No wonder Trump created this immigration crisis diversion with another Russian bombshell

Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
No, the legal term is "conspiracy". And it will be used to bury this piece of shit. The evidence we have in public is more than sufficient.
LOL! So what's holding up your impeachment? What are you waiting for?
Trump to win reelection? You zealots are comical.
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
Things have really turned around in just five years, it looks like. From "actual humanitarian crisis" to no crisis at all.
I wonder what the difference is? Certainly not the surge of migrants from Central America.
They are still arriving en mass, tearing up and battling with Mexico on the way.
No, the legal term is "conspiracy". And it will be used to bury this piece of shit. The evidence we have in public is more than sufficient.
LOL! So what's holding up your impeachment? What are you waiting for?
:21: This is funny as hell. I just answered that a little while ago to another apologist, as if that is all they have left in their bag of tricks. Think about it. How sad is it that the Sheep have been reduced to when it is going to happen. You all are so pathetic. It's sad.[/QUOTE]
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
Things have really turned around in just five years, it looks like. From "actual humanitarian crisis" to no crisis at all.
I wonder what the difference is? Certainly not the surge of migrants from Central America.
They are still arriving en mass, tearing up and battling with Mexico on the way.
If you don't know the difference, then you're a complete idiot. There is a humanitarian crisis with refugees. There is no terrorist crisis with illegals. The drugs that are smuggled across come from the point of entry. That is nothing new. A wall won't stop that. So what is Trump's crisis? Answer, none!
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
There is a humanitarian crisis. There is no terrorist crisis as Sarah Sanders claims. Those figures were lies.
Breaking news: It's now a crime for Russians to read polling data!!!
With a foreign country that is an adversary. Yes it is. And it isn't about reading it. It's about a campaign manager sending it to a Russian Oligarch who is Putin's right hand during a presidential campaign. That is a confirmed conspiracy.Do you have a counter intelligent argument that counters that claim?
No one has been charged with conspiracy.
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
Things have really turned around in just five years, it looks like. From "actual humanitarian crisis" to no crisis at all.
I wonder what the difference is? Certainly not the surge of migrants from Central America.
They are still arriving en mass, tearing up and battling with Mexico on the way.

It was a "crisis" then, just the way it is now. The difference is of course, Obama had a willing lap dog media that were not trying to discredit everything he said.
If you don't know the difference, then you're a complete idiot. There is a humanitarian crisis with refugees. There is no terrorist crisis with illegals. The drugs that are smuggled across come from the point of entry. That is nothing new. A wall won't stop that. So what is Trump's crisis? Answer, none!
Really? That makes me wonder why Chuck, Nancy, King Obama, etc. were all in favor of a wall of some sort at one time.
Obama And Clinton Voted For A US-Mexico Border Wall In 2006

Can you figure it out? Or are you a complete idiot?
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
Things have really turned around in just five years, it looks like. From "actual humanitarian crisis" to no crisis at all.
I wonder what the difference is? Certainly not the surge of migrants from Central America.
They are still arriving en mass, tearing up and battling with Mexico on the way.
If you don't know the difference, then you're a complete idiot. There is a humanitarian crisis with refugees. There is no terrorist crisis with illegals. The drugs that are smuggled across come from the point of entry. That is nothing new. A wall won't stop that. So what is Trump's crisis? Answer, none!

I could care less, whether there is a "terrorist" crisis or not.
I want my country's immigration laws followed and enforced. I do not want to see this constant invasion of our borders by third-worlders. We need smart immigration, we don't need more and more people coming here with their palms out wanting American taxpayers to pay their bills.

Leave it to you bastards on the left, and we would be flooded and overwhelmed by these people.
Let them fix their own problems for a change, I'm tired of being fleeced in order to take care of the dregs of the world.
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
Things have really turned around in just five years, it looks like. From "actual humanitarian crisis" to no crisis at all.
I wonder what the difference is? Certainly not the surge of migrants from Central America.
They are still arriving en mass, tearing up and battling with Mexico on the way.
If you don't know the difference, then you're a complete idiot. There is a humanitarian crisis with refugees. There is no terrorist crisis with illegals. The drugs that are smuggled across come from the point of entry. That is nothing new. A wall won't stop that. So what is Trump's crisis? Answer, none!

