no wonder the rightwing hates his guts


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
I haven't heard a single rightwinger say they "hate his guts". Hatred is something you progressives do. You're good at hatred...not so much anything else.
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So, what exactly are the "structural causes of income inequality"? Entitlements. Keeping people poor while on some sort of government entitlement.

That is ridiculous.

Prove me wrong then. Just how does a person on government entitlements get rich? You want income equality right? So how does having someone suck off the government teat address the income gap, hmm?

Not too bright, are you?'s your problem.
Obama has been the greatest friend to Wall Street/Corporations than any other President by faaaaaaaaaaaaar.
Corporations are not just booming, but are in explosive growth. Mergers and Acquisitions haven't been this high in 30 years.
Small Businesses? ...reeling, quickly becoming an endangered species
Earningss for the masses? negative territory for 93% of the working population.
Earnings for the wealthy?...never been better. UNPRECEDENTED.
Corporate earnings and cash reserves?...they can't find enough places to put their cash.
Opportunities for college graduates?...abysmal.

I can go on.
So while you hyperbole and spew rhetorical garbage - the truth is something very, very different.
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I also find this odd. Liberals and religion usually don't mix. Unless it's Pope Francis. What is he, your mouthpiece?

Note how nothing the POPE said there is religious?

He's making a point about our secular society, Temp.'s your problem.

No here's OUR problems, Iam.

Obama has been the greatest friend to Wall Street than any other President by faaaaaaaaaaaaar.

Yup he and Bush II and the FED and Treasury certainly have helped the billionaires out, haven't they? Totally agree. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.

Corporations are not just booming, but are in explosive growth. Mergers and Acquisitions haven't been this high in 30 years.

And now thanks to CONGRESS over the last 40 years eviserating the anti-monopoly laws (at the behest of the billionaire class) that's only going to get worse

Small Businesses? ...reeling, quickly becoming an endangered species

Earningss for the masses? negative territory for 93% of the working population.


Earnings for the wealthy?...never been better. UNPRECEDENTED.


Corporate earnings and cash reserves?...they can't find enough places to put their cash

Off shore banks of course.

Opportunities for college graduates?...abysmal.

Worst I've ever seen and I've experienced about 5 recessions since I left high school and started supporting myself.

I can go on.

Yeah you barely scratched the surface of our discontent

So while you hyperbole and spew rhetorical garbage - the truth is something very, very different.

The only real difference is that you seem to think these problems are entirely based on what happened in the last 7 years.

These problems have been growing and getting worse through every administration since Nixxon.
Funny, the libs freaked out over the Koch brothers giving over 100 million dollars to a hopsital.


Now they start a thread like this. Do not get trapped by their crap folks. They do not care about the poor, down trodden or suffering. If they did care about the oppressed, they would not have protested the liberation of millions of Iraqi citizens from their tyrant dictator.

They are all over the place.'s your problem.

No here's OUR problems, Iam.

Obama has been the greatest friend to Wall Street than any other President by faaaaaaaaaaaaar.

Yup he and Bush II and the FED and Treasury certainly have helped the billionaires out, haven't they? Totally agree. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.

And now thanks to CONGRESS over the last 40 years eviserating the anti-monopoly laws (at the behest of the billionaire class) that's only going to get worse





Off shore banks of course.

Worst I've ever seen and I've experienced about 5 recessions since I left high school and started supporting myself.

Yeah you barely scratched the surface of our discontent

So while you hyperbole and spew rhetorical garbage - the truth is something very, very different.

The only real difference is that you seem to think these problems are entirely based on what happened in the last 7 years.

These problems have been growing and getting worse through every administration since Nixxon.

I don't claim that...but your assumption is a good one based only on what I typed.
I highlite Obama here because the left believes he is a representative of them. He most certainly is not. He is a corporatist/elitist. And THAT is the worst kind.
Everything you said above is of course 100% correct, I also have been saying it for years.
I only emphasized Obama to once again, and again, and again - to try to show his supporters that Obama is not what he claims.

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