
the people who admit their equal responsibility for fixing what is wrong
are too busy doing the work, not shouting on street corners condemning the person on the opposite corner doing the same.

B. people who sincerely push to change and correct the problems
which involve him having to change also
to recognize there is no conflict that can't be resolved.
That threatens his ability to keep complaining about such people without doing half the work to fix the problem.
so anyone who pushes for mutual corrections is also a threat.

Most people fear a version of one of these:
1. fear of the unknown
2. fear of change or control by an outside, collective or opposing influence or authority
3. fear of conflict and confrontation

I think the general fear of
A. hypocrites leading people in a wrongful or abusive direction
coincides with Fear #2.
B. sincere people actually changing things,
coincides with Fear #3.

What people find comfortable is aligning with others complaining about the same group,
even though that doesn't solve the problem.

B scares them worse than A because A can easily be blamed on the other group to explain why it isn't changing.
But B involves changing one's perception and language to INCLUDE the other, in order to solve problems together.

So I think Fears #2 and #3 are the worst cause of problems combined.
you just hate the ones that follow the bible.


Hatred implies that Luddly actually cares about what they believe.

Indifference is closer to the position that she has provided. As long as they keep their religion to themselves she is cool with that.

It is only those who are addicted to their religion that cause the problems and give religion a bad name. 75% of adults consume alcohol but only 6% are alcoholics. Odds are the same applies to religion. 75% of adults are adherents of one religion or another but only a small minority support the bombing of abortion clinics or the beheading of journalists.

So perhaps we should differentiate them by giving them a more appropriate name such as Godaholics, Allahaddicts or Jehovahjunkies. They abuse religion the same way a drunk abuses alcohol and an addict abuses methamphetamines.

If religion is all consuming to the point of "justifying" killing other people who don't share those beliefs then yes, that is an addiction.
if he didn't care what others believed he wouldn't be he sharing his opinion on them
dont have to lie. Your posts are clear. But as I said you are still loved

I have always been very clear that I consider real Christians to be completely different from the bible thumping, holier than thou screech and preach hate posting crap we see here. To say anything different is a lie and you know it.

Lying is anything BUT "love". And you know that too.

This is why I don't care if there are some good Christians or Muslims. You gotta lump them in with the bad ones ESPECIALLY when they think they are the real christians & muslims and the ones you think are real they think are fake. .
which doesn't stop you from attacking Christians.

maybe you should stop being so bitter and full of hate toward Christians.

And you answer with more lies.

I've said it before - I don't hate real Christians and believe they do some very real and very good works. But they would be good decent people without their belief in a god.

I do hate the fakes and frauds - the bible thumpers, as I've said before. The evangelical froot loops and other "christians" who SAY they love their god but who preach hate.

I hate the door knockers but as long as I can just shut the door in their faces, I don't much care about them either. I have what I would call an evangelical froot loop working for me and as long as she keeps it to herself, it means nothing to me.

I have always thought it interesting that you so threatened by those who hate the hypocrisy of cults and frauds.

Actually, based on your posts, I can pretty accurately state that you hate anyone who doesn't agree with you. Your hatred is fired at anyone with a contrary view to yours, and does far more harm to your argument than anything else you do.

You ARE a hate filled person.

I'd say it is Fear more than hate.
Maybe some Anger at the hypocrisy and destruction going on
that is projected on whoever doesn't see both sides.

Anyone like Luddly who exercises true compassion, charity and outreach to help with the crises and neglect
affecting wildlife and endangered animals, has a sensitive conscience.

It's just that this sensitive conscience can backfire when facing perceived injustice,
where it comes out expressed very strongly.

My friend Daron is similar, as an Atheist and Buddhist who wouldn't kill a bug he finds in the house,
but has no tolerance at all for rightwing Conservative Christians he finds to be hateful hypocrites.

I know he is projecting and have told him so,
But that doesn't stop him as coming across as hateful and unwilling to listen and work it out either.

He is MORE fearful of the abuses of the religious and political right
and has no faith that talking or working together is going to change the problems.

So of course it comes out negative, like a self-victimizing pity party, projecting blame on
someone else who need to change, not them.

Whatever stage of Grief this represents: anger, denial or projection
EVENTUALLY the anger and emotions must pass.
And people WILL get to the resolution and peace stage at the end.

In the meantime, for some reason
people on both sides vent at each other
and don't recognize the other sides is doing the same where they cancel each other out.

Two wrongs don't make a right; they just show both sides have equal points, some right some wrong.
Two one-sided complaints don't fix the problem; they just irritate people on both
sides who equally feel falsely accused by the other. Why not focus on longterm solutions
we can agree to work toward, instead of arguing over faults from the past we may never agree on.

Resolving conflicts by mediating an agreement
is the best way to GET all our goals done, in order to accommodate
or resolve all objections and include all views and interests equally
WITHOUT compromising -- since more decisions could be made openly
by input and consent of the people affected,
especially changes that are better made freely chosen not forced.
if he didn't care what others believed he wouldn't be he sharing his opinion on them

Luddly is not talking about what "others believed". Reread Post #89;

I've said it before - I don't hate real Christians and believe they do some very real and very good works. But they would be good decent people without their belief in a god.

I do hate the fakes and frauds - the bible thumpers, as I've said before. The evangelical froot loops and other "christians" who SAY they love their god but who preach hate.