I could care less, whether there is a "terrorist" crisis or not.
I want my country's immigration laws followed and enforced. I do not want to see this constant invasion of our borders by third-worlders. We need smart immigration, we don't need more and more people coming here with their palms out wanting American taxpayers to pay their bills.

Leave it to you bastards on the left, and we would be flooded and overwhelmed by these people.
Let them fix their own problems for a change, I'm tired of being fleeced in order to take care of the dregs of the world.
We already have smart immigration policies. Immigration has gone way down in the last ten years because of our policies. Where have you been? This is not a crisis. We only have a humanitarian crisis. Those "bastards on the Left" because of Obama, lead to record low immigration crossings. We are doing our job. Our laws and our policies are working. Look up the stats. You are creating a crisis that doesn't exist. No one knows what these Trump dumbos are talking about.
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If you don't know the difference, then you're a complete idiot. There is a humanitarian crisis with refugees. There is no terrorist crisis with illegals. The drugs that are smuggled across come from the point of entry. That is nothing new. A wall won't stop that. So what is Trump's crisis? Answer, none!
Really? That makes me wonder why Chuck, Nancy, King Obama, etc. were all in favor of a wall of some sort at one time.
Obama And Clinton Voted For A US-Mexico Border Wall In 2006

Can you figure it out? Or are you a complete idiot?
Are you people brain dead? Seriously! These questions have been answered over and over and over. The Democrats want fencing in areas where we need them. Not a 2000 mile concrete wall. No one on the Left voted for that. Stop asking the same stupid questions.
Funny, I don't remember Dims claiming Obama had manufactured a "crisis" just a few years ago when he claimed there was a "crisis" on the border.

"In a nationally televised address from the White House, the president warned about an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border" prompted by a surge of migrants from Central America, and urged Congress to take action on his immigration agenda.

The year was 2014, and the president was Barack Obama."

President Obama Also Faced A 'Crisis' At The Southern Border
Things have really turned around in just five years, it looks like. From "actual humanitarian crisis" to no crisis at all.
I wonder what the difference is? Certainly not the surge of migrants from Central America.
They are still arriving en mass, tearing up and battling with Mexico on the way.

It was a "crisis" then, just the way it is now. The difference is of course, Obama had a willing lap dog media that were not trying to discredit everything he said.
Show us the stats where it is a crisis compared to previous years.
We found a TON in the Benghazi investigation. Tons.

If you find tons with Trumpy, I'll be the first to support his removal.

Which is a far cry from you guys who supported Hillary. There is so much rot and dirt with Hillary, she's a massive walking compost pile. But you immoral godless people would support her no matter what.

Regardless, you post a thread saying "BOMBSHELL" and then when we ask for evidence, say it's not over yet.

Provide evidence, and then you'll have a bombshell. There is no bombshell here. Moving on.
If that were true, the investigation wouldn't have been a flop. Gowdy and McCarthy both got caught framing Clinton. If there was a "ton" on Clinton, they would have never gotten caught doing that. There was no "ton" because there was nothing. And why didn't you question when it would be over? Answer, because you didn't care if it went on forever.

There is no "rot' or "dirt" on Clinton other than the made up crap you spill. There has never been anything on her. Get over yourself and your obsessive hate.

It wasn't a flop. No one was framed. You are uninformed is all.
Gowdy tried to frame Clinton with Benghazi and you're a liar;

Yes or no. Did Hillary know that the attack on our personnel, that resulted in the death of a US ambassador, was not due to an obscure internet video?

Sept. 12: Clinton delivers a speech at the State Department to condemn the attack in Benghazi and to praise the victims as “heroes.” She again makes reference to the anti-Muslim video in similar language.

Clinton statements:
Unfortunately, however, over the last 24 hours, we have also seen violence spread elsewhere. Some seek to justify this behavior as a response to inflammatory, despicable material posted on the Internet.
Sept. 13: CNN reports that unnamed “State Department officials” say the incident in Benghazi was a “clearly planned military-type attack” unrelated to the anti-Muslim movie.