I hate the door knockers but as long as I can just shut the door in their faces, I don't much care about them either. I have what I would call an evangelical froot loop working for me and as long as she keeps it to herself, it means nothing to me.

In that post Luddly clearly refutes your allegation about "hating" because of what "others believe".

The differentiation is not based upon what they "believe" but by how they BEHAVE.

1 John 4:20 ESV
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.

According to your own bible those "who SAY they love their god but who preach hate" are not obeying the word of your God, are they?

So why are you defending them and attacking Luddly who is doing your job for you and calling out those who are bringing your own religious beliefs into disrepute?
dont have to lie. Your posts are clear. But as I said you are still loved

I have always been very clear that I consider real Christians to be completely different from the bible thumping, holier than thou screech and preach hate posting crap we see here. To say anything different is a lie and you know it.

Lying is anything BUT "love". And you know that too.

This is why I don't care if there are some good Christians or Muslims. You gotta lump them in with the bad ones ESPECIALLY when they think they are the real christians & muslims and the ones you think are real they think are fake. .

Sealybobo Really?

Please rethink this logic.

Let's look at science and even Einstein:
If there are a handful of scientists who are RIGHT about a theory and too many are wrong,
do we throw them all together and into the trash?
Don't we use the RIGHT science to correct the WRONGS and errors?

Let's look at just use of laws and govt authority:
If only a handful of leaders are ethical and consistent,
and most are a truckload of lying politicians out to manipulate the media spins for points and votes.
Do we throw out all government, laws, and leaders as the big huge mess they are?
Or do we rely EVEN MORE on the proper use of laws and leadership
to CLEAN UP and correct the messes and abuses of the corruption and greed?

Are you REALLY saying to treat them all the same?
The right answers in math, science and medicine the same as the bunk junk online that is far more numerous.
The right teachers and leaders in religion, politics, education, business and public or charitable service
with the fraudulent political, corporate, nonprofit and religious groups abusing the public trust?

This does not sound like you Sealybobo.

I must misunderstand what you are saying, or it does not makes sense
given the drive you have to correct wrongs by conscience. I don't see you
throwing out the good with the bad, but to discern and make examples of proper corrections.

Can you please clarify, as I must be missing something here!
dont have to lie. Your posts are clear. But as I said you are still loved

I have always been very clear that I consider real Christians to be completely different from the bible thumping, holier than thou screech and preach hate posting crap we see here. To say anything different is a lie and you know it.

Lying is anything BUT "love". And you know that too.

This is why I don't care if there are some good Christians or Muslims. You gotta lump them in with the bad ones ESPECIALLY when they think they are the real christians & muslims and the ones you think are real they think are fake. .

Sealybobo Really?

Please rethink this logic.

Let's look at science and even Einstein:
If there are a handful of scientists who are RIGHT about a theory and too many are wrong,
do we throw them all together and into the trash?
Don't we use the RIGHT science to correct the WRONGS and errors?

Let's look at just use of laws and govt authority:
If only a handful of leaders are ethical and consistent,
and most are a truckload of lying politicians out to manipulate the media spins for points and votes.
Do we throw out all government, laws, and leaders as the big huge mess they are?
Or do we rely EVEN MORE on the proper use of laws and leadership
to CLEAN UP and correct the messes and abuses of the corruption and greed?

Are you REALLY saying to treat them all the same?
The right answers in math, science and medicine the same as the bunk junk online that is far more numerous.
The right teachers and leaders in religion, politics, education, business and public or charitable service
with the fraudulent political, corporate, nonprofit and religious groups abusing the public trust?

This does not sound like you Sealybobo.

I must misunderstand what you are saying, or it does not makes sense
given the drive you have to correct wrongs by conscience. I don't see you
throwing out the good with the bad, but to discern and make examples of proper corrections.

Can you please clarify, as I must be missing something here!

What I'm saying is that I can't let it distract me from the point that religion is made up and unnecessary. Doesn't matter that there are good christians, muslims, jews & muslims. That doesn't change the fact that their religions are all made up and not needed.

Secular law, flexible with the shifting moral zeitgeist, has long since superseded religion as a source of moral directives for the majority of developed societies. Secular ethics offers a number of competing moral frameworks which do not derive from a purported supernatural source.
you just hate the ones that follow the bible.


Hatred implies that Luddly actually cares about what they believe.

Indifference is closer to the position that she has provided. As long as they keep their religion to themselves she is cool with that.

It is only those who are addicted to their religion that cause the problems and give religion a bad name. 75% of adults consume alcohol but only 6% are alcoholics. Odds are the same applies to religion. 75% of adults are adherents of one religion or another but only a small minority support the bombing of abortion clinics or the beheading of journalists.

So perhaps we should differentiate them by giving them a more appropriate name such as Godaholics, Allahaddicts or Jehovahjunkies. They abuse religion the same way a drunk abuses alcohol and an addict abuses methamphetamines.

If religion is all consuming to the point of "justifying" killing other people who don't share those beliefs then yes, that is an addiction.

VERY well put and thank you.

About THIS website, yes, I do care about the damage that people like this do. They are appealing to poorly educated, those who cannot think for themselves.

Honestly, I find it shocking that some not only did not condemn that site but actually defended it.

To most beliefs, to most gods, yes, I'm pretty indifferent. But, why should I not be able to post on this forum? And, why is it that is a "moderator" who consistently puts words in my mouth and intimates that I should not state my opinions here?

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