Oct. 15: Clinton, in an interview on CNN, blames the “fog of war” when asked why the administration initially claimed the attack began with the anti-Muslim video, even though the State Department never reached that conclusion. “In the wake of an attack like this in the fog of war, there’s always going to be confusion, and I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence,” Clinton says

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition -

She is lying trash, and an embarrassment to the entire country.
You can whine and cry like the pathetic children you are, about Trey Gaudy and whatever else. The fact is, she is a serial liar, and utterly incompetent at whatever position she is in.
And at the end of the day, the bi-partisan select committee on Benghazi concluded she had done her job. If there had been any validity to her incompetency, Gowdy and McCarthy would have never had the need to try and frame her. You just don't have the God given talent to understand that a four year investigation into her was a flop and found nothing, at the expense of closing down by way of a frame job. Get a hold of reality boss. You're making a fool of yourself.

Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said. The only one making a fool of himself, is you.
If that were true, the investigation wouldn't have been a flop. Gowdy and McCarthy both got caught framing Clinton. If there was a "ton" on Clinton, they would have never gotten caught doing that. There was no "ton" because there was nothing. And why didn't you question when it would be over? Answer, because you didn't care if it went on forever.

There is no "rot' or "dirt" on Clinton other than the made up crap you spill. There has never been anything on her. Get over yourself and your obsessive hate.

It wasn't a flop. No one was framed. You are uninformed is all.
Gowdy tried to frame Clinton with Benghazi and you're a liar;

Yes or no. Did Hillary know that the attack on our personnel, that resulted in the death of a US ambassador, was not due to an obscure internet video?

Sept. 12: Clinton delivers a speech at the State Department to condemn the attack in Benghazi and to praise the victims as “heroes.” She again makes reference to the anti-Muslim video in similar language.

Clinton statements:
Unfortunately, however, over the last 24 hours, we have also seen violence spread elsewhere. Some seek to justify this behavior as a response to inflammatory, despicable material posted on the Internet.
Sept. 13: CNN reports that unnamed “State Department officials” say the incident in Benghazi was a “clearly planned military-type attack” unrelated to the anti-Muslim movie.

Oct. 15: Clinton, in an interview on CNN, blames the “fog of war” when asked why the administration initially claimed the attack began with the anti-Muslim video, even though the State Department never reached that conclusion. “In the wake of an attack like this in the fog of war, there’s always going to be confusion, and I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence,” Clinton says

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition -

She is lying trash, and an embarrassment to the entire country.
You can whine and cry like the pathetic children you are, about Trey Gaudy and whatever else. The fact is, she is a serial liar, and utterly incompetent at whatever position she is in.
And at the end of the day, the bi-partisan select committee on Benghazi concluded she had done her job. If there had been any validity to her incompetency, Gowdy and McCarthy would have never had the need to try and frame her. You just don't have the God given talent to understand that a four year investigation into her was a flop and found nothing, at the expense of closing down by way of a frame job. Get a hold of reality boss. You're making a fool of yourself.

Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said. The only one making a fool of himself, is you.
Sure it does. The links you posted do not reflect Clinton doing anything wrong. For example, the timelines. Okay! What about them? The timelines do not prove incompetence. The select committee confirms this. The Framed Benghazi investigation, proves this.

You post these links as if they reveal something. They don't. If they had, don't you think the botched Benghazi investigation would have zeroed in on it? Instead, they got caught for framing Clinton.

Let me explain it this way, that a grade school child could understand. If you have a four year investigation into one person that concludes with nothing more than trying to frame that person, you have no worth. The investigation was predicated on a lie for political reasons and at the expense of four dead people. They had, and have zero credibility. Get it now?
It wasn't a flop. No one was framed. You are uninformed is all.
Gowdy tried to frame Clinton with Benghazi and you're a liar;

Yes or no. Did Hillary know that the attack on our personnel, that resulted in the death of a US ambassador, was not due to an obscure internet video?

Sept. 12: Clinton delivers a speech at the State Department to condemn the attack in Benghazi and to praise the victims as “heroes.” She again makes reference to the anti-Muslim video in similar language.

Clinton statements:
Unfortunately, however, over the last 24 hours, we have also seen violence spread elsewhere. Some seek to justify this behavior as a response to inflammatory, despicable material posted on the Internet.
Sept. 13: CNN reports that unnamed “State Department officials” say the incident in Benghazi was a “clearly planned military-type attack” unrelated to the anti-Muslim movie.

Oct. 15: Clinton, in an interview on CNN, blames the “fog of war” when asked why the administration initially claimed the attack began with the anti-Muslim video, even though the State Department never reached that conclusion. “In the wake of an attack like this in the fog of war, there’s always going to be confusion, and I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence,” Clinton says

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition -

She is lying trash, and an embarrassment to the entire country.
You can whine and cry like the pathetic children you are, about Trey Gaudy and whatever else. The fact is, she is a serial liar, and utterly incompetent at whatever position she is in.
And at the end of the day, the bi-partisan select committee on Benghazi concluded she had done her job. If there had been any validity to her incompetency, Gowdy and McCarthy would have never had the need to try and frame her. You just don't have the God given talent to understand that a four year investigation into her was a flop and found nothing, at the expense of closing down by way of a frame job. Get a hold of reality boss. You're making a fool of yourself.

Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said. The only one making a fool of himself, is you.
Sure it does. The links you posted do not reflect Clinton doing anything wrong. For example, the timelines. Okay! What about them? The timelines do not prove incompetence. The select committee confirms this. The Framed Benghazi investigation, proves this.

You post these links as if they reveal something. They don't. If they had, don't you think the botched Benghazi investigation would have zeroed in on it? Instead, they got caught for framing Clinton.

Let me explain it this way, that a grade school child could understand. If you have a four year investigation into one person that concludes with nothing more than trying to frame that person, you have no worth. The investigation was predicated on a lie for political reasons and at the expense of four dead people. They had, and have zero credibility. Get it now?

She lied directly to the people who lost loved ones, saying they were killed over an online video, when she knew clearly that video had nothing to do with it.

Do you get it now? She's trash or incompetent, or both.

Yes or no. Did Hillary know that the attack on our personnel, that resulted in the death of a US ambassador, was not due to an obscure internet video?

Sept. 12: Clinton delivers a speech at the State Department to condemn the attack in Benghazi and to praise the victims as “heroes.” She again makes reference to the anti-Muslim video in similar language.

Clinton statements:
Unfortunately, however, over the last 24 hours, we have also seen violence spread elsewhere. Some seek to justify this behavior as a response to inflammatory, despicable material posted on the Internet.
Sept. 13: CNN reports that unnamed “State Department officials” say the incident in Benghazi was a “clearly planned military-type attack” unrelated to the anti-Muslim movie.

Oct. 15: Clinton, in an interview on CNN, blames the “fog of war” when asked why the administration initially claimed the attack began with the anti-Muslim video, even though the State Department never reached that conclusion. “In the wake of an attack like this in the fog of war, there’s always going to be confusion, and I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence,” Clinton says

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition -

She is lying trash, and an embarrassment to the entire country.
You can whine and cry like the pathetic children you are, about Trey Gaudy and whatever else. The fact is, she is a serial liar, and utterly incompetent at whatever position she is in.
And at the end of the day, the bi-partisan select committee on Benghazi concluded she had done her job. If there had been any validity to her incompetency, Gowdy and McCarthy would have never had the need to try and frame her. You just don't have the God given talent to understand that a four year investigation into her was a flop and found nothing, at the expense of closing down by way of a frame job. Get a hold of reality boss. You're making a fool of yourself.

Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said. The only one making a fool of himself, is you.
Sure it does. The links you posted do not reflect Clinton doing anything wrong. For example, the timelines. Okay! What about them? The timelines do not prove incompetence. The select committee confirms this. The Framed Benghazi investigation, proves this.

You post these links as if they reveal something. They don't. If they had, don't you think the botched Benghazi investigation would have zeroed in on it? Instead, they got caught for framing Clinton.

Let me explain it this way, that a grade school child could understand. If you have a four year investigation into one person that concludes with nothing more than trying to frame that person, you have no worth. The investigation was predicated on a lie for political reasons and at the expense of four dead people. They had, and have zero credibility. Get it now?

She lied directly to the people who lost loved ones, saying they were killed over an online video, when she knew clearly that video had nothing to do with it.

Do you get it now? She's trash or incompetent, or both.
Why do you keep beating your own dead horse about this? The select committee said that the video was likely part of the reason for the attack, confirming Clinton's statement. This is old news. Get with the program. That is not incompetency. That is the truth, spelled out by the bi-partisan committee. You are rehashing crap that was debunked years ago. Get a clue.
Hate to tell you but Russia did not steal the election for Trump.

If you believe fake news like twenty million Amish would vote for Trump and stayed home then you are an idiot and not Russia fault.

If you believe Wikileaks leaking of facts against the DNC played a roll in Hillary loss, then alright but still it was not fake news, and should have been released.

Comey also damaged Hillary days before the election with his comments.

In the end Hillary lost not because of Russia but because she thought she was entitled to be President.

Hillary has been hated by many since the 1990's and her weakness in the Senate and Secretary of State did not help her plus her comments during the 2016 election alienated a large part of society from her.

Finally blame Jill Stein for her loss and notice in 2016 Libertarians and Greens saw a good amount of voters that year and expect more in 2020 because the younger generation has sicken of the two party rule.
If you have a four year investigation into one person that concludes with nothing more than trying to frame that person, you have no worth.
This will be the case in the Trump/Russia bullshit soon. I agree with you.
Yes or no. Did Hillary know that the attack on our personnel, that resulted in the death of a US ambassador, was not due to an obscure internet video?

Sept. 12: Clinton delivers a speech at the State Department to condemn the attack in Benghazi and to praise the victims as “heroes.” She again makes reference to the anti-Muslim video in similar language.

Clinton statements:
Unfortunately, however, over the last 24 hours, we have also seen violence spread elsewhere. Some seek to justify this behavior as a response to inflammatory, despicable material posted on the Internet.
Sept. 13: CNN reports that unnamed “State Department officials” say the incident in Benghazi was a “clearly planned military-type attack” unrelated to the anti-Muslim movie.

Oct. 15: Clinton, in an interview on CNN, blames the “fog of war” when asked why the administration initially claimed the attack began with the anti-Muslim video, even though the State Department never reached that conclusion. “In the wake of an attack like this in the fog of war, there’s always going to be confusion, and I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence,” Clinton says

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition -

She is lying trash, and an embarrassment to the entire country.
You can whine and cry like the pathetic children you are, about Trey Gaudy and whatever else. The fact is, she is a serial liar, and utterly incompetent at whatever position she is in.
And at the end of the day, the bi-partisan select committee on Benghazi concluded she had done her job. If there had been any validity to her incompetency, Gowdy and McCarthy would have never had the need to try and frame her. You just don't have the God given talent to understand that a four year investigation into her was a flop and found nothing, at the expense of closing down by way of a frame job. Get a hold of reality boss. You're making a fool of yourself.

Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said. The only one making a fool of himself, is you.
Sure it does. The links you posted do not reflect Clinton doing anything wrong. For example, the timelines. Okay! What about them? The timelines do not prove incompetence. The select committee confirms this. The Framed Benghazi investigation, proves this.

You post these links as if they reveal something. They don't. If they had, don't you think the botched Benghazi investigation would have zeroed in on it? Instead, they got caught for framing Clinton.

Let me explain it this way, that a grade school child could understand. If you have a four year investigation into one person that concludes with nothing more than trying to frame that person, you have no worth. The investigation was predicated on a lie for political reasons and at the expense of four dead people. They had, and have zero credibility. Get it now?

She lied directly to the people who lost loved ones, saying they were killed over an online video, when she knew clearly that video had nothing to do with it.

Do you get it now? She's trash or incompetent, or both.
Why do you keep beating your own dead horse about this? The select committee said that the video was likely part of the reason for the attack, confirming Clinton's statement. This is old news. Get with the program. That is not incompetency. That is the truth, spelled out by the bi-partisan committee. You are rehashing crap that was debunked years ago. Get a clue.

So you still can't deny the facts I posted. But please keep beating your dead argument, and complaining I'm smacking it down. Get a clue.

